It wasn't just the British who went wrong in this operation, but the Americans as well.For example, when airdropping supplies, there are too many departments that need supplies, and various materials need to be airdropped, so, um, it’s not too surprising to make mistakes occasionally.For example, right now, the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division guarding the bridge got their new supplies—Coca-Cola+Spam+chocolate.

If these things were given to the boys of the 82nd Airborne Division in France, they would be very happy, because, after several years of war, the standard of living of Europeans is very low.In France, a bar of chocolate, or a jar of Spam, which all Yankees hate, is enough to get them romantically involved with a pretty French girl.But now, although the Germans on the opposite side are as poor in supplies as those French girls, they will not line up to surrender to the Americans just because the Americans have spam or chocolate.They'd just pounce on them, howling, killing the Yankees, and then feasting on the snatched Spam.Now, what the boys of the 82nd Division need most are mines, barbed wire, and anti-tank guns.

"Damn it! Send those fools a message and tell them to send us something useful before dark!" Battalion Commander Lumas' face turned green.

Relying on its strong industrial capabilities, the Allied forces are quite extravagant in terms of supplies. Any supplies are backed up in the UK.However, the transport capacity is a bottleneck. In one day, so many troops and supplies have to be airdropped, which almost takes up the transport capacity of the transport aircraft department.Therefore, once such a mistake is made, it must be reissued immediately, which will easily disrupt the mission rhythm of the transport aircraft unit.

Fortunately, when studying the combat plan, under Ron's suggestion, the Allied Forces still made preparations for such a situation.In addition to transport aircraft, the Allies also had a large number of bombers.Although these bombers cannot be used to drop paratroopers, and because of the limitation of the magazine, they cannot carry some large items, such as jeeps, but it is not a problem to use them to drop general weapons and ammunition.Even things like the M1 57mm anti-tank gun can be disassembled and repackaged, and then airdropped using the oversized magazine of the British Lancaster bomber.


Staff Sergeant Dulles is a scout in the German Waffen SS. At noon today, he was ordered to take his squad to scout the situation of the American paratroopers who occupied the Nijmegen motorway bridge and prepare for the counterattack in the evening. .

This task is a bit difficult.Because of the strength of the U.S. military, the area controlled at both ends of the bridge is not too large.This would have given the Scout a lot of freedom.But this area is all plains, and the only commanding height, a hill with a height of less than 100 meters, is also under the control of the US military, which makes it difficult for German scouts to find a position that can clearly see the depth configuration of the US military positions.

Dulles carefully approached the bridge from a sunflower field. This sunflower field was very large and there were many sunflowers in it, which could provide them with good cover.The edge of this sunflower field is only a little more than a kilometer away from the bridgehead, and it is even closer to the position that the US military is building. Although it is still impossible to see the entire picture of the US military position from here, at least it can be seen more clearly.

The U.S. military was obviously also aware of the danger of this large sunflower field, so Dulles discovered that the U.S. military deployed a lot of machine guns here.But Dulles also discovered something that made him feel very strange: there was no barbed wire on the US military positions.In addition, no matter how carefully Dulles observed, he did not find the US anti-tank guns.

"Maybe the U.S. military doesn't have anti-tank guns? They're only going to use the bazooka against tanks?" Dulles thought.The American bazooka was clearly superior to the German Iron Fist in range, but its power was questionable. The armor penetration depth of 112 mm theoretically has the opportunity to penetrate the 110 mm thick armor plate of the Tiger tank from the front.But in fact, due to uncertain factors such as the hit angle and the detonation distance, it is almost impossible for this rocket to penetrate the Tiger or Leopard tank from the front.Of course, the American anti-tank guns could not penetrate the front of the Tiger and Panther tanks, but at least they could fire at the tanks from a longer distance, rather than getting close to within 30 yards like the Bazooka.

"The Americans don't seem to be ready." Dulles thought, gestured to the comrades behind him, and crawled back cautiously.He felt that he had seen everything he could see, and now it was time to go back.

At this moment, the sound of aircraft engines came from the sky, and it could be heard that this was a large fleet.

"Are new enemy troops coming for reinforcements?" Dulles stopped retreating, and climbed back to his observation position just now.The location is hidden behind some long thatch.

What appeared in the sky this time was not the transport fleet that Dulles imagined, but a group of Lancaster heavy bombers.These four-engine bombers began to lower their altitude, and the altitude has been dropped to about 500 meters, which allowed Dulles to clearly see the opening magazines of these bombers.

"What are they going to do?" thought Dulles.

A series of things with parachutes fell towards the ground.One of the long objects floated towards Dulles and landed a little behind Dulles.

