New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 313, Air Combat Traps

Facing the reappearance of the American fleet, the Japanese were caught in a dilemma.First, they were unable to determine the type of US aircraft that was coming.If fighter jets came again, and the Japanese sent planes to intercept them again like last time, I'm afraid the result would be even worse than the previous war.In the battle just now, relatively "experienced" pilots performed combat missions, but now, it is obviously difficult to get these pilots who have just gone through a high-intensity air battle to participate in air battles again. Too tired.And if those inexperienced guys with an average flight time of only a dozen hours, who may fall off by themselves even if they make a hovering action, what effect will it have besides giving the Americans the results of the battle?Even if it was a real bomber group that attacked, just relying on those rookies, they would definitely not be able to display the best climbing speed. It is really hard to say whether they can climb to the altitude where the enemy planes are.

And even if these rookies can climb to this height, it is questionable whether they can effectively attack enemy bombers.At the level of these rookies, using machine guns or machine guns to fight against an air giant like the b-29 bomber is simply courting death.Therefore, if they want to effectively fight against the enemy's bomber force, they can only rely on kamikaze-style impacts.

However, considering that these rookies have never had a hit rate of more than one-third even when hitting larger and slower warships, now they have to hit targets that are smaller in size but more than ten times faster , How high can the hit rate of the impact be?To launch a kamikaze attack on a warship, the skills of these rookies can still be used barely, but to launch a kamikaze attack on a bomber, the difficulty is not something these rookies with an average age of 15 years and a little more than ten hours of flight time can overcome.

Therefore, from a practical point of view, sending a new interceptor fleet does not actually have much effect, but may cause unnecessary losses.So giving up this interception is probably the best choice.However, in the face of the enemy who came to the door, but did not dare to attack, such a depraved thing would definitely seriously damage the morale.For Japan now, morale is the most precious thing.Because apart from morale, Japan has nothing left.

So Japan sent an interceptor fleet again.However, learning the lesson from last time, the Japanese waited until the take-off fleets were all joined together under the guidance of the radio before guiding them to intercept the American fleet.Although if it was a bomber, the interceptor fleet would almost certainly not be able to effectively intercept it.In fact, I am afraid that the commander did not expect these rookies to complete the interception.All he needs is the fact that "we keep fighting."

This time it wasn't a fake bomber that arrived. Ron only had more than 20 fighter jets in his hands, and they had already been sent out in the first round of operations.Now these planes are on their way back. Of course, it is impossible to appear in the sky over Japan again immediately.It is indeed the 300 B-29 heavy bombers of the No. [-] Air Force that are flying towards Tokyo now.

As expected, when the bombers arrived over Tokyo, the Japanese fighters who came to intercept them had an altitude difference of almost 1000 meters from the bombers.Such a height difference almost means that American bombers have complete freedom of movement.

The bombers flew all the way over Tokyo, then opened their magazines and started dropping bombs.This time the Americans dropped high-explosive bombs.When the air-raid alarm sounded again, some people in Tokyo rushed into the air-raid shelter, and some people remembered the fire last night and the corpses found in the air-raid shelter after the fire went out. Running down the street.There are also some foolish and bold people who simply raised their heads and looked up at the sky, wanting to see how Japanese fighter jets intercepted American bombers.Then, bombs fell on top of them.

A burst of bombs left those still on the ground, and at the same time, the Japanese who were just under the bombing range were blown to pieces.Then when some Japanese who were lucky enough not to be killed by the bombing ran out of their hiding places, they found that countless pieces of paper were falling down like snowflakes.

These falling pieces of paper are leaflets dropped by the US military.Throwing leaflets on the enemy, launching propaganda warfare and psychological warfare is not new, and the U.S. military was not the first to drop leaflets on Japan.As early as 1938, the KMT Air Force sent two Martin-139wc bombers to drop some leaflets in Nagasaki, Fukuoka, and Kitakyushu, Japan.Some of these leaflets are sincere, while others are strict.But as far as the effect is concerned, well, it has a good effect on improving the fighting spirit of the Japanese people, but it has almost no effect on the morale of Japan.Because talking without force can't frighten anyone.

