The gate of Chaisang City was opened, and Liao Hua led a thousand soldiers to fight out, and went straight to the mouth of Caohe River.

At this time, the Caohe Estuary was in chaos. More than [-] large ships were set ablaze, and the fire spread across the Caohe River.

Many soldiers failed to escape and were burned to death on the ship, filling the air with a pungent smell, but more soldiers dived to escape and swam ashore.

The Jiangdong soldiers ambushing on both sides of the Cao River obviously had no time to intercept and kill the fleeing Jiangxia soldiers. The gate of Chaisang city had been opened, and more than a thousand defenders came out.

After the Jiangdong soldiers fired a few rounds of rockets, they quickly retreated to both sides and left Chaisang City.

Seven or eight hundred Jiangxia soldiers gathered in twos and threes by the Cao River. Everyone lost their helmets and armor, and they were in a panic. They looked at the burning ship on the water with lingering fear.

At this time, Chaisang's defenders rushed forward and surrounded Jiangxia's soldiers. Liao Hua shouted: "Jiangdong's army is about to arrive, come back to the city with us!"

Lieutenant General Zhong Shun looked at him full of doubts. Logically, he should have seen all the chiefs under Zhou Ling, but he had never seen this person in front of him. May I ask the general's name?"

"My surname is Liao. I was promoted just now. Let's talk about something in the city!"

Zhong Shun wanted to ask about Zhou Ling's situation again, but his soldiers were already impatient. They were afraid that the Jiangdong Army would kill them, and rushed into the city one after another. Zhong Shun alone.

Reluctantly, Zhong Shun had no choice but to run into the city, but he hadn't run a few steps when Liao Hua suddenly slashed from behind and slashed at the back of Zhong Shun's neck with a knife. Then he was chopped out more than a foot away.

Liao Hua said coldly to the crowd: "This man missed the opportunity of the war and refused to obey the military order. According to the military regulations, he will be executed without mercy!"

He waved his hand, "Go back to the city!"

More than a thousand defenders followed Liao Hua and escorted Jiangxia's defeated soldiers towards Chaisang City. After a while, they entered the city, and the city gate closed again with a bang.

. . . . . . . .

Huang She led more than [-] warships to chase eastward, but only after chasing for more than [-] miles, he realized that something was wrong. The Jiangdong navy who had fled in a panic lined up and waited quietly in front of the river. superior.

It was like laying a net, waiting for them to take the bait, Huang She became suspicious, what is Jiangdong Army doing, is there any ambush nearby?

At this moment, the watchman on the mast shouted: "General Huang, the enemy has been found in the north and south!"

Huang She was taken aback, standing on the side of the boat, looking at the river on both sides, he saw two Jiangdong water armies appearing on the big river at the same time, hundreds of warships were attacking his fleet from north to south.

Immediately afterwards, someone on the boat behind shouted: "General Huang, there is news from behind that there are also enemies behind us."

Cold sweat trickled down Huang She's forehead, and he finally realized that he had been tricked. It turned out that Jiangdong Army's reinforcements had already arrived, and they were waiting for him!

"General, what should we do?" Several generals looked at him anxiously.

Huang She carefully looked at the warships on both sides. According to his experience, there are at least tens of thousands of troops. If he doesn't leave, the whole army will be wiped out.

He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Retreat immediately! Break through and return to Wuchang."

Several generals were shocked, "General, did Chaisang ignore it?"

"What the hell, I can't keep myself!" Huang She became furious and cursed viciously.

The Jiangxia navy began to turn around and break out to the northwest, but the Jiangdong army's net had already been laid, so it was not so easy to escape.

On a large ship, Lu Su, the deputy governor of the Jiangdong Navy, stood with his hands behind his back, looking coldly at the Jiangxia military ship in the distance. Today's deployment is in their plan. If Xu Sheng fails to attack Chaisang, reinforcements from both sides will surely arrive. At this time, Chaisang City can only consider later, and must first annihilate Jiangxia's reinforcements.

"Captain, they are going to escape!" General Ling Cao discovered Jiang Xia's plan.

"They can't escape!"

Lu Su smiled coldly, and shouted sharply: "Beat the drum, attack!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom! ’ The sound of drums on the river was loud, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky. More than [-] Jiangdong warships, large and small, rushed towards the Jiangxia Army fleet from all directions.

Arrows rained down, stone cannons hit hard, boulders flew across, and the two sides fought fiercely on the river.

. . . . . . .

In Chaisang City, more than 2000 Jiangxia soldiers have re-arranged and lined up. From now on, they no longer belong to Huang Zu's army, but become Chaisang's army. These troops are undoubtedly a new force. The battle group increased Chaisang's regular army to 5000, and with the addition of [-] civilian troops, the number of defenders at the city head of Chaisang was [-], which made everyone heave a long sigh of relief.

Even so, there was still no smile on Liu Jing's face. He was standing at the easternmost part of the city, looking southeast of the Yangtze River. It had been almost an hour, and the Jiangxia army fleet had never returned, and there were faint war drums blowing in the wind in the distance. The sound makes people have infinite associations.

"I'm afraid as I expected, Jiang Xia's army was ambushed by Jiangdong's army."

Xu Shu said in a deep voice, "What I'm concerned about is how many Jiangdong Army reinforcements will arrive?"

Liu Jing did not speak, but his thoughts flew to the distant future. In Liu Jing's memory, in the seventh year of Jian'an, the Jiangdong Army did not attack Jiangxia on a large scale. It should be in the eighth year of Jian'an. He remembered very clearly that battle Gan Ning shot Ling Cao to death.

