New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 299, The Fallen Ace

The U.S. plane launched an attack at such a distance, which was quite a surprise to Nishizawa.However, such an attack did not cause too much trouble to this seasoned veteran. He just turned the wings slightly, and let the two rockets flying towards him fall into the air.

The rockets fired by the Americans actually caused interference to the Americans themselves. The vibration caused by the rockets flying out and the smoke left by the rockets interfered with the aiming of the Americans, so the American p-81 did not catch it. Chance to shoot with machine guns.Of course, the Japanese fighters who did evasive actions did not get the chance to fire.However, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa has temporarily occupied a higher height through his upward pulling action.

The American fighter jet skimmed under the belly of Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa made a half somersault, and successfully occupied the enemy plane above 6 o'clock.But Hiroyoshi Nishizawa knew that this did not mean that he had the advantage.The speed of the enemy plane was too fast, even if he occupied above 6 o'clock, he could not catch up with the opponent.Unless the opponent is too stupid to try to spin to his own six o'clock immediately through the disk.

But those two strange enemy planes were not so stupid. In fact, before boarding the p-81, all the pilots got a booklet called "P-81 Fighter Performance Comparison with Known Japanese Fighters", In this booklet, the pilots are clearly told, "The biggest weakness of the p-81 is its horizontal hovering, especially at low speeds. Below 7000 meters, the horizontal hovering performance of any known Japanese fighter Both are better than the p-81. So, don't enter into a horizontal circle with the Japanese fighter jets."Therefore, in Nishizawa's eyes, the two weird fighters quickly distanced themselves from him, and then began to climb rapidly.

"What a fast plane!" Seeing the enemy plane getting smaller and smaller in front of his eyes, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa sighed, "I'm afraid this speed is almost 700 kilometers per hour? It's so fast!" Ze Guangyi couldn't help becoming more and more worried about the future of the war: "In just a few years, Zero War, which was originally leading the world in performance, has fallen behind. Now Japan not only has the level of pilots getting lower and lower, but also the technical level of aircraft. The United States is getting worse and farther away. Now, even those fighter jets that are still under development are far inferior to the aircraft in front of them in terms of performance, right?"

The brochure mentioned: "The climb rate of the p-81 is better than any Japanese fighter at any altitude, and this advantage will gradually increase as the altitude increases." Therefore, the brochure suggests that using This advantage, as well as the advantage of the p-81's good roll, adopts the bz style of play, which is the most suitable style of play for the p-81 fighter.

Nishizawa Hiroyoshi followed the two weird planes and climbed for a while, then stopped climbing.He has determined that the climbing ability of this fighter is obviously better than his own Zero Fighter.Once upon a time, Zero War was the king of climbs in the Pacific battlefield, but now, it is obviously unable to do what it wants.Instead of trying to climb up with others and finally stalling and being beaten to death by others, it is better to maintain a certain speed and use the advantage of hovering in zero combat to dodge the enemy's attack, so that there may be a chance to make a defensive counterattack.What's more, if you climb too high, the enemy will jump down and throw them off, and attack the suicide planes driven by the rookies below. Your own plane has poor dive performance and can't keep up with them.It's better to maintain such a height, so that the enemy dare not easily attack those suicide planes at lower positions.

Nishizawa noticed that the enemy fighter had two propellers in tandem.He thought, the direction of rotation of these two propellers must be opposite, so that the enemy's fighter jets will not be affected by the torque of the propellers, and their rolling speeds to the left and right are probably the same.In this way, their roll to the right would be horribly fast relative to the average airplane which generally rolls right more slowly than left. "So, no matter what, don't roll to the right." Hiroyoshi Nishizawa said to himself.

The two P-81s already had a clear advantage in height, and they swooped one after the other, heading towards the escorting Zero War.The target of their attack was not Nishizawa Koyoshi, but another Zero War.Nishizawa Hiroyoshi knew that Fujisawa, the pilot of that plane, was not a veteran. In fact, he was better than those rookie pilots who performed kamikaze missions.He is also just a novice who has just completed a hundred flying hours. He is not even qualified to go to the battlefield with the Americans. [

"Unit 4, be careful!" Hiroyoshi Nishizawa reminded him loudly.Fujisawa made a sharp turn and avoided the first enemy plane, but then the second enemy plane rushed down, and six 20mm guns fired wildly. In just a moment, Fujisawa's plane was turned into pieces.

"One!" Salas shouted excitedly over the wire, "I shot down one. I'm only four planes away from becoming an ace!"

"Shut up! Follow me closely! We're still fighting!" The leader Duy's scolding sound came from the earphone.

After the two p-81s completed this round of attacks, they again relied on the high speed of the dive to distance themselves from the Japanese, and then quickly climbed up again.From the looks of it, they were going to follow suit and come to another guy.

Duy and his wingman Salas jumped to the high altitude again, and were about to dive down, but saw that the two P-38s actually took advantage of the time when they were attacking the escorting zero fighters, and aimed at the lower zero fighters. rushed over.

"Damn it! How did they get in here? Did they think they were driving a P-38?"

However, although the flight performance of the p-38 attack aircraft with improved engines is still not as good as the original p-38 fighter, the difference is not too far.It’s just that compared with the fighter version, the cannon firepower has increased, but the firepower density has dropped a lot. Compared with the original version, it is more suitable for attacking ground armored targets rather than fighter jets.


