() Just as the AC-47 was about to drop flares again, the 88mm anti-aircraft gun on the train fired first.Of course, judging the approximate position of the aircraft just by relying on the series of flares dropped by the AC-47, such shots have no accuracy at all.However, what the Germans installed in the 88mm anti-aircraft gun was not lethal ammunition at all, but just illumination bombs.

However, there is a big difference between these flares and the flares dropped by AC-47.The burning speed of magnesium in the flares thrown by the aircraft is controlled to a certain extent, so as to maintain a longer glow time and facilitate observation.But now the special flares fired from the 88 gun use technical means to increase the burning speed of magnesium, so that the magnesium powder in the charge will burn out almost instantly to emit a brighter light.In fact, this special flare can no longer be called a flare, but should be called a dazzling flare, or even a flash blinding flare.

The dazzling shells fired by the Germans exploded behind the AC-47 attack aircraft. The intense flash made the eyes of the rearward self-defense machine gunner Sean glow white, and this whiteness could not fade away for a long time. Even if he closed his eyes, his eyes were still full of white flowers.

"I can't see, I can't see anything!" Sean, the tail self-defense machine gunner, screamed, and his miserable voice kept echoing in the cabin.

The intense flash of light just now also shone into the cabin through the open deck, making the cabin white.Even the first and co-pilots with their backs to the direction of the flash were dazzled by the little light that shone into the cabin and reflected back from the cockpit glass.

"Damn it! This damn thing will make us unable to attack. What to do?" Captain Matt said.

"Perhaps we should give up the main attack position and attract their attention. Maybe other aircraft are already on the way, and such a flash will attract them all. Then maybe they will have a chance to attack from the other side. "The co-pilot Lawrence replied, "In addition, when approaching the target, if you see the muzzle flame of the 88 gun, it may be a way to close your eyes and turn your face away immediately."

"That's all for now," Matt said, and then he yelled, "Peter, you idiot! What happened to Sean's eyes?"

"It's sore and painful, and I still can't see clearly," Sean replied.


"It's okay, I'll be fine." Peter the medic replied, "but it will take at least an hour to fully recover. Captain, you need a new tail gunner for the time being."


If the flash bombs fired by the 88 guns made the American AC-47 attack aircraft into a mess, then the German bf-110 night fighter that followed them secretly suffered even greater losses .

The first 88mm flash bomb exploded less than 110 meters in front of bf-200. The sudden explosion of the flash bomb made pilot Luthor's eyes blind.

Fortunately, the radar officer behind Chris was lowering his head to fiddle with the radar at that time, so his eyes were not affected.Still can see things.

"I can't see anything! God! Chris, help me look at the instrument! Abandon the mission, let's return!" Luthor yelled, "Look at the instrument, don't look outside!"

"Alright captain!" Chris stretched his neck as hard as he could, and looked at the front seat.

"Captain! The angle you pull up is a little bit bigger! Push it down...Okay, keep it like this, okay, now you can turn to the right, and the movement is smaller..."

"Damn it! The Army has such a thing, and it didn't notify us in advance! These bastards!" Luthor kept flying relying on his teammates' reminders, while scolding those cheaters of the Army.


The guys on the AC-47 had no idea that they had just escaped from the tracking of a night fighter with the help of the Germans. Now they were reporting the situation to their superiors at a safe distance, while quietly waiting for the arrival of the friendly plane. arrival.


"General, the Germans have played new tricks!" Scott handed a telegram to Ron who was taking a nap.It is rare to encounter any major changes now, so sometimes when there is no major action, Ron will also go lazy.

"Let me see." Ron took the telegram and read it.Obviously, this new trick of the Germans exceeded Ron's expectations, and it made him feel a little tricky for a while. He frowned and stood up.

"Let's go to the war room." Ron said as he walked, "Let them drop bombs on the front and rear of the railway first, destroy the railway, and stop that military train!" weakness.Destroy the railroad, trap it, and it's easy.

"Are there any other planes active nearby?" Ron asked as soon as he entered the war room.

