Just when the Army Aviation's 21st Bomber Wing was putting all its energy into feeding and throwing mines everywhere, the Navy was also very busy.Beginning on October 10, the US military began to return to the Philippines.As a result of the previous air battles off the coast of Taiwan, the Japanese had exhausted their planes. As a result, when the US fleet appeared on Wright Island, the Japanese First Air Force stationed in the Philippines had only 20 usable planes.As for warships?After fighting for so long, even elm-headed battleship advocates understand that, without air cover, against a fleet with more than ten fleet aircraft carriers, no matter how many battleships come, it will only make people Fly a kite until you die.

Besides, even if you don't consider other people's air superiority, the Japanese have no advantage in terms of battleships alone.Therefore, the Japanese ignored the fact that the First Air Force had only 40 planes, and directly gave orders to Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro, the commander of the First Air Force, asking him to exert his subjective initiative and attack and severely injure the enemy no matter what. .Because once the Philippines is lost, the Japanese army will be cut off in the Pacific.The various materials produced in Southeast Asia that Japan needs, such as oil, rubber, and various other things, will never have the opportunity to be shipped back to Japan.The problems faced by the Japanese Navy were even more serious.If they stayed north of the Philippines, they would soon find out that they ran out of fuel to start their warships.And if they stay in the south, on the side of Borneo, the highly volatile oil produced there can even be sent directly to the boiler for burning, so the fleet's fuel is no problem, but they will soon find out, Parts needed for ship maintenance and ammunition for combat are all gone.

To put it simply: Once the Philippines is lost, the Japanese navy will be wiped out.Instead of losing combat effectiveness due to lack of fuel, or lack of ammunition and parts, and finally waiting for the surviving warships to be divided among the victorious countries after the defeat, it is better to die vigorously at this time.Therefore, Japan's goal is no longer to defeat the US military, force the United States to negotiate with Japan, and recognize Japan's special rights in the Asia-Pacific region.Such a dream has dissipated like morning dew following the repeated failures of the Japanese army in front of the US military.Now Japan can only hope for a decent truce.However, the hopes of the Japanese and the hopes of the Allies were still too far apart.

In December 1943, the allies issued the "Cairo Declaration", calling for Japan's unconditional surrender, and clearly stipulating that the Northeast China, Taiwan, Penghu and other regions that Japan looted from China must be returned to China; North Korea and other areas that Japan looted and occupied will also be returned to China. gain independence.

The Japanese government finds such conditions unacceptable.They believe that they must bring greater losses to the Allied forces, and make the Allied forces feel that the price to be paid to completely destroy Japan is too high, so that they may get a better condition.Therefore, the current combat mission of the Japanese Navy has become: to cause greater losses to the Americans as much as possible.The order received by Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro is actually based on this kind of thinking.

Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro also understood that what he had received was a mission to launch a suicide attack.Although I don't have the power to complete it in my hand, the order has been issued. Of course it must be completed if there are conditions, and if there are no conditions, it must be completed if the conditions are created!

"Hey, if only those elite pilots were still there. Even if there are only 40 planes, maybe they can do something. But now these guys, even if the American ships are parked there, even if their The anti-aircraft firepower is gone, and these guys may not be able to drop the bomb on the US warship! They can't even tell whether the bomb exploded on the water or on the warship!" Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro Brainstormed about this.

"General, I have a solution." Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro raised his head and saw that it was General Inoguchi Lipei, the staff officer.

"Oh, Inoguchi, what can you do?" Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro asked.Hearing that there is a feasible solution, Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro suddenly became energetic.

"The way is to attack!" Said Colonel Inoguchi Lipei.Seeing Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro's puzzled expression, he added: "It is to load the military plane with explosives and hit the US aircraft carrier. One aircraft is replaced by one ship! The production capacity of the Americans far exceeds ours. If the normal consumption, even if We can win every time, and we will be the ones who fall first. Only by carrying forward the spirit of bushido, adopting the method of collision, and changing one aircraft for one ship, can we support it and let the Americans realize our determination to resist .And hitting is easier to hit than bombing, and doesn't require much training. When the Yuan invaders came, the kamikaze surrounded Japan, and now let the Japanese samurai turn into invincible kamikaze and defend Japan again! I think such a A unit that performs special attack missions is called the kamikaze special attack team."

"Well, it makes sense!" Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro thought for a while and said, "Under the current situation, this is the only way to do it! Our big Japan lacks everything, but there is no shortage of fearless warriors... However, first Don't mobilize experienced pilots. Go to the flight school to mobilize. In addition, our planes are still too small, and we have to find a way to get more planes. Otherwise, there are really not enough planes now ah."

