New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 312, Air Combat Traps

Although the Japanese fighters are more in total, the unfavorable combat altitude-at such altitudes, the Japanese fighters with insufficient engine output are very clumsy at such altitudes.It is necessary to know that any air combat maneuver needs to consume a certain amount of energy. If the consumed energy is not replenished, it will cause the aircraft to lose speed or altitude.

In the original history, during the Gulf War in 1991, a mig29 fighter jet of the Iraqi Air Force was fighting with an f15 fighter jet of the US military because the energy lost in circling could not be replenished, and the height continued to drop, and finally directly crashed.Now, Japanese aircraft are also facing such a problem.Although the instantaneous circling angular velocity of Japanese fighter jets is better than that of American fighter jets, after completing this action, the tragic Japanese engine cannot replenish the energy lost during the action in time, so the Japanese aircraft that completed the first action either barely He maintained the altitude, but the speed dropped significantly, so that when he made the second movement, he was in danger of stalling.Or the speed is still maintained, but the height has dropped a lot. As a result, the opponent who has the advantage of height is constantly diving and attacking, but there is no chance to fight back.

In addition, the Japanese fighter jets misjudged the enemy's aircraft at the beginning, which led to the Japanese fighter jets joining the battle in the form of refueling. Hit less.The exchange ratio during the battle became even more appalling.

It is said that the Japanese still have an advantage, that is, the battle is carried out over the Japanese-controlled area. A fighter jet flew up, and once the American pilot was shot down and parachuted, if he was not directly killed by the Japanese mob, he would have to stay in the prisoner-of-war camp until the end of the war.In the Battle of Britain, the British relied on this advantage to a large extent to win the final victory.

But now there are two factors that make the situation of this battle and the Battle of Britain completely different.The first is the exchange ratio. In the Battle of Britain, even if only the exchange ratio between the fighters of the two sides is counted, the British will not suffer.But now, the exchange ratio between the Japanese and the Americans in this situation is not even fifteen to one.The second difference is that the fire efficiency is very different.During the Battle of Britain, everyone was still using 7.7 or 7.92mm machine guns on their fighter jets to show off their cuteness.Although the planes at that time were not as strong as the fighter planes now, they could still withstand such firepower for a while.In this way, the pilot also has the time to parachute.But now, the firepower of fighter jets is crazy.In this time and space, the firepower of the p-51's four 4mm rotary guns is already quite abnormal. The rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute will definitely allow him to shoot a thin-skinned Japanese fighter into the air in one shot. flowering.As for the p-4000 equipped with six 20mm guns, it will not give the hit enemy fighter pilots a chance to parachute.Therefore, among the downed Japanese aircraft, few pilots had the opportunity to parachute.

After the Japanese realized that they had been fooled, they also tried to gather their own fighter jets first, and waited until they gathered enough numbers to fight against the Americans.But how could the Americans let the Japanese get out of the trap so easily?And this reaction from the Japanese was also in Ron's previous preparations.Therefore, as soon as the Japanese planes showed signs of concentration, a large group of American fighter jets would immediately rush to disperse them.

After such a battle, a lot of fuel in the fuel tanks of both sides was consumed.As a result, the U.S. fighter jets began to climb, preparing to leave the battle.There are also some Japanese who are not reconciled, but the largest number of Zero Fighters and Type I fighters simply cannot keep up with the climb of the US military, and the few that can follow suit, such as Raiden 21, are too few in number.Some people who were not clear-headed followed, but they were immediately surrounded by people, and finally set off fireworks in the air.

Since they couldn't keep up with the climb of the American planes, and they didn't have a lot of fuel left, the Japanese fighters had no choice but to return to the airport and land honestly.

Compared with the Germans, the Japanese have an advantage, that is, their main fighters—whether they are Zero Fighters or Type [-] fighters—have a good range, and they will not have to land like they are in the sky over Europe Yes, the enemy plane still has half a tank of fuel.But if the Americans retreat after being hit, there is still a lot of fuel in their fuel tanks, so don't even think about it.

So after the U.S. fighter jets withdrew, the Japanese fighter jets were about to land on the airport one after another. At this time, the radar station heard the enemy's news again-the enemy bomber fleet was found, the number of which was as many as several hundred!

