The supply of the Allied forces is not only due to the throughput capacity of the port, but more problems lie in the transportation route from the port to the front line.Before the Normandy landing, the Allied forces feared that the German army would get more support and supplies, so they repeatedly bombed the various roads leading to Normandy, and almost all the roads were smashed. It was blown up to the point that it was almost impossible to tell that there had ever been such a thing.In this way, all the materials disembarked from the port can only be transported forward by car.However, the road that was bombed to pieces was crushed by a large group of large trucks, and it was even worse.

And these bad roads, in turn, caused various car failures.More than 1000 3-ton transport vehicles broke down on the British side.In order to ensure the transportation capacity, the British, who got the main offensive position in the plan, simply turned to the Americans and asked for more than 1000 transportation vehicles in the hands of the Americans to replace them.As a result, the U.S. military complained a lot. The elegant Bradley complained to Eisenhower, and the big-mouthed Patton simply scolded him, and threatened that if the British couldn't do it, he would follow his plan.Of course, they will not give up their dominant position even if they kill the British.

The British Empire has ruled the world for hundreds of years, although every British person now knows that it is impossible for Britain to be the world's leader. The Germans have pulled him from the position of the world's number one power through two wars Come down - of course, the guy who dares to pull the emperor off the horse will not escape - the future era belongs to the Americans and the Soviets.But the more this is the case, the more unwilling the British are to let go of the airs of the world's boss, and they have to compete with others for the first place in everything.And he is very sensitive, always worried that others will look down on him.

Just like at the last meeting...

"Marshal, I have studied the situation on the ground, and our plan. I have to say that our plan was too rough. For example, I feel that we have a very insufficient understanding of the situation of the German forces near the main target Anheng Bridge. Most of the so-called intelligence is out of date and only based on the analysis of a few aerial reconnaissance photos. It is unimaginable that this is intelligence preparation for launching such an important battle!" Ron said nothing at the preparation meeting of the battle He politely said to Marshal Montgomery, "Don't we have any contact with the Dutch resistance organization? Don't we have any intelligence personnel locally?"

"General Ron, of course we have channels to contact the Dutch resistance organization, and we also have intelligence personnel. But there are signs that the Dutch resistance organization has been infiltrated by the Germans. We are worried that using their relationship will make the Germans have alert," replied a British lieutenant colonel.

"Even so, why is the aerial reconnaissance so rough?" Ron continued to hold on.

"We are worried that too frequent activity of reconnaissance aircraft will expose the target..."

"So, there was no detailed reconnaissance?" Ron immediately took up the conversation, "Like the Germans' attack to death not long ago? In order not to alarm the enemy, in order to achieve suddenness? Our current situation has fallen to the point where The point where we have to put all our eggs in one basket like the Germans? Or, our plan is so fragile that we must rely on enough luck to succeed?"

Seeing the British lieutenant colonel's tongue-tied expression, Ron couldn't help feeling a little pleased.Speaking of which, Ron, who had watched "The Bridge Far Away" in his previous life, knew that Operation Market Garden was a big defeat due to insufficient preparation. It was only due to the blood of the Allied forces, and the Germans were already dying. , there was no major problem.

It wasn't until he saw some plans for the action that Ron discovered that in reality, the plan of the British was even more exaggerated than in the movie, so that Ron couldn't help but say something like this in his heart: "With this attitude, don't It doesn't make sense to get beaten to the crap by the Germans."

But even so, Ron originally didn't intend to slap the British in the face. He only planned to explain his views to General Bradley in detail, and then he would come forward to discuss with the British.Unexpectedly, when we arrived at the venue today, before Montgomery came, Ron sat at the door, lit a cigarette, and handed it to General Gavin, the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division.The two had just lit up, and before they had time to say a few words, Marshal Montgomery, wearing a beret, came in.

The two quickly stood up and saluted Montgomery.Montgomery returned the salute, then squinted at the cigarettes in their mouths, and said commandingly, "Put the cigarettes out! No smoking in my meeting!"