After being reminded by Nishizawa Hiroyoshi, those rookies found the p-38 rushing from them.However, they can't tell the difference between p-38 and p-38, they all regard it as a p-38 fighter. The p-38 fighter jets are far more active in the Pacific region than in Europe. Japanese pilots are not familiar with this "twin body demon". They all know that the p-38 fighter jets are air snipers with high long-range shooting accuracy. People often use it to fire from a long distance.And the ferocious firepower of the p-38 is a nightmare for Japanese pilots.Therefore, as soon as those rookies saw the "p-38" rushing over, they quickly turned and dodged.However, the rookies forget that the "Kamikaze" version of the Zero War they are driving is completely different from the ordinary Zero War.They're much heavier, they're much clumsier to move, more importantly, they lose energy faster, and their stall speeds are much higher.Affected by ice, so, in such an evasive action, two of the six "Kamikaze" version zero battles entered the spiral due to a stall.Not to mention that the altitude of 6 meters is too low, the pilot has no time to recover from the spiral, even if the altitude is higher, these and the training time in the flight school are only dozens of hours, and they have never learned how to recover. For novices in difficult subjects like Helix, the possibility of recovering from Helix is ​​almost non-existent.As a result, Romney killed two enemy planes without even firing a single shot.

But at this time, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who jumped down from a higher position, was already closely following Romney.Under normal circumstances, the top speed of Zero War 52 is less than 600 kilometers per hour.But with the help of diving, Zero War 52 can theoretically reach a top speed of more than 700 kilometers.However, at such a speed, even a slight movement of the aircraft may disintegrate.Of course, the experienced Nishizawa Koyoshi would not make such a mistake. It controlled the speed very well, making its speed only slightly higher than Romney's p-38.In fact, at such a speed, Zero War already shakes so badly that it is difficult to control.

Nishizawa Hiroyoshi knew that he only had one chance to really effectively attack, and a little later, the enemy's weird fighter jets would come to the rescue.Moreover, he also knows that it is difficult for Zero War 52 to maintain such a speed for a long time.If you can't shoot down your opponent as quickly as possible, your opponent will surely escape.

Based on past experience, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa knew that the two 77mm machine guns on the Zero War were too lethal to pose a threat to the enemy's sturdy p-38. He could only approach them and attack with 20mm guns. It is possible to shoot down an unscientifically strong fighter like the p-38.But Hiroyoshi Nishizawa didn't know at this time that he made the same mistake as his good friend Saburo Sakai, that is, he mistook the plane, and the plane in front of him was not a p-38 fighter jet. It is a p-38 attack aircraft with a self-defense tail machine gun.

The p-38 attack aircraft had not appeared in large numbers in the Pacific Ocean before.It was given priority to troops in Europe and only recently began to be equipped with U.S. forces in the Pacific region, and Romney's unit was also the first batch of units to receive this weapon.Therefore, such a misjudgment by Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who has never seen this modified p-38 before, is actually understandable.

And when Hiroyoshi Nishizawa discovered that there was a self-defense machine gun behind the enemy plane, his fighter plane was already very close to the opponent, and the high speed made Zero Fighter's maneuverability extremely poor, and it was impossible to make light dodge actions at all. , so now he can only bite the bullet and rush up a little more, trying to shoot down the opponent with the 20mm cannon.

Romney's self-defense machine gunner was a young man named Amrit. He began to use a 50-caliber m2 machine gun to open fire frantically at the Zero War that was rushing straight.The Zero Fighter failed to dodge any moves. Amrit was delighted to see that the bullet he shot hit the Zero Fighter fiercely, and many fragments fell from the Zero Fighter's body like crumbs. The plane fell and a puff of black smoke began to come out of the plane. [

"I hit it!" Amrit shouted excitedly. He knew that as soon as the Japanese's crispy plane smoked, it would not take long for it to burst into flames, and then it would definitely crash.

A 50-caliber bullet hit the cockpit, shattering the cockpit glass, and the splashed glass scratched Hiroyoshi Nishizawa with blood all over his face.One of his eyes was completely covered with his own blood.At the same time, a section of the cockpit frame that was split into two flew over, directly inserted into his abdomen, and blood gushed out.

Nishizawa gritted his teeth, aimed one eye at Romney's P-38, and began firing with the 20mm gun.He saw that the cannon flew out and hit the fuselage of the special p-38 in front, splashing a series of sparks, and then it was fired-the key parts of the p-38 were not inferior to the l-2 With the thick armor of the attack aircraft, the attack of the Japanese was regarded.

"Baga, this is unscientific!" Hiroyoshi Nishizawa scolded angrily, and at the same time pressed his whole body to the left, pressing on his joystick, Zero Zhan began to roll to the left, and stood upright during the roll When he got up, the wing hit the tail of Romney's p-38 hard.

"Crack!" The P-38's horizontal tail was broken along with the right vertical tail, and Nishizawa Koyoshi's left wing was also folded in two from the root.His plane whirled and plummeted toward the ground.Sitting in the cockpit, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa watched the strange P-38 also lose its balance and fall towards the ground. He suddenly remembered that last night, he proposed to the commander that he would lead the team to launch the "Kamikaze" special attack thing.

"The premonition is really accurate, I knew something would happen soon!" Last night, Hiroyoshi Nishizawa suddenly had a premonition that something would happen soon, and proposed to the commander to launch a suicide attack by flying a "Kamikaze" aircraft.This request was dismissed by the commander without hesitation, and he replied that Japan had not yet reached the point where it wanted such an excellent pilot to go to kamikaze.

"Is the attack just now considered a 'kamikaze'?" Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who had lost a lot of blood, no longer had the strength to climb out of the high-speed rotating cockpit. Turning around quickly, his eyes became blurred, and strange phantoms appeared before his eyes one after another, comrades-in-arms, classmates in the military academy, childhood playmates, and...

"Mom..." Hiroyoshi Nishizawa murmured, and then fell into the deepest darkness.

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