Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 141 The Second Bloody Battle

On the top of the city, a messenger anxiously presented the letter to Liu Jing. He was very afraid that Liu Jing would behead him in a fit of anger.

Liu Jing opened the letter and saw that it read at the beginning: "Lu Zi, the deputy governor of the Jiangdong Navy, pays tribute to Mr. Jing." . '

Sure enough, it was Lu Su. After reading the letter slowly, Liu Jing couldn't help but sneered in his heart, asking him to surrender and promising to let him go back.

He pondered for a moment, then immediately turned around and ordered: "Bring a pen and paper!"

He immediately wrote a letter on the top of the city, sealed it with wax and handed it to the messenger, "Please hand this letter to your governor, everything I want to say is inside."

The messenger took the gift and went away. Xu Shu was at the side, a little surprised in his heart. He didn't know why Liu Jing wrote a letter to Lu Su. Could it be that Lu Su would accept the letter and retreat?He didn't want to ask more questions, but he was worried that Liu Jing would be confused for a while and do something weak, which would affect the morale of the army.

At this time, Liu Jing straightened his waist and shouted to the soldiers at the top of the city: "Today is a moment to create history. Let the shame of the Jiangdong Army be engraved on the city wall of Chaisang forever. Today, each of us will become a hero." ..."

Thousands of soldiers and armed civilians were watching Liu Jing silently, and everyone's eyes were shining brightly.Their blood began to boil, and courage burned in their chests.

. . . . . . . .

On the mound, Lu Su took Liu Jing's letter from the messenger and told the people around, "Give him ten taels of gold, go down and rest!"

The messenger withdrew his thanks and left. Lu Su opened Liu Jing's letter and read it carefully with squinted eyes.

'From Liu Jing of Jingzhou to His Excellency the Governor of Jiangdong Lu:

Jing has heard for a long time that your Excellency is a generous and loyal man. In the past, Gongjin was short of food, and Zijing pointed out that he gave it to him. Jiangdong, to view the world. 'This is a good word of gold and jade, which shows that Zijing has a great talent for insight into the world.

The Duke is both a man of faith and a great talent for seeing the world, why is he so unwise this time, and he is being played by the thief Cao for stealing like a rat?

The Cao thief looked north to Hebei, but was unable to go south, so he ordered Xiahou Dun to station troops in Nanyang, contain Xiangyang, force Jingzhou to be unable to look east, and attract the smoke from Jiangdong. The profit of the fisherman, the pros and cons, can be seen from the public.

Although Jing is a junior, he knows the righteousness. Cao Cao's tiger is in the north, and his strength is strong. No one in Jingzhou or Jiangdong can stand alone. Jing urges Sun and Liu to put aside their past differences, put down their grievances, and work together to fight Cao's bandits and protect Jiangnan. The people were saved from the ravages of Cao Jun's iron cavalry.

Jing knew that Duke Lu was a loyal man with high vision and far-sightedness, and he was by no means a mediocre person. Wang Gong persuaded Marquis Wu to repair the two families and work together to resist Cao's bandits and help the Han Dynasty. . . . . '

After reading this letter, Lu Su's heart was full of ups and downs. On the one hand, he was surprised how Liu Jing knew what he said to Marquis Wu.

On the other hand, Lu Su's heart was also touched by Liu Jing's letter of joining hands to fight against Cao thief. He also knew very well that Cao Cao was their real enemy. The battle between Jingzhou and Jiangdong finally made Cao Cao cheaper.

It's just a letter from Liu Jing to ask him to retreat, which is a bit too rash, and he can't explain it to the master.

Lu Su handed the letter to Xu Sheng and Ling Cao, "This is a letter from Liu Jing, please read it too!"

Xu Sheng took the letter and read it again, thinking for a while, but Ling Cao said angrily: "Son Liu Jing, you want us to retreat with just one letter, it's too deceitful, Commander, order to attack the city!"

Lu Su glanced at Xu Sheng again, "Where is Wen Xiang's idea?"

Xu Sheng handed the letter back to Lu Su, sighed and said: "Actually, I also think that his words are somewhat reasonable, but Wuhou's order is here, so you must obey it. Governor, if you don't fight for a long time, your morale will decline. Order to attack the city." !"

Lu Su nodded slowly. No matter what Liu Jing said was reasonable, the attack on Chaisang was already on the sway, and he had to do so. He pointed his whip at Chaisang City, and resolutely issued an order: "Siege the city!"

. . . . . . . .

'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'The great war drums sounded.

"Woo——" The low-pitched horns resounded through the earth, and the ten thousand Jiangdong Army took the lead in the battle. They rushed in like a tide, holding shields and carrying hundreds of climbing ladders several feet high. The killing sound shook the sky.

They carried long wooden planks, and these wooden planks would be used as bridges across the two-foot-wide moat. The [-] Jiangdong army rushed in and launched a fierce attack without probing the attack.

On the top of the city, two thousand defenders and three thousand civilian troops stood on the top of the city. The defenders looked coldly and raised their bows and arrows together, but the three thousand civilian soldiers were a little frightened. The overwhelming Jiangdong army outside the city made each of them panic Can't help trembling in both hands.

But the war had already broken out, and they devoted themselves to the battle. The 50 militiamen were in charge of pulling the catapult and operating the stone cannon. The huge catapult was about two feet high, with a stone pocket hanging behind the long arm, and [-] people were driving it. , can throw a hundred catties of boulders two or three hundred steps away.

