New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 285, Letter from Brother 2

Ron took the letter from his father and read it.

"Father, I have been in Shandong for almost a year. During this year, the situation has changed very quickly. I can already clearly feel the dawn of victory in the war...

…I still remember when I first arrived in Shandong last year, the situation was still tense at that time, and the Japanese built a large number of blockhouses in various parts of Shandong—a kind of tall blockhouse with brick, wood or cement structure.In fact, because of insufficient cement, most of the so-called blockhouses are of brick and wood structure.This kind of thing is usually as high as two or three floors, and the strength of the brick and wood structure is also very limited. If this thing is in Europe, it is simply looking for death.Even a small 37mm gun, or even a .50 caliber m2 machine gun, can beat it to pieces.However, we have none of these things.

The weapons that the guerrillas can have are very simple. My team is the so-called "main force", but the largest artillery we have is just a 75mm mountain cannon captured from the Japanese army. The number is very small, and the shells are pitifully small, with an average of less than 10 shells per gun, and there is almost no possibility of replenishment.This makes it impossible for our soldiers to conduct artillery training at ordinary times.When it comes time to fight, in order to ensure that precious shells are not wasted when shooting, our soldiers must withstand the enemy's firepower and push those cannons to an exaggeratedly close distance, less than 100 meters, maybe only 50 meters - I Dare to say, a little closer, the Japanese can throw grenades on our running positions.Sometimes when we fired a cannon, the broken stones from the blast could hit our gunners.In this way, we ensured that our cannons hit every shot. Of course, this also made gunners the most dangerous profession. If I opened an insurance company, I would never sell insurance to the artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army.Of course, we are rarely so extravagant as to use artillery shells to build bunkers. More often, we rely entirely on manpower to break through the blockade of enemy machine gun fire, and use an explosive bag full of explosives to blast the enemy's gun towers.

Even such explosive packs are hard-won.I know a college student from Beijing who is responsible for making tnt by hand with some people. Just a month before I wrote this letter, he lost a hand in an accidental explosion.It was such an unfortunate event, but just three days later, I saw him happily back to work, bandaged again.He said to me: 'Only one hand?That's not a problem, because to play small Japan, one hand is enough! ' They call this attitude 'revolutionary optimism'.To be honest, life in Shandong is difficult and dangerous, and one of the reasons why I continue to stick to it is probably because there are such a group of noble and pure good people here.

The Japanese dug a lot of isolation trenches on both sides of the road, and built a gun tower at a certain distance. During the day, we could hardly do anything. Even at night, crossing the isolation trenches is a dangerous thing, at least It was still the same last year.But in the second half of last year, the situation began to change.

In skirmishes again and again, our troops continued to attack small groups of enemy troops.The people are on our side, and we can almost always get accurate information about any move by the Japanese devils. This allows us to concentrate our superior strength to ambush those small groups of devils, and when those devils are dispatched on a large scale, When they want to find a place, they will find that they can't find anything, whether it is us or ordinary people.Most of the time, they can only set fire to the houses of ordinary people to vent their anger.And this also made the common people hate them even more...

The lack of troops of the Japanese devils is getting more and more serious. Every time they want to concentrate their troops on a large scale to play some big sweeps, there will be a power vacuum in more areas, and we will sneak through the cracks of the enemy army Go out, drill into the enemy-controlled area where the enemy's strength has been evacuated, destroy the enemy's organs, and eliminate the small troops left behind by the enemy.As a result, the Japanese devils found that every time they launched a 'big sweep', the area under our control would expand a little.As a result, the devils became less daring to do any 'mopping up' as it got later.In the words of my Chinese friends, the Japanese devils are about to drown in the vast ocean of the People's War.

In addition, thanks to the hard work of our great U.S. Army—perhaps I should pay tribute to our little Ron here—the Japanese devils continue to send experienced soldiers to the army even when they are already short of troops. Veterans were drawn out and sent to die in the Pacific.So by the end of the year, the level of the Japanese devils fighting us was getting worse and worse, and we were able to keep capturing more and more prisoners.Many of these captives were only teenagers, half-old children who logically should be in middle school.

This year, the Japanese are not only unable to carry out a "mopping up" from time to time as before, they can't even maintain the existing area.They had to take the initiative to retreat from many strongholds, retreating into the county town and a few support points, and the outside of the county town and those support points completely became our world.By the second half of this year, the Japanese are actually surrounded by us.

This also means that we have cut off the supplies of the Japanese. The Japanese devils, who are tense, have no strength to maintain their transport team. If they invest more troops, they worry that the stronghold will be pulled out by us, and the troops invested will be less. The convoy itself would be eaten by us.What's more terrible is that Japan's resources have long been exhausted, and it is impossible to provide sufficient supplies for the troops. They even expect those troops that have actually been surrounded by us to provide them with supplies through "war support war".For example, the most important food.

