New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 291, Offensive Mine 2

The Japanese shot very accurately, and several 20mm shells accurately hit the b-29 bomber.However, compared to the b-29 bomber, the power of the 20mm gun is still not enough. These shells did not cause too much damage to the b-29 bomber. It just reminded the b-29 that there are night fighters here The presence.

"Night fighter! Launch flare bombs!" Viktor shouted, and at the same time turned off the searchlight immediately, and at the same time gently pulled up the nose to start climbing.

"Foxone! foxone!" weapons operator George yelled over the radio, pulling down the firing handle.

The so-called flare bombs are actually made after the special flare bombs used by the Germans.The light it emits at the moment of explosion is enough to temporarily blind the eyes.In order not to accidentally injure other friendly planes nearby, Ron stipulated that before launching this weapon, a warning must be given to nearby friendly planes by radio.When the staff asked Ron to give this warning a code name, Ron, who had a bad taste, gave it a code name that later generations of Americans were very familiar with in movies: "foxone".

Henglu adjusted the nose pointing, and at the same time turned on the searchlight to illuminate the B-29 in front.Just as he was about to continue his attack, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole world turned white, and then he couldn't see anything.

Victor pulled up the plane and climbed to an altitude of about 300 meters.At this time, the machine gunner Mario shouted: "Here! There is an enemy plane at our 7 o'clock direction! He must have been fainted by the light, and the searchlight is still on? Let's go over and shoot it down!"

While controlling the plane, Victor turned his gaze to Ron.Seeing Ron nodded, he ordered: "All machine guns are ready, let's move over and shoot it down!"

When the glare bullet exploded just now, Du Qiu stretched his neck to watch, but like Henglu, his eyes were all white and he couldn't see anything.He only felt that his eyes were stinging, and tears poured out uncontrollably, streaming all over his face.

"Du Qiu, can you still see?" The captain Henglu's voice came from next to his ear.

"I can't see, I can't see anything!" Du Qiu replied in despair.From the captain's questioning, he deduced that the captain must have seen nothing.Now the plane is flying in the dark sea, and under the condition of blindness, it is impossible to judge the attitude of the plane. If this continues, the plane will easily fall into the sea.So what about skydiving?Although the eyes are invisible, it is not impossible to open the canopy and jump out.It's's the end of October, and it's already very cold. Although the sea area near Yokosuka is also affected by the Japanese warm current, it is not on the main route of the Japanese warm current after all, but the current water temperature is only thirteen or four degrees. Soaked in such sea water, you will soon lose consciousness due to excessive heat loss, and you will die after a long time.And on such a night, the possibility of search and rescue personnel finding two skydivers in the vast sea in a short period of time is almost zero.Therefore, the results of skydiving and crashing are almost indistinguishable.

"It's just a strong light stimulus, and it will recover after a while! As long as we can stabilize the plane." Henglu said to Du Qiu while holding the plane by feeling.However, Henglu was not at all sure whether he could stabilize the plane.

Victor controlled the B-29 bomber and approached the moonlight night fighter from the side.From this angle, more machine guns can be used to fire on the target.Victor noticed that the plane began to climb, and the climbing angle was getting bigger and bigger. Victor knew that this was mostly because the enemy pilots could not see the instruments. Out of fear of crashing, they would unconsciously send the plane toward the ground. Pull it up.

"It seems that we don't need to waste shells, this plane will crash by itself." Victor said.

Just as Victor predicted, the climb angle of the moonlight night fighter was getting bigger and bigger, almost turning into a vertical climb.The power of the moonlight night fighter is not enough to support the vertical climb of the fighter. In fact, at that time, no kind of aircraft could do continuous vertical climb.During the climb, the Moonlight Night Fighter slowed down until eventually it seemed to be hanging under the propeller.Then its nose tilted to one side, stalled and fell straight down.Victor watched the Moonlight plunge headlong into the dark sea, and after a while, he saw a flash of fire on the sea surface, which was the Japanese night fighter plane crashed and exploded.

"Okay, hurry up and deal with the remaining mines, we should go back," said Ron.


The Asahi Maru transport ship is a 4000-ton transport ship belonging to the Army. A few days ago, it set off from Borneo with five other ships, loaded with crude oil and iron ore, and headed for Japan.This small transport fleet has no escort ships, this is because the Japanese simply do not have enough warships to escort the transport fleet, and secondly because these transport ships belong to the army.The army is unwilling to bow down and beg the navy to escort them. The navy has long been extremely dissatisfied with the army's own transport ships, and of course it will not take the initiative to jump out to escort them.

A transport fleet with no escort at all has to travel thousands of nautical miles and cross seas full of American submarines. It is really not an easy task to survive.This fleet was ambushed by a submarine once when it was approaching Hainan Island, and two ships were lost.However, the Asahi Maru transport ship and the other two transport ships were lucky enough to escape.However, the good luck of the two ships ran out that night. Later, after crossing the Taiwan Strait, the two ships also fed the fish under the attack of American submarines, and only Asahi Maru was left alone to sail towards Japan. , and now the port is in sight!

