New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 286, Returning to the Pacific Ocean

Seeing Nadya coming in, Ron stopped talking.Ms. Lucy put the plate in her hand on the tea table, turned around and said, "Ron, come and taste it. Nadya, you should try it too, it's delicious!"

Old Sean stretched out his hand and patted Ron's shoulder: "Well, let's not talk about it, try it quickly." While talking, Old Sean stretched out his hand, picked up a small date, and then broke it with both hands Then he said to Ron and Nadya: "Take a look, you can really pull out silk."

"Hey, you can really pull out the silk!" Nadya leaned over and stared at the date in Old Xiao En's hand with wide eyes. Thin, pale golden candy strands.

Old Sean grabbed a handful of dates and handed them to Nadya. "Try it quickly, you won't find such delicious dates anywhere else in the United States."

Nadya nodded and smiled to express her gratitude, then she took the handful of dates and walked up to Ron and sat down. By the way, she gave Ron half of the jujubes in her hand.Then, imitating the old Xiao En, he broke open a small date, and first faced the sun, admiring the thin golden threads.After looking at it for a while, until the gold wires broke by themselves, I put it into my small mouth and tasted it carefully.Then she showed a sweet smile, and then reached out and poked Ron: "It's really sweet, try it!"

Ron is no stranger to this kind of jujube, because this is the "golden silk jujube" that can be bought in any supermarket in his original time and space.However, after undergoing earth-shaking changes, suddenly seeing this thing in another time and space really made Ron feel a little dazed for a while.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Why are you in a daze?" Nadya pushed Ron.

"Ah, lost my mind all of a sudden! I'm so sorry," said Ron, stuffing a date that Nadya had handed him into his mouth.Suddenly, a familiar sweet smell filled the entire mouth. "It's really like home," thought Ron...

"Grandma, grandma, we want to eat too!" The two little girls also began to assert their rights loudly.

Old Xiao En watched this scene with a smile, and his heart was full of joy. He couldn't help thinking: "If the war can end immediately, it would be great if the whole family can get together!"


Ron's family was still pretty conservative in general, so when it came time to eat, things went wrong.When it was time to pray, Ron realized that, well, Nadya didn't know how to pray.In fact, this is also quite normal, because Najia was born under the red flag and was a new generation who was educated in atheism since childhood.This set of "feudal superstitions" had never even been seen before she came to the United States.In fact, even without the Soviet atheism teaching, it is impossible for Nadya to know the prayers of Ron's family, because Russia has always belonged to the Orthodox Church, and the set of Ron's beliefs is all derived from Gal text stuff.

"Well, Dad, Nadya believes in the Orthodox Church, and their prayers are different from ours." Ron hurriedly stepped forward to rescue Nadya.As he spoke, he quietly winked at Nadya.As for why Nadia believed in the Orthodox Church, it was because, in the United States at that time, many people still had a hard time accepting that a person could not believe in any gods.But in a conservative family like Ron, not believing in God is almost synonymous with depravity.But if it is said that the other party and oneself believe in a different sect, that is not unacceptable.Perhaps in the early days of the Renaissance, there was still the idea that "heretics are more hateful than heretics", but in the United States in the 40s, no matter how conservative the place was, there was no such view.

The ice-snow-smart Nadya immediately understood what Ron meant, and immediately put on an Orthodox prayer pose (this is the one I've seen before), and then, with her nightingale-like voice, read out such a prayer in Russian:

"Ron, you are an idiot, and you didn't know to ask someone to prepare it in advance. You idiot, you must apologize to me later and make it up to me. Otherwise, you will look good..."

Seeing Nadya's pious look, but hearing her say these words in a singing tone at the same time, Ron almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Mother noticed Ron's lack of dignity and gave him a hard look.Ron restrained himself quickly, and said "Amen!" honestly.

Ron and their prayers also ended with this "Amen".However, Nadia's prayer was not over yet. She was still "praying" solemnly: "Fool, was my mother stared at me? You deserve it... Amen!"

Nadya ended her prayers solemnly, and then began to eat dinner.

In a conservative family like Ron's, it was absolutely unacceptable for unmarried men and women to live together openly.So, this night, Nadya slept with Lady Lucy and Ron slept by himself.


The time Ron can stay at home is very limited, and he has to leave early in the morning of the third day.Ron's eldest brother took a leave of absence and drove Ron, Nadya, and Scott to the train station in his new Cadillac.It can be seen that the economic boom brought about by the war has made him a lot of money.

