Although the Allies tried their best to keep the secret of the imminent attack, the Germans were still alert to it.In fact, this is also a very normal thing. Any commander just needs to look at the map, look at the densely marked signs representing the enemy's troops on the other side of the battle line, and then look at the few scattered troops on his side. The troops cannot but be frightened.What's more, many of these units marked with the SS Panzer Division and the ** Grenadier Division have just run out of Falaise's pocket. Although they are still called divisions, the remaining numbers are often doubled There is not a normal teacher together.For example, the 85th Infantry Division is still busy accommodating the German troops who ran away from Falaise, although they have set up shelters at various important intersections, although Model allows them The German soldiers who passed there and couldn't find their troops were incorporated into their combat formations, but, well, until now, the size of this division still looks like a reinforced regiment.

The old Marshal Rundstedt, who was dismissed by Hitler not long ago, was once again appointed as the commander-in-chief of the German Army on the Western Front. After taking office, after a little understanding of the current situation, the old Marshal turned pale with fright.

"The situation is too dangerous! Now the entire Siegfried line of defense is defenseless. If we fortify everywhere, it will be extremely weak everywhere. As long as the Americans and the British push over, they can't stop anything. Now In such a situation, we can only take a gamble. It’s like saving a penalty kick in a football match, we can only throw it to one side.” Rundstedt discussed with his chief of staff.

"But the question is when will the enemy shoot this penalty to which side." The chief of staff continued.

"Ah, if you were an American, what would you do?" Marshal Rundstedt asked habitually.

"It's hard to say, there are too many options... Marshal, do you believe that this round of attack will be led by the Americans?" said the chief of staff.

"Ah," Lundstedt froze for a moment, he hadn't really thought about this issue seriously, "It should be a matter of course. After all, the Americans are more powerful, and they are also better at handling such situations. General, from the perspective of Sicily operations, General Patton is particularly suitable for such a situation. I think the Americans are the most threatening to us as the main offensive. So I think, if it were me, I would definitely let the Americans take the main offensive. of……"


Hitler's office.An aide came in and saluted Hitler.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Hitler looked up from the map.

"Führer, Marshal Rundstedt hopes to be received by you. He has important military matters to discuss with you." The aide replied.

"Oh, when is he coming?" Hitler asked.Falaise's failure dealt a blow to Hitler. He now understood that, at least for the time being, the idea of ​​driving the Americans and the British into the sea by taking the initiative was unrealistic.After realizing this, Hitler also immediately discovered the critical situation on the Western Front.Although Hitler had no professional military academy education, he had seen so many battles, and he could still see it in the simplest form of comparison.

"He's definitely coming to ask me for troops," Hitler said to himself, "but which troops are still available to him now?"


The first unit mobilized by the Germans was also a paratrooper unit.Since the First World War in Crete, the German paratroopers suffered heavy losses and never recovered.Some of the paratroopers who escaped from the dead returned to Germany. Since the Germans have not launched any airborne operations since then, these paratroopers have never been used. Now, they are first mobilized as elite infantry. It was assigned to Marshal Rundstedt.Although their number is a little smaller, only about 3000, at least for now, in the hands of the old marshal, they are the infantry unit with the most complete organization and the most guaranteed combat capability.

They were immediately sent to the Albert Canal by Marshal Model, who was in charge of the front-line command, to build the "New German Line of Defense".The Albert Canal is a Belgian canal close to the border of the Netherlands. This is the fastest way for the Allied forces to quickly occupy Berlin.When they arrived, the so-called "New German Line" was still quite a term.Not even the simplest trench.These paratroopers had to do it themselves and seize the time to build fortifications or graves for themselves.

In addition, the German 15th Army added 86,000 troops and 600 88 anti-aircraft guns from Germany, and ambushed on the only way for the Allied forces to advance into Germany, commonly known as the "Calais Corridor".Of course, the quality of these supplementary soldiers is very problematic, and many of them are students who are still in middle school.But now, all that can be pulled into the bowl are vegetables, and besides, Mo Bugong is not like Man Buqun who has the habit of using elite troops.