"Damn! It's not over yet!" Almost all the Japanese military officers who heard the news scolded the Yankees for being shameless in various languages. Is it a bomber?

Just now the Yankees used fighter jets to pretend to be bombers, and they have already cheated the Japanese severely. Among the nearly [-] fighter jets that took off successively, as many as [-] were shot down, and dozens of them were injured. Such a loss really made the Japanese unable to afford it.What's more terrible is that, unlike kamikaze, the fighter pilots sent out to carry out interception missions cannot be those who have only flown for more than ten hours. If they were replaced, they would fall one-third of the way if they made a sharp turn in the air. One, what else is there to fight?Therefore, in the battle just now, it was the last slightly stronger pilot left by the Japanese who took off to fight.This group of pilots suffered such a loss, which is simply a death sentence for Japan's air power.

Yagyu, the pilot nicknamed the Bandit Skua, had just finished landing when he was lifted out of the cockpit.As a Japanese pilot who joined the battle at the beginning of the war, it is really not easy to survive until now.Today's battle is particularly dangerous. The Bandit Skua once fell into the desperate situation where all the friendly planes were shot down. He drove a Zero Fighter alone, facing at least 75 enemy P-51 fighter jets.What a bandit skua, he really showed the same flying skills as the bandit skua. During the enemy planes' attacks in turn, he kept making unimaginable dodges, and finally escaped from the enemy plane's attack without delay , also seized the opportunity to shoot down a p-51.

But maybe it was too much character consumed in this battle, and as a result, he immediately encountered bad luck.At that time, the flying altitude of the Bandit Skua who quit the battle was already relatively low (too much energy was consumed in dodging, and the kinetic energy to continue maneuvering could only be obtained by continuously lowering the altitude), and as a result, the U.S. fighter jets gave up attacking him. When he was chasing him, an Army Type 12.7 fighter appeared out of nowhere, and gave him a shot without saying a word.A [-] mm bullet entered the cockpit, directly interrupting the Bandit Skua's right hand holding the joystick.Then, the Type [-] fighter turned around again, as if it was going to give him another shot, and, um, then the red deer in the army seemed to see the big sun symbol on the bandit gull's wing, and found himself shooting wrong.So he flew up to the bandit skua, waved and nodded at him, and kept apologizing to him on the radio.

"I'm really sorry. I opened fire without seeing clearly. I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"I'm sorry to be so meowing! Do you know if you want to die!" Bandit Skua really felt as if ten thousand llamas ran past him.He controlled the joystick with his left hand, bit his clothes with his teeth, and with the cooperation of his left hand, tightly tied up the broken part of his right hand.If he didn't do this, he would be killed by blood loss before flying back to the airport.So the Bandit Skua doesn't have any time to answer this army red deer.

But this ignorant red deer was still following along, chattering endlessly.It's almost like a thousand flies are circling around the bandit gull's head.It made the bandit skua want to pull out the knife and pounce on him, cut his belly, pull out his intestines, and then use it to strangle his neck, let his whole tongue stick out, and then raise the knife with his hand... The illusion that the world is clean.

However, the bandit skua has no way to really jump into the opposite plane to do this good deed of killing harm for the people.All he could do was stare fiercely.However, there is no lower limit for a rookie's low IQ. The red deer seemed to be too busy talking and forgot to control the plane, and his plane actually slid towards the Skua's fighter jet!The Bandit Skua yelled "Get the hell out of here" on the radio, while controlling the plane with his left hand to make a turn, avoiding it.And the rookie also made a sharp turn in a hurry, um, then stalled and fell.As for whether this guy fell directly to the ground and fell into eight petals or pulled up again, Bandit Skua didn't pay attention to it - at this time, he couldn't even take care of himself.

In this way, Bandit Skua reluctantly flew back in his Zero Fighter, and landed the plane reluctantly. As soon as the plane came to a complete stop, he passed out.Therefore, he also failed to hear the following conversation.

"Doctor, is it possible for Yagyu-kun to continue to fight with planes?"

"Sir, it's impossible. Absolutely impossible!"

"My God, when he wakes up, how am I going to tell him the bad news?"


"Sir!" A low-ranking officer said, "Not long ago, an organization called the Fujita Weapons Research Institute asked us to provide them with an experienced consultant? Or we..."

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