However, it is not 1941 and 1942 now. Any blind devil who dares to come out to grab the food of the common people will definitely have his head blown in our ambush.The devils were also afraid of death, so they didn't dare to come out to grab food.Moreover, they already felt that they were about to be defeated, their willpower was obviously depressed, and their enthusiasm for fighting also dropped greatly.Since two months ago, there have even been incidents where the Japanese devils in the stronghold exchanged their weapons with us for food.You know, even if we surrounded the Japanese devils in an ambush before, they would not surrender obediently when they were completely desperate, and they would even take the initiative to destroy their weapons before they died.But now, the extremely hungry Japanese devils no longer have the courage to come out to grab food, but choose to exchange their weapons with us for food.It is said that they will report to their superiors: 'We have destroyed guns* guns in the solemn battle. '

At first, the devils were only willing to exchange rifles with us, but recently, they are even willing to take out machine guns and grenades.Recently, their superiors asked them to 'collect' a batch of food, so as to provide it to the army that is attacking the Kuomintang in the south, um, that is, the corrupt group I think you mentioned before, or send it to the Pacific Ocean Those little Japanese who are at war with us.

Little Japan in the stronghold contacted us through a traitor—that is, traitors who took refuge in the Japanese. They are all unscrupulous guys. I hope to exchange a batch of weapons from us for some food, so as to complete the task of the superior.

Of course we cannot agree to such a request. How can we allow the Japanese devils to eat their fill and then go to the south of China to kill the Chinese or go to the Pacific to kill us Americans?So our guerrilla leader simply replied: 'Dream! ’ and kicked that traitorous dog in the ass and kicked him out of our house.Once upon a time, this fat translator surnamed Song was so arrogant and arrogant, bullying the common people everywhere, often eating watermelon from others without giving money, and eating restaurants in the city without giving money.Now it's so relieved to be in constant panic like a bereaved dog.

In the afternoon, the dog traitor came again and brought a little Japanese, that guy is the leader of those little Japanese in the stronghold, and he made a new suggestion: we give them food first, and they give us food. A batch of weapons and information such as the departure time, route, and personnel ratio of the food transport team sent from above, and then we can grab the food back halfway.The little devil thinks this is a good way to get the best of both worlds. Anyway, the food has been delivered to the food delivery team, and their mission has been successfully completed. As for the food delivery team not delivering the food, it is none of their business something happened.And we got a batch of weapons for nothing without actually paying any food, which is considered very satisfactory.

I was there when the Japanese made this suggestion through the dog traitor.I could hardly believe my eyes and ears at the time.Is this still the little Japan that talks about 'serving the emperor' all day long?We hesitated for a long time, and finally considered that the Japanese did not have the strength to deceive us. As long as we wanted to, not even a fly could fly out of his stronghold.Fighting the transport team is already a piece of cake for us who are now armed with a full set of Japanese weapons.By the way, we are not as good as before. Relying on fighting devils and traitors, our weapons have been changed, and the old equipment has been given to the militia.In addition to the lack of artillery, our equipment is already on par with the regular Japanese army.

Later, the devils were really trustworthy. With their full cooperation, our people wore authentic Japanese military uniforms provided by the Japanese and attacked the devils' transport team, snatched back all the food, and killed a dozen more A devil sent from above seized a dozen guns.

Since then, we have dealt with those Japanese more often. Sometimes, when they really have no weapons to exchange food from us, they even ask us whether they can be allowed to go out of the blockhouse and find some work nearby. Dry, good to fill the stomach.Well, later on, except for a few officers, all the devils in the stronghold worked long-term jobs in the homes of nearby landlords, and one even took a small local landlord as his godfather.According to the people nearby, those little Japanese really have some good ways of growing crops.And those Japanese sometimes talk about their hometowns with those Chinese farmers in half-baked Chinese, and talk about their hard but stable life as farmers...

Old Zhao, well, he is the political commissar of the guerrillas, similar to our military chaplain.That Nanfang Type 14 pistol—the Chinese call it a bastard box—was given to me by Lao Zhao.He told me that this shows that the Japanese people have begun to wake up from the deception of the Japanese warlords under the education of facts, and victory is not far away!This victory will not only be a victory for China, but also a victory for the United States, and it will even be a victory for the Japanese people! ..."

There is no doubt that this is a letter full of optimism.The dawn of victory can indeed be clearly seen in this letter.

"Ron, this letter is very interesting, isn't it?" Old Sean said, "Lucy and I are discussing whether we can send this letter to the newspaper. I think many newspapers will be interested in this legendary story." Yes. In this way, two legends can appear in our family."

Ron knew that under the current conditions, there would definitely be newspapers willing to publish this letter.He also fully understands a father's pride in his son.However, it won't be long before the Soviet Union and Japan will turn from allies of the Americans into enemies.In the United States, too, there will be a rise of McCarthyism hysteria, at which point yesterday's heroes may become objects of suspicion.

After hesitating for a while, Ron said to Nadya who had been stretching her neck to read the letter with him: "Honey, you go to see your mother, she must be washing those dates, see if you can help her .”

Nadya stood up and said to Old Sean: "Uncle, then I'll go over and see if I can help." Then she walked out with the gait of the goddesses that Virgil had seen back then.

When Nadya walked out, Ron stepped forward, leaned close to his father, and whispered, "Dad, know...the war is about to be won...Many times, when an enemy is defeated, the original Comrades will become enemies... The guerrilla team that the second brother belongs to belongs to TG. In the future, this team may become the opponent of the United States just like the Soviet Union. So..."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Ms. Lucy was holding a large plate full of dates, and walked in with Najia and the two children who were running around.

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