In addition, the 2nd Panzer Army of the SS also rested in a place that Field Marshal Model believed was relatively safe.There are two armored divisions under this army: the 9th Hohenstaufen Armored Division and the 10th Frundsburg Armored Division.This book number is very good, but in fact, these two divisions have been severely damaged in the previous battles. Now the two divisions together do not have 7000 people, which is not enough for one division.As for the number of tanks, well, the 10th Frundsburg Armored Division still has more than a dozen tanks, and as for the 9th Hohenstaufen Armored Division, there is not a single tank.

Because of this, they were not immediately sent to the front line by Marshal Model, but stayed in the relatively safe Anheng area to wait for new equipment sent to them from the mainland.


Although Ron picked out a lot of thorns at the preparatory meeting, which made the British feel very embarrassed, but Marshal Montgomery is really thankful for the questions Ron picked for's really stupid, because there is really a radio station that uses the same frequency as the channel they plan to let the British First Airborne Division is basically the same as the channel that the British Broadcasting Corporation broadcasts to the mainland Sample.If this problem had not been discovered, the 22st Airborne Division probably would have discovered that their Type [-] radio communicators could not be used at all as soon as they landed, because they were interfered by the BBC and could not transmit any signals.And what about the preset channel of the Americans who will land with them?Well, when the British checked it, they found that it was an invalid channel.

"Fortunately, I found out before we set off. Otherwise, that crow's mouth joke would have died." Montgomery broke out in a cold sweat after learning of these situations.

However, there are some situations where it is too late to correct, such as what to do if the range of the 22-type radio communication device is insufficient, such as how to eliminate the impact of the local iron mine.These are too late to deal with.As for reconnaissance, the British have increased the number of reconnaissance planes, but considering the fear of leaking secrets, they still have not contacted the local resistance organization.

"In any case, the arrow is on the string, so we have to do it." Marshal Montgomery thought, "It would be better if the crow's mouth in the unit can say everything right."


21st Attack Aircraft Wing War Room

"Even if I don't say it, you should know why we have a meeting tonight. You should know from the busy situation outside. Yes, we are about to launch an offensive. This offensive is led by Montgomery The Marshal is in charge, he hopes that this round of offensive will allow us to break into Germany, so that our boys can go home and have dinner with their mothers on Christmas. Well, Scott, I will show you the relevant information." said Ron.

Scott immediately distributed several documents to the officers present at the meeting.

"Our task is mainly to support the operations of the 82nd Airborne Division. To assist them in capturing two bridges across the Mütz-Waal Canal near Greve, capturing the Grosbück Highway and setting up a blockade here, To prevent the possible existence of German armored forces, prevent possible German bombardment of the highway, and assist the 82nd Airborne Division in capturing the Nijmegen Highway Bridge." Seeing that everyone had basically read these materials, Scott began to carry out explain.

"The attack will be carried out from tomorrow night to the next morning. From tomorrow afternoon, we will be able to resume normal take-off and landing levels - the airport will be prioritized for our use. We should be in these positions on time at dawn the next day... In order to ensure close cooperation with the ground forces, we need to send liaison officers to these forces, and this matter will be handed over to Colonel Clark Spell." Ron said.

"That's all right. I'll send the boys out tomorrow morning," Colonel Clarke Speer replied.

"These lads and their equipment need to be dropped by airdrop, will there be any problems?" Ron asked.

"General, our lads are airborne trained, so that's not a problem." Colonel Clark Spell said, "The most important thing is the equipment."

"General, we will adjust and bandage the equipment. As long as there is no problem with the weather, the equipment problem should not be too big." Lieutenant Colonel Thomson Baker, who is in charge of the equipment, also made a guarantee.

"It's better to have more equipment and have a backup," said Ron.

"Naturally, General, we've always done that," replied Lieutenant Colonel Thomson Baker.

"So, Daddy, do you have anything to say?" Ron said to Bington.

Pointon was looking at the aerial chart seriously. Hearing Ron's question, Pointon raised his head and replied: "There is a problem, the attack position is a little far away, pa-38 and b-25 are okay, pa-47 and b-82 are fine. The flight range of the -[-] is a bit worrying. We have to study it carefully to ensure that there are enough attack aircraft above the [-]nd Airborne Division at the most critical time. In addition, I think our fighter force this time I'm afraid it will also be used as an attack aircraft..."

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