That night, the Han army finally launched an attack on Jianye City. One hundred giant trebuchets launched a fierce attack on the east and west sides of Jianye City at the same time three hundred steps away. In the dark night sky, as if a lightning ball hit the city, kerosene pots weighing fifty catties rose into the air, rolled in the air, and hit the Jianye city wall one after another.

The battlement was hit by a boulder, and it broke instantly, and the broken stone flew across. The soldiers hid at the root of the city wall, not daring to look up. A trebuchet at the top of the city was hit by a boulder, and broke suddenly, and the broken giant wood fell heavily into the city. .

But what was really terrifying was the kerosene attack of the Han army. The sealed pottery pot filled with kerosene hit the city head, the pottery shattered, and the kerosene flowed all over the ground. A raging fire ignited in an instant, and as the continuous kerosene pots came, the fire continued to spread and became more violent.

The soldiers at the top of the city were screaming at the burning, and countless soldiers rushed through the flames and fled to the bottom of the city, but many people were smoked by the thick smoke, fell into the burning oil, and were shrunk into a ball.

However, the goal of the Han army is not only the city, but also the target inside the city. The Jianye Palace is located in the north of the city, the south is the barracks, and the buildings on the east and west sides are Jiangdong government offices. Because the city is small, most of the government offices are close to the city. city ​​walls.

The main target of the Han army's attack on the east and west sides was the government offices in the city. At this time, all the government office buildings near the city wall were ignited by the fire. The fire was spreading rapidly and gradually engulfed the entire government office group. Many officials' family members lived in the government office. Amidst the screams of fear, hundreds of family members of officials escaped from the official office, and under the guidance of soldiers, they evacuated towards the relatively safe Jianye Palace.

Just as the Jianye City was on fire, ten giant ships of three thousand stones moved south along the Qinhuai River from the Yangtze River, and gradually approached the Jianye North City. There was chaos in Jianye City, but Lu Meng nervously watched the people outside the North City. He has discovered the true intention of the Han army, which is to use the advantage of kerosene to burn down the buildings in the city.

There are government offices on the east and west sides, which are meaningless, and burning them will not affect the battle situation. The military camp in the south is a little more important, but it is not necessary to protect it. The key is the north. The north is the Jianye Palace and the warehouse group. If it catches fire, Jianye City will no longer be able to defend it.

At this moment, a soldier pointed to the river outside the city and shouted: "Look, general!"

Lu Meng suddenly saw it too. In the night, a huge boat appeared hundreds of steps away, and it was slowly approaching Jianye City. The Jiangdong Army knew all kinds of tactics of the navy. If the warship approached the city, it was most likely It is the siege ship. Once the height of the siege ship exceeds the city, it is even easier to attack the top of the city.

The warships approaching from a distance were very large in size, more than four feet high, obviously higher than the city wall. If they were siege ships, the consequences would be very serious.

Lu Meng immediately ordered: "Set fire to burn the boat!"

They knew how to deal with the siege ships. Immediately, soldiers below the city poured thousands of barrels of kerosene into the Qinhuai water. The kerosene flowed out of the city and slowly flowed towards the ships. The torch lit the kerosene in the river, and the kerosene burned quickly, and a blue flame burned on the entire river.

But the kerosene in the river slowed down after more than a hundred steps, and turned into a small tributary next to it. It was not clear from the top of the city, but if you walked to the river, you would clearly see it. Hundreds of giant trees were connected together to intercept the kerosene floating on the river, making them turn around and flow to another small tributary, without burning the warships of the Han army at all.

This is also the countermeasure of the Han army. As long as the fire oil is led away, the Jiangdong army will not be able to burn the warships with more fire oil. The five warships are lined up three hundred steps away, and each warship is equipped with three giant catapults. Machine, the big fireball is installed in the projection pocket, waiting for the order to be issued.

On a big ship farther away, Liu Jing stood at the bow with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at Jianye City, which was shrouded in fire and thick smoke. He wanted to attack the city, but he still hoped to surrender without a fight and let Sun Quan surrender by himself. Tonight was just a warning from him to Jianye. If Jianye city still refuses to surrender, don't blame him for burning the city down.

"Launch!" Liu Jing gave the order.

The soldiers of the Han army ignited huge fireballs, and fifteen catapults on five warships fired at the same time. Fifteen big fireballs soared into the air and flew towards the city roaring. Watching more than a dozen big fireballs fly over the head and fly towards the city,

Lu Meng's heart sank. He saw that the Han army's intention was not to target the warehouse, but to target the Jianye Palace in the north. The Han army was attacking the Jianye Palace.

The Jianye Palace is not close to the North City, but more than two hundred steps away from the North City Wall. The Han army obviously knows the structure of the city very well. Their fifteen big fireballs are extremely elastic. After landing, they bounced again and shot straight into the Jianye Palace. Inside.

Seeing that the kerosene in the river had no effect, Lu Meng shouted anxiously, "Use a trebuchet to fight back!"

The ten trebuchets on Jianye North City were launched. Jianye City could not install giant trebuchets, but only large trebuchets. This kind of trebuchet could project a [-]-jin boulder more than two hundred steps away.

