() That night, the German army launched an attack on the bridgehead controlled by the 82nd Airborne Division.The Germans first used 150mm caliber howitzers and 88mm anti-aircraft guns to bombard the bridge head violently, but the bombardment did not last long. The effect of positional bombing.

Because the U.S. military was well prepared, and the artillery preparations were not sufficient, even the barbed wire failed to damage too much.In addition, after nightfall, the U.S. military has been firing flares toward the front, causing the engineers sent by the German army to fail to complete the marking of the minefield.Therefore, the landmines planted by the US military could not be cleared. As a result, the US military easily repelled the first round of German attacks.Since then the Germans have launched two more attacks, but the Germans are also not fully prepared.As a result, these two attacks were also repelled.

Compared with the situation of the Americans, the problems of the British are much more troublesome.Due to omissions in prior intelligence, there were German garrisons everywhere near the place where the British landed.These German garrisons are not large in scale, generally only battalion-level troops.But it made things difficult for the British.Until the evening, the British army did not reach their target, but the exhausted British army naturally could not continue to attack the target, so they had to stop to build fortifications and prepare to spend the night.And the Germans seized the time to build fortifications.

These series of delays made it more difficult for the British [-]st Airborne Division to capture the Anheng Bridge.The hope of the British to seize the Anheng Bridge by surprise attack has been exhausted, and now they can only rely on a strong attack.The Germans had built a solid defense at the bridgehead.As a result, on the second day, after the British arrived at the bridgehead, they only sent scouts to take a look, and then gave up the idea of ​​taking down the Anheng Bridge in one go.Then, after an hour's preparation of fire by a squadron of Mosquito bombers, the British attacked.

The Germans dragged out several 41-type 150mm 6-barreled rocket launchers ambushed on the other side of the bridge, and fired a salvo at the British paratroopers, causing the British to lose nearly a company of troops.Although the British Typhoon attack aircraft successfully suppressed these rockets since then, the momentum of the British attack was contained.As a result, after about an hour and a half of the attack, the British airborne troops, who lacked heavy weapons, had to retreat temporarily for support.


When the British Airborne Forces were embarrassed by the lack of heavy weapons, the British 30th Army, which has a lot of heavy equipment, was also worried.Originally, the British thought that the German army on this road would have at most some armored personnel carriers or something, and it would be impossible to stop their advance.Unexpectedly, in the first small town they arrived, they encountered unexpected problems.

There is no German garrison in this small town. Early in the morning, the town just woke up from sleep.Some residents opened their doors and stepped out to start their new day.I don't know who was the first to look out of the town, but they saw the troops of the 96th British Army coming towards the town along Highway 30.

Due to the distance, the residents of the small town couldn't tell where the troops came from.Therefore, the cautious residents hurried back to their homes and closed the doors.But in the attic, behind the curtained windows, eyes looked expectantly at the approaching troops.

The vanguard of the British army is getting closer and closer to the town, and the residents of the town can already clearly see the Union Jack flying on the British tanks, as well as the soldiers sitting on motorcycles and driving Bren machine guns. British soldiers.

"It's the British! It's the British calling!" a citizen cheered.

"Ah, it's the British! We are liberated!" More citizens cheered.

Like a magic trick, in front of the eyes of the British, the empty streets were suddenly filled with joyous crowds, singing, dancing, and shouting at them in a language that the British soldiers could or could not understand. cheer.Route 69, with only two lanes, was immediately blocked by joyous crowds.The Churchill tanks of the 30th Army could only slow down obediently, and finally stopped.

Seeing the British tanks stop, the joyful citizens immediately climbed up, inserted flowers into the barrels of the tanks, and put garlands of emergency weaving on the soldiers' heads. Out of the collection of fine wine, bring the British tankers and share it together.As a result, some tankers got drunk and drove the tanks into the ditch later on the march.

The joyful citizens held back the British army for half an hour, and this was just a small town.

