New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 290, Offensive Mine

General Hansell identified a night mine-laying offensive against Japan and reported the idea to General Arnold.General Arnold also appreciated this plan and immediately instructed them to start related research. At the same time, he also contacted the Navy and asked the Navy to send relevant experts to cooperate in completing this plan.

The relationship between the U.S. Navy and the Army is not good, and there are many times when they see each other’s jokes on some small things. However, unlike Japan, the Navy and the Army can still help each other sincerely on major issues.Unlike the Japanese navy and army, which regard each other as the number one enemy, in the U.S. navy and army, even if the opponent is an enemy, it is still a much lower enemy. The number one enemy must be the Congress, then Germany and Japan, and it is the last turn. other side.In contrast, perhaps it is because Japan's parliament is too weak to control the troops at all. As a result, without this most important common enemy, the navy and army are in a mess. I wish I could kill you, you can kill me .

Therefore, the navy responded quickly. Two days later, a navy plane sent five relevant experts to Saipan.

"General Hansel, General Ron, hello!" A big major over 1.9 meters tall raised his hands to salute Hansel and Ron, "Major Commander William of the Navy Submarine Force is ordered to report to the officers!"

Then, with his hands on the hem of his trousers, he straightened up with a lean look.Ron saw that General Hansel's mouth was deflated, and he seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he said, "Young man, why don't you introduce your companion to me?"

The other four people who came with William didn't have any military temperament. It was obvious at first glance that they were mostly civilians.

"At your service," said Major Williams. "Please allow me to introduce my companions. This is Dr. Cox, an expert in submarine topography, currents, and hydrology; and this is Captain Terry, Experts in communications; this is Hanks, an expert on mines, and this is Soman, an expert on shipping."

General Hansel and Ron shook hands with these experts respectively, and then led them into the war room.

After three days of busy work, the plan was basically drawn up. According to this plan, the fast transport fleet departing from Pearl Harbor to transport all kinds of mines quickly made preparations and began to sail towards Saipan at the fastest speed. , but they are expected to take a few more days to arrive.So in the past few days, the troops have been hurrying up to train the technology of night flight mine throwing.Throwing mines requires a speed of no more than 300 kilometers and a height of no more than 50 meters. It is very dangerous to fly at such a low altitude in the dark night and on the dark sea.Relevant training is required.At first, both Ron and General Hansel decided that only the most experienced crews should be able to carry out such a mission.

The bombers used to drop mines at night have also undergone relevant modifications, just like when Ron was in Guadalcanal. Two searchlights, one red and one blue, were installed at a fixed angle under the left and right wings of these bombers. To help the pilot determine the flight altitude.In this way, when the first batch of cargo ships loaded with mines arrived at Saipan, the 21st Bomber Wing on Saipan already had more than 100 bombers able to complete the task of night-time mine-dropping.

On the afternoon of the second day after the arrival of the cargo ship, the offensive mine-laying operation code-named "Tripper" began.It was already the end of October at this time, and under the slightly westward slanting sun, more than 100 bomber b-29 bombers took off to their target.Ron volunteered to board a b-29 bomber again.

The bomber that Ron was on was performing a relatively safer mine-laying mission. They only needed to drop mines near Sasebo, Kyushu Island, Japan, instead of flying across land into the Seto Inland Sea.

When the plane arrived near the Ryukyu Islands, it was completely dark.Private First Class Jiro Watanabe is on duty at a radar station in Okinawa.During the day today, a group of American bombers bombed Osaka, but did not cause much damage.Moreover, the warriors of the Empire also shot down four B-29 bombers by ramming.Generally speaking, Americans seldom use bombers to launch night raids, so those on duty at night are often uncomfortable doing nothing.Sneak a nap?That can't be done, Captain Miyamoto may come back to check the post at any time, if he sees himself dozing off, the result will be very troublesome.In the Japanese army, corporal punishment and beatings are absolutely commonplace. The last time Matsuoka took a nap was discovered by Team Leader Miyamoto. As a result, Team Leader Miyamoto beat him like a pig's head, his face was so swollen that he could barely open his eyes.Watanabe was sure that even if Matsuoka's mother was here, he would never recognize the Japanese soldier with a pig's head as his son.

At this time, a raised waveform suddenly appeared on the radar screen, followed by a series of waves.Watanabe immediately opened his eyes wide, then picked up the phone, and shouted: "I found a group of US bombers, at least [-] or more!"

