Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1120 Conquering the Merger State

Guan Yu really did not expect Mao Jie to be so decisive that he would never surrender and fight to the end. This made Guan Yu respect Mao Jie a little. He knew that Mao Jie knew the situation of Wei State very well in his heart. Taiyuan was isolated and helpless, not under siege To perish is to break through in a fierce battle, but Mao Jie still refuses to surrender, which only shows that he wants dignity and integrity.

Although Guan Yu admired Mao Jie's integrity in his heart, Cao Jun's refusal to surrender made him deeply ashamed. Guan Yu was a little angry.

Guan Yu pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, "My son can lead fifteen thousand troops to attack Beicheng!"

Wu Ban next to him also clasped his fists and said: "The heavy armored infantry is willing to help Xiaoguan attack the city!"

Guan Yu didn't want heavy armored infantry to attack the city. Heavy armored infantry is not easy to train. They are generally used to deal with cavalry. Next, using heavy armored infantry is a bit of a waste of killing chickens with a butcher's knife.

But Wu Ban's attitude was very firm. He knew that there were not many opportunities to make meritorious deeds, and they had to seize every opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Moreover, His Royal Highness sent them to Bingzhou, hoping that they would make a difference in the battle of Bingzhou.

Seeing Guan Yu's hesitation, Wu Ban bowed again and said, "The heavy armored infantry is willing to fight to capture Taiyuan, and I beg General Guan to agree!"

Guan Yu was finally moved by Wu Ban's persistence. He smiled a little and said, "Since General Wu insists, the heavy armored infantry will fight in the second round of siege!"

Wu Ban was overjoyed, "Thank you, General Guan!"

. . . . . . . .

The war finally broke out, and all Cao's troops on the top of the city were thrown into battle. Two thousand Cao's troops shot twenty heavy trebuchets. The huge trebuchets were about three feet high, and there were stone pockets hanging behind the long arms, and they were driven by hundreds of people. , can throw nearly a hundred catties of boulders three hundred steps away.

The soldiers of the Cao army watched nervously as the enemy army rushed forward. The ladders were full of Han soldiers preparing to attack the city. The enemy army had already entered within three hundred steps. command, "Launch!"

The twenty trebuchets at the head of Taiyuan City started at the same time, and their long arms swung out, throwing a huge boulder weighing eighty or ninety catties in the air.

'boom! Huge boulders smashed into the snow and rolled among the crowd. Red-stained snow foam rose into the air. More than a dozen people were smashed into blood and flesh.

'Crack! "A ladder was hit, the ladder broke into several pieces, dozens of people climbing on the ladder fell down one after another, and huge boulders whizzed towards the ladder. The ladder of the Han army was well-made, with exquisite hinges and wedges, but the ladder Still can't stop the impact of the boulder.

In just a hundred steps, ten ladders were destroyed by boulders, but more than fifty ladders gradually approached the city wall.

In the sky, huge boulders were tumbling, whistling and smashing to the ground. In just a quarter of an hour, the trebuchet fired four rounds, and the 80-yuan boulder hit the enemy group, causing nearly 700 casualties, but the Han army did not stop. , They fought bravely to be the first, and soon rushed into the range of the bow and arrow.

On the city, Cao Jun's arrows were like rain, and four thousand soldier arrows were shot at the enemy densely. The soldier arrows were used for defending the city. They were longer and thicker than cavalry arrows. The army is extremely lethal.

The Han army greeted them with shields. The Han army had two kinds of shields. One was a round shield covered with double-layer cowhide.

The other is the heavy shield, which has a thick shield and a huge shield surface, which can cover the whole body, and can also resist shooting from the crossbow thirty steps away. The heavy shield is usually carried by the heavy shield crossbow army.

Three thousand soldiers with heavy shields set up heavy shields under the city to cover them, and raised their heavy crossbows to shoot at the top of the city. Although Cao Jun soldiers on the top of the city also had shields for defense, their shields could not withstand the powerful crossbow arrows of the heavy crossbow, and many shields were destroyed. The arrow shot through, and Cao Jun behind the shield was shot to death by the heavy arrow, and soldiers screamed and fell to the top of the city.