Onishi Takijiro knew that the so-called "one machine for one ship" was impossible.Hitting a warship with a fighter jet loaded with explosives will actually cause much less damage to the warship than an aerial bomb with the same charge.Because the aircraft has a larger volume and a softer structure, it is impossible to penetrate the armored deck, and its destructive power is naturally inferior to that of an aerial bomb that can penetrate the armored deck.Most of the American aircraft carriers are relatively strong, and it is almost impossible to knock down an aircraft carrier with a single plane.But it would be nice to be able to injure it and force it out of combat, even if only for a few weeks.At least it would give the Japanese army time to catch their breath.

In such matters, the Japanese were very efficient. A few days later, Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro found a group of "Yamato Warriors" who were willing to sacrifice for the Great Japanese Empire with an average age of just 17 years old.These middle-aged and middle-aged men who hadn't grown beards expressed their gratitude to Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro for giving them a chance to become military gods and enter the Yasukuni Shrine.Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro talked to them himself, fooled them into a daze, and then waved them goodbye.

After getting into his own car, Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro said to the adjutant: "Let people eat something before departure. In addition, the night before departure, ask the comfort station to stop other services and give them a special session. If you die, you will be a chicken." .In addition, the medicines prepared for them before departure must be prepared, and the modification of the aircraft must be done quickly."

The so-called drug actually refers to a stimulant called methamphetamine, which is now known by a better name: methamphetamine.

Used in small amounts, this stuff can elevate a person's state of mind, feeling of increased ability and heightened arousal, showing high spirits, sobriety, alertness, talkativeness, high spirits, active thinking, heightened emotions, concentration, ability to work (especially It is the ability to work skillfully), and work or study for a long time without fatigue or hunger.So after it was first manufactured, it was provided to those long-distance driving drivers to avoid drowsiness, students to burn the night to cope with exams, athletes to enhance endurance and speed, actors to increase energy and improve performing arts, etc.Before World War II, almost every truck driver in the United States used this thing.

But later, it was discovered that this thing is addictive and can cause hyperactivity, emotional impulsiveness, brutality, delusions, paranoia, hallucinations and even homicidal tendencies, so its control has become increasingly strict.But now, these problems are for a group of people who are about to kill and commit suicide immediately.It's really not a big problem, and even this effect is exactly what the Japanese military needs.

As for the modification of the aircraft, the suicide plane must be modified.Consider, for example, that the suicide plane flies out and never comes back.Then the plane doesn't need fuel for the return trip.Then the fuel tank can be reduced, and the remaining space can be used for explosives.For another example, considering that after this thing takes off, there is no need to consider the issue of landing, so the landing gear is also redundant.First remove the normal landing gear, so that explosives can be installed in the landing gear compartment, and then directly install a landing gear that will automatically fall off after takeoff on the fuselage, and everything is ok.Also, Kamikaze pilots don't need to skydive, so the parachute bag is also saved, and the space saved is just right for explosives.Considering that the kamikaze plane does not need to fight with enemy planes in the air, machine guns and cannons can be removed, and the space under the body is just right for explosives.Considering... Considering that the skills of kamikaze pilots are not very good, one of the basic principles of modification is to avoid changing the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft as much as possible.

On October 10, the naval battle reached a critical moment. The U.S. landing fleet densely filled Wright Bay, and they had already landed again.Tomorrow morning, the kamikaze special attack team will launch their "shocking, weeping ghosts and gods" attack.After a hearty meal in the afternoon, a group of Kamikaze boys were taken to the comfort station.A group of authentic Japanese comfort women received them.I don't know if it was due to developmental reasons, or they were too nervous, or they were too excited or afraid of tomorrow. According to the memories of the comfort women later, these "children" did not behave well.Some are rude, some are cringeworthy, some are hot and fast, and some don't get hard at all.Anyway, when the time came, they all went back to the barracks to sleep obediently.As for falling asleep, who knows?

Early the next morning, the Secret Service members got up. Everyone's eyes were red, and it seemed that they hadn't rested well. Some even started to tremble involuntarily. Can you really be fearless?

But these were all within the expectations of Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro.Pilots must have a good breakfast, so before breakfast, they all received a small tablet for appetizers.After taking this tablet, a miracle happened, everyone became optimistic and magnanimous, and the courage that slipped away from their fingers came back from their stomachs in an instant.All the people were happily eating the last severed meal in their lives, while happily fantasizing about how they arrived at Kuduanzaka and became the god of war, and how their mothers traveled long distances to the Yasukuni Shrine, full of tears. Rejoice and sorrow to visit yourself.

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