The British 30th Army finally wiped out the German army that ambushed itself and captured more than 30 Germans.However, I paid the price of ten tanks and armored vehicles being wiped out, and hundreds of casualties, and the speed of the march was also slowed down.And since then, the British have been very careful when passing through any small town on the way of marching.Always let the armored troops stop at a farther place first, and then let the infantry approach in skirmish formation and occupy the commanding heights-even if a large group of residents has already run out to welcome them.

As a result, the advance speed of the British army was even slower.Even so, they were constantly blocked by German troops along the way.After nightfall, it was often attacked by German mortars.The advance of the army was much slower than planned.

On the other hand, the location of the battle is already very close to Germany, especially the location of the British First Airborne Division, which is only across a river from the German mainland.Compared with the sluggish British ground forces, the German reinforcements came faster.Although most of these troops are supplementary soldiers, they are either half-old men or half-old children.In terms of combat effectiveness, compared with the elite British paratroopers, the combat effectiveness is very problematic.But relying on heavy weapons and superior numbers, at least there is no problem in defending the bridge.

On the second day, the British [-]st Airborne Division already felt that with the existing forces, it was difficult to take down the bridge. Moreover, the scouts also noticed that the German army had placed explosives on the piers of the Anheng Bridge.In this way, even if the British army attacked the bridgehead, they might not be able to take the bridge completely.

However, the British were still unwilling to give up. They decided to drop paratroopers on Anheng again, this time the Polish First Airborne Brigade.In all fairness, the soldiers of the Polish 22st Airborne Brigade performed very well in previous air battles, no less than the British paratroopers, but this time, their luck was very bad.Their airborne field was originally under the control of the British army, but just a few minutes before the airborne began, the German army gathered an "armored division" and, with the support of ten tanks, launched an attack on the British paratroopers who occupied this area .Paratroopers on the ground were trying to call in air support.But a terrible thing happened, the [-] radio contact machine in their hands could not contact the bomber responsible for the transfer.The business of this electronic communication aircraft converted from a Lancaster bomber was so busy that it could not respond immediately to calls from the ground.As a result, air support was of course not called, and paratroopers with only light weapons were naturally unable to guard the airborne field.The airborne field fell into the hands of the Germans.

The airborne field fell into the hands of the Germans, and the consequences were unusually serious, because in a few minutes the Polish [-]st Airborne Brigade would land here.The British paratroopers tried again to use the radio to communicate with the command center or the contact machine, but they were still unsuccessful, so a tragedy was staged right under their noses.

The transport fleet, who knew nothing about the changes on the ground, dropped the Polish paratroopers who also knew nothing about the ground conditions at the predetermined position.

Blossoming white umbrella flowers bloomed in the air. The Polish paratroopers hanging under the parachute may still be thinking that there are British friendly troops on the ground. After landing, they will quickly organize the team with their help. Then join the battle, capture the target, and finally, maybe they will have the opportunity to fight back to their hometown and rebuild a Great Poland that flattened Duzhenlu.

However, what greeted them below was not greetings from comrades in arms, but a rain of deadly bullets.The Germans had just occupied this airborne field, and a large number of paratroopers parachuted here.The Germans immediately used all available weapons to open fire frantically at the Poles who were still hanging under the parachute and could neither fight back nor dodge. The 20mm machine gun shells, 7.92mm various machine guns, and rifle bullets intertwined fire. The net caught these poor Poles immediately.

Before most of the Poles had time to fall to the ground, they turned into corpses.Some Poles who were lucky enough to land alive had not had time to cut off the umbrella belt, picked up the gun at hand, and found that several guns had been aimed at him.

An entire airborne brigade was annihilated without even taking a chance.Such a loss dealt a blow to the British.The British held out at Anheng for two more days, with several night-time sneak attacks, including one across the river in rubber boats and an attack from the other side.But these attempts failed.As the German army replenished more and more troops, the advance speed of the 30th Army of the British Army could not be accelerated until it had far exceeded the scheduled time in the plan specified by Montgomery. The 30th Army had just arrived at the 82nd Airborne The position occupied by the division is still far away from Anheng, where the British First Airborne Division is located.

