On the night that eunuch Mi Ying accidentally stabbed the emperor Liu Xie to death, the spies of the Han army who were watching outside the palace discovered the change in the palace and immediately notified Li Fu. When he came to search the Jucai Tavern, Li Fu sent someone to inquire about Mi Ying's situation, only to find out that he died strangely not long after he was caught. No one knew the cause of death, it is said that he committed suicide by taking poison.

However, Li Fu knew that there were too many dark transactions in Ye Palace. It was obvious that someone was afraid that Mi Ying would say something he shouldn't say, so they poisoned him to death. Head Koan.

Not long after Liu Jing, the king of the Han Dynasty, issued his call, Li Fu rushed to Qiao County.

In a small tavern in Chengfu County, Jin Sanye poured a glass of wine for Li Fu, and asked with a smile: "Master Li has no alcohol in Yedu, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"How could it be possible for me not to drink? It's just that Yedu is too depressing and makes people uncomfortable, so I'd better read it outside."

Li Fu drank the wine and asked in a low voice, "How is Zhang Li's progress?"

Jin Sanye squinted his eyes and smiled, "Master Li, please rest assured. I, Jin San, always do things with three points and one point. If I am not sure, I will not take this job. Let me tell you this! I want the title of Marquis." It's settled, you can go to see Zhang Li anytime."

"Did you talk to Zhang Li directly?"

"It's not enough to say it's broken, but both parties know well that what he did, killing ten heads is not wrong."

Jin Sanye laughed in a low voice: "He came to me yesterday and asked me if I knew someone from the Han army, and helped him to make a connection. He heard that Cao Ren would come to Qiao County to check the combat readiness in person soon, and he was very scared."

Li Fu pondered for a moment and asked, "When will Cao Ren come to Qiao County for inspection?"

"I can't say for sure, but it shouldn't be too long. I guess it will be within a few days. The situation is already very tense now, and this matter won't last long."

Li Fu thought for a while, and immediately said: "In that case, let's go to the barracks now."

Since Zhang Li started the kerosene business with Li Fu, he went on to buy and sell several weapons. He became more and more courageous, and even sold all the military crossbows to Li Fu, and bought them from Li Fu. The same number of spears turned out that crossbowmen became spearmen, and he made huge profits from it.

In fact, Zhang Li knew from the first cooperation with Li Fu that the kerosene was actually sold to the Han army. It's still there, and they can't transport the fire oil there.

He knew very well that the Black Banner Army was just an excuse, as long as both parties did not tell the truth, then he would be happy to pretend to be a fool to make money. He was originally a Yellow Turban thief, so he didn't care about the interests of the Cao Army or the Han Army, he only considered his own Benefit.

But just two days ago, Zhang Li received the news sent by Niu Jin that Cao Ren, the governor of Xuzhou, would soon come to Qiao County to inspect the war preparations. Niu Jin told him to prepare, in fact, he was hinting at him to immediately plug all the loopholes. Come on, don't be caught out by Cao Ren.

Zhang Li was so frightened by this news that his legs became weak. How could he make up for the loss of so many weapons and fuel oil? He knew that as long as Cao Ren came to Chengfu's barracks, he would immediately see the problem. It's hard to guarantee.

Zhang Li was so scared that he couldn't sleep all night, so he went to Jin Sanye for help the next day, implying that he was willing to surrender to the Han army, and begged Jin Sanye to help him. After two days of fear, Jin Sanye brought Li Fu to Zhang Li's house. barracks.

Zhang Li invited Li Fu into his private camp just like making an offering to a Bodhisattva. Li Fu sat down and asked first, "I heard from Mr. Jin that Cao Ren is coming to inspect the war preparations. When will he come?"

"I don't know exactly when he will come, but he must first check Qiao County's combat readiness. He hasn't arrived in Qiao County yet, so he will come to Chengfu County at least three days later, and I personally estimate it will be about five days."

