New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 287, Problems in Air Raids

Hearing the battle report broadcast by the Japanese on the radio, my friends, oh no, it was the Americans, and everyone was shocked.If this battle report is true, the losses of the United States even surpassed that of Pearl Harbor.Among other things, sinking and damaging 19 aircraft carriers, in this way, in a short period of time, the U.S. military's command of the sea in the Pacific will be lost.This is true, and I am afraid that in a few days, the Japanese will be able to drive their fleet to the vicinity of Saipan and bombard themselves.What's up with this Halsey?How could he allow the Japanese to achieve such a victory?God!He took 16 aircraft carriers, 5 battleships, and dozens of cruisers and destroyers to go out, and let people sink and damage 19 aircraft carriers in one go... Wait?Halsey only had 16 aircraft carriers in total, how could 19 of them be sunk and injured?Where did the other 3 come from?

So soon everyone woke up to the smell, this battle report must be fake!But although I know there is moisture and foam in it, there must be something dry in it?Even if there is only half of the dry goods, it is a terrible failure.

"The Japs are probably defeated," said Ron.In fact, Ron knew about this wonderful "Taiwan Offshore Air Battle".He knew that in this series of air strikes and anti-air strikes, the losses of the U.S. military were almost negligible: on the 12th, the U.S. military did not suffer any losses. The Japanese plane fell on the deck of the aircraft carrier Franklin and slid into the sea (not a special attack), causing damage to the deck equipment. On the 13th, a torpedo launched by the Galaxy T of the T-force hit the light cruiser Houston, severely damaging the cruiser Houston, and was finally towed by the heavy cruiser Boston and retreated to Urihi Atoll. A few light cruisers or destroyers were lightly wounded—that was the total loss of the American fleet.

The reason why the Japanese issued such an absurd battle report was actually not intentional bragging.Although the Japanese have almost no integrity in this regard.For example, after Midway Island was defeated by the Americans, they sent a good news to the country, claiming to have won a decisive victory, and deceived those second-b citizens in Tokyo to stay up late at night, and held a lantern parade to celebrate .But this time, the devil really didn't intend to deceive people.

The United Fleet and the Military Command really thought they had won the battle at first.How could there be such absurdity?The reason is very simple, because the Japanese pilots are all rookies now, and they can’t tell the difference between a warship being hit by a bomb and an aircraft being hit by artillery fire. Anyway, seeing the fireworks is a hit, and the more the results are, the better. The results are counted for statistics Go, and counted the victory of sinking and damaging 19 aircraft carriers.

"It is impossible for the Japanese to cause too much damage to our fleet." Ron said, "There are more than 1000 fighter planes in our fleet, which is no less than the number of planes the Japanese can muster. We have radar and can Early warning, so we won't be caught off guard. Our pilots are veterans, while the Japanese pilots are rookies - the battle of Mariana proved this. A group of rookies, with neither superiority in numbers nor It's not a sneak attack, and the planes used are not as good as ours, how could they break through the defense of our fighter jets and achieve such results? Although the guys in the navy have to waste half of their flight time on training how to take off and land on the aircraft carrier Above, there is not enough time for air combat practice, but it is not enough for a group of rookies like that to achieve an effective breakthrough. Therefore, the Japanese must be bragging, just like the time at Midway Island.”

"Well, General Ron, you are right! It is impossible for the Japanese to cause such losses to our fleet. This must be a lie!" At this time, an old man with a general's shoulder badge came in from outside.Ron knew that this must be General Hansel, the commander of the 21st Bomber Command.

"Hello, General Hansel!" Ron saluted General Hansel.

General Hansel returned the military salute, and then said, "I'm exhausted from flying all the way."

"Fortunately, I'm a pilot, and I'm used to flying a long time ago." Ron smiled. "To be honest, I haven't been on a plane for a long time, and I really enjoy the feeling of flying."

"That's good!" General Hansel also smiled, "If you are not very tired, I think I can talk to you about our situation here, to be honest, we have encountered a little trouble..."


The b-29 bomber took off from Saipan and was able to bomb most of the targets in Japan.Moreover, Japan's industrial scale is much smaller than that of Germany, and the b-29 bomber, whether it is flight speed, altitude, range, or bomb load, far exceeds the main force of the Allied forces on the European battlefield: b-17 and b-24 .In addition, due to lack of materials and insufficient industrial capabilities, Japan's air defense force is also much worse than that of Germany.Everyone originally thought that once the Saipan Airport was obtained, with the powerful b-29 bomber, they would soon be able to destroy the poor Japanese industries.