Of course, it was not only the enthusiastic Dutch people who stopped the British army, but also the strong resistance of the German army.

The first time I was blocked by the German army was in a very ordinary Dutch town, and Highway 96 passed through the center of the town.When the town appeared in the eyes of the British, everything seemed so ordinary, except that there were no crowds in the town, everything was normal.In fact, this is not surprising, because when the common people can't see who is coming, they will always hide in the house first.As soon as the British approached, as soon as the Dutch people saw that it was their saviour-the British Army-they would immediately pour into the streets for a carnival.

The British relaxed their vigilance under such speculation.Their leading motorcycle has already driven into the town, and their tank has also driven to the entrance of the town.At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

There is a wooden shed on the left side of the entrance of the town, and there is a cowpen next to it, and there are two cows in it.There was a sudden loud noise from there, and a big hole burst out in the wall panel on one side of the wooden shed. An armor-piercing projectile passed through the big hole and hit the side of a Churchill tank walking in front.

It turned out that in this shed, there was actually a pak-40 75mm anti-tank gun ambushed!The distance between this gun and the Churchill tank is only about 150 meters. At this distance, even if it shoots the front of the Churchill tank, the Pak-40 anti-tank gun can easily penetrate the Churchill tank, let alone shoot from the side.

With the sound of the cannon, the whole town immediately became a hell of flames and bullets.Gun barrels protruded from the windows of the houses on both sides of the road, and the chainsaw-like sound of the mg-42 machine gun sounded.The motorcycles that first entered the town were immediately overturned, and most of the occupants were shot to death immediately.A few British soldiers who were lucky enough not to be hit hid behind motorcycles and tried to return fire with Bren light machine guns.But at this moment, the Germans quickly threw grenades, and the resistance in the town was immediately ended.

Also at this time, a fire flashed out in a house that was piled up with miscellaneous fodder about 500 meters away from the British army on the right side of the entrance of the town, and then a firefly tank responded from the British army. It exploded, and the turret with its long barrel even flew straight out.Then a chariot rushed out from the sundries room and knocked down the front boards and fences—a long gun barrel with a muzzle brake and a sloping front armor. It was a Panther tank.

The Panther fired another shot before the British tank turned its guns around.This shot accurately hit a "Firefly", turning it into a burning torch.At this time, Germans also appeared in the fields on both sides of the road.These Germans were dressed in camouflage uniforms, covered with weeds, and held iron fist bazookas in their hands, and launched another round of attacks on the British marching column.

During this attack, several more tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed.But the British army finally reacted at this time, and some tanks that had not been hit yet fired back.Several tanks found a place where the height difference between the road and the ground was not that big, and even drove off the road, trying to launch a roundabout attack.

The wooden shed where the first Pak-40 anti-tank gun was fired had been hit by several shells. The wooden shed collapsed, and the cannon inside also went silent.Those British soldiers who had recovered, also began to use Lee Enfist rifles, Sten submachine guns, and Bren light machine guns to fire at the German soldiers who fired iron fist rockets at their tanks.As soon as those German soldiers fired the rockets, they were often hit by several bullets and knocked to the ground before they had time to hide.

Only the Panther tank, several shells fell on its front armor.But these shells, whether they are the 4mm shells of the M75 tank or the 57mm shells of the Churchill tank, all jumped away from its thick upper armor.And this unscathed Leopard tank still played death roll call against the British tanks one by one.

At this time, the few m4 tanks that drove off the road began to outflank them from the side.The Panther tank of the Germans also saw them.The Germans knew that with a weight of more than 10 tons, the Leopard tank obtained a frontal defense capability that surpassed that of the Tiger tank.Its sides are extremely weak, and it is not even as good as the t-3485 tank, which is [-] tons lighter than it.Once attacked from the side, it will be very dangerous.

So the Leopard tank began to reverse quickly and turned the turret to the right-that was the direction of the roundabout m4 tanks.