Montgomery's voice was so loud that everyone around looked at Ron and the others.Both Ron and Gavin put out their cigarettes in embarrassment, only feeling in their hearts that [-] mud horses ran past.

Ron knew that when General Eisenhower first went to Marshal Montgomery's office to find him, he was ordered by Montgomery to put out the cigarette in his hand.Hearing the story at that time, I thought that Montgomery really had a personality, but when he had such a personality on him, Ron was still very depressed.

"Grandma, you have a personality, so I don't have a personality?" Ron thought angrily, "If you are really a cow, you are as powerful as Nelson, and you are invincible in every battle. You are a cow, I will bear it. You Damn, didn’t you just rely on several times the supplies to pile up and win against the fox once? Why pretend to be a wolf with a big tail? Uncle can bear it, but auntie can’t bear it either!”

So, following the opportunity to discuss plans, Ron fired.

"Also, the plan states that our armored force will use 'Highway 69' to advance quickly. How high is 'Highway 69'? This highway only has two lanes! It takes such a highway to bear the entire The 30th Army, two infantry divisions, one armored division, and one armored brigade provide traffic and logistical support. How can we ensure smooth roads? If I remember correctly, a few years ago, the Allied forces were almost killed because of the traffic jam in Belgium The Germans encircled and wiped out. Also! In airborne operations, the enemy and the enemy must be intertwined. The airborne troops lack anti-tank capabilities. Guaranteed that there will be no large-scale accidental injuries?"

"General Ron, you may not have read the plan carefully enough." Marshal Montgomery said coldly, "According to our inference, there is no German armored force in this area. In addition, it is clearly written in the plan that we will provide airborne troops Equipped with radio communicators for communication with air power. Our RAF attack aircraft unit has sufficient experience to perform this task effectively."

"Marshal," Ron said coldly, "a captured German military officer told me that when they invaded Russia, they found that the Russian troops they had eliminated seemed to be much bigger than the Russian troops they knew. The total number of teams is even larger. The Germans took much longer to prepare for the Barbarossa plan than we did, and there were some things that made mistakes in the number of enemy troops. We concluded that there are no German armored troops here based on inferences. I am afraid it is too much. Risky. In addition, the effective range of the Type 22 radio communication machine is only 5 miles, and the distance between the target and the airborne site is more than 8 miles. Moreover, Marshal, your staff probably did not seriously study the mine map of the Netherlands—where is there A large iron mine, a large amount of iron ore will interfere with the radio, have you considered this? In addition, have you checked that the band allocated to the airborne troops is not close to or even overlaps with any other military and civilian bands? Once there is a problem with radio communication , Is there a record of how to keep in touch? These may be because I was not careful, and I didn’t see them.”

"Ron, aren't we perfecting these contents now? I believe that after careful research, we must have a solution." General Bradley said, "Don't you think so?"

Ron suddenly popped out to fire the cannon, which was a bit beyond General Bradley's expectations, but General Bradley was very happy to pick out a lot of problems from the British plan to hit the British in the face .After all, Montgomery's plan took away his chance to make contributions.General Bradley knows that there are political reasons for making this decision. Even if his plan is more secure and more feasible, and this plan has many loopholes, this decision cannot be changed, even in terms of time. There is no time to change it.

But it’s one thing to admit it rationally, but another thing emotionally. In fact, most of the U.S. military doesn’t like to give themselves the nickname “Italian on our side” when they meet for the first time. For a long time, in front of Americans, heifers fly on planes, and the British guy who is so awesome is in the sky.Seeing someone slap them in the face, all the US military generals felt relieved.

Now that General Bradley stood up to persuade him, Ron couldn't continue fighting.In fact, he also knew that in such a short period of time, it was very difficult, even impossible, to complete such a complicated plan.If I hadn't read some information about this before, I wouldn't have thought of so many.So Ron stopped talking, saying that there are only so many problems he can think of at the moment, and as for the solution, it still depends on everyone's collective wisdom and efforts.

Ron picked out such thorns, which made Marshal Montgomery very unhappy. He knew that when his staff team completed the plan, what Ron said was really not thoughtful enough, but the more he understood this, the more he would Feel more depressed.

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