Captain Hirota Yang stood in front of the steering wheel, looking at the land that had faintly revealed a little trace, and smiled slightly.Hirota was originally not a soldier, but the chief mate of a whaling ship. Later, after the China Incident began, the Army felt that the Navy's transport fleet was too difficult to use, so it began to build its own transport fleet.It is easy to build a ship, but manning the crew has become an embarrassing thing, because you can't expect the navy to hand over the people trained by Etajima to the army.Therefore, the army recruited many sailors from the civilian population.Hirota became the captain of the army's transport ship at that time.

Today's visibility is very good, and there is no trace of majesty on the sea, which makes the waves extraordinarily gentle.The slight waves gently rocked the surviving transport ship, just like a mother gently rocking a child's cradle.Hirota likes this kind of weather very much, not only because this kind of weather makes people feel comfortable, but also because under such sea conditions, the lookout post can more easily see the tracks of torpedoes launched by enemy submarines.

"Koizumi, are you still asleep? Did you find anything!" Hirota picked up the microphone and turned to Koizumi, who was supposed to be drying himself in the sun on the observation deck at this time.

"Captain, everything is normal!" Koizumi's voice came from the receiver.

"Keep an eye on it, there's only so much left, don't let someone give you..."

Before Hirota finished speaking, he was interrupted by a violent explosion.Hirota only felt a shock in his feet, and then a pain in his head, and he passed out.

The cool sea water poured on Hirota's face, making Hirota wake up slowly.

"What happened?" Hirota asked.

"Our ship hit a mine just now." It was Taro Hashimoto, the first mate who spoke, "You were hit by a board that fell from the explosion, and you passed out."

"How's the boat? Are there other people?" Hirota looked around and only asked when he saw the lifeboat.

"Captain, the ship sank very quickly, and we were the only ones who managed to get out in time," replied another man.

"Hey, Nine Deaths have arrived at the door of the house, and they still went to Kudanzaka. But why are there mines laid by the enemy here?" Hirota sighed.The enemy can lay mines in such a position, which makes him more worried about the future of the war.

"Look, there's a boat coming!" First officer Hashimoto's eyes were sharp, and he saw a boat approaching them at a glance.The boat is coming out of the port.The people on the boat seemed to have spotted them, turned in one direction, and headed towards them.

"Quick! Stop them! Keep them away! There can't be only one mine in our area." Hirota said anxiously.

The others also realized that, indeed, this place is not far from the port, they don't need rescue, they can row the lifeboat back by themselves.That boat coming was just a pointless adventure.

"What signal can I use?" The crew member who was helping the captain and preparing to pour him some water suddenly remembered this very troublesome question.They don't have a radio now, how are they going to communicate with that ship?

"Who has a mirror? Quick!" cried the mate.

The sun is good at this time. If there is a mirror, you can reflect the sunlight to the opposite ship, and then shake the mirror in Morse code to send out relevant signals.

All touched their pockets and shook their heads.

The first officer suddenly remembered something, and took off his shirt: "Give me another dress!"

A person next to him hastily took off a coat and handed it to the first officer.The first mate took two coats, stood up, and waved towards the boat.

The transport ship Heisei Maru had just been filled with ammunition, and after walking out of the port for less than an hour, it found a lifeboat on the sea, and it could be clearly seen from the telescope that it was full of Japanese sailors.At the beginning, the captain of Heisei Maru was very worried that there were still enemy submarines lurking nearby.So he ordered lookout posts to be set up in all directions of the ship, and then turned around and headed towards the lifeboat.Well, although the lifeboat was not far from the shore, even though we knew how long it had been floating at sea, did the people on it still have the strength to row the boat across.

Captain Takeo Takeshita raised his binoculars and looked towards the lifeboat.He saw a man standing on a lifeboat waving two suits at him.

"Well, I can still stand up, it seems to be ok. The wave is still very powerful, um...wait, it seems to be signaling to us...'Mine area...dangerous...don't approach...' Quick! Reverse! Quick!" Takeshita Takeo shouted.


Hashimoto saw that the boat was slowing down sharply, which was obviously the result of the high-speed reversal of the propeller. It seemed that the other side understood his semaphore.The speed of the boat was getting slower and slower, while the boat was still turning rapidly.Finally the boat turned in the other direction and started to move away from them.At this time, the lights on the ship flashed a signal to them: "Thank you for your reminder, I wish you all the best!"

Hashimoto also greeted them with a semaphore: "Have a safe journey!"

At this moment, the boat suddenly exploded.Then obviously, the explosion of the mine triggered a series of explosions. In just a dozen seconds, more than two big explosions occurred on that ship.After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Hashimoto opened his eyes wide - there was nothing on the sea.

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