New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 284, Chapter Family

Scott helped Ron and Nadya buy train tickets home, and they got on the train home that afternoon.In the slightly shaking carriage, the night passed quickly.Then it was daylight, and they changed into the bus. Like last time, as soon as the three white men, Ron, Nadya, and Scott got on the bus, a large group of black people rushed to the back of the bus.

Apparently, although Nadia has been in the United States for a long time, she already knows about this strange law, but she is still not very used to it. "Evil racial discrimination! Evil capitalism." From her mouth whispered such a Russian word.

Ron could only smile at this.He knows that although legal equality can be used to cleanse the United States, it is said that according to the law, if white people sit in the back of the bus, as long as a black person gets on the bus, he must also come to the front compartment.However, Ron himself does not agree with this apartheid system, so naturally he will not wash the ground for this system.And even if you go to wash, I am afraid that Najia, who has been taught by the party, will come out with a sentence: "The law uses its sacred equality to prohibit the poor and the rich at the same time, begging along the streets, and sleeping in the streets and bridge holes."

However, Nadya just complained, she didn't really plan to stand up and lead a civil rights movement, she just muttered in a low voice and didn't say anything more.And not long after, her attention was attracted by the scenery outside.

At this time, the bus was driving along the interstate highway, and at this time the car had entered the mountains and began to climb higher and higher.The light blue wet mist outside the car window gradually faded and disappeared.The dark blue sky appeared, and a silvery moon could be seen, but the faint morning light had already appeared in the eastern sky.

Ron touched Nadya's shoulder, "Hey, look over there! Below nine o'clock." At the same time, he reached out and pointed lower.

Nadya didn't immediately understand what "below nine o'clock" meant.But Ron's extended finger solved the problem.Looking in this direction, Najia realized that the morning mist did not dissipate, it still enveloped the earth, like a thick quilt covering the sleeping earth.The fact that I saw the fog dissipate just now was because the car I was riding in had already climbed high enough to be higher than the layer of mist on the ground.

"It's beautiful!" said Nadya.Looking at it from the current point of view, the entire land is covered with an endless green mist that undulates slightly, like a vast sea, and those mountain peaks that are far and near look like islands floating on the sea.

"Look over there again." Ron pointed to the left front of the car.There was a high mountain over there, and the foot of the mountain was still dark, but the top part of the mountain was already shining brightly with the sun.

"Cross this mountain range and we'll be home." Ron put his arm around Nadya's waist and whispered in her ear.


The bus passed a flaming maple forest and stopped on the side of the road. From here, Ron's house could be seen from a long distance.Ron's parents were already waiting by the roadside.As soon as the car stopped, they greeted them.Yesterday, Ron sent another telegram to the family, so they are all welcome now.

As soon as the car stopped, Nadya helped Ron get out of the car.The old Sean and Lucy who came over noticed Ron's unusual gait and the unbelievably beautiful woman beside him.

"Ron, what's wrong with your leg?" Old Sean spoke first, "And this one, is the Miss Najia you mentioned?"

"Dad, it's nothing. I was accidentally bitten by a small mosquito." Ron deliberately pretended not to care, "The doctor said, it's absolutely fine, it's just a little inconvenient for a short time. Well, This is my girlfriend, Nadya. This is my lieutenant, Scott. Well, Nadya, this is my dad - a bigot. This is my mother, Ms. Lucy, for the big beauty. There are two more...  "Ron then began to introduce his family to Nadya again.

"I know, these two children must be Katie and Mary." Nadya squatted down, reached out and touched the faces of the two little girls, "You are so cute. Let me guess, um, you It's my sister." Nadya patted the taller one on the left, "You are Katie." Then she touched the face of the shorter little girl, "You are Mary, right?"

"How do you know?" replied the shorter little girl.

"Stupid, that's because I'm taller than you, so I'm a sister."

"Mom said, I'm not stupid, and I'll be taller than you in the future!" Little Mary retorted, pouting.

"Now you're not as tall as I am!" said Katie, and then turned to Nadya. "Hi Auntie! Auntie is so beautiful!"

"Okay, it's windy outside, let's go inside and talk." Old Sean said.


