New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 300, Shock and Countermeasures

In the original history, the advance of the US military on Wright Island was very difficult, and they were unable to move for a long time.In the end, the U.S. military landed on the other side of the island and adopted a two-sided attack. It took more than two months until it was close to the last moment of the year, on December 12, before finally occupying the island.

But in this space, the investment of fuel-air bombs has made the Japanese fortifications that had caused headaches for the U.S. military vulnerable. Originally, to capture a group of tunnels and bunkers, the Americans could only use the method of the Marine Corps. , with more casualties, in less time to kill them with grenades, blasters, flamethrowers; or the army way, with endless bombing, shelling, flame-breathing tanks, armored bulldozers, take days Even weeks to resolve them.

But now the investment of fuel-air bombs has changed this situation. The fortifications that used to take two or three days, or even a week to gnaw, now only need to drop a few bombs, and then wait another 10 minutes before sending people to receive them. up.Therefore, the progress of the U.S. military has suddenly accelerated, and even the main reason restricting the speed of the U.S. military's advancement has changed from enemy resistance to difficult roads in the jungle.It only took a little over a week from the introduction of fuel-air bombs to the eventual occupation of the entire island by the US military.

After the first few blows, the Japanese have also realized that their fortifications can no longer provide them with any effective protection, and it will only become their graveyard.They found that the efficiency of fighting in the fortification group was not even as high as that of field combat.So in the last few days of the battle on Wright Island, the Japanese army abandoned the fortifications. They tied white cloth strips on their heads with red letters such as "Fortune lasts for a long time". Wearing a 30-type rifle or a 38-type rifle with a 99-type bayonet, shouting the slogan "Emperor Banzai", and under the cover of night, launched a "death assault" against the U.S. military.This kind of shock tactic is called "pig rush charge" by later generations, that is, a tactic without tactics that rushes straight up like a wild boar.

However, since Guadalcanal, the U.S. military has become very familiar with the Japanese habit of launching such attacks.Now that things are going so smoothly, General MacArthur has reminded his officers more than once of the possibility of the Japanese launching a night attack.Therefore, the "cowards" of the U.S. Army usually stop advancing at 02:30 in the afternoon, look for suitable camps, and make various defensive preparations.During this period of time, the American soldiers did something that Bald Qiang was envious of. In order to ensure the shooting range, they often felled all the trees within more than 100 meters from the camp.And pull up the barbed wire, arrange the firepower of machine guns and mortars.As a result, the pig mutations of the Japanese army became almost indistinguishable from giving away human heads.

However, the Japanese on the island still remembered to send a telegram to Yamashita Fengfumi before the collective "jade smashing", reporting the use of fuel-air bombs by the US military to Yamashita Fengfumi.

The rapid fall of Wright Island greatly exceeded the expectations of Yamashita, who is known as the Tiger of Malay.The Japanese were not ignorant of the US military's choking bombs.The Germans had provided this information to the Japanese a few months earlier.However, the Japanese army has always paid little attention to intelligence, and did not take the German warnings seriously.

The so-called Japanese do not attach importance to intelligence, in fact, refers to the Japanese do not attach importance to the analysis and research of intelligence.In terms of intelligence collection, the Japanese are still very thoughtful. For example, in the battle against China, the military maps used by the Japanese army are even more detailed and accurate than the maps used by the Chinese army.But after getting the information, the Japanese are not willing to spend a lot of effort to study it. They often just look at it casually, and then classify it into a file.As a result, knowing that the Americans threw this thing over the heads of the Japanese, the Japanese began to suspect whether the Americans used "decision gas", and some people even clamored to use Japan's "decision gas" to It's time to fight back against the "decisive gas" of the Americans.Fortunately, there are not too many fools with such incomprehensible minds, and most decision makers can still figure it out-the Japanese will definitely suffer when they throw chemical weapons.

In the chaos, Yamashita asked his superiors to immediately investigate the new weapons of the Americans and how to deal with them.As a result, the country did a search, and then told Yamashita that the information on this thing had been available for a long time, and it was placed in the archives room of the base camp.

As a result, these important information obtained long ago began to be taken seriously, and each general was sent a copy of such information.

Iwo Jima, Tadamichi Aobayashi's headquarters.

"Baga! These idiots! Why did you show us this information now!" Su Lin Zhongdao was losing his temper.Paper, pens, and paperweights were thrown all over the floor.

"What happened to the base camp! Such important information is only notified to us now! Go send a report to the base camp and tell the base camp that they should check to see if there are any American spies among them!" Su Lin Zhongdao shouted at his adjutant .

