New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 298, Thor's Hammer

November is almost the most comfortable time in the Philippines. When other parts of the northern hemisphere have entered winter, the weather in the Philippines just turns cooler.The hot and rainy rainy season has passed, and the Philippines ushered in the coolest and driest season of the year. The typhoon has also moved away from this area, and the sea is calm.

The battle lines have been deadlocked in the middle of Wright Island for some time.With the help of rainforest and tunnel fortifications, the Japanese have been stubbornly resisting.Compared with the Japanese navy and air force whose technical and tactical level has regressed significantly, the technical and tactical level of the Japanese infantry is not bad.This seems to be different from the description of Ron's second brother.However, the decline in the combat capability of the Japanese army in the Shandong area was actually caused by the changes in the Pacific Ocean.Over the years, the Japanese have continuously transferred experienced and well-trained troops from the Chinese battlefield to the Pacific Ocean.Relying on such means, the Japanese ground forces in the Pacific still maintain a good technical and tactical level, but the price paid for this is that in the Chinese battlefield and in the Northeast region where the Soviet Union confronted, the technical and tactical level of the Japanese ground forces is very low. quickly fell.

The Japanese have always emphasized long-range precision shooting training, which should have given the Japanese Army a lot of snipers.But I don't know if it's because of the influence of the so-called "Bushido" spirit, or simply don't understand what the real sniper tactics are like, and just regard it as a "sneak shot" that can't be put on the table.The performance of the Japanese in sniper operations was very clumsy.For example, in order to get a better view, they will climb to the top of the tree.U.S. snipers would not choose such a sniper point, because although doing so can expand their field of vision, it can also allow more people to find themselves.Also, staying in a tree can make moving difficult.For a sniper, it is very important to quickly shift the shooting position and change places with one shot.Some Japanese will even tie themselves to trees.

Although the Japanese

The shooting tactics are very poor, they will stay in the wrong place, and they will continue to shoot at the opponent in one position, but they still cause a lot of trouble for the Americans.Coupled with the Japanese tunnels, it annoyed the US military even more.The Japanese built a fortification with multiple exits underground, and the exits were all camouflaged. The Japanese hid in such caves and tunnels, waiting for the US military to approach, and then suddenly and quickly shot at the US military.These things have greatly increased the casualties of the US military and slowed down the advancement of the US military.

In the past, the way the US military dealt with this kind of fortification was to suppress it with firepower first, and then the flamethrowers stepped forward and used flamethrowers to solve the problem.Doing so is dangerous, as flamethrowers are always the enemy's top priority.And once he was hit, especially the fuel tank on his back, it was almost equivalent to being cremated directly.

But now, the Americans have a safer way, which is to use attack aircraft to throw "Thor's Hammer" fuel air bombs.

It was already noon, and at Wright Island Airport, several p-38 attack planes were ready to attack and were waiting at one end of the runway.

"The Temple of Odin is calling Thor One, please pay attention to Thor One, please pay attention to Thor One!" The pilot on duty, Romney, who was sitting in the cockpit of the P-38 attack plane, was eating ice cream in chatter, Suddenly there was a call on the line.Romney hurriedly threw away the half-eaten ice cream and replied: [

"This is Thor One, here is Thor One. Instructions please!"

"Tor 31, the enemy's fortifications were found in area [-], set off immediately, and launch an attack on the target indicated by the ground troops!"

"Understood, Thor [-] requests to take off immediately!" Romney showed an excited smile. Obviously, he liked such a combat mission very much.

"Thor One, you can take off!" The command tower came from the headset.

Romney started both engines in sequence.Due to the increase in weight of the p-38, the original two 1475-horsepower v-1710-111173 water-cooled engines seemed a bit underpowered compared to the obviously heavier airframe, which made its flight performance compared to the original p- The 38 fighter dropped a lot.If it is in other countries, the p-38 is used as an attack aircraft. Its current flight performance is already very good, but the extravagant Yankees are not satisfied, so they replaced it with two more with a maximum horsepower of 1720 horsepower. The Kad v1650-7 liquid-cooled engine is the American authorized version of the British Merlin engine on the p-51.

When Ron was in Europe, his p-38 attack planes hadn't had time to be replaced with such things, but now he has all the new gadgets in his hands.Although the flight performance of the p-38 attack aircraft after the replacement is still not as good as the original p-38 fighter, it is already capable of fighting against most of the Japanese fighters, and may even have a slight advantage.

The two v1650-7 liquid-cooled engines were spinning happily, and Romney's p-38 attack aircraft began to taxi at high speed on the runway, and finally, near the end of the runway, the aircraft began to gradually leave the ground.There is a thick and long giant bomb hanging under the belly of the p-38 attack aircraft.This is the "Thor's Hammer" fuel air bomb weighing 25 tons.