Ron's return home this time made old Sean and Lucy happy and sad.The happy thing is that the son not only came back with a gold star on his shoulder, but also brought back a beautiful girlfriend; the sad thing is that the son was obviously injured, and according to him, he was actually in the I can't stay at home for a few days, maybe I have to go back to the front line in a few days.

However, everyone suppressed these worries and unhappiness in their hearts, and only showed a happy look.Lucy even left Ron aside, took Nadya's hand, and talked endlessly.

"Mom! You can't be a traitor like this. Can you stop talking about the bad things about me when I was a child! And don't sell my sovereignty casually, okay?" I heard my mother talking to Nadia about what happened when I was a child." I have been careless since I was a child, and I often buttoned the wrong buttons when I was a child, what "once I put both legs into one trouser leg, then looked for my other leg everywhere, and cried to my mother, 'My leg is missing '", what... Well, it's not a glorious thing anyway, and finally, my mother added: "This silly boy has been worrying since childhood, but fortunately now, there is finally someone who can pick me up Ben, take good care of him. Ron is a good boy, but sometimes he likes to be naughty, so you have to spank when it's time to spank, and you can't just spoil him..."

My God, this is even more outrageous, actually, even said "spanking when it's time to spank"!Ron quickly added: "Mom! I'm your son!"

At this time, Ms. Lucy raised her head, helped the reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, and then said slowly: "Of course I know. Is there anyone in the world who knows you better than me? I know that all your problems are corrected. No, it’s useless to talk to you, of course I can only talk to Nadya..."

At this time, Nadia also raised her head, smiled mischievously at Ron, and waved her small fist lightly.Ron was so angry that he felt ruthless in his heart: "In the future, I must beat this little girl's ass hard!"

Since there is no way to stop my mother from continuing to sell her territorial sovereignty, I can only quickly change the subject.

"Mom and Dad, where's Big Brother? How is he?" Ron said.

"I'll be back from get off work in two hours. What else can he do? He's fine, his life is very regular, and your sister-in-law takes good care of him. Unlike you, who like to mess around since he was a child, and never let him go. Peace of mind."

Sure enough, Ms. Lucy was taken in, and the conversation immediately took a less than particularly uncomfortable turn.But looking at the last sentence of his mother's intention to continue accusing him, Ron hurriedly asked again: "Is there any news about the second brother?"

Ron didn't expect much when he asked this.He knew that his second brother had gone to a guerrilla zone in China, and the news there was not easy to get back.Generally speaking, as long as there is news about the second brother, my parents will mention it in their letters, and they didn't mention it in the last letter.It's only been two short weeks, so there shouldn't be any new news.

But this question made both parents excited.

"Don't tell me, your second brother really has new news. God is so kind! Just yesterday, he asked someone to send us from that place in China where he lives..."

"Shandong!" Lady Lucy added.

"Yes, it's Shandong! He asked someone to bring us a letter from there, and he also brought back some small candied dates and a rotten, rotten pistol. The dates are very good, very sweet. Tear them open It can even pull out long gold wires... Lucy, go and get some of that stuff out for Nadya and Ron to try."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot!" Ms. Lucy stood up and said to Najia, "Wait here, I'll get the candied dates." Then she walked towards the kitchen, and the two The little girl immediately followed, and while running, she shouted, "Grandma, we want to eat too!"

"That's great news!" said Ron.Since the start of the war, the second brother has been worrying in this family: the eldest brother is an engineer, and the possibility of accidents is very small. Although Ron is on the front line, he is now a high-ranking commander, and the possibility of death in battle has already been reduced. It's very small, so don't worry too much.Only the second child went to the guerrilla zone to fight guerrillas. In such a place, the enemy must have the upper hand.Fighting there, and being such a different Caucasian, God, it's scary to think about Old Sean!

"There's still a letter from this bad boy saying he's doing fine in Shantung and not dangerous at all. It's exaggerated, but I'm afraid the boy is talking nonsense. Ron, you're a senior officer, help me Let me see how much moisture there is in this bad boy's letter, squeeze it out for me!"

Old Sean stood up, walked to a cabinet, opened a drawer, took out a stack of letters from the bottom, looked for them, and took out the thickest one.He also took out a pistol in a leather case.

"This is the letter from the second child, and this gun. The second child said that he got it from the Japanese. This gun is very bad and easy to go off, but don't worry about it now. On the way back, Its firing pin broke somehow. I'll show you..."

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