Compared with the "Message to the Japanese People" and the like on the leaflets dropped by China, the words on the leaflets of the Americans are much simpler.However, the quality of paper and printing far exceeds that of Chinese leaflets.For example, now, Kameda, who escaped from death, picked up such a flyer.The flyer was printed on coated paper with a string of falling bombs and falling cherry blossoms.Next to it are two haiku lines in Japanese, which read: "Bombs fall like torrential rain, and the empire falls like falling flowers."

Looking at this beautifully printed leaflet, Kameda trembled all over.The enemy has shown destructive power before them.Not to mention the bombing yesterday and today, but just this leaflet, such a good paper, such a good printing, even far surpasses any Japanese book that Guo Tian has seen.Doesn't this also fully prove the enemy's overwhelming material strength vis-a-vis Japan?

Just as Kameda was mobilizing, a hand reached out and snatched the flyer from his hand.

"You red deer, what are you looking at!" The person who snatched the leaflet from Guitian yelled at Guitian.Kameda made up his mind before he recognized that this person was his neighbor Hirota who was a policeman.

Hirota glared at Kameda, and then whispered, "Kameta-san, you can't read such things in public, and you'll be in trouble."

Of course Kameda understood that Hirota was doing it for his own good, so he quickly bowed to him to express his gratitude.

On the other side, a soldier guarding a small-caliber anti-aircraft gun picked up a leaflet at night, glanced at it, and broke down in tears.An old soldier snatched the leaflet from him and took a look.On that flyer was a picture of a large torii gate that was burning, and there was a sentence next to it: "The Yasukuni Shrine no longer exists. Where will your souls go in the future?"


"Ron, your results today are pretty good." Li Mei was sitting in Ron's command center, watching the fighter jets landing on the runway, and said this to Ron.

"That's right. I shot down more than 300 enemy planes, and my own loss was only [-]. Among the [-] lost planes, nine of them flew to the open sea and made a forced landing on the open sea. The navy can still rescue most of them. But this is nothing compared to your results last night." Ron said.

"No, I don't think so. Ron, your World War I today has broken the backbone of Japan's air defense, which is of far-reaching significance. I don't think it will be long before our bombers can go to Japan to burn houses in broad daylight." It's gone." Li Mei obviously didn't agree with Ron's "not worth mentioning".

"To burn down other people's houses in broad daylight? Are you going to change the current way of attacking at night?" Ron was a little surprised.

"Of course, do you think that I am born to like to take bombers without self-defense weapons to bomb? If there are no enemy fighter jets during the day, why not do it during the day? During the day, Japanese workers are working in those workshops. Burn the fire. Moreover, the more blatant the daylight, the greater the blow to the morale of the Japanese."

"Well, makes sense. Speaking of demoralizing the Japanese, those leaflets you printed are really good. Whoever designed them deserves a medal," said Ron.

"I've never paid much attention to the affairs of the propaganda department. It seems that some Japanese-Americans and Japanese experts worked together to make it happen." Li Mei said.

"Don't underestimate the propaganda," said Ron. "The Japanese only have morale left now. If you break their morale, you will break them." After he finished speaking, he remembered something, and added: "Well , Your leaflet reminded me, otherwise, before we attack a certain target in the future, we will send a plane there to drop warning leaflets one day in advance. Do you think about the effect of this?"

"Do this?" Li Mei thought for a while, her eyes began to glow, "Well, as long as we can be honest and trustworthy and light fires in several cities, as long as we issue a warning in the future, I am afraid that people in the whole city will run away. This way, the damage to production will be even greater than incendiary bombs. After all, we can't really burn a city to the ground with a single bombing. But such intimidation can really turn a city into a ghost town You guys really look like a knight of the apocalypse!"

"Hey, but we have to wait for more fighter jets to arrive." Ron complained. In his opinion, the current more than 600 fighter jets are really not enough, and at least a thousand or so fighter jets are needed. It's easy to use.

"There is no need to worry about this. The United States has no shortage of fighter jets. But the key factor limiting the number of fighter jets you have is the number of airports?" Li Mei said.

This is the truth. In the two airports, there are more than 600 fighter jets piled up. This density is already very high.Simply stacking more planes can only reduce the dispatch efficiency of those planes, and it will not increase the number of planes that actually take off to fight.The third airport is still under construction, and the fourth airport has already started construction.It is estimated that when these airports are completed, the day when Japan's sky will be completely controlled will come.

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