In Chang'an Weiyang Palace, in the side hall of Ziwei Hall, Han Wang Liu Jing gathered more than a dozen senior Han officials to discuss the follow-up plan of Jiaozhou.

The Han army dispatched a total of [-] troops to attack Jiaozhou. In addition to the [-] troops led by Huang Zhong, there were also [-] naval troops led by Gan Ning and Lu Xun. The Jiaozhou army was led northward, but the real main force of the Han army was the army of Lu Xun and Gan Ning.

The reason why he launched the attack during the year was mainly because Liu Jing was worried that Jiaozhou and Cao Cao would form an alliance. Once the two sides form an alliance, when the Han army goes south to Jiaozhou, Cao Cao is likely to exert military pressure in the north. Out of this consideration, Liu Jing Jing decided to adopt the raid tactics presented by Huang Zhong to capture Jiaozhou as quickly as possible. Before Cao Jun could react, the Jiaozhou problem was resolved.

Since the Palace of the King of Han moved into Weiyang Palace, the Han Dynasty also opened three palaces, Qinzheng Hall, Qilin Hall, and Ziwei Hall. Among them, Qinzheng Hall is the main hall, which is generally used to hold annual court meetings and large-scale sacrificial ceremonies, and to discuss State affairs will be held in Qilin Hall and Ziwei Hall.

Qilin Hall and Ziwei Hall are located on the left and right of the main Qinzheng Hall respectively. The three main halls have a character structure, and the study of Liu Jing, king of the Han Dynasty, was moved to Qifeng Pavilion behind Ziwei Hall. There is a special corridor connected with Ziwei Hall, so When Liu Jing convened high-ranking military and political officials to discuss matters, most of them would choose the side hall of Ziwei Hall.

Liu Jing's seat is in the middle of the side hall, covered with soft seats, and in front of him is a large jade table with two steps below, making his seat slightly higher than other ministers, while more than [-] ministers sit in the side hall separately. On both sides, everyone has their own fixed seat, instead of standing up for the meeting.

More than [-] senior officials, including Zhongshu Sheng, Menxia Sheng, and Shang, participated in this military and political discussion. In addition, Jia Lao Jia Xu was also invited by Liu Jing to participate in the discussion.

"This attack on Jiaozhou is quite secretive. I didn't tell you in advance. I'm sorry. Today I convened everyone to discuss the follow-up military and political arrangements in Jiaozhou. First, I would like Sima Xiangguo to tell you about the situation in Jiaozhou."

After Liu Jing finished speaking, there were whispers in the hall. The news announced by the King of Han really surprised everyone. Everyone didn't know that the Han army had already launched an attack on Jiaozhou, and thought that the war would only start in April and May. The news came too suddenly.

At this time, Sima Yi stood up, coughed lightly, and the hall immediately fell silent. Then Sima Yi calmly said: "I went to Jiaozhou last fall as an envoy, and I have a general understanding of the situation. It is because the population is small and the output is large, basically we don’t need support, but I also have a few suggestions.”

The hall was very quiet, and everyone was listening to Sima Yi's explanation attentively. Sima Yi continued to speak slowly: "The most important problem in Jiaozhou is the inconvenient transportation. It is extremely difficult to get there by land from Jingnan. At present, we can only rely on the Lingqu Canal to transport supplies. It is recommended to dredge Heshui to make Heshui a second waterway."

When Sima Yi said this, Bu Zhi, the attendant of Huangmen, couldn't help but interjected, "I would like to add that there is a commercial road in Luling County, where mule and horse caravans can travel. In the past, the trade between Jiangdong and Jiaozhou used this commercial road. , I walked through it once, and it was still quite difficult, I suggest that in the future, the business road will be widened and flattened, and it will become a main passage into Jiaozhou."

"I agree with Bu Shilang's opinion!"

Sima Yi smiled and continued: "In addition to developing land routes, sea routes can also be considered. At present, our warships can sail along the coast. If we build a seaport in Jiaozhou, I think Jiangdong and Jiaozhou can be closely linked."

Sima Yi's suggestion caused a lot of discussion in the side hall. This is indeed a very rare idea, which opened everyone's eyes. However, today's discussion is only to discuss the future, not to make a decision, so although there are many discussions, there are still arguments. but not.

At this time, Liu Jing smiled and said to Sima Yi: "Aside from the urgent need to improve the traffic, what else is more important?"

Sima Yi bowed and saluted, "His Royal Highness, apart from the traffic, there are the Zhans and barbarians in the Jiaozhi area. I have discussed with their representatives in Panyu. I feel that the Zhans and barbarians are not strong. Their The requirements are not high, I just hope to get along well with the government, that is, we don't interfere with them, and they won't harass the government, but this is only because the Cochin area is sparsely populated and rich in resources. If the population increases, I guess there will still be Contradictions, so I suggested setting up a governor's mansion in Jiaozhi, and stationing troops in Jiaozhi, we must use both soft and hard tactics to completely subdue the Zhans and barbarians."

Liu Jing nodded, and said to everyone: "Sima Xiangguo's suggestion is very good. Regarding Jiaozhou, I advocate the abolition of the state system and the direct control of the counties by the imperial court. Whether it is Jiaozhou or Jiaozhou, the population is relatively small. It is necessary to implement a long-term recuperation system to allow the population to multiply and gradually become prosperous. This cannot be done in a day or two, and it will take at least 30 years. Therefore, I hope that when you formulate national policies, you will It must be considered in the long run, and must not be limited to immediate interests."