The ladder gradually approached the city wall. Hundreds of soldiers pulled back the rope suddenly, and a ladder with a height of six or seven feet was pulled up. Dozens of Han soldiers climbed on the ladder.

'boom! ' There was a loud noise, broken ice splashed everywhere, and the first ladder hit the top of the city, followed by more than [-] ladders one after another. Thousands of Han soldiers rushed up like a colony of ants, slashing at them with knives , Stabbed with spears, shot with arrows, rushed to the top of the city desperately, arrows on the city were like rain, rolling logs and stones fell like hailstones, stabbed with knives and spears, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

The soldiers of Cao Jun used their long forks to hold the ladder and pushed it out. A long ladder was pushed out, turned backwards and fell down, and the ladder screamed mournfully.

As the soldiers of the Han Army's heavy crossbow and shield army under the city began to counterattack, arrows rained heavily and shot at the top of the city. Cao soldiers were shot continuously and fell from the top of the city screaming, and the casualties gradually increased.

The frontal battle has entered the most brutal stage. Arrows rained down on and off the city, and people kept being shot down by arrows. A ladder climbed up the city wall. The soldiers of the Han army became bloody and crazy, and climbed up regardless of their lives.

They held shields in one hand, and fought fiercely with Cao Jun with spears and knives in the other. Boulders fell from the top of their heads. Several soldiers screamed and fell down the ladder, but immediately others swarmed up.

Cao soldiers shot arrows from both sides. The arrows were sharp and pierced through the leather armor. A string of Han soldiers on the ladder were shot and fell off the ladder. But soon, the Han soldiers no longer cared about the top of their heads. The arrows of the Han soldiers gradually decreased.

On the top of the city, dozens of Cao soldiers were fighting fiercely with the Han army in front of each ladder. On a ladder in the west of the city, Guan Ping was holding a shield and a big knife. He was so red-eyed that he led dozens of Han soldiers. In a fierce battle with the turbulent Cao army on the top of the city, they faced Xiahou's elite soldiers, all of them were tall and thick as bulls, holding shields, wielding long knives and sharp spears.

Sprinting with a spear, slashing with a war knife, the bloody fight, a Han soldier on the ladder was cut on the forehead, blood poured out, and turned down the wall on his back, another Han soldier rushed up from behind with a spear, the spear Pierce Cao Jun's chest and take him down to the city. . . . . .

Guan Ping drove Cao Jun away with a shield, and was the first to jump onto the top of the wall. In a short time, dozens of Cao Jun's spears stabbed from all sides.

Guan Ping rushed to the top of the city, causing a gap in Cao Jun's ladder defense. The Han soldiers who were suppressed on the ladder seized the opportunity. In a short time, more than a dozen Han soldiers followed Guan Ping and rushed to the top of the city.

But at this moment, a cold arrow shot from the side, Guan Ping was caught off guard and was shot in the left arm by an arrow.

. . . . . . . .

Guan Ping was injured and was rescued from the city by the soldiers, and the Han army's offensive was also blocked. But at this moment, the dull drums in the Han army camp sounded again, and the [-] heavy armored infantry finally went into battle. The towering nest cars appeared, and the overwhelming red flags were flying.

On the top of the city, Mao Jie felt great pressure, and he didn't care about the defense of the south city, so he shouted loudly: "Two thousand more will be transferred from the south city to support the north city!"

Mao Jie issued an order to concentrate troops, and the [-] Cao troops originally defending the southern city were transferred back to the [-] troops to join the fierce battle for the northern city.

More than [-] giant-shaped nest carts were pulled by bullocks and drove towards the head of Taiyuan City step by step. Five thousand heavily armored infantry followed behind the nest cart. They held sabers in their hands and walked slowly and heavily.