Speaking of this, Zhang Li was not reserved, and said directly: "I know that Master Li has something to do with the Han army. We all know it well. I just beg Master Li to help me connect. I am willing to surrender to the Han army."

Li Fu smiled slightly and said: "To tell the truth, General Zhang, I do have business relations with the Han Army, and I know a few high-ranking officials of the Han Army, but I want to know what kind of guarantee General Zhang can give me to make the Han Army trust me. ! Believe in General Zhang."

"This..." Zhang Li was in a dilemma, what guarantee should he give?Now that disaster is imminent for him, Li Fu knows this reading better than anyone else, so what guarantee is there.

Seeing his embarrassment, Mr. Jin next to him reminded him: "Actually, isn't General Zhang's son the best guarantee?"

Zhang Li gasped. He had two daughters and a son in his hometown. The two daughters were married, and the son was a fool. So he later married several concubines. One of the concubines was very competitive. He gave birth to a clever and lovely son.

This son is Zhang Li's baby, and he has been by his side all the time. He is ten years old this year. Zhang Li bought a house in the county town and let his concubine live with his son. Shi Jin Sanye reminded him to use his son as a hostage, which made him confused.

Li Fu persuaded him again with a smile: "General Zhang entrusted his son to the Han army, and the Han army naturally trusted the general's sincerity. As for the safety of the general's son, I can guarantee it."

"You?" Zhang Li looked at Li Fu suspiciously, seeing Li Fu's smile with a hint of complacency, he suddenly understood, looked at Li Fu and said, "Who are you?"

"I might as well tell the general frankly that I am not a businessman. I am the Sima Li Fu of the Han army."

As he said that, Li Fu took out a gold medal and handed it to Zhang Li. This was his badge of identity. The gold medal represented an officer or counselor above general level. Of course Zhang Li understood that he was taken aback. This person's status is not low!He hurriedly said: "I don't know if it's Li Sima, I'm sorry."

Li Fu smiled and said: "I will stay in the barracks, not only to guarantee the safety of your son, but also to guarantee the general's glory and wealth."

Zhang Li was afraid that after he surrendered to the Han army, he would be chased by the Han army and the gold he earned by selling weapons. Now that Li Fu promised to guarantee his wealth and was willing to stay in his barracks, he finally made up his mind and said to Li Fu: "Then We've made a deal!"

"Very well, we've made a deal!"

Li Fu then said to Mr. Jin: "Mr. Jin, please take the child to Shouchun first. My subordinates will take Mr. Jin to see Old General Huang. Time is running out, so Mr. Jin must act quickly."

"Don't worry! I won't miss a big deal, I'll leave right away."

Half an hour later, Jin Sanye took Zhang Li's son and two of Li Fu's entourages onto the boat, and the boat sailed along the vortex to the Huaihe River.

. . . . . . . . .

Three days later, a huge fleet of more than [-] thousand-stone warships approached the mouth of the Woshui River. This huge thousand-stone warship fleet consisted of [-] troops led by Liu Hu and Wei Yan as the deputy. The target was Chengfu County. There were a thousand cavalry guards from the Han army on both sides of the river to prevent Cao Jun from throwing huge stones at the warships from both sides of the river.

Nearly [-] Cao troops have been stationed in Yicheng County to the east of the Woshui River Estuary, and they have stationed heavily in the county seat. Hundreds of feet of iron chain blocked the river, preventing the warships of the Han army from entering the vortex and going north.

But for the Han army, this kind of iron chain blocking the river is meaningless. The Han army drove a boat full of kerosene and wood to burn under the iron chain. It took less than an hour, and the wrist-thick iron chain was burned When the fire broke, the iron chain fell into the river, and the [-] warships of the Han army stretched for dozens of miles, heading towards the upper reaches of the vortex.

Cao Jun also considered pouring kerosene on the river to burn the Han warships, but they soon found that they couldn't do it. On the one hand, there were Han cavalry guarding the fleet on both sides of the river, so it was difficult for Cao Jun to start.