Liu Jing stared coldly at the enemy army rushing up, followed by Jiangdong soldiers who were about to attack the city by the ladder. The enemy army had already entered within three hundred steps. Liu Jing swung his long knife and gave an order, "Launch!"

There was a loud drumbeat at the head of Chaisang City, fifty trebuchets were launched at the same time, and their long arms were swung out, throwing a huge boulder weighing more than ten catties in the air. Dozens of boulders whirled in the air and smashed into the dense crowd.

'boom! The huge boulder fell and rolled in the crowd, and blood-stained dust rose into the sky. More than a dozen people were smashed to a bloody mess.

The dense boulders also hit the siege ladder at the same time, 'Crack! 'A siege ladder was hit, the ladder broke into several pieces, and dozens of people carrying the ladder fell down one after another.

The Jiangdong Army's siege ladders are simple and practical, with exquisite workmanship, hinged and wedged, usually folded and placed on the boat, ready to attack the city at any time.

The Jiangdong army even brought ladder boats, which are ladders installed on the boats. When they reached the water gate, soldiers could climb up the ladders directly from the boats. Head towards the water gate.

However, no matter how strong the siege ladders were, they could not withstand the rapid impact of the boulders. In just a hundred steps, nearly half of the siege ladders were smashed by the boulders, but there were still more than [-] siege ladders gradually approaching the city wall.

In the sky, huge boulders were tumbling and smashing to the ground with a roar. In a short period of time, the trebuchets and stone cannons fired four rounds. Hundreds of boulders were fired at the enemy group, causing huge casualties of more than 2000 people. The army did not stop, they rushed into the bow and arrow range.

The arrows of the defending army on the city were like rain, and two thousand soldier arrows shot at the Jiangdong Army densely. The soldier arrows were used for defending the city. The enemy army is extremely lethal.

The Jiangdong army raised their shields to meet them. The Jiangdong army's shields were wooden shields, which were strong and strong. However, they could not withstand close-range crossbow arrows, nor could they withstand heavy arrows.

Although most of the shields barely resisted the shooting of the soldiers' arrows, many shields were still pierced by the arrows, shooting the enemy behind the shields to death, and soldiers screamed and fell down one by one.

A siege ladder approached the city wall, 'Boom! ' With a loud noise, gravel splashed everywhere, and the first siege ladder hit the top of the city.

Immediately afterwards, more than [-] siege ladders successively set up on the top of Chaisang City, and thousands of Jiangdong soldiers rushed forward like a colony of ants, slashing with knives, stabbing with spears, and shooting with arrows, desperately rushing to the top of the city.

Arrows rained heavily on the city, rolling logs and stones fell like hailstones, stabbed with knives and spears, and flesh and blood flew across the city. Soldiers of the Jingzhou Army used long forks to hold the ladder and pushed it outward. A long ladder was pushed out, Turning down, a series of shrill screams came out from the ladder.

The Jiangdong army under the city began to counterattack, shooting arrows like rain towards the top of the city. Jingzhou soldiers were shot continuously and fell from the top of the city screaming. The casualties gradually increased.

However, the continuous projection of stone cannons and catapults left the Jiangdong Army soldiers nowhere to hide, causing heavy casualties. At this time, only by attacking the top of the city and destroying the catapults can the threat above them be completely eliminated.

The towering siege ship gradually approached the top of the city, but was accidentally stuck about a hundred steps away from the water gate.

The reason is that there are several sunken ships one foot below the water surface, preventing the siege ships from advancing, but this distance is exactly the range of the rocket.

As the rockets were launched, dozens of burning rockets drew a smokey arc in the air and shot at the first siege ladder ship in the lead.

Along with 'Boom!boom! ' sounded, the stone cannon above the water gate also fired, and more than thirty pieces of smooth polished boulders were fired at the enemy ship. The force was so strong that the ladder installed on the bow of the ship was smashed to pieces.

In an instant, the sails of the ship were ignited by the rocket, and the fire burned rapidly, and the soldiers on board jumped into the water to escape for their lives. . . . . .

The fierce battle on the top of the city became fierce. In the east of the city, General Pan Zhang led a group of Jiangdong soldiers to kill the top of the city. Liao Hua screamed and came with more than a hundred defenders to support him. The two sides fought bloody battles in the narrow top of the city.

Slashing with a war knife, stabbing with a spear, and Liao Hua slashing with a big knife, a Jiangdong soldier's neck was cut off, blood spurted like a fountain, and his body fell heavily into the city.

The heart of another Jingzhou defender was pierced by the tip of a spear, and he let out a heart-piercing scream for the last time. With all his strength, he hugged the enemy who killed him and jumped down the city together.

The bloodiness of the war is vividly displayed at this moment, and human life is as humble as grass.

At this moment, people turned into wild beasts, cowardice and kindness disappeared, everyone's eyes shone with a murderous light, and there was only one thought in their hearts: to kill.

The crisis in Chaisang City gradually became apparent. Pan Zhang led more than a dozen strong soldiers to guard the place where the battle ladder ascended the city, causing Jiangdong's army to pour in continuously from here.

The balance of power between the two sides is constantly changing. From Liao Hua leading more than a hundred men against more than [-] Jiangdong troops, it gradually turned into more than [-] Jiangdong troops fighting with the defenders. Liao Hua and his men gradually became exhausted.

"Hurry up and report to your son, I need reinforcements here, and I'm about to be overwhelmed!" Liao Hua hissed, and a soldier rushed to the west of the city.

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