"Hay!" The adjutant agreed, and at the same time bowed to Tadamichi Aobayashi, but he didn't really leave to send the report, because he knew that the general was just talking in anger.If there were American spies in the base camp, then it would not be as simple as simply throwing the information into the file room for archiving.

"These idiots!" Su Lin Zhongdao continued to scold.He couldn't bear it anymore. It took him a long time to decide to abandon the beachhead and dig deep holes to fight a protracted war. Then he personally led the troops guarding Iwo Jima and worked day and night to kill the Japanese locusts. It was not easy to build a defense system based on underground fortifications on Iwo Jima.But at this time, I was told that the enemy had a weapon that could restrain his deployment.He must carry out a major transformation of all the fortifications, otherwise there is only a dead end!

"Damn it! Order, first slow down the construction of the fortifications, and let the base camp send us a large number of oxygen cylinders, and send me some construction experts!" Su Lin Zhongdao vented, calmed down, and said to The adjutant said so.

Compared to the furious Kuribayashi Tadamichi, Yamashita Fufumi's performance was much more stable.The Philippines is not like Iwo Jima, the Philippines is bigger and has more leeway.It is certainly not a good thing for the Americans to have new weapons, but it is not impossible to change their tactics.Moreover, at least for the moment, the rapid advance of the Americans saved him from a big trouble.

After the Wright Gulf naval battle, the Japanese navy can basically be said to have been wiped out.So how much did the U.S. military lose?Based on the reports of their own pilots and other combatants, and referring to the results of sea and air battles in the coastal waters of Taiwan, the Japanese made this judgment: at least seven large US aircraft carriers were sunk, and a large number of other ships were sunk Or wounded.In other words, the US fleet has also lost its combat effectiveness.

Fengfu Yamashita did not believe in this judgment at all.But the terrible thing is that there is a guy named Terauchi Shouichi who believes in this. What's more terrible is that this guy is also his immediate boss, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Southern Army.Believing that the U.S. Navy had suffered considerable losses and that Allied ground forces would be difficult to defend, Terauchi forced the 14th Philippine Front commander, General Homofumi Yamashita, to provide supplies and reinforcements to the defenders on Wright Island.Yamashita found that the U.S. Navy was almost unscathed based on the judgment of the staff and the testimony of the captured U.S. pilots.Under such circumstances, crossing the 730-kilometer sea to reinforce Wright Island is tantamount to dying.However, the official rank crushed people to death, and Terauchi Shouichi never believed that the U.S. military was unscathed, and even believed that those who doubted the results of the Japanese army were "non-citizens" who had lost confidence.So under the pressure of "political correctness", Yamashita had to start preparing for this deadly cross-sea reinforcement operation.

"This guy, if only he had had seppuku in 36 years!" Yamashita, who was forced by Terauchi Shouichi and had to plan to die once, scolded this guy in private.And at this time, news came from Wright Island that the US military was making rapid progress and the defenders were determined to "break the jade".This news certainly shocked Yamashita, but at least there is no need to think about the deadly reinforcement plan for now. (Historically, the result of this reinforcement was that large numbers of troops fed the fish.)

"It's just that how to deal with this kind of American bomb in a defensive battle is really a troublesome problem." Yamashita thought.


"The original fortifications must be remodeled. Each bunker must be equipped with an airtight bomb shelter. A certain number of oxygen cylinders or other oxygen-increasing equipment must be kept in it. Double-layer doors must be prepared for the underground passages. , the door should be made of steel, and must have sufficient thickness. In addition, the tunnel between the two floors of doors should preferably have an explosion-proof double turning..." An expert was explaining to Kuribayashi Tadao how to deal with the US military's fuel-air bombs .

"Professor, in this way, the whole project will be much larger." Kuribayashi Tadao said, "Our time and resources are difficult to meet such requirements. Is there any way to simplify it? For example, it is difficult for us to have such a There are too many oxygen cylinders, can we use some oxidizers, such as hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, to temporarily produce oxygen? For example, the cost of those steel doors is too high, can we use other methods instead?"

"General, hydrogen peroxide is dangerous. Improper storage can easily lead to accidents. As for the door, it is difficult to guarantee its strength with other materials." The expert replied.

"Is there no problem if it is preserved properly?" A staff officer interjected, "Also, if we make the door smaller so that it can only be entered and exited by crawling, it should also save a lot of materials?"

"Isn't it like a dog's hole to enter and exit like this?" Another person retorted, "Besides, the speed of entering and exiting such a door is too slow."

"As long as you can hit the American ghosts and animals, what's the point of going through the dog hole! As for the slow speed, it will be fine if you don't strengthen the training!"


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