"General, there are two pa-38s that can arrive in 3 minutes, and another b-25 can arrive in 5 minutes." A staff officer replied.

"Well, very good." Ron said, "Order the AC-47 crew to first destroy the railway, and then drop a flare every 30 seconds from a higher altitude. After the other aircraft are in place, The AC-47 attack aircraft coordinates other aircraft to jointly launch an attack."

The AC-47 attack aircraft is the largest and has the most personnel. Because there are sufficient personnel, it is most appropriate for them to coordinate.

"Once all aircraft are in position, the pa-38 should turn to the opposite side of the ac-47 and reduce throttle to avoid detection by the enemy. Circling around the target at a safe height to cover other aircraft. The AC-25 should assume the task of feint attack and use its cannon to attract the attention of the enemy. The two PA-47 should take the opportunity to attack the anti-aircraft vehicle of the military column with rockets. "Ron quickly issued orders, and these orders were quickly transmitted to the combat aircraft through radio waves.


"Report! The enemy plane dropped bombs on the railway ahead, and the road may be damaged." A soldier reported to the train conductor Matra.

"Slow down! Stop!" Matera ordered.The huge train began to slow down slowly, the steel wheels rubbed a series of sparks on the rails, and finally the train stopped.

"Go down and have a look and see the damage to the road." Matera said to several train staff.

Several staff members jumped out of the car and ran forward.After a while, these people ran back again.

"Captain, a section of the front rail was blown off. There is also a pit on the roadbed with a diameter of more than three meters and a depth of more than one meter."

"All emergency repair personnel gather for emergency repair." Matera shook her head while ordering.

"Commander, what's the matter? Why did the train stop?" An SS officer with a major's epaulettes came over.

"Major Harry, I was looking for you. The railroad ahead has been bombed and damaged, and we must now get the railroad up before we can move on. This will take at least an hour, during which time we will be vulnerable to the enemy .Your troops are ready for air defense. Also, I fear my repair crews will be attacked by partisans, so I need your soldiers to protect them while they repair the railroad.”

"Okay, I'll do it now." Major Harry understood the danger of the situation, turned around and prepared to leave without saying a word.

"Ah, Major Harry, the enemy may attack us by air at any time. Before the railway is repaired, it is best for everyone except the necessary personnel to leave the train." Matra added.

"Okay, you are the train conductor, I'll listen to you." Major Harry saluted the train conductor, then turned and left.After a while, Matera saw a large group of soldiers jumping out of the carriage and spreading around.

At this time, above their heads, there was the roar of the aircraft engine. From the sound, the enemy seemed to be circling around them.At the same time, flares were thrown down one by one.

At this time, the 88mm anti-aircraft gun on the train also rang out, firing flash bombs into the sky one after another. Under the strong light of these flash bombs, the figure of the enemy plane appeared.Major Harry recognized it almost immediately. It was an AC-47 attack aircraft.

The appearance of the ac-47 attack aircraft is very similar to that of the c-47 transport aircraft. It is actually not easy to distinguish the two.In the beginning, the Germans suffered a lot from this.This kind of loss has suffered a lot, and the Germans naturally have a long memory. Now almost every German will receive this kind of education: "When you see a transport plane, especially a transport plane flying at low altitude, you must be more careful, maybe it is ac- 47!" And now what looks like a transport plane appearing around the train must be an AC-47 attack plane.

So the two 88 guns in tandem turned their muzzles towards it, and as long as it got a little closer, they fired flash bombs at it.Because all German gunners know that in the cabin of the AC-47, there is a 40mm machine gun. Relying on the advantage of height, the range of this gun is far better than the 37mm machine gun installed by the Germans on the flatbed truck. gun.If it cannot continue to interfere with it, the Americans can take advantage of its range advantage, first sweep all the anti-aircraft artillery fire with 40mm machine guns, and then use bombs recklessly to blow up the entire military column.

The Germans didn't notice, however, that the lights of the entire train were also illuminated due to the constant exploding flashbangs.In the darkness on the other side, two PA-38 attack planes were idling their engines and gliding towards the train silently.Their wings are full of rockets...

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