It wasn't until the two PA-38s started firing rockets that the Germans discovered them, but it was too late to react at this time. The person with the fastest reaction can only jump off the flatbed at the most.And such a quick-response person has not yet fallen to the ground, and the rocket hit the target.

The German anti-aircraft guns are simply placed on flatbed vehicles.During the explosion of the rocket, some smaller anti-aircraft guns, such as the quadruple-mounted 20mm anti-aircraft guns and the double-mounted 37mm anti-aircraft guns, were thrown up by the explosion, and then hit the ground not far away. superior.The heavier and larger 88mm anti-aircraft gun was pushed down on the flatbed, then rolled over, and fell halfway to the ground.

The two anti-aircraft vehicles at the rear of the train also suffered the same blow. 12 rockets fired at close range turned the two anti-aircraft vehicles into a sea of ​​flames. However, unlike the front of the vehicle, it may be faster and more convenient to launch. The Germans are next to the 88mm anti-aircraft gun at the rear of the vehicle. Several boxes of "special flares" were piled up.A rocket hits those crates pretty well.The thin steel skin of the cannonball was torn apart easily, and the magnesium powder mixed with oxidant inside immediately burned violently, and then the "special flares" in several other boxes were also ignited and exploded.

The person in charge of attacking the anti-aircraft artillery vehicle at the rear of the vehicle was Captain Precker, a senior pilot. The sudden explosion was completely out of his surprise. When the boxes of "special flares" exploded, they flashed violently, making his eyes white. He can't see anything!Fortunately, Preke is a senior pilot. Although he didn't have any outstanding performances in the previous battles, he is still very experienced.In addition, on the way to the target, the command center reminded them on the radio that the Germans used a bright blinding ammunition.So for this situation, he is not totally unprepared.So although he was a little flustered, he still held the joystick firmly, and began to pull the lever slightly to climb.

"Paul, I can't see!" Precker yelled. "You help me see the gauges."

"Night Heron 2 called the Council of Darkness, my eyes are blind!" Preck called to the command post again.


"General, another plane has been hit, and the pilot lost his eyesight." A staff officer reported to Ron, "It's a PA-38 attack plane, the pilot is Captain Precker, an experienced old pilot. .”

"Let another PA-38 attack plane follow him, use the radio to guide him to the base first, and if he still can't recover his vision when he gets back near the airport, arrange for them to parachute." Ron said, "Also, let me and him Get on the phone."


"Hi, Preke, I'm Ron." A calm voice came from Preke's earphones, and Pratt could tell that it was the voice of the wing commander Ron.

"General, my eyes are blind," Precker said.

"Prick, don't be nervous, I know you're an old pilot. You can handle this kind of thing. Believe me, you'll recover in no time. And you'll be flying over areas we control soon, Even if there is any problem, we have a whole set of plans to deal with it, which can absolutely guarantee your safety. The most important thing for you now is to keep calm." Ron's voice came from the earphone again.

"Thank you, General, and we'll be back safe and sound," Precker said.

"Well, we are all waiting for you to return home safely."


Just as Precker was struggling to fly back, Matt's ac-47 was killing with all his might.Now that the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower was completely destroyed, the AC-47 attack aircraft simply turned on the searchlight, directly illuminated the military column with the searchlight, and then fired violently at the train with a 40mm gun.

The top priority target is of course the power nose. A few 40mm shells easily penetrated the huge boiler of the steam locomotive, and a large amount of steam leaked out. The whistling sound of high-pressure steam rushing out of those damaged parts even It can be clearly heard several kilometers away.

The other power locomotive soon met the same fate, and now it was only a matter of time before the train was completely destroyed...

"Everyone get off the train!" shouted Matera, the conductor.

"Our people are going to leave," Major Harry, an SS officer, said to the commander of the Matra. We have to run, too."

"Are you sure everyone else has left?" Matra asked.

"Yes, I'm sure!" said Major Harry.

Matra turned around, jumped off the railway, rolled along the embankment, and ran towards the nearby woods.

"Wait for me!" cried Major Harry, jumping down too.


The ac-47 continued to shoot the train with a 40mm gun. At this time, the problem of the ac-47's insufficient lethality against such a large target was exposed.While each car, Matt's AC-47 fired a few rounds with the 40mm gun.However, although the penetrating power of the 40 guns is strong, the explosion damage is very limited.Whether these shells completely destroyed the contents of the carriage, Matt had no idea.