On the other hand, because the water surface of the vortex is extremely wide, similar to that of the Huaihe River, if you pour kerosene into the river, the kerosene will only flow to both sides of the river bank, and the warships of the Han army sail in the center of the vortex, so it is difficult for the kerosene to burn the warships. Cao Jun did not have so much kerosene dumped on the river, unless Cao Jun had warships to fight the Han army and threw kerosene onto the Han army ships during the battle, otherwise it would be too unrealistic to burn ships on such a wide river.

The Han army went all the way north, and two days later, the Han army fleet arrived at Chengfu County. Hundreds of warships began to berth, and groups of soldiers quickly landed. Cao Jun general Zhang Li, accompanied by Li Fu, was waiting on the shore.

When Liu Hu stepped onto the shore from the bow, Zhang Li immediately stepped forward and knelt down on one knee and said, "The humble Zhang Li sees General Hu!"

Liu Hu was quite satisfied when he saw thousands of soldiers of Cao Jun in the distance, all of whom had put down their weapons. He stepped forward to help Zhang Li and said with a smile, "General Zhang abandoned the darkness and turned to the light. He is willing to serve the King of Han and revive the Han Dynasty. It is admirable. Starting today , General Zhang is one of the Han generals."

Zhang Lixin was really ashamed, he didn't want to revive the Han Dynasty, he just didn't want to be beheaded by Cao Ren, but he didn't dare to reveal this kind of selfishness, so he could only vaguely say: "I am willing to serve the King of Han!"

Liu Huxin really despises the Cao Jun general who is ungrateful for profit. If he had followed his temper, he would have killed him with a single knife. However, Sima Yi repeatedly explained before he left that he could not affect the surrender of the Cao Jun general behind him. Military power, but I can't kill him for the time being, and I will pay attention to it later.

Liu Hu took out a military talisman and handed it to him with a smile, "The King of Han ordered General Zhang to be Marquis of Guannei, plus Captain Yuzhang. In Shouchun, you can go to Shouchun first, and then bring your son to take office."

Zhang Li didn't expect that Liu Jing would confer the title of Marquis of Guannei on him. He was overjoyed. He quickly took the seal and said, "Thank you His Highness the King of Han for the reward. I'll go to Shouchun right now."

Liu Hu laughed again: "According to the system of the Han army, General Zhang's Qu Department needs to be reorganized. We will send the reorganized Qu Department to Yuzhang County to station. Please wait patiently for a month or two."

Zhang Li was not stupid, he suddenly realized that after finishing his reorganization, all his songs were broken up, how could he return them to himself? I had no choice but to hold back, and saluted: "Thank you, General Tiger, for your consideration."

In desperation, he turned his head and gave Li Fu a bitter look, then boarded a warship, and under the guard of dozens of soldiers, the warship sailed south.

Watching Zhang Li being sent away, Liu Hu sneered, and immediately ordered: "Accept Cao Jun's troops and take over the defense of Chengfu County!"

At this time, Cao Ren was on his way to Chengfu County. He suddenly had to report to Zhang Li and surrender to the Han army. The [-] Han army under the leadership of Liu Hu had captured Chengfu County. Wei retreated back to Qiao County, and then rushed back to Xuzhou to redeploy the defense.

The Han army rebelled against Zhang Li and captured Chengfu County, one of the three major towns in Qiaojun. They stationed [-] troops in Chengfu County to directly threaten the safety of Qiaojun.

This is the second step of Liu Jingyuan's strategy. The [-] Han army in Chengfu County not only restrained the Niujin army in Qiaojun, but also restrained Cao Ren's Xuzhou army and Yu Jin's Huaibei army, not only breaking the strategy in the eastern part of Yuzhou On balance, more importantly, the [-] garrison of the Han army in Qiaojun made it impossible for Cao Ren's army to assist Xuchang westward.

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