Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1033 Moling City Destroyed

At five o'clock, Liu Jing was awakened by the guards in his deep sleep, "Your Highness, I have something important to report."

The lights in the big tent were turned on, Liu Jing got up and put on a piece of clothing, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There is news from Moling County. The person who comes is Cheng Pu's son Cheng Zi."

"Take him to the side tent and wait!"

Liu Jing and Cheng Pu had been in contact for a long time, and the crucial Jiangdong army distribution map was obtained from Cheng Pu, so that the Han army could dispatch troops accurately and wipe out Jingkou and Wu Jun at the fastest speed. Of course, this matter is very important. Concealment, most people don't know that Cheng Pu has secretly surrendered to the Han army.

After Liu Jing cleaned up a bit, he quickly walked into the side tent, into the big tent, and Cheng Zi, who was waiting in the tent, quickly got up and saluted, "Xiaomin sees His Highness the King of Han!"

"Master Cheng has been waiting for a long time, please sit down!"

Liu Jing knew Cheng Zi. He invited Cheng Zi to sit down and served tea to his soldiers. He knew that Cheng Zi must have something important to do when he arrived at five o'clock, but he needed to stabilize his emotions and let Cheng Zi calm down. If you are in a hurry, it is easy to make wrong decisions.

Cheng Zi took a sip of tea, and he slowly calmed down, realizing that he shouldn't talk about Jiang Qin's affairs first. In this matter, he must show the importance of his father, otherwise, Cheng's family will be just a mouthpiece , he secretly thanked himself for not rushing to report.

Cheng Zi sorted out his thoughts and said, "Moling is about to break down. My father is very worried that street fighting will break out and affect the people of Moling. I hope His Highness can have a perfect plan to protect the people of Moling."

"Old General Cheng has the people of Moling in his heart, which is admirable, but it is impossible not to stop the war, otherwise the Jiangdong Army will kidnap the people of Moling to deal with the Han army. We try to use thunderous tactics to capture Moling City and minimize the number of civilians. casualties."

Liu Jing's answer was also understated. He knew that Cheng Zi came here so anxiously, it would never be as simple as expressing his father's concern about civilian casualties, there must be more important information.

Cheng Zi felt that Liu Jing's tone was cold, and he knew he couldn't delay any longer, so he continued, "The reason I came to see His Highness in such a hurry is because my father has successfully contradicted Vice General Jiang Qin, and General Jiang is willing to cooperate with the Han army to win the battle. city."

This is a bit interesting, Liu Jing asked with a smile: "I don't know how Jiang Qin plans to cooperate with the Han army?"

"General Jiang has [-] subordinates under his command. Now he has turned against Zhou Tai. He has pulled the army to the west city to garrison. At a quarter of an hour, General Jiang will open the gate of the west city to welcome the Han army out of the city."

Liu Jing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back. He nodded and said, "Young Master Cheng, go back and tell General Jiang that I am willing to accept his surrender. At a quarter of an hour, the Han army will appear outside the west city on time."

Cheng Zi was overjoyed, and bowed deeply to Liu Jing to say goodbye. Liu Jing ordered the guards to send him back. At this time, it was less than half an hour before the hour of Mao, and the time was urgent. Liu Jing immediately ordered: "Let Gan Ning and Wei Yan come to see you quickly. I!"


The atmosphere in Moling City suddenly became tense. Jiang Qin accepted Cheng Pu's persuasion and decided to surrender Moling City to the Han army. He pulled two thousand subordinates to the west city and took control of the west gate.

At this time, Zhou Tai also got the news that Jiang Qin was good at automatic soldiers, which made Zhou Tai very angry. He led [-] troops to the west city.

Before dawn, the eastern sky was already pale, the thick night gradually faded, and there was a tinge of blue in the cold air, but there was murderous intent in front of the west gate. Jiang Qin led two thousand soldiers with bows and arrows on the city wall, and Zhou Tai. The three thousand troops confronted each other.

"Gong Yi, everyone is working for Marquis Wu, why bother to be so fussy, we can talk about any dissatisfaction, don't cause internal strife!"

Zhou Tai was also worried that Jiang Qin would open the city gate and surrender to the Han army. He tried his best to hold Jiang Qin and coax Jiang Qin into going down the city. Jiang Qin would naturally not tell the truth. He shouted: "Shut up, you can say anything now It's too late, if you kill my subordinates, this feud is irreconcilable, I will go to Marquis Wu to sue you."

Zhou Tai secretly called out that it was not good, he was a confidant of Marquis Wu, what was the point of him suing himself, I am afraid that he was going to surrender to the Han army, and deliberately held him back. Together with the Nancheng defenders, launch an attack from the top of the city, and I will respond from below!"

The city gate and the suspension bridge are controlled by Jiang Qin, and the corridors of the upper city are narrow, so it is difficult to seize the city from the corridors. The best way is to launch an attack from both sides of the city head to create conditions for his army to go to the city. Zhou Tai saw that it was almost dawn, He also became anxious in his heart, and he decided to take Xicheng decisively.

Seeing that Zhou Tai didn't respond, Jiang Qin knew that Zhou Tai was about to attack. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and looked out of the city from time to time. At this time, there was still a quarter of an hour before Maoshi, that is to say, it was still two quarters of an hour before he and Zhou Tai met. The time agreed by the Han army.

At this moment, there was a sudden cry of killing from the north and the south. It seemed that there was a fierce battle. A soldier rushed to report: "General Qi, the defenders of the south city and the defenders of the north city came from the top of the city at the same time. Brothers are not prepared enough. , heavy casualties!"