But now the Jiangxia army has indeed launched a large army to attack Chaisang, that only shows one thing, the Jiangdong army successfully attacked in the seventh year of Jian'an, Xu Sheng captured the city of Chaisang, but now because of his appearance, Xu Sheng The failure to seize the city triggered the Jiangdong Army to attack Chaisang on a large scale.

Is it because of myself that history began to change and no longer followed the original track.

Liu Jing still remembers clearly that Liu Qi should be guarding Jiangxia, but now he is guarding Jiangxia by himself, and Liu Cong was accidentally injured. Is it possible for him to inherit Liu Biao's foundation?Any emperor or prince would never let a son who lost his male function inherit his career.

Obviously, Liu Biao will not let Liu Cong inherit Jingzhou Mu, and the heir can only be Liu Qi, but the problem is, if Liu Qi takes the position of Zhou Mu in the end and no longer surrenders to Cao Cao, even Liu Bei will be reused by Liu Qi. How will it go?Will Sun Liu form an alliance again, and will the Chibi War still happen?

This series of historical chain reactions made Liu Jing full of confusion. He felt that he could no longer use the past history to apply reality. The current historical track has been deflected, and his eyes have become dark. .

At this moment, he suddenly felt how important counselors like Xu Shu are to him. Only those with far-sighted eyes like them can see the context of historical development.

Historically, Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang chose Liu Bei successively because they saw the development of history.

Xu Shu felt that Liu Jing was distracted, and couldn't help turning his head to look at him strangely, and asked with a smile, "What are you thinking, my lord?"

Liu Jing smiled and said: "I was thinking, we are fighting to the death with the Jiangdong Army. In the future, Cao Jun will go south in a big way, will we form a strategic alliance with the Jiangdong Army?

Xu Shu also laughed, "Kong Ming also said that from ancient times to the present, the south has been difficult to contend with the north. Cao Cao's army is strong and strong, not Jingzhou or the Soochow family can resist, only the combination of the two, taking advantage of the Yangtze River water battle, can defeat Cao's army." , it can be seen that Kong Ming and the young master have the same effect."

While the two were talking, the sound of war drums in the distance suddenly became clear, echoing like thunder on the river, and a soldier shouted from the observation tower next to him: "Jiang Xia's army has returned from defeat!"

Everyone looked at the river in the distance, and saw more than 250 warships speeding towards the northwest, the first warship with the red and yellow flag on it was the Jiangxia warship seen more than an hour ago, originally more than [-] warships There were only about [-] warships left, and Jiang Xia's army returned home in a disastrous defeat.

Dozens of burnt warships sank into the bottom of the river at Caohekou, blocking the waterway, making it impossible for Jiangxia's warships to retreat back to Chaisang City. Of course, they had no intention of withdrawing to Chaisang City at all. Huang She led the last dozens The warship sailed northward in panic and fled to Wuchang County.

Two or three miles to the east of the defeated ship, a huge Jiangdong navy appeared. Together with the Jiangxia warships they captured, they were densely packed, and the sails covered the sky and covered the entire river, forming an extremely powerful scene. Seven hundred warships lined up in seven teams, stretching for dozens of miles.

"There are at least [-] troops!"

Xu Shu talked to himself, and it was obvious that he was also a little nervous. This was actually the first time he had encountered a big battle, and he was really not sure if he could win in the end.

Liu Jing also had a serious expression on his face. He could see that the Jiangdong Army was bound to win against Chaisang, and he would not hesitate to mobilize tens of thousands of people. He didn't know who is the current commander of the Jiangdong Army. Could it be Lu Su?

Liu Jing turned around and saw that his soldiers all showed fear on their faces. This is understandable. Most of these soldiers are recruits. They have never seen any big battle scenes. Of course they will be afraid. Isn't he also nervous? ?

Liu Jing walked quickly to the big drum, picked up the drumsticks, and began to beat the drum vigorously, 'Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! 'Huge drums resounded through the city.

Immediately afterwards, countless big drums were also beating, and the passionate and exciting drums echoed over Chaisang City. Amid the drums of invigorating confidence, the confidence of the soldiers guarding the city began to gradually recover. Many people's eyes were no longer fear, but It turned into a desire for war.

The Jiangdong Army ship berthed at the pier, and groups of soldiers got off the ship and began to quickly gather in the wilderness in front of the pier. Within an hour, [-] troops assembled into four square formations, with banners like clouds, swords and guns like forests, The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were neatly armored and their morale was high.

The four phalanxes of 5000 men were full of murderous intent. The Jiangdong Army attacked Chaisang City several times. This was a time when tens of thousands of troops were dispatched. This time was extremely important to them, and they were bound to win.

Surrounded by more than a dozen generals including Xu Sheng and Ling Cao, Lu Su stood on a horse standing on a mound, watching Chaisang City two miles away.

"Is Wen Xiang sure that the general of Chaisang City has changed?" Lu Su glanced at Xu Sheng and asked.

Xu Sheng hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "The humble officer caught a few prisoners who were injured and survived, and learned from them that Zhou Ling is dead, and the current guard is Liu Jing, Liu Biao's nephew, who is quite famous in Jingzhou. .

Lu Su nodded, "I've also heard about this man, he is a promising young man, but he has just taken over the power of Chai Sang, so he may not be able to convince the public, we can be courteous before fighting!"

He turned back and ordered his soldiers to say, "Send me a letter to Liu Jing. If he surrenders, I promise to let him go back to Xiangyang. If he dares to resist in a corner, once the Jiangdong Army enters the city, not only his life will be lost, but also his life will be lost." Chaisang's defenders will also be executed, leaving no one behind."

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