"Damn it! This thing will attract the Yankees." Dulles immediately crawled backwards on the ground.At the same time, he also grasped the stg-44 assault rifle in his hand.He didn't dare to retreat too fast, so he would be easily spotted by the Americans, and just 400 meters away from him, there were two m-2 large-caliber machine guns.

At this moment, Dulles saw ten American soldiers running towards us.It seems that the Americans know that this sunflower field may be very dangerous, so the ten American soldiers are all deployed in skirmish formation, and the m1 semi-automatic rifle is also held in their hands instead of on their backs.In addition, through the telescope, Dulles also saw that the machine gunners of the two m-2 machine guns were also ready to shoot.

Dulles knew that the more dangerous it is, the more calm it is.The enemy was more than 100 meters away from him, and they were not moving fast.The American soldiers divided into two groups, covering each other and leaping forward.Dulles estimated that by the time they reached their position, they should have been able to retreat deep into the sunflower field.At that time, the enemy's most dangerous m-2 machine gun will not be able to come in handy.

If the task was not considered, Dulles even wanted to ambush a Yankee guy in this sunflower field.Here, everyone's field of vision is very limited, and the distance they can see is also very small.Although there are only 5 people on his side, but relying on the powerful firepower of the stg-44 assault rifle and the advantage of ambushes, Dulles is confident to wipe out these Yankees.What?American mortars and m2 machine guns?This is really unnecessary, because the sunflower will block their sight, and they will kill their own people if they fire blindly.

Dulles was now backing away from the fallen thing.Now the dense sunflowers have completely blocked him, and his comrades in the back have been checking that thing for a long time.

"What is this?" Dulles asked with a suppressed voice.

"From the perspective of size and weight, it should be the barrel of an anti-tank gun." A soldier replied in a low voice, without Dulles' permission, he did not use his dagger to cut open the outer canvas packaging to see what happened.

"Make a small opening to see, and move fast." It's normal for items to tear the canvas wrap a bit during landing.

The soldier took out his dagger, cut a hole in the canvas, and wiped some soil on the cut place, and even sprinkled a little into the package.

"It's the barrel of a 57mm anti-tank gun." Dulles glanced at it and nodded.Now he can be sure that the enemy will definitely have anti-tank guns in his hands.

"Okay, let's go, the Americans are coming. Clean up the traces and don't be discovered by them. After a while, we will come back and take a look." Dulles said.

A few soldiers wiped off their footprints carefully, and then disappeared into the sunflower jungle.


More than ten minutes later, Dulles once again led the scouts to the front of the American position, but this time, he changed his position slightly.Because he was not sure whether those Americans had found the traces they left behind.

This time, Dulles saw that the position of the US military had changed significantly. The outermost layer of concertina wire had been pulled up, and more concertina wire was being assumed.The concertina barbed wire is easy to erect, especially suitable for the current situation where the barbed wire needs to be erected quickly.

In addition, Dulles also saw that some Americans were busy laying landmines at the front.Those that can only be carried by one person at a time, like a big round cake, are anti-tank mines, and those that can be carried by a single person are anti-personnel mines that infantry hate the most.

Dulles knew that American anti-personnel mines were the most insidious.Its charge is pitifully small, just enough to blow up the soles of the feet.Unless you fall and drop your head directly onto the mine, the mine will never kill you.But on the battlefield, comrades who are injured and disabled are more troublesome than comrades who died.When a teammate dies in battle, you can shout: "Brothers, avenge you!" Maybe it can boost your morale.But if there are shouts everywhere: "Medical soldiers, help me!" It's completely different, not to mention that in order to send these wounded, you have to have at least two healthy soldiers who can be used for combat at the critical moment. Always leave the battlefield.And those wounded will put more pressure on logistics when they go back, and he will never be able to return to the battlefield.

Dulles quietly took out the small book, and sat down with a mark on a position: Minefield.

At this time, the sound of the plane's engine came again in the sky.

"It's going to be dark soon. At this time, do they still have to send something over?" Dulles was thinking like this, while raising his head and looking towards the sky.He soon discovered that what appeared this time was not a transport plane or a heavy bomber like Lancaster, but a group of PA-38 attack planes.

A leading PA-38 attack plane swooped down on the sunflower field and dropped a bomb.

"They found us? How is this possible? It is impossible to find us on the plane. And if the guys on the land find us, they will definitely hit us directly with m2 machine guns or mortars."

The bomb fell on the ground, and immediately pulled out a wall of flames that was nearly a hundred meters long.

"Napalm!" Dulles immediately understood that the Americans were worried about the nearby cornfield, so they simply let the plane drop the incendiary bomb.Once the fire is burned, there is no need to worry about the Germans.

Although the incendiary bomb was not aimed at Dulles, Dulles knew that if he didn't run fast, he would be burned to death.So he no longer cared about the enemy's m2 machine guns and mortars.He jumped up from the ground, turned around and ran into the distance.

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