In fact, Zhang Ying's judgment was not wrong. He suspected that the main force of the Han army had quietly withdrawn from Jingxing Pass and headed towards Taiyuan.

After Zhang Yun observed for a day, he confirmed that his judgment was correct, and then he personally led the army to kill the Han army barracks. Although his judgment was correct, he still fell into Zhuge Liang's trick. Xiang Taiyuan, but left another [-] troops, ambushed in the woods on both sides of the pass, Zhang He led his troops out, fell into Zhuge Liang's trap, and was finally surrounded. Zhang He was cornered and forced to surrender.

Zhang He surrendered, and the Cao army at Jingxing Pass also surrendered, allowing the Han army to occupy Jingxing Pass without bloodshed.

But Jingxingguan was only the first part of Zhuge Liang's plan, but the real highlight was in Taiyuan. From the very beginning, Zhuge Liang knew that Taiyuan was short of food, so he concentrated his forces to attack Jingxing and set a trap for Cao Jun in Taiyuan City. Then, under the cover of the heavy snow, the golden cicada escaped its shell, and the [-] army quickly returned to Taiyuan to join the [-] northward army led by Guan Yu.

Xia Houshang really fell into Zhuge Liang's trap. According to Mao Jie's plan, he personally led [-] troops northward to capture the cattle and sheep of the Huns, but was ambushed by [-] troops led by Guan Yu on the way, and the two armies fought all night until dawn. At that time, Cao Jun was finally defeated across the board.

On the vast snowy field, there are Cao soldiers running everywhere, but the Han army has set up a net in all directions. The Cao soldiers have nowhere to escape. Under the pursuit of the Han army, Cao soldiers knelt down and surrendered one after another.

Xia Houshang was covered in blood from the killing. He led more than [-] soldiers to fight a bloody road and fled to the west in embarrassment. Teams of Han troops surrounded Cao's deserters on all sides, and the screams of killing were loud.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and the morning light was dim. With the cover of the morning light, Xia Houshang was able to break through the Han army's net, and was about to break out of the encirclement. But at this moment, an army of about three thousand rushed forward. For the rest of the people, the word "Guan" is written on a large flag fluttering around.

Xia Houshang secretly groaned. He knew that he might have encountered Guan Yu, the general of the Han army. He turned his horse's head and ran south, trying to escape the attention of the Han army on the opposite side.

The army that came from the opposite side was Guan Yu's team. Although Guan Yu followed his elder brother Liu Bei and surrendered to the Han Dynasty, he was always heartbroken and refused to serve Liu Jing. Hehuang inspected the Han army in various places.

But as Guan Yu's understanding of the Han army gradually deepened, his prejudices were gradually eliminated. He finally realized that the Han army would unify the world sooner or later.

All parts of the Han Kingdom are thriving, production resumes, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the soldiers are actively training. A recruit who has just joined the army can become an elite soldier after a few months of hard training. Neither the Cao Army nor the former Jiaozhou Army can do it. This is not a training method, but morale, and high-spirited soldiers enable recruits to be reborn quickly.

It was the prosperity of the Han Dynasty that finally made Guan Yu change his mentality and began to try to re-enter his new career, but Guan Yu did not expect that from the very beginning, Liu Jing appointed him as the general of Bingzhou to fight alone with Zhuge Liang On the one hand, this kind of trust made Guan Yu feel inexplicably moved.

It's just that he doesn't show his emotions. He doesn't show his emotions. Instead, he goes all out in Bingzhou to cooperate with Liu Jing's overall strategic layout. Liu Jing demands that the Battle of Bingzhou be completed before the end of the year to open up the strategic route to Hebei. .

Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang agreed on a plan to capture Bingzhou. Taking advantage of the weakness of Cao Jun's lack of food and grass, he pretended to attack Jingxing to lure Taiyuan Cao Jun out of the city to plunder grain. Zhuge Liang's plan was successful.

While Guan Yu was leading his army to patrol the battlefield, they ran into Xia Houshang, the leader of the Cao army. Although Guan Yu didn't know that the opponent was Xiahoushang, he had hundreds of cavalry following him, so he realized that this must be Cao Jun's important force. figure.

Guan Yu mobilized his horses and chased Cao Jun with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand. Three thousand Han troops followed closely behind. Of course Xia Houshang knew how powerful Guan Yu was. Han army, about a thousand people.

Seeing that Cao Jun refused to stop his horses, the leader Ya general could not help being furious, and ordered: "Learn your spears and block their way!"

A thousand soldiers quickly formed a spear array on the snow, blocking the way of Xiahou Shang's cavalry, and on the left was a dry ditch with a width of seven or eight feet, which could not be crossed by the horses. Xia Houshang had to turn his horse's head and run to the right, but it happened He was stopped by Guan Yu.

Guan Yu waved the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and said coldly: "Dismount your horse and surrender, and you will not die!"

How could Xia Houshang be willing to surrender? He gritted his teeth and urged his horse to charge towards Guan Yu. When he was distracted, he shot him. Guan Yu was furious and greeted him with a knife. At the same time, Guan Yu made a backhand knife and hit Xia Houshang on the back of the neck. With a sound of "Pull!", Xia Houshang's head flew up to a height of one foot, blood spurted out from his neck cavity, the horse galloped a few steps, and the corpse fell from the horse. planted.