Obviously, the British [-]st Airborne Division is already in trouble. Not only is it impossible for them to continue their attack, they even have to retreat, otherwise the entire force may be handed over to Anheng.

Although the 30st Airborne Division very much hoped that the 30th Army could help the brothers for the sake of the British Empire, but the 5th Army obviously couldn't get there in another 101 minutes.Therefore, the [-]st Airborne Division began a difficult retreat.Along the way, the Germans pursued their tails, while the [-]st Airborne Division had to keep docking their tails to survive.In the end, although they fled back under the pursuit of the enemy, they also suffered heavy losses.Also losing a lot during the retreat was the [-]st Airborne Division of the United States.Because of the failure of this operation, the Allied forces never launched a large-scale airborne operation again.

This defeat made the Allied forces' expectations of "ending the war before Christmas" completely frustrated.The Allied children were doomed to never have the chance to go home to their families before Christmas.The defense master, Marshal Model, once again won a defensive battle with a bad hand.Now that the battle line has temporarily stabilized, the noose around the Germans' necks has been loosened, and the Germans have won a short respite.

Just because soldiers can't go back to America for Christmas doesn't mean Ron can't go back.In fact, he just got an order: "Give the troops to Bington, go back to the United States to meet General Arnold, and then go to the Pacific Ocean to prepare for the strategic bombing of Japan."

This order was handed over to Ron almost at the same time that Marshal Montgomery issued the retreat order.Ron knew that, in General Arnold's view, the air confrontation in Europe was over, and now that Ron continued to stay in Europe, he could only help the ground troops there.General Arnold does not want to continue to waste his elite soldiers in Europe.He has now, in Europe, demonstrated how air power can transform the battlefield.But now, he wants to prove in Japan that air power alone can defeat a country.If this can be proved, the Army Air Corps after the war will surely realize its dream for many years and become an independent air force.And that would define General Arnold's place in military history.

At the beginning of October, Ron took a C-10 transport plane, took off from the UK, and returned to the United States again.

The first thing after returning home is of course to write a letter to parents and Nadya.But now is not the time to go back to see them, because he still has official duties, and he is going to report to General Arnold first.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when Ron arrived in Washington, and he did not see General Arnold that day.However, the person sent by General Arnold to greet him told him that General Arnold was going to invite him to his home as a guest on Sunday, that is, tomorrow.It is said that General Arnold and some friends will also attend this gathering.

Since you are going to be a guest at someone's home, it is not good to be empty-handed, and you must always prepare the necessary gifts.But Ron is really not very familiar with this set, what should I buy as a gift?If it's really close to Christmas, it's okay to say, don't buy some Christmas presents to show off.But it's only October, and Christmas is still far away, what should I give away?

Finally, Ron gritted his teeth and took out one of his collections - a gold-plated p08 pistol.This thing was given to him by General Collins when he came to visit him in the hospital after he was honorably injured in Cherbourg.It is said that this thing was originally a collection of the German commander stationed at Cherbourg. Later, he voluntarily, perhaps voluntarily, gave this thing to General Collins.

At around nine o'clock the next morning, General Arnold arranged for a car to pick Ron up.The car took Ron and soon came to General Arnold's home.

General Arnold's residence is not particularly large, (of course this is not particularly large compared to Americans) only a small two-story building and a small garden.Of course, it is said that General Arnold's house in the countryside of his hometown was much larger than this.

General Arnold set up a table and a few chairs in the small garden, and there are already several people sitting on these chairs.But except for General Arnold, Ron didn't recognize anyone else.

Ron's leg injury has healed a lot, and now he can basically walk without a wheelchair, but with crutches.So he walked over with a cane, then stood at attention, and gave a military salute to General Arnold.

"Hehe, our battle hero is back! Well, he won another Purple Heart." Arnold smiled, "You are also a general, why are you always being hit by enemy infantry?"

"Ah, General, I really don't blame me this time. It's purely a matter of luck. In fact, I have always been very honest, and I rarely appear in the enemy's range." Ron also smiled.

"Really?" Arnold stared at Ron, as if he didn't believe it. "When I was your age, I couldn't help but not run into the range of others." Someone sitting there said:

"Let me introduce, this is the hero of our air force, the first pilot to receive the Medal of Honor, and the youngest general in the Army Aviation."

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