Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1059 Small Test Deterrence

The two military cities built by the Han army in Lishui, one is located in Lirenbao, two hundred miles away from Guangxin County, and the other is only a hundred miles away from Guangxin County. At the entrance of Mihe, the two military cities are not big. The circumference is about ten miles, which is equivalent to a small county town.

The Han army first started the construction of the military city of Lirenbao, quarrying, logging, and transportation by boats, which saved a lot of effort. In just ten days, the foundation of the military city of Lirenbao had been laid, while the military city of Mihe was a little slower. At one point, thousands of Han soldiers were preparing wood and building kilns for firing bricks.

This afternoon, three thousand soldiers of the Han army were busy on the construction site east of Mihekou. They had cut down thousands of logs and built five brick kilns. In the open space, more than a thousand soldiers are using wooden molds to make bricks.

Suddenly, a piercing alarm bell sounded from the observation tower in the distance, 'Dang!when!when! The bell rang very quickly, and all the soldiers stopped their work, stood up and stared blankly into the distance. At this moment, Li Qian, the school lieutenant, urged his horse to gallop over, waved his hands and shouted: "There is an enemy situation, retreat immediately!" !"

Three thousand soldiers and hundreds of craftsmen dropped their work and rushed to the edge of the Lishui. There were [-] warships moored on the Lishui, all of which were [-] stone warships. This is also because the water volume is small in winter. Both Lingqu and Lishui can sail thousand-stone warships.

The people did not wait for the warship to dock, rushed into the water, and climbed onto the boat wet. The warship set sail with more than [-] people loaded on it. Several soldiers pushed the boat with long poles, and the warships sailed away from the shore one by one. , Headed towards the center of Lishui.

After a while, Guan Yu led [-] troops to Mihe Army City, and Chen Dao led [-] reinforcements to Guangxin County. Two military cities came to kill.

At this time, the Han army had all withdrawn, and only a dozen or so craftsmen who rushed to get things from their place of residence had no time to escape and were captured by the Jiaozhou army.

Guan Yu rode a horse to inspect the planned military city site. Judging from the scope of the military city, it was at least ten miles in circumference. The construction of two new county towns on the south bank of the Lishui River is undoubtedly the logistics center for the Han army to attack Cangwu County and even the entire Jiaozhou.

"Father, what should we do here?" Guan Ping hurried forward and asked.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, "Destroy them all!"

He pointed his whip at the twenty or so craftsmen again, "Take ten whips each, and bring them back to Guangxin County!"

In the distance, the observation tower of the Han army collapsed, and five brick kilns and tens of thousands of bricks were also destroyed. Hundreds of large logs were thrown into the river by the soldiers. The logs would naturally flow to Guangxin County, and the foundations of the city wall had already been dug , were all filled, and more than [-] craftsmen were tied to a big tree and whipped, screaming terribly.

After only five lashes, Guan Ping ordered the soldiers to stop beating and took the craftsmen back to the county seat. About an hour later, the site of the military city at Mihekou was completely destroyed. go.

Guan Yu did not attack recklessly. While waiting for Liu Bei's reinforcements, he had sent scouts to investigate in detail the intelligence of the Han army building the city. He knew that the Han army at Mihe was very small, only about 5000 people, while there was one in Lirenbao. With [-] people, if he rushed northward and the enemy army was waiting for work, he might not have a chance of victory. Guan Yu knew this well, so he did not rush northward, and sent a large number of scouts to explore the way ahead.

The distance between Mihekou and Lirenbao is hundreds of miles. There are various peaks along the way. There are endless virgin forests above and below the mountains. There is only a narrow official road connecting them. It takes about a day and a half for infantry to march.

But it didn’t take such a long time. The Jiaozhou army only walked fifty miles, and the scouts in front came to the news that hundreds of warships were found on the Lishui five miles ahead, and they were heading south. Guan Ping urged his horse to catch up with his father. : "Father, it must be that the Han army got our information, so they sent warships to intercept it."

Guan Yu nodded, he thought so too, but the shore is full of primeval forests, how do we fight this battle?Guan Ping said again: "My child knows that there is a small town not far ahead, we can speed up and rush to the small town."

"Is it Linan Town?" Guan Yu also thought of this town.

"Exactly, it's three miles ahead of us!"

Guan Yu immediately ordered: "The whole army hastened and rushed to Linan Town!"

The [-] troops accelerated their march and trotted towards Linan Town. There were no county towns on either side of the Lishui River in Cangwu County. There were only a dozen small towns. This Linan Town was one of them. There are more than two hundred households, most of whom live on fishing and farming.

The Jiaozhou army ran two miles, and the front suddenly opened up. The original forest disappeared and turned into a large paddy field. At this time, spring plowing had not yet started. The clusters stand upright, and if you are not careful, you will pierce the soles of your feet.

A few hundred steps forward is the small town of Linan. The residents of the town seem to have sensed that the war is coming, and they fled into the forest with their elders and children, carrying valuable belongings. The town was in a panic.