The news was immediately transmitted to the Japanese Air Defense Command, and the Japanese night fighter unit was immediately ordered to attack

Second Lieutenant Henglu Jingsan, the pilot of the Moonlight Night Fighter of the Navy, quickly boarded the fighter plane that was ready to take off, and his rear radar officer Du Qiu Zongren also climbed in.Then Henglu started two engines separately, the propellers began to spin, and the Moonlight Night Fighter slid along the runway, took off into the air after a while, and disappeared into the night sky.

Following the guidance of the ground radar—the ground radar at that time could only provide an approximate position—the Moonlight Night Fighter flew to the sea near Sasebo.But it was here that the signal of the enemy plane disappeared from the ground radar.Henglu estimated that most of the enemy's bombing targets were Sasebo's port facilities.So he controlled the plane and flew towards the port.At the same time, his backseat radar operator also activated the airborne radar and began to search for targets.

Most of the moonlight night fighters are not equipped with authentic air search radars, but sea search radars.However, the moonlight night fighter in Henglu is the latest improved model, and the aircraft installed on it is also an authentic air search radar.However, the performance of this authentic air search radar is actually not much better than those of sea search radars, and the failure rate is surprisingly high.Basically, there is no time to fly out without failure.

"Du Qiu, did you see anything?" Heng Lu asked.

"I didn't see anything." Du Qiu replied.

In fact, at this time, the distance between their fighter jets and the b-29 bomber that Ron was on was not far away, but at this time, Ron and his bombers had dropped their altitude to about 300 meters, while the moonlight night fighters on the cross road But it is flying at an altitude of about 3000 meters.The radar of the moonlight night fighter has no downward vision ability at all, so they can't find the b-29 bomber hidden in the dark at all.But the people inside the bomber also didn't know that there was a Japanese night fighter not far above their heads.

"We have arrived near the target area." Navigator Sard said.

"Now lower the altitude to 100 meters, and then turn on the searchlight." Commander Victor ordered.

The b-29 bomber began to continue to descend, and the altitude has been dropped to 100 meters.The sea and the sky were all black, and nothing could be seen outside.Pilots can only rely on instruments to judge the attitude of the aircraft.In this case, the pilot is very prone to delusions and misjudgments about the attitude of the aircraft, which eventually leads to the crash of the aircraft.However, Victor is an experienced captain. He knows that at this time, the instruments are much more correct than his personal feelings. He must eliminate all interference and fly honestly according to the displays of the instruments.

It didn't take much time for the plane to descend to a height of 100 meters. At the height of 100 meters, Victor leveled the plane, and then turned on the searchlights under the wings. There are two spots.Victor carefully controlled the plane and continued to descend until the two light spots completely coincided.

"Prepare to drop the bomb!" Victor gave the order, the bombardier pressed the bomb release button, the B-29's magazine opened, and one mine after another was thrown down...

Henglu's moonlight night fighters circled around the Sasebo port, found nothing, so they turned to the sea again.

"Du Qiu, did you find anything?" Henglu asked.

"No... oops, something went wrong again. This thing is really... I have to turn it off first, and then turn it on when it cools down a little later." Du Qiu, the radar officer, replied.

But Henglu didn't answer him, because he saw that there seemed to be something shining on the sea.

"Du Qiu, can you see what is shining on the sea?" Henglu said.

Du Qiu stretched his neck to look at it for a while, and said, "It can't be jellyfish or something? I know there is a kind of jellyfish that emits nocturnal light, and they often float to the surface of the water at night..."

"Shut up! You idiot! Can a jellyfish move so fast? This must be an enemy bomber!" Henglu scolded Du Qiu, pressed the nose of the plane, and began to descend.As the altitude decreased, the light spot became more and more obvious. Indeed, just as Henglu judged, this light spot was illuminated by a B-29 bomber.

"Ready to attack!" Henglu quietly drove up the Moonlight Night Fighter.The Moonlight Night Fighter has two 20mm cannons mounted sloping downwards and upwards.Henglu leaned over the b-29 bomber, intending to launch an attack with the downward-sloping cannon.

The target was already very close, Henglu pressed the launch button, and two strings of shells shot towards the b-29 that Ron was riding in with bright yellow flames.

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