Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 174 The Tao Family's Secret

Liu Jing sat quietly, waiting patiently for Tao Lie to continue. He was really interested. What is the big secret of the Tao family who is so rich? Could it be the secret of the Tao family's wealth?

Tao Lie seemed to know Liu Jing's thoughts, smiled, pointed to the big box in the corner of the room and said, "Go and move the box away!"

Liu Jing was puzzled, stepped forward to hold the box and shook it, only to realize that it was a copper box, which was unusually heavy, weighing five or six hundred catties. He struggled with his arms, and slowly moved the copper box away. shelf.

Tao Lie applauded and said with a smile: "That's right, it's really powerful. You can move a box that can only be moved by five people, but you can move it by yourself. It's not easy."

He pointed to the shelf below and said, "Take the shelf and try it!"

The shelf was also made of copper, and Liu Jing was mentally prepared. He grabbed the shelf and pulled it upwards. This pull was at least a thousand catties, but the copper shelf did not move at all.

Tao Lie laughed, "You can't pull this copper shelf, if you break it by force, then the secrets below will be over, young master, you put the box back, pay attention, the four corners must be tightly fastened. "

Liu Jing put the copper box back carefully. He had already noticed that there were four convex points on the four corners of the copper shelf, which were exactly aligned with the four concave points on the four corners of the box.

At this time, Tao Lie smiled and said, "Open the box, find the double carp roulette at the bottom of the box, and turn it."

Liu Jing opened the box, and sure enough, he found a double carp roulette at the bottom of the box. He twisted it vigorously, only to hear a 'click', and the box suddenly became an inch higher.

Only then did he notice that the ground was lifted up an inch, and it seemed that there was a secret passage under the copper box. The design was so delicate that the box had to be lifted down and put back in order to activate the switch in the box.

Then lift the box away, and the copper shelf can be easily removed, revealing an iron plate with a ring. At this time, Tao Lie appeared beside Liu Jing with a candle in his hand.

"Pull off the iron plate, wait for the ventilation before going down." Tao Lie's face became extremely serious.

Liu Jing grabbed the iron ring and slowly lifted the iron plate, revealing a dark hole underneath. After the foul smell dissipated, Tao Lie slowly walked down the tunnel with a candle in his hand.

The tunnel was very narrow, allowing only one person to walk, and the height was only six feet. Liu Jing had to bow his head and bow his head. He followed Tao Lie and walked forward slowly. Under the faint candlelight, the tunnel led straight ahead, as if it was a hundred steps away .

Liu Jing thought carefully. He remembered that Tao Mansion was located in the northwest corner of Chaisang, close to the city wall. Could it be a secret road leading to the outside of the city?

"Young master, have you thought about it!"

Tao Lie stopped in his tracks and smiled in front of him: "This is a big secret of the Tao family. There is a secret tunnel leading to the outside of the city, 99 steps long. 40 years ago, my father led [-] young and strong men to spend time. It took two years to dig, and the moat is next door, if you forcibly destroyed the copper frame at that time, the water from the moat would pour in, and this secret passage would be destroyed.”

Liu Jing asked after a while, "Where does this secret road lead to outside the city?"

"There is a river god temple outside the west city, which is dedicated to the water god. This secret path leads to the seat of the water god. When the time comes, turn the water god's body and you can go out."

Speaking of this, Tao Lie said again: "My lord, let's turn around! I'm old and I can't walk anymore."

Liu Jing turned around and got out of the secret passage with Tao Lie again. Tao Lie sat on the ground, panting and said: "When the Jiangdong army will besiege the city, it will be difficult for you to break out, so you will go out through this secret passage and have been locked up for 40 years. , and finally let it work once.”

Liu Jing was moved in his heart, and stepped forward to hug Tao Lie tightly, "Thank you grandfather for your love, for telling me such an important secret of the Tao family. I, Liu Jing, will always remember my grandfather's kindness."

Tao Lie smiled kindly, the more he laughed, the happier he became, and finally he laughed heartily, all the wrinkles on his face were stretched out, and he smiled brightly like a child.

. . . . . . . . . .

At noon, there was a rapid and piercing bell from the top of the city, 'Dang!when!when! The sound of the bell echoed over the empty Chaisang City, and the soldiers rushed to the top of the city, only to see a mighty fleet of two thousand warships appearing on the river a few miles away. The sails cover the sky and the sun, and the momentum is magnificent.

Liu Jing stood on the east wall, watching the main force of the Jiangdong army from a distance. Yesterday he received a letter from Sun Quan, urging him to surrender or abandon the city. But no matter what the plan was, Liu Jing There is no choice, surrender is absolutely impossible, and if he abandons the city, although he can be safe for a while, it will completely ruin his image, and Jingzhou people will no longer trust him.

He has no choice.

"Sima, that's Sun Quan's ship!" A soldier pointed to a particularly huge building ship and shouted.

Liu Jing saw it, it was a [-]-stone building ship, the handsome flag fluttering on the top of the mast, the word "Sun" in the big bucket was particularly dazzling in the sun, he could even faintly see the people on board, a group of people standing on the bow , is also looking towards the top of the city, Sun Quan should be among them.

"bring it on!"

Liu Jing murmured to himself, "Let's make this battle even more tragic!"

On the big ship, Sun Quan looked at Chaisang City a few miles away with complicated eyes. This strong city that should have been captured last year, but the banner of Jingzhou has always been planted. Under this strong city, his army encountered The shame of the fiasco, but today, he will wash away the shame of last year.