Jiang Qin was furious, and ordered: "Hold me, open the city gate quickly, and lower the drawbridge!"

The hinge of the city gate in the city tower was pulled by dozens of soldiers, the suspension bridge creaked down, and the heavy city gate was slowly opened. Zhou Tai saw it from afar, and was very anxious. With a wave of his sword, he shouted: "Rush up, Close the city gate!"

Three thousand troops burst into shouts and rushed towards the city gate together. Arrows rained down from the top of the city, and dense arrows shot at the Jiangdong soldiers. A large number of soldiers fell to the ground with arrows. retreat back.

Zhou Tai was furious, urged his horse to charge forward, brandished a long spear to strike arrows, and the soldiers behind him charged forward. Although the arrows rained down and caused countless deaths and injuries to the charging soldiers, under the encouragement of the general Zhou Tai, the dense Jiangdong soldiers Still rushed to the west city.

Some soldiers pushed the city gate to close, and more than a thousand soldiers rushed towards the top of the city along the corridors on both sides. At this time, the fierce battle was in full swing on the top of the city. city ​​head.

Jiang Qin's subordinates were weak, they were suppressed tightly, suffered heavy casualties, and their situation became more and more unfavorable. At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the south, "Boom!" ’ As if thunder rolled up in the sky, Zhou Tai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly turned his head to look to the south, only to see a soldier running from a distance, shouting: "General, it's not good!"


At this time, [-] steps of giant trebuchets were lined up outside Nancheng, and boulders weighing hundreds of catties rose into the air and slammed into the city wall violently. In the first round of boulder attacks, three parts of the city wall collapsed, exposing three hundred-foot-wide gaps.

The defenders at the top of the city rushed to the west city to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Jiang Qin's rebellion. The remaining defenders were only about a hundred people, and they were commanded by a military marquis. Waiting for the order from the military marquis, Jiangdong soldiers rushed down to the city to flee.

At this time, the second round of trebuchet was launched, and a 20-yuan boulder flew into the air, roaring and smashing towards the top of the city. The dilapidated city wall was like tofu. With a sound, the half-mile-long city wall collapsed, and dust rose up.

Liu Jing, who was watching the battle from a distance, ordered: "Stop attacking, the army will enter the city!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom! The big drum of the Han army's attack sounded, and [-] Han soldiers burst into shouts of killing, and rushed towards the county town like a tide. Gan Ning took the lead and rushed into the county town first.

Zhou Tai, who was fighting fiercely in the west city, turned pale. The Han army had already attacked from the south city, but the Jiangdong army was breaking out in internal strife. How could Moling City be held?

At this time, there was a shout of killing outside the city. Another Han army came from outside the west city. A huge battering ram was violently hitting the city gate. Hundreds of Jiangdong soldiers held the city gate from the inside. , Resisting the siege of the Han army.

Zhou Tai was in a state of confusion, he didn't know what to do, at this moment, a large group of Han soldiers suddenly appeared on the street ahead, led by general Gan Ning, rushed towards the west gate, Gan Ning Ning's task is to block the Jiangdong army in Ximen, so that the street fighting only takes place in the Ximen area, and never let the street fighting expand to the whole city.

"General, quickly retreat from the north gate!" a tooth general shouted to Zhou Tai.

At this time, blood poured into Zhou Tai's heart, and today was the day when he died in battle, he shouted, "Follow me!"

He led hundreds of soldiers to fight against the Han army. Twenty thousand Han soldiers came from all directions and surrounded hundreds of Jiangdong soldiers from three sides.

'boom! With a loud bang, the west gate was knocked open by the battering ram, and thousands of Han soldiers led by general Wei Yan rushed into the west city. The army surged like a tide, and instantly engulfed the Jiangdong soldiers.


The battle in Moling City ended after a quarter of an hour. General Zhou Tai and hundreds of Jiangdong soldiers were all killed, while the rest of Jiangdong soldiers either fled from Beicheng or surrendered to the Han army. The loss of Moling City was limited to dozens of households near the west gate. Residential houses and shops, and even ordinary people were not injured or injured. When civil strife broke out, most ordinary people living near the west city gate hid in the cellar for refuge.

Liu Jing entered Moling City under the guard of thousands of cavalry. He saw Zhuge Jin taking his rescued wife and bowing his hands to thank him from a distance. Liu Jing smiled and nodded to him.

At this time, Cheng Zi brought Jiang Qin up to salute, and Jiang Qin stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, "Jiang Qin, the sinner of Jiangdong, pays homage to His Royal Highness the King of Han!"

Liu Jing dismounted from his horse, stepped forward to help Jiang Qin, and said with a smile: "As early as the Battle of Chaisang, I hoped that one day General Jiang would be able to serve him, but I didn't expect to wait ten years for this day."

Jiang Qin was ashamed, "I kept His Highness waiting for so long!"

Everyone laughed when they heard what he said was interesting. At this time, Jiang Qin said again: "The last general and Zhou Tai are from the same hometown. They used to have a deep friendship, but yesterday they turned against each other. But the hatred is separated after death. His greatest wish in life was to die." Afterwards, he was buried with his mother, and begged His Highness to give his body to the last general, and the last general sent him back to his hometown for burial."

Liu Jing nodded, "General Jiang is so attached to the old love, how can I not fulfill it, General Jiang will give him a lavish burial."

Jiang Qin's voice choked with sobs, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your success!"

Liu Jing patted him on the shoulder and ordered the guards to take him down. Liu Jing looked at the already hazy sky, and then said to Gan Ning and Wei Yanling: "You can go out to comfort the people, distribute relief food, and those who dare to disturb the people, Slash!"

. ..

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