When Romney successfully lifted off, his wingman, Second Lieutenant Collins, also drove another p-38 into the air, followed by two p-81s, one for escort, and the other for these two p-81s It's also full of rockets-they also want to see if there is any bargain.

"Thor 1000, climb to an altitude of 035 meters, direction [-]." The command center came from the headset again.

"Thor One understands!" Romney adjusted his direction and flew towards the target.A little behind his left was his wingman, and the two escorting P-81s were flying about 600 meters above their heads.

In fact, the battle area was very close to the airport, and Romney flew over the target area in less than 10 minutes.

"Thor 3 calls Valkyrie 3, and Thor [-] calls Valkyrie [-]. Please specify the target area and ensure that there are no our personnel in the relevant area." Romney began to call for ground instructions.

The so-called "Valkyrie" refers to the liaison officers stationed in the ground forces.After a while, Romney heard the answer from "Valkyrie": "I am Valkyrie 3, we will use mortars to fire red smoke to mark the target, there are no our personnel near the target, you can launch an attack !"

"Thor One understands!" Romney replied with a suppressed smile.Romney finds it particularly funny every time he hears the voice of a big man who is big and thick say "I am a Valkyrie".

Two groups of red smoke rose from the ground, and the target was here. Romney quickly lowered the altitude and flew towards the target.At an altitude of 700 meters, Romney dropped the bomb, and then quickly pulled up the plane and flew into the distance. [

Following a burst of white mist, there was an earth-shattering explosion.The entire earth trembled in the explosion, and even Romney, who was flying in the air, felt the plane shake violently.He turned the plane around and flew back to observe the effect of the blow.

On the originally bare hillside (the Japanese cut down all the trees in front of the fortifications in order to expand the shooting range), it was scorched black.Romney knew it was the result of the grass on the ground being carbonized in the heat of the fuel air bomb explosion.Because the explosion depleted the oxygen nearby, they couldn't burn, and they all turned into such a large black.

"Good job! Thor One, there is another suspicious target, do you still have Thor's Hammer?" The extremely masculine voice of "Valkyrie" came to mind again in the earphones.

"Yes, please indicate the target!"

As a result, another cloud of red smoke rose about 400 meters away from the explosion point just now.

"We see the target! We will attack!"

This time it was Lieutenant Collins' turn, and this was the first time he had dropped such a giant bomb.But in fact, throwing such bombs is easier than throwing ordinary bombs.Because it requires less precision.

This bomb also drew a big black spot on the hillside.

"'Quake' is out," Romney said. "We're heading back home. Good luck."

"Thank you bro!"

Romney turned the nose of the plane and flew towards the airport. After flying for about 4 minutes, the escort fighter jets shouted from the earphones: "We found an enemy plane at 3 o'clock! We are ready to launch an attack."

Romney turned his head and looked, and sure enough, he saw a group of Japanese fighter jets in the distance at 3 o'clock.

This is a group of Zero fighters. They are divided into two layers. There are 6 aircraft on the bottom layer, flying at an altitude of about 800 meters, and a little higher, at an altitude of about 1300 meters, and there are 4 Zero fighters.Romney immediately realized that this was probably the Japanese suicide plane formation.

Although he was flying an attack aircraft, Romney felt that his aircraft still had a clear advantage over the zero battles above and below that were full of bombs.So he said to his wingman: "Follow me, let's go and play!"

Nishizawa Hiroyoshi was escorting a group of "Kamikaze" towards the direction of the American fleet when he suddenly spotted a group of American fighter jets.There are a total of four U.S. fighter jets, two of which are strange planes that have never been seen with a propeller at the front and rear of the fuselage, and two that seem to be P-38.

Nishizawa Hiroyoshi had no plans to fight the Yankees in the past.Although he is very confident in himself, his main task is to provide escort. If he is not found, then peace is the best thing to do. The p-38 was not an easy target, it was too strong to take down.As for another weird aircraft, it doesn't look like it's easy to deal with.

But air combat isn't something you can avoid if you want to.The enemy had apparently spotted them and began to turn towards them.Nishizawa Hiroyoshi hurriedly pulled up the plane and began to prepare for the upcoming air battle.

The two weird fighter planes of the enemy rushed straight over first.Nishizawa Hiroyoshi knew that the firepower of heavy fighter jets was terrible, so they were more willing to fight against their opponents.But if you go to play cross-shooting with others in Zero War, then the old birthday star will really hang himself, thinking that his life is too long.Nishizawa Koyoshi stared at the opponent, estimated the speed and distance of the opponent, and prepared to use a sudden upward pull to avoid the enemy's shooting and occupy the enemy's 6 o'clock position.

"This plane accelerates so fast!" Hiroyoshi Nishizawa exclaimed in surprise.

When they were one and a half kilometers away from the enemy plane, the p-81s fired all the rockets under the wings towards the Japanese.There's little hope of shooting down nimble fighters with these things, but firing them off would at least confuse the opponent, while also lightening the plane and making it more nimble.

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