But at this moment, a fleet of Han army warships appeared on the river in the distance. He personally led about [-] troops.

There are few generals in Jiangdong who are not good at water warfare. Jiang Qin is also one of the masters of water warfare. He didn't want to fight against the Jiaozhou army in Lirenbao, so as not to destroy the new army city that had already established the foundation of the city, so he took the initiative to lead the army south to intercept Jiaozhou Army.

The Han army fleet also spotted the Jiaozhou army in the distance, and the drums on the river suddenly rang loudly. Jiang Qin beat the drums himself, leading the Han army fleet to crawl like a snake, slowly approaching the shore.

Under the command of Guan Yu, the Jiaozhou army on the shore formed an army formation in the field. Five thousand crossbowmen lined up in five rows, bowed and set arrows, raised their crossbows to aim, and waited for the commander's command to shoot.

At this time, Guan Yu saw that the enemy ships were approaching the shore gradually, so he swung the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and ordered, "Shoot!"

The Jiaozhou army also made loud drums, and five thousand arrows shot out at the same time, densely like a cloud of black arrows, and shot at dozens of warships of the Han army eighty steps away. When the arrows from the Jiaozhou army were overwhelming, all the warships pulled up their arrow shields.

This is a defensive weapon on a small warship. Soldiers hide in the cabin. Once the enemy shoots an arrow, they immediately pull up a hard wooden board that is one foot long and five feet high and placed on the side of the ship to cover the cabin.

The dense arrows crackled and shot at the fender, but some arrows were also shot into the cabin. Some soldiers shot unfortunately, and screams came from inside the ship.

Seeing that the archery was ineffective, Guan Yu knew that this was not the death of archery. With a wave of his sword, five thousand crossbowmen stopped archery. Good opportunity.

But Guan Yu did not wait for the Han army to land. Hundreds of warships were lined up, and small catapults as tall as a person were exposed on both sides of the cabin of each warship. Guan Yu was taken aback. He ordered: "Retreat quickly!"

The [-] Jiaozhou troops retreated to the south one after another. At this moment, hundreds of trebuchets were fired at the same time, and countless ceramic pots were thrown towards the shore. This was the sharpest weapon of the Han army-kerosene bombs.

Nearly a thousand thin-skinned pottery pots were thrown to the shore overwhelmingly. The pottery pots were shattered, and the kerosene flowed over the paddy fields. The rice fields were instantly engulfed, and dozens of Jiaozhou soldiers who retreated a little slower were also trapped by the fire. Several soldiers screamed and ran out of the fire, covered in flames. The soldiers behind them dodged in fright. He fell down on the handle and was curled up by the fire.

The fire mixed with thick smoke spread to the surroundings. Not long after, the houses in Linan Township were also set ablaze, and the entire south bank of Lishui became a sea of ​​flames. Ten thousand Jiaozhou soldiers retreated one after another, almost to the edge of the forest. They were terrified Looking at the scene in front of him.

These Wanjiaozhou soldiers were all locals and had never seen this kind of flaming weapon. Many people thought it was witchcraft, so they knelt and kowtowed in fright, chanting words, while the other soldiers showed fear in their eyes.

Jiang Qin kept ordering to throw fire oil tanks on the shore, making the fire bigger and bigger, the flames rose into the air, and the smoke billowed. The whole town was engulfed in the fire, and hundreds of acres of land became a sea of ​​fire. up the forest.

Jiang Qin stared for a moment, seeing that the effect of deterrence had been achieved, he ordered: "Fleet turn around and head north!"

Hundreds of warships turned around one after another, hoisted their sails, and headed northwest. In the distance, Guan Yu saw that the Han army had actually retreated.At this time, Guan Ping urged his horse to his father, and said in a low voice: "Father, the army's morale is unstable and morale is low. If we fight the Han army like this, I'm afraid we won't gain the upper hand."

Guan Ping said it very implicitly. In fact, he was telling Guan Yu that the army's morale had been shaken. If he fought against the Han army again, he would definitely lose. Guan Yu knew it, but it was not his style to let him retreat without fighting.

Guan Yu pondered for a moment and said: "First retreat to the Mishui River Estuary to temporarily station, and send people to investigate the movements of Lirenbao. I think the Han army is a bit bluffing. There must be rules in it. We must clarify the situation and not withdraw to Guangxin in a daze. .”

The Han army retreated to the north, and continued to burn without kerosene, and the fire on the south bank of Lishui gradually subsided. At this time, the residents of Linan Town rushed out of the forest, calling for the sky to scoop up water to save their houses. The houses were all made of bamboo and wood, and most of them had already collapsed. Guan Yu shook his head and led the soldiers to withdraw slowly towards the Mishui River mouth.

At this time, the grain and grass fleet from Guangxin County also arrived at the mouth of the Mishui River. Guan Yu ordered a large camp to be set up. The soldiers buried pots to make food and built sentry towers. Go to Lirenbao to investigate the news.

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