"Maybe we need a bigger gunship aircraft, such as using a C-54 transport aircraft to change one. This thing is bigger, and maybe a 75mm or even a 105mm howitzer can be mounted on it. When targeting such a target, it is much more effective than a 40mm gun."

The ac-47 is not without bombs, but as an attack aircraft improved from a transport aircraft, its bombing accuracy is much worse than those of the genuine attack aircraft. Just now, in order to destroy the railway, Matt's ac-47 lost all his bombs. bomb.

"It's a pity that we can't use rockets either." Lawrence, the co-pilot, said that he seemed to have a similar idea to Matt.

But it's useless to think about it now, no one can conjure these things out of thin air.

Fortunately, there was a b-25 bomber nearby. After the ac-47 illuminated the military column with its searchlight, the b-25 began to adjust its course, preparing to give it the most fatal blow.

At this moment, several shells suddenly hit from the lower right of the AC-47 attack aircraft, and one of the shells hit the belly of the AC-47.This shell tore open a two-meter-long, nearly one-meter-wide opening in the belly of the AC-47.Gunner Jimmy, who was standing nearby, was hit in the head by a flying aluminum plate - which nearly split his head in half - and died instantly.

"The German night fighter!" Matt immediately steered the plane to make a sharp turn, while Lawrence frantically turned off the searchlights.

But now, the enemy plane is very close to him, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.Lawrence knew that the enemy's night fighters were equipped with very powerful cannons, and if they were hit by such shells, his plane might not be able to fly back.

"Scatter the aluminum foil!" Matt ordered.

Throwing aluminum foil in the air is a common way to fight against radar. If the enemy's radar is interfered, then in the dark night, there is still a great possibility of getting rid of the enemy's visual contact.

However, these measures did not seem to have much effect, and the enemy plane still followed.Continuously attack the AC-20 with 47mm guns from behind.

Medic Peter rushed to the tail gun position and began to return fire from the 12.7mm machine gun mounted there.

But obviously, Peter is not a professional, his shooting is completely indiscriminate.But the opponent's shooting accuracy is much higher than his.Several 20 shells hit the tail of the AC-47 attack aircraft.One of them hit Peter in the chest, almost shattering him to pieces.Even worse, a 20mm shell hit the engine on the left, and the engine burst into flames.

Seeing the flames rising from the engine, Matt knew that it was impossible for him to get rid of the enemy's attack.The burning flame is the best indicator, and the AC-47 attack aircraft is an attack aircraft converted from a transport aircraft. Its flight performance is quite average, and there is no possibility of getting rid of the low-level by flying.

"Get ready to skydive! Skydive!" Matt yelled as he unbuckled himself.Several people who were still able to move fastened their parachutes one after another.Matt worked hard to stabilize the plane, avoiding the enemy plane's attack as much as possible.At the same time his teammates jumped out of the hatch one by one.

After seeing Lawrence also jumped out, Matt let go of the steering wheel, rushed to the door in two steps, and then jumped down suddenly.

After falling through the air for a while, Matt deployed his parachute.Speaking of which, one of the benefits of skydiving at night is that you never have to worry about someone coming to shoot your parachute.Matt looked up and saw that his ac-47 was flying towards the distance with flames, and behind it, there were continuous artillery shells with tracers shooting at it-obviously, in the dark night, the enemy The plane didn't notice that all of them had parachuted.

"Damn the Germans!" Matt cursed secretly, and then he began to worry about his teammates. They parachuted in an area controlled by the Germans, and the situation on the ground was completely unknown. I really didn't know where they would fall. ...

At this time, the unmanned AC-47 suddenly exploded.Matt saw that the wing of the plane was broken in two by the explosion, and the fuselage turned into countless flaming fragments, which scattered down one after another, like fireworks.

At this time, he saw another flame not far away.Judging from the location, Matt decided that it was the German night fighter that had just shot them down, and it was evident that one of its engines had caught fire.Then Matt saw another stream of shells head towards the German night fighter in flames.

"Yeah!" Matt shook his fist. "It's our night fighter! Hit it hard and teach the Germans a lesson... why the hell can't you come sooner?"

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