But when it was bright, Xu Huang understood the secret of the Han army filling up the trench overnight. He finally found a dozen small stone walls four hundred steps away, and he guessed the reason.

It's very simple. The Han army dug more than a dozen tunnels under the cover of night. These tunnels lead directly to the trenches, and the entrances are beyond the range of the projectors. Even if Cao Jun finds out, they can't hit the Han army hard. bags, and filled two trenches overnight.

Xu Huang's guess was completely correct. This was Fazheng's authentic strategy. First, he dug a well in the camp to find out the groundwater level, then dug a tunnel one foot deep underground, and finally filled the trench.

With the trenches filled and the Han army's offensive no longer hindered, Zhao Yun ordered generals Guan Xing and Zhang Bao to lead [-] troops each to launch a full-scale attack on Hangu Pass.

The morning sun over Hangu Pass shot out thousands of golden lights, and in the wilderness in front of the Han army camp, [-] Han troops were lined up, ready to attack, waiting for the order to attack.

In the ranks, huge nest carts, ladders, and boxcars were launched at any time. On the top of the city, [-] Cao troops, [-] heavy catapults, and [-] bed crossbows were also ready to fight.

Zhao Yun waved his saber and shouted: "Attack!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom! '

The fierce battle drums sounded suddenly, and [-] Han soldiers rushed towards Hangu Pass like a frenzied tide, kicking off the Han army's all-out siege.

Maybe this is just the first attack, but it is definitely not a trial attack, but a formal attack. In the years of war between the Han army and the Han army, they are already familiar with each other's routines, so there is no need to try again.

The Han army has long been aware of Cao Jun's defensive routines. They use trebuchets and bed crossbows far away, and bows and arrows for defense near, and even closer are rolling logs and rocks.

In particular, the Han army had found the news before that there were still more than [-] defenders in Luoyang, which meant that Cao Jun would not stick to Hangu Pass. If the defense of the city was not good, they would retreat to Luoyang.

It is for this reason that the Han army went all out to attack from the beginning, and the morale of the Han army was like a rainbow. With the confidence of the [-] army, they could gather their forces and conquer Cao's pass cities one by one.

At this time, news came from Chang'an that the [-] Han troops at Pujin Pass also began to attack Cao's army in Hedong County, and Shouchun also showed signs of attack.

In other words, the Han army has launched an attack on Cao Jun from the four directions of Bingzhou, Luoyang, Nanyang, and Shouchun at the same time, which puts a lot of pressure on Zhao Yun. He must take Hangu Pass as quickly as possible. Only by forcing the Cao army into Luoyang can the key strategy of the Han army be implemented.

It was the news from Chang'an that made Zhao Yun determined to capture Hangu Pass as quickly as possible at all costs.

With the sound of rumbling attacking drums, the Han army's [-] troops were divided into four square formations, and they advanced together to the front of Guancheng. The earth outside Guguan was covered.

"Forward!" Amid the sound of drums, General Zhang Bao of the Han Army shouted loudly.


With thunderous shouts, the Han army advanced towards Hangu Pass like an overwhelming sea. This time, the Han army used many siege weapons.

The first is the nest car and the ladder, which are the main weapons of the Han army to attack the city. These heavy weapons were dismantled and transported from the pass, and then assembled temporarily. There are huge wooden wheels under the nest car and the ladder, which were used by the Han army. Soldiers pushed forward.

The second is the bucket cart, which is a traditional defensive weapon used by the Han army to resist the impact of the trebuchet. , and has a certain oblique angle.

When a huge boulder hits the cowhide, it is easy to be unloaded and slide away. Although not every boulder can be defended, at least [-]% of the boulders can be defended against flying.

A bucket is three feet wide and five feet long, with wooden wheels underneath, which can be pushed slowly, and three or four hundred Han soldiers are hidden underneath.

With the sound of war drums, the Han army's offensive formation moved forward step by step, and the nest carts, leather buckets, ladders, and mighty Han soldiers merged into a spectacular black tide rushing towards the city.

On the top of the city, Cao Jun was ready. As many as fifty heavy-duty trebuchets creaked open, and a huge stone weighing one hundred catties was placed in the leather pocket. Each trebuchet required 100 people to pull it. Cao Jun couldn't allocate so many troops, so he recruited [-] civilians from various counties in Hongnong County to supplement the pulling of the trebuchet.

The army of the Han army is getting closer and closer, and has already entered the 200-pace line. If it is a super-large catapult with [-] men, it can be projected, but the catapult at Hangu Pass is slightly smaller, and the range is only [-] paces.

The general Cao Jun who was in charge of commanding the trebuchet was named Huo Ning, a fellow of Xu Huang. He followed Xu Huang for nearly 20 years. The Han army suffered a disastrous defeat in An County.

The chief general Xu Huang watched the attack wave of the Han army approaching the city step by step. The vanguard of the front army had reached [-] paces. Xu Huang gave the order to shoot. The dense small arrows shot at the Han army.