Guan Yu killed Xia Houshang, waved his hand, and said coldly: "Kill!"

Thousands of Han troops swarmed up and surrounded Xia Houshang's [-] soldiers, killing them all. In just a moment, all [-] soldiers were killed by the Han army, leaving no one alive.

Guan Yu picked up Xia Houshang's head with the tip of his knife, looked at it carefully for a moment, and couldn't help but sneered, "With this head, how long can Taiyuan City last?

. . . . . . . .

Not long after Xia Houshang led his army to leave Taiyuan City and went northward, military adviser Mao Jie felt a sense of unease. This feeling of unease came from the report of the scouts, and no abnormalities were found around Taiyuan City.

If his scouts found that there was a Han army patrolling nearby, he would not be worried. This is a normal phenomenon. Even if the Han army attacked Jingxing with all their strength, they would not turn a blind eye to Taiyuan City. There is no Han army monitoring Taiyuan City. It's a bit abnormal, there is only one possibility, the Han army deliberately left Taiyuan City.

Mao Jie spent the whole night in anxiety. After dawn, defeated soldiers began to appear under the city of Taiyuan. Mao Jie almost collapsed. The thing he feared most finally happened.

On the north city wall, a fleeing Ya general cried to Mao Jie: "At four o'clock last night, we were surrounded by tens of thousands of Han troops at Yushugang, thirty miles to the north, even though General Xiahou led his brothers to fight the Han army to the death. The army fought fiercely, but they were outnumbered. At dawn, they were finally defeated by the Han army, and the brothers scattered and broke through. The humble officer pretended to be dead to escape the Han army's capture."

Mao Jie felt his eyes darken for a while, and after a while, he calmed down and asked, "Where's General Xiahou?"

"I only heard that he was chased by Guan Yu's army. I don't know what happened in the end."

Mao Jie was worried, Xia Houshang was chased by Guan Yu, could he still escape?At this moment, a 'Boom!Boom! 'The sound of war drums sounded like muffled thunder, as if above the clouds in the distance.

Mao Jie's face was pale, and he got up and walked towards the battlements. Cao Jun's soldiers on the top of the city were alarmed and rushed to the top of the city together. A black line appeared in the distance, gradually approaching the city, getting closer, black The line turned into a huge black carpet, with flags fluttering, covering the sky and covering the sky, and behind them were black soldiers with spears like forests and shining armor, especially murderous in the snow-covered field.

Mao Jie gasped, there are at least 1 troops, and there are only [-] defenders in Taiyuan City. If the Han army storms Taiyuan City, can they hold it?

The life and death of the main general Xia Houshang is unknown, the deputy general Guo Huai followed Xiahou Dun to Yedu, and the other deputy general Zhang He was sent to guard Jingxing. There are only three school lieutenants in the city, and none of them can stand alone. Only Mao Jie can lead the overall situation , but he is a counselor after all, and he is good at making plans. Let him lead the army to defend the city, and his ability is far inferior to that of Xia Houshang.

Mao Jie had no choice but to bite the bullet and ordered: "General Yang and General Lu will defend the northern city, General Zhao will lead the troops to guard the southern city, and 300 people will be left in each of the east and west cities to patrol, so there is no need to deploy defense for now."

Based on Mao Jie's direct command, the Han army's strength is not large, and it will definitely concentrate its forces to attack the northern city, and the southern city is also possible, but due to the terrain on the east and west sides, it is estimated that the Han army will not attack.

At this time, the school lieutenant Yang Lin ran to Mao Jie and said, "Military division, how to deploy the trebuchet?"

Mao Jie was stunned, and looked back at the tall trebuchet behind him. He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He knew where the problem was. There were forty heavy trebuchets on the head of Beicheng, and each trebuchet required 100 people. , That would require 4000 people, but he only has [-] defenders in total, so where can he send out troops, even if he is temporarily recruiting civilians, he still needs training to use them, and it is too late.

Mao Jie thought for a moment and said: "Only use [-] trebuchets to launch boulders, and the Han army will give up the trebuchets after they have advanced a hundred paces."

"Follow the order!"

Yang Lin saluted, turned around and left in a hurry, at this moment, a soldier next to him stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Master, the Han army sent an envoy, do you want to see him?"

Mao Jie pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Bring it up!"

Soon, a scribe was led up by the soldiers. The scribe stepped forward and bowed to salute: "Han army soldier Cao Eng Zhang Hong came to see General Mao under the order of General Guan."

"What do you want to say?" Mao Jie said coldly.

Zhang Hong looked back at the soldiers of Cao Jun behind him. The soldiers quickly handed a sword to Mao Jie. Mao Jie's heart skipped a beat. He recognized the sword. It was Xia Houshang's sword, and it was actually in the hands of the Han army. Could it be

Zhang Hong did not hide anything, and said frankly: "Xiahoushang has died among the rebellious army. There is no Cao army outside Taiyuan City. General Zhang Yun has also surrendered to the Han army. Only Taiyuan City is left. General Guan hopes that Army Division Mao can see clearly. The general trend, don't let innocent soldiers die, return as soon as possible, so as to get the name after death."

Mao Jie smiled miserably, and Xia Houshang was indeed killed in battle. He said slowly after a while: "Go back and tell Guan Yu that a loyal minister will not serve the second master. Integrity, he is willing to fight to the death with him!"

. . . . . . . . .

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