This discussion lasted until noon, everyone talked freely, and roughly determined the future direction of Jiaozhou. Liu Jing was also a little tired. He returned to his study, took a sip of tea, closed his eyes and took a rest. At this time, the guard was at the door Report: "Old Jia Ge, please see me!"

This is Jia Xu's arrival, Liu Jing immediately got up to greet him, and saw Jia Xu standing at the door with a smile, saluting to Liu Jing: "Congratulations, Your Highness, for winning the territory again."

Liu Jing knew that he must have something to come, so he said with a smile: "Mr. Jia went into the room to talk."

The two went into the study and sat down. A tea boy served fragrant tea. Jia Xu took a sip of hot tea before slowly saying, "Your Highness is planning to send surprise soldiers to go by sea when he attacks Jiaozhou this time!"

Liu Jing was startled, this matter is extremely hidden, only a few people know about it, how did Jia Xu know about it?Jia Xu laughed again: "I heard Sima Xiangguo say that warships can already sail along the coast and establish a sea line from Jiangdong to Jiaozhou, so I guessed His Highness's strategy."

Liu Jing didn't hide anything from him, nodded and said, "Mr. Jia's guess is right. This is Lu Xun's strategy. The land layout will attract the Jiaozhou army to the front line of Cangwu and Luling. Beifeng, so the attack on Jiaozhou was made in advance, but in fact, it was rather hasty, and we could only use a surprise attack, so I don’t know if it will be seen through by the Jiaozhou army.”

Jia Xu stroked his beard and smiled, "I guess Zhuge Liang can think of it, but Liu Bei will definitely not adopt it."

"Why?" Liu Jing asked puzzled.

"It's very simple. Just now when Sima Xiangguo proposed to establish a sea line, there was a lot of discussion in the side hall. It can be seen that everyone was surprised and even found it difficult to accept it. The same is true for Liu Bei. He has lived in the north for a long time and fought in the Central Plains. He is not familiar with water warfare. Will adapt, it is impossible to imagine a naval battle that has never been precedent, and the Han army has already formed a huge threat to Jiaozhou from the south of Cangwu County. In the face of the real threat, Liu Bei will not consider the risk at sea, so I know that the sea attack must be It will succeed, of course, as long as the fleet can reach Panyu safely."

Liu Jing also sighed: "This attack by sea is a pioneering work. If it succeeds, it will not only be of great benefit to future commercial transportation, but also accumulate experience for us to attack the north."

Jia Xu laughed, "That's what Weichen means. We can attack Hebei from the sea in the future, and the east and west lines will attack, making Cao's army hard to defend. Based on this consideration, Your Highness needs to block the news of the sea attack on Pan Yu, and try not to spread it. , to prevent Cao Jun from being prepared."

Liu Jing nodded, "The military adviser reminded me that this matter should not be publicized."

At this time, Jia Xu asked again: "How does Your Highness plan to deal with Liu Bei and his subordinates?"

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "I plan to use Jiangdong's method to put Liu Bei under house arrest and recruit the Jiaozhou army. As for the local officials, they have done a good job, so I will still appoint them. I think as long as the troops are stationed in Jiaozhou, these civil officials will not be able to turn the world around."

"Your Highness's principle of being lenient towards others is really commendable, and you don't have to worry about forming hatred. However, I suggest that you should be slightly different from Sun Quan in handling Liu Bei's affairs. Sun Quan is in his prime of life, and his ambition is hard to die. He really needs to be strictly guarded, while Liu Bei Otherwise, he is in his twilight years, and he has few years left to live. The minister suggested that he should be appointed as Taiwei or Situ, and he should be appointed as a vacant post. After all, he is the uncle of the Han emperor, and he is very popular in the north. His Highness can respect him. , but don’t use him. The key is his son Liu Chan. Your Highness might as well take his son as a hostage and put him in Chengdu to be kind and raised. He will not be taught literature or martial arts. It's totally sick."

Liu Jing narrowed his eyes and smiled, Jia Xu's poison really deserves his reputation

Since Liu Bei sent General Chen to the north to aid Cangwu County, the progress of the Han army's offensive slowed down. Because the Han army wanted to defend against Guan Yu's attack, the number of people who built the military city was greatly reduced, which slowed down the progress of the construction of the military city, and the Han army went south. In a month's time, the city wall of Lirenjun City was less than one person high, which made Liu Bei slightly relieved.

At this time, the Jingzhe has passed, Jiaozhou has gradually entered the spring plowing season, farmers all over the country are busy, and the defense of Panyu City is facing another unfavorable situation. When he woke up, he also knew that the people of Jiaozhou were loose and unafraid of authority, and the farmers began to plow in the spring, so it was difficult for them to come to Panyu to participate in the defense.

In desperation, Liu Bei had no choice but to send Zhuge Liang to the various counties to supervise the army, and the county government must send some militia soldiers to Panyu to participate in the defense. After Zhuge Liang's urging, it did have some effect. Nanhai County first dispatched [-] militia soldiers. The [-] militia soldiers from Cangwu County and Yulin County are also on the way.

Just when Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, the situation changed suddenly.

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