Next is the train, and then to the airport.Scott had already booked a return ticket for Nadya, and in the afternoon, Nadya left by plane.Seeing Nadya board the gangway, Ron really wanted to shout: "You have long hair to your waist, I will marry you when I come back!" But thinking about it, he felt unlucky.Because it seems that in all the stories, as long as you yell out this sentence, you can't come back in the end.So I wanted to shout again: "Wait for me to come back!" But thinking about it, this sentence doesn't seem to be very auspicious.For a while, I couldn't think of what to shout, couldn't I just shout "Xiang Rui Yu Mian"?In the end, Ron just waved to Nadya.

Gently, Nadya left just as gently as she had come.She waved gently, almost taking Ron's soul away.

After clearing up his mood, Ron boarded a transport plane to Pearl Harbor not long after.


Afterwards, it was another long flight, flying to Pearl Harbor first, and then taking a sleep before taking a transport plane to Saipan.Now some b-29 troops have used this as a base to launch attacks like Japan.But recently, the Japanese don't care about this area at all, because Halsey the "Bull" has gone to Taiwan to make trouble.

Just a few days before Ron arrived at Pearl Harbor, General Halsey took the fleet to the coast of Taiwan.The old "Brute Bull" originally only planned to go around and harass his opponent.This is evident from the name he gave the operation.

The old guy named this action "hitandrun".Well, when Ron saw this name for the first time, he wondered if there was a game otaku in the old guy's staff team, because this word is known to those who have played World of Warcraft. mean.In this day and age, however, the term is better known as "traffic hit and run."From the name, it can be seen that what the old guy wants is to take his fleet, run to the Japanese, slap a guy who is cold, and then run away.

As a result, to say that land-based reconnaissance aircraft still have an advantage over the fleet, the Japanese reconnaissance aircraft discovered Halsey's huge fleet including 16 aircraft carriers, 5 battleships, and 58 other ships that day.But I don't know if I was frightened by such a lineup or what happened. Anyway, apart from reconnaissance planes, the Japanese did not attack the US fleet this day.But think about it, in the Mariana naval battle that just ended not long ago, Japanese aircraft had just seen how brutal the air defense force of the US fleet was.The planes and pilots that the Japanese had saved up with great difficulty were all beaten into turkeys.As a result, Halsey, who also discovered the Japanese reconnaissance plane and was ready to fight air defense, waited for a long time.

"If the mountain doesn't come, Muhammad will go, and Mohammed will go to the mountain." If the Japanese don't come to beat Halsey, Halsey will come to beat the Japanese.The next day, Halsey sent more than 400 planes to attack the Japanese.The Japanese, who had been beaten all over the head, became ruthless and gathered all the available aircraft in the country. They gathered more than 1300 various combat aircraft and planned to fight the ghosts and animals!Although he knew the old guy, he slipped away and went to the Philippines to engage in a traffic accident.

However, Halsey did not give up after finishing his vote in the Philippines, and turned back to Taiwan.The result was a massive naval and air battle.

While the battle was in full swing, Ron's plane was landing on Saipan.As soon as the plane stopped on the tarmac of the airport in Saipan, Ron saw a group of b-29 bombers taking off from the airport runway one after another.These planes will fly thousands of kilometers and finally drop 3 tons of bombs on the Japanese heads.

"How's the recent bombing situation?" Ron asked the officer of the 21st Air Force who came to greet him after he got off the plane.

"Ah, it's not going well. The wind in Japan is too strong, and the bombing accuracy is a mess. Moreover, without fighter escort, we can only fly high for safety. Sir, you can guess what kind of situation we are in. Bombed at altitude?" replied an officer.

"I don't know, 7000 meters?" Ron said.

"No, it's a full 8000-9000 meters!"

"Flying so high, will it increase fuel consumption?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, so we can only carry 3 tons of bombs per plane. It's a pity that the bat bomb doesn't work now, or else..."

A group of people walked into the pilot lounge.On one of the radios here, the voice of "Tokyo Rose" (the female announcer of Japanese radio to the United States) is being heard: "Good news from the base camp. In the battle off the coast of Taiwan, my heroic locust army sank the United States. Eleven aircraft carriers, two battleships, three cruisers, one cruiser or destroyer, eight aircraft carriers damaged, two battleships, four cruisers, one cruiser or destroyer, thirteen unknown warships, at least 1 confirmed A pillar of fire shot down 12 U.S. aircraft. Our side lost 112 aircraft. A great and decisive victory..."

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