However, things did not go as smoothly as the Americans imagined at first.The bomber group that took off from Saipan avoided taking off like the bomber group that took off from Sichuan, and was immediately discovered by Japanese spies. After 10 minutes, the Japanese army aviation in Wuhan got the information that the b-29 bomber group took off , then Japanese fighters everywhere had plenty of time to climb to the right altitude to intercept the sad situation of the b-29 fleet.But they still have to pass over the Ryukyu Islands controlled by the Japanese in the end before they can launch a strike on the Japanese mainland.Therefore, Japan still has a chance to take off fighter jets.It's just that the climbing time left for these fighter jets is much more limited, so none of them can climb to an altitude of more than 29 meters when the b-8000 flies over.As long as the b-29 maintains a flight altitude above 8000 meters, they have nothing to do with the b-29.

Therefore, in order to ensure safety, the b-21 bombers of the 29st Bomber Wing will maintain a flying altitude of more than 8000 meters.And this also greatly reduced their bombing accuracy.

"When we first started, we tried to use the box formation to solve the problem. Well, you know, compared to the b-17 and b-24, the b-29 has a stronger fuselage structure and more powerful self-defense firepower. And the Japanese fighter jets The performance of the B-29 is not better than that of the Germans. If a box formation is adopted, then with the powerful firepower of the B-[-], there is no need to worry too much about intercepting the aircraft? That's what we thought at the time." General Hansel shook his head and said, "But in fact, we underestimated the madness of the Japanese. When we bombed Japan for the second time, we were bombed by a large group of Japanese fighter jets. Fortunately, the Japanese planes were not strong enough, and the Japanese pilots were not skilled enough. Well, they often miss the point. But even so, their attacks posed a great threat to us. We lost part of the aircraft, and some were injured, and we had to drop the bombs early and return.”

"Yeah, the Japanese are indeed very crazy." Ron said, "When I was in Guadalcanal, I saw Japanese pilots driving damaged fighter planes to hit our army's ground targets. From this point of view, the best way It is still necessary to obtain an island closer to Japan that can take off and land fighter jets."

Ron stood up, walked to the big map, and looked at it.

"Well, it would be best to get an airfield on the Ryukyu Islands or the Ogasawara Islands. Then we can use the p-51 to escort the b-29 bomber. It depends on the navy. Well, the Japanese will Using fighter jets to ram our bombers, do you think they would have the Japanese use those planes to ram our warships while the Navy was trying to capture these targets?"

"Hitting planes into warships? Isn't that...well, if those planes were strapped with explosives, it would be a big problem. I think those Japanese lunatics can definitely do such a thing! We'd better take precautions early. Although the Navy Most of the guys here are bastards, but no matter what, they are also bastards on our side! We have to find a chance to remind them." General Hansel said.

Ron nodded in agreement, and then made another request: "I think the best way to understand the situation of the Japanese air defense is to go and see it yourself. General, can you arrange for me to Follow the b-29 who went to Japan to carry out the bombing mission to Japan to see?"


The next day was fine again. Early in the morning, the airport was busy.The first wave of bombers is about to take off.This time, the target of the air strike by these planes was the "Hachiman Iron Works" in the northern part of Kyushu Island.This steel plant is an extremely important steel plant in Japan.This is a large-scale iron and steel enterprise built with indemnities from the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-], and relying on coal in Northeast China and iron ore in Daye, Hubei, China to smelt steel. It is a steel enterprise that mainly serves the military.The guns used by the Japanese army when they invaded China, and the warships, tanks and other heavy weapons used in the Pacific War used a large amount of steel produced by Yawata.Therefore, it has also become one of the most important targets of the Allied forces.

44 B-29 bombers are ready to take off, the fuel has been filled, and many high-explosive bombs have been hung in the bomb bay.Ron boarded a b-29 bomber, waved to General Hansel who came first to see him off, and then closed the hatch.

The four engines of the b-29 began to start in sequence, the huge propellers spun, and the plane began to accelerate on the runway, then the nose began to lift gradually, and then the plane began to leave the ground and flew into the sky.

The 44 planes took off quickly one after another, and then formed a neat formation and flew towards the north. The rising sun illuminated its silver-white wings red.

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