The Leopard tank turned its turret to the M4s and fired, but because it was in reverse, the gun missed.At this time, a 57mm artillery shell suddenly shot from the front, hitting the track on one side of the Leopard tank, and the track on the side of the Leopard tank immediately fell off.But the track on the other side was still turning, so it automatically exposed its side... nbsp; The British relaxed their vigilance under such speculation.Their leading motorcycle has already driven into the town, and their tank has also driven to the entrance of the town.At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

There is a wooden shed on the left side of the entrance of the town, and there is a cowpen next to it, and there are two cows in it.There was a sudden loud noise from there, and a big hole burst out in the wall panel on one side of the wooden shed. An armor-piercing projectile passed through the big hole and hit the side of a Churchill tank walking in front.

It turned out that in this shed, there was actually a pak-40 75mm anti-tank gun ambushed!The distance between this gun and the Churchill tank is only about 150 meters. At this distance, even if it shoots the front of the Churchill tank, the Pak-40 anti-tank gun can easily penetrate the Churchill tank, let alone shoot from the side.

With the sound of the cannon, the whole town immediately became a hell of flames and bullets.Gun barrels protruded from the windows of the houses on both sides of the road, and the chainsaw-like sound of the mg-42 machine gun sounded.The motorcycles that first entered the town were immediately overturned, and most of the occupants were shot to death immediately.A few British soldiers who were lucky enough not to be hit hid behind motorcycles and tried to return fire with Bren light machine guns.But at this moment, the Germans quickly threw grenades, and the resistance in the town was immediately ended.

Also at this time, a fire flashed out in a house that was piled up with miscellaneous fodder about 500 meters away from the British army on the right side of the entrance of the town, and then a firefly tank responded from the British army. It exploded, and the turret with its long barrel even flew straight out.Then a chariot rushed out from the sundries room and knocked down the front boards and fences—a long gun barrel with a muzzle brake and a sloping front armor. It was a Panther tank.

The Panther fired another shot before the British tank turned its guns around.This shot accurately hit a "Firefly", turning it into a burning torch.At this time, Germans also appeared in the fields on both sides of the road.These Germans were dressed in camouflage uniforms, covered with weeds, and held iron fist bazookas in their hands, and launched another round of attacks on the British marching column.

During this attack, several more tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed.But the British army finally reacted at this time, and some tanks that had not been hit yet fired back.Several tanks found a place where the height difference between the road and the ground was not that big, and even drove off the road, trying to launch a roundabout attack.

The wooden shed where the first Pak-40 anti-tank gun was fired had been hit by several shells. The wooden shed collapsed, and the cannon inside also went silent.Those British soldiers who had recovered, also began to use Lee Enfist rifles, Sten submachine guns, and Bren light machine guns to fire at the German soldiers who fired iron fist rockets at their tanks.As soon as those German soldiers fired the rockets, they were often hit by several bullets and knocked to the ground before they had time to hide.

Only the Panther tank, several shells fell on its front armor.But these shells, whether they are the 4mm shells of the M75 tank or the 57mm shells of the Churchill tank, all jumped away from its thick upper armor.And this unscathed Leopard tank still played death roll call against the British tanks one by one.

At this time, the few m4 tanks that drove off the road began to outflank them from the side.The Panther tank of the Germans also saw them.The Germans knew that with a weight of more than 10 tons, the Leopard tank obtained a frontal defense capability that surpassed that of the Tiger tank.Its sides are extremely weak, and it is not even as good as the t-3485 tank, which is [-] tons lighter than it.Once attacked from the side, it will be very dangerous.

So the Leopard tank began to reverse quickly and turned the turret to the right-that was the direction of the roundabout m4 tanks.

The Leopard tank turned its turret to the M4s and fired, but because it was in reverse, the gun missed.At this time, a 57mm artillery shell suddenly shot from the front, hitting the track on one side of the Leopard tank, and the track on the side of the Leopard tank immediately fell off.But the track on the other side was still turning, so it automatically exposed its side...

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