At this time, the moat outside the city of Taiyuan had frozen and was paved with wooden boards by the Han army. Cao Jun threw barrels of kerosene from the top of the city. The rocket ignited the kerosene, and flames rose everywhere.

At this time, [-]% of the defenders of Taiyuan City were concentrated in the northern city, and the remaining three walls were empty. The Han army could attack from the other three walls, but Guan Yu also made up his mind to attack Taiyuan from the northern city, so that the Han army could rely on its strength. The fighting power captured Taiyuan City.

The siege Han army has invested 5000 people. Under the city wall, [-] Han army crossbowmen and arrows are raining down. The soldiers of Cao Jun fell to the ground one after another to avoid the powerful arrow array of the Han army.

At this time, the ordinary soldiers of the Han army basically stopped attacking. They pushed the nest carts and formed a shield wall to cover the advance of the nest carts and the heavy armored infantry. All the Han troops became the assists of the heavy armored infantry. On the most powerful army of the Han army.

Mao Jie's voice was hoarse and he couldn't make a sound, but he also knew that the most violent attack of the Han army was coming. He lowered his voice and pointed at the giant nest cart in the distance, and whispered: "Fight against the nest cart, no Han army will be allowed to attack." The army ascends the city!"

At this time, the arrows under the city gradually disappeared, and the Cao soldiers got up again. They quickly assembled, holding spears and knives, ready to meet the impact of the Han soldiers in the nest carts. More than [-] huge nest carts finally arrived at the top of the city. The [-] heavy armored infantry was the second wave of attack. Inside the nest wagons, there were already [-] Han soldiers standing on the siege platforms of each nest wagon, waiting for the moment to attack.

More than [-] nest cars finally leaned against the city wall, and the huge wooden plank in front of the platform at the top of the nest car fell down and hit the top of the city, forming an air bridge. Fifty Han soldiers on the siege platform rushed towards the city, brandishing swords. Behind them, hoplites climbing up the stairs are pouring out.

In a fierce battle in the morning, there were many dead bodies on the top of the city, and the two sides suffered heavy casualties. The Han army's 3 troops had already overwhelmed [-] people, and they had an absolute advantage in strength. They gradually began to gain the upper hand.

Nearly 20 heavy armored infantry rushed to the top of the city, and fought fiercely with Cao Jun on the top of the city. The combat effectiveness of the heavy armored infantry was extremely amazing. They advanced in a row of [-] people, and under the long saber, Cao Jun soldiers lay dead After a lot of blood and flesh flying, Cao Jun retreated steadily.

As more and more Han soldiers rushed to the top of the city, Cao Jun's defeat was gradually set.

"Military division, hurry up, the top of the city can no longer be defended!" A Cao soldier rushed to report.

Mao Jie drew out his sword suddenly, and strode towards the most densely populated place of the Han army.

There are the last [-] soldiers of the Cao army on the top of the city. Although they are all elite veterans, they were finally frightened by the god of death in the face of the bloody battle of the heavy armored infantry of the Han army and the piles of corpses of their companions who were dismembered. They retreated and began to panic, turning around and fleeing towards the city.

"Military division, let's go!" Several soldiers shouted to Mao Jie.

Seeing that the situation was over, Mao Jie shouted in a hoarse voice: "All soldiers evacuate from the city!"

Mao Jie gave the order to retreat. Thousands of Cao soldiers' morale finally collapsed. They dropped their helmets and armor and fled into the city. Fall down town.

At this time, the trumpet of the Han army's victory sounded, and the gate of the city was opened. Tens of thousands of Han troops rushed into the city of Taiyuan like a tide. erase.

. . . . . . . .

The fall of Taiyuan meant that the Cao army captured the last fortress in Bingzhou, and it also meant that the Han army captured the entire Bingzhou and opened the strategic route to Hebei. Ten days later, Liu Jing led an army of [-] to Taiyuan.

After the Han army rested in Taiyuan for three days, Liu Jing led an army of 13 troops through the Jingxing main road and marched towards Hebei. At this time, great changes had taken place in the city of Yedu.

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