But the Han army was [-] steps away from the warship. In order to shoot the Han army warship, the weight of the thrown stone could only be reduced. The warship of the Han army was far away from the city, but three boulders still hit the target.

'boom! ’ The ground hit the big ship, and a big hole was smashed in the hull. At the same time, the second round of fireballs from the Han army was launched, and another [-] big fireballs crossed the sky, crossed the city wall and smashed towards Jianye Palace.

Liu Jing saw that the Jiangdong Army had begun to counterattack, so he ordered: "Fleet retreat!"

The fleet turned around slowly and headed for the Yangtze River, gradually moving away from the range of the Jiangdong Catapult.

At this time, the Jianye Palace was in chaos. Dozens of big fireballs broke into the harem, some fell into the water, and some crashed into the house of the harem. Quelou, the curtains were lit, and soon, the Baiquelou, which covered an area of ​​about five acres, was engulfed by the fire. The maids screamed in fright and surrounded Mrs. Xie and fled forward.

In the back hall, a big fireball smashed the roof, rushed into the hall, hit the wooden pillar and stopped slowly, dozens of guards poured water and covered it with soil, and finally extinguished the fireball.

Sun Quan next to him was pale and stared blankly at the fireball being extinguished. He looked up at the roof again, and there was a big hole in the roof. At this moment, two maids ran over in a hurry, "Marquis Wu! Madam's bird!" The building is on fire!"

Sun Quan was surprised, "How is Madam?"

"Madam has escaped, and is in the front hall, please ask Marquis Wu to come too."

A few guards nearby also persuaded: "The stable and the Ming building are also on fire, the harem is not safe, Wu Hou should avoid it!"

Sun Quan sighed for a long while, turned around and walked to the front hall. At this time, the safest place in Jianye Palace was the front hall. The huge hall was full of people. There were also hundreds of family members of officials who had escaped from the government office. They gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing a lot, and still had lingering fears about the fire attack that happened tonight.

Sun Quan walked into the front hall, and the hall suddenly fell silent. Hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at Sun Quan. Sun Quan didn't speak, but turned and left. At this moment, Mrs. Xie ran over, grabbed Sun Quan and persuaded: "General, It's safe here, stay here!"

Sun Quan broke free from her hand and left the front hall without looking back. Mrs. Xie watched him walk away and sighed softly. Seeing that Jianye City was in danger, what would be their fate? It would be best for her husband to surrender. Live the rest of your life in peace!

After attacking for more than an hour, the trebuchets of the Han army retreated slowly. There was no follow-up attack, and the fire in the city gradually extinguished. Except for the smashed or burned trebuchets on the east and west walls, there was basically nothing else. loss.

But the government offices were severely burned, and the fire did not go out until the third watch of the night. Hundreds of government offices on the east and west sides were all burned down, leaving only a ruined wall, and all kinds of books and bamboo slips piled up in the house were destroyed.

Some houses in the harem of the Jianye Palace were also burned down, especially the Baique Tower where Mrs. Xie lived and the Ming Tower where Sun Quan cultivated his mind. Three maids were burned to death and more than a dozen maids were injured.

The casualties of the soldiers were not large, only more than a hundred defenders were burned to death before they could escape. Although the casualties were not large, it brought a devastating blow to the morale of Jiangdong. Many soldiers were caught trying to escape from the city.

However, the fire attack of the Han army was only a threat, which had little impact on the lives of the soldiers, but another threat that directly affected the lives appeared. The epidemic broke out in the army, and nearly a hundred people fell ill, causing panic in the army.

At five o'clock, at the south gate of Jianye City, hundreds of Jiangdong soldiers rushed to the top of the city, trying to escape over the city wall, but were immediately discovered by the defenders. The defenders immediately sounded the alarm. In the chaos, countless soldiers were roped The battlements climbed down, and many soldiers panicked and jumped directly into the moat from the top of the city.

Not long after, the general Dong Xi, who was in charge of defending the south gate, rushed over, and the officer on duty reported: "General Dong, hundreds of soldiers have fled, and the low-ranking officers failed to intercept them. Most of them ran away, and only three were caught. .”

Dong Xi walked up to the three people who had been arrested, and saw that one of them was still in his teens, he couldn't bear it, so he asked, "Why did you run away?"

The young man burst into tears, "My father fell ill, he told me to run away, otherwise I will die too, I don't want to die!"

Dong Xi sighed, and ordered the left and right, "Let them all go!"

The soldiers released the three people who had been arrested. At this time, Lu Meng also rushed over after hearing the news. He asked anxiously, "General Dong, how many people escaped?"

"The exact number is unknown, but it is estimated that there are three to 400 people."

"This is terrible. The Han army will definitely know that there is a plague in our army."

Dong Xi couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Captain Lu, I really don't understand, what's the point of guarding this city? Do we have to wait until we all die of illness and let the Han army collect our corpses?"

Lu Meng sighed, "I don't know, but Marquis Wu is not allowed to surrender, so who dares to surrender?"

Dong Xi tightened his face and said nothing. . ..

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