A group of Han soldiers rushing forward turned their backs, and hundreds of Han soldiers were shot down. Huo Ning was tempted by the strong shooting desire, and he reminded Xu Huang in a low voice, "General, the fireball can be launched!"

But Xu Huang never let go, so that the red flag in Huo Ning's hand could not be waved down. If the red flag was not waved down, the fifty trebuchet commanders would not dare to give the order to shoot.

After three hundred steps, the Han army finally entered the range of the trebuchet. Xu Huang nodded, and the red flag in Huo Ning's hand finally waved down, "Shoot!" Fifty Cao army commanders hissed almost at the same time.

The heavy-duty trebuchet was launched, fifty long throwing rods were swung out, and a huge 50-yuan stone was thrown towards the Han army formation. Above the army's head, the soldiers of the Han army yelled and dodged to both sides, or hid behind the cart.

'boom! With a muffled sound, the boulder fell, and the dust flew up. Several Han soldiers couldn't dodge, and were smashed into meat sauce. The powerful impact made the boulder continue to roll, and rushed straight into the group of Han soldiers, and there were screams all at once. , more than a dozen soldiers were killed, blood splashed everywhere, and the whole boulder was dyed red.

There was another loud bang, a boulder smashed into the cart, and there was a 'bang' sound. The slippery leather made the boulder, which had lost its edges and corners, unable to be solidified, and it slid and flew out for more than twenty steps. This boulder did not achieve the effect. .

But not every bucket truck can withstand the impact of boulders, it depends on the smoothness of the stones themselves, if the stones are rough and rough, it will be difficult for the bucket to be effective.

There was another muffled sound, accompanied by the cracking sound of the brackets, a cart collapsed, and hundreds of Han soldiers hiding under the leather buckets stumbled out, and many were injured by the collapsed wooden pillars. Painful ** under the bucket truck.

The second round of the trebuchet was launched again, and the 50-yuan boulder rolled in the air, whizzing and smashing, smashing the soldiers of the Han army on their backs, flying flesh and blood, breaking the cart, and breaking the ladder, followed by the third and fourth rounds. . . . .

Every round of catapults caused hundreds of casualties. Although the catapults were powerful, they were small in number and could not cause huge damage. More than [-] Han troops had rushed to the city. Hail and torrential rain shot at the soldiers of the Han army overwhelmingly.

The soldiers of the Han army raised their shields to greet them, and people continued to die tragically with arrows. In the rain of arrows, thousands of Han soldiers pushed dozens of huge ladders close to the city wall, forming more than [-] siege points. The city ladder reached the top of the city, and groups of fierce Han soldiers rushed up the ladder and began to climb up.

Cao Jun's arrow rain shot obliquely, and the rolling wood and rocks fell head-on. A string of Han soldiers screamed and fell down the stairs. They were shot by arrows and their heads were smashed. The soldiers of the Han army frantically climbed the stairs, charging upwards desperately.

At this time, the drums of the Han army camp were loud again, and another five thousand Han army archers came galloping, and the dust was flying. range area.

Huge boulders whizzed towards them, knocking down the cavalry. The arrows from the bed crossbow were strong and fast, and the iron arrows could penetrate the cavalry. The horses hissed miserably, and the soldiers rolled over.

At this moment, the Han army has invested [-] siege soldiers, and the battle of attack and defense of the city has entered the most intense stage.

. . . . . . . .

Unlike the Han army's bloody battle at Hangu Pass, the Han army's battle on the front line of Bingzhou was a little easier. After the Han army conquered Lishi County and occupied Xihe County last year, Cao Jun was forced to carry out a strategic contraction in Bingzhou and stationed in Hedong County. The [-] troops had to withdraw eastward to Shangdang County, and joined Taiyuan County as one, becoming the first western line of defense in Yedu.

At this time, land and population are not so important, but building a defense line against the Han army is the top priority. Hedong County and Taiyuan County are separated by Pingyang County and Shangdang County. Once the Han Army marches eastward from Xihe County, Taiyuan and Taiyuan Hedong will face the risk of being defeated one by one.

When the Cao army could no longer increase its troops, it could only shrink the defense line and concentrate the main force of [-] Cao troops on Shangdang County and Taiyuan County. As long as these two counties were guarded, it would be difficult for the Han army to break through the natural danger of Taihang.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Cao Jun actually gave up Hedong County and Pingyang County. After the general Guan Yu and his military adviser Zhuge Liang led [-] Han troops from Pujin Pass to Hedong County, the [-] troops guarding Hedong County did not fight. But collapsed, and quickly retreated to Shangdang County.

Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang did not continue to march north, but consolidated their occupation of Hedong County. According to the strategic deployment of Liu Jing, King of the Han Dynasty, Guan Yu ordered Guan Ping to be a backup, and generals Wu Lan and Leng Bao led [-] infantry cavalry to march eastward. , Three days later, the Han army conquered Jiguan and Zhiguan in the Wangwu Mountains, and the army advanced into Hanoi County and went to Mengjindu in the southwest.

. . . . . . . .

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