He also saw densely packed soldiers on the top of the city, he was very interested, where is Liu Jing?He never put the Liu family in Jingzhou in his eyes, even including Liu Biao, he also sneered.

But only this Liu Jing, he looked at it differently. If it wasn't for Jiangdong's national policy to seize Jingzhou, he would really like to sit down and talk with Liu Jing. How can the two sides join forces to fight against Cao Jun?

"Marquis Wu, the striker has arrived in Chaisang!" A messenger stepped forward and bowed to report.

Sun Quan nodded slowly, "Pass on my order, order Ling Cao to lead an army of eight thousand to attack Chaisang!"

Zhou Yu next to him was shocked, and hurried forward and said: "Marquis Wu, 8000 people attack the city, the number is too small, 2 people is more suitable."

Sun Quan said coldly, "Morale is low, even 3 people can't defeat Chaisang. If word spreads, I, Sun Quan, also rely on numbers to win. If we win without force, don't say more."

Zhou Yu didn't dare to persuade him any more, Sun Quan ordered again: "I have ordered that the first person to attack Chaisang will be rewarded with a thousand taels!"

. . . . . .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Huge war drums sounded on the river, large ships docked at Chaisang Wharf, and groups of soldiers with bright armor swarmed out of the war ships and quickly assembled on the shore.

Dozens of large ships carrying huge siege weapons also slowly sailed towards the pier. On the river, more than a thousand warships also began to gather on the river.

The war came quickly, just like a reckless man who came uninvited and rushed into other people's homes. Amidst the rhythmic chants, hundreds of ropes dragged a three-foot-high nest car from the big ship. Slowly driving down, there are huge wooden wheels at the bottom of the nest car, walking slowly, like a huge monster.

There are also siege ladders and countless siege ladders, which are slowly being unloaded from the big ship. Compared with the last time, Jiangdong is fully prepared this time. Eight thousand soldiers are ready to line up. Four phalanxes, neat armor, spears like a forest, murderous.

At this moment, the battle drums on the top of the city also sounded, and the rumbling drums rang through the top of the city, inspiring the courage of every soldier. Catapults creaked apart, loaded with boulders, and stored ready to go.

Liu Jing stared at the [-] Jiangdong soldiers assembled in the distance. He knew that this was Sun Quan's pride, and he was unwilling to attack the city with heavy troops. Get down to Chaisang.

But it was Sun Quan's pride that gave Chaisang's defenders a chance.

At this time, the drums of the Jiangdong Army suddenly became louder. This was an order to attack. The leading general Ling Cao pointed his sword at the top of the city and shouted sharply: "Attack!"

Eight thousand Jiangdong troops rushed towards the city like a tide, among which were ten monster-like nest carts and ten siege ladders. Each nest cart was pulled by thirty oxen and creaked towards the city wall.

The open space to the north of Chaisang City was not wide, only two miles wide. Soon, the Jiangdong army entered within four hundred paces. Liu Jing fixed his eyes on the enemy group, and he resolutely gave the order, "Launch!"

25 trebuchets were launched suddenly. The trebuchets were improved and used winches to exert force. In this way, 40 people could operate a trebuchet. Rolling, drawing an arc, with a piercing whistling sound, it smashed towards the enemy group extremely swiftly and violently.

Jiangdong soldiers looked at the boulder tumbling overhead, let out a cry, and dodged one after another, 'Boom! ' With a loud bang, two soldiers were smashed to pieces, and the bloody boulder continued to roll, knocking over a dozen people in a row.

Twenty-five boulders fell one after another, and screams and wailing resounded across the battlefield. Immediately afterwards, the second round of trebuchet was fired again, and the long arm swung out, throwing the boulder weighing 25 catties in the air.

Dozens of boulders were spinning in the air, roaring and smashing towards the dense crowd, 'Boom! The huge boulder fell and rolled in the crowd, red dust rose into the sky, and more than a dozen people were smashed to a bloody mess.

In the sky, huge boulders were rolling and smashing to the ground. In a short period of time, the trebuchet fired four rounds, and more than 100 boulders smashed into the enemy group, causing more than a thousand casualties. Stopping, they rushed into the range of a hundred steps of bow and arrow.

Thousands of guards at the top of the city fired arrows at the same time, and the arrows were like rain, shooting at the rushing Jiangdong soldiers. Zhang Jianwang.

Soon, the defenders on the top of the city were suppressed, and the stormy arrows made it impossible for the defenders to get close to the battlements. Soldiers continued to be hit by arrows and fell from the top of the city screaming.

The Jiangdong army quickly laid wooden planks on the moat. This kind of wooden plank is two inches thick, two feet long, and five feet wide. There are huge iron nails on both ends. Siege ladders and nest vehicles are ready.

Ling Cao stared at the top of the city. Although his army suffered heavy casualties, he remained unmoved. At this moment, a general stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Lieutenant, although the east side of the city is too dangerous to attack, But the south and west walls can be attacked, and there are almost no defenders on the top of the city, why do we only attack the north side of the city?"

Ling Cao shook his head, "You don't understand what Marquis Wu meant. Marquis Wu didn't just want to win the city. He wanted to defeat Liu Jing, defeat Liu Jing, and use the bloody victory to boost morale."

Ling Cao shouted: "Push up the ladder and the nest cart, and start attacking the city!"

Ten ladders and ten nest cars began to slowly approach the top of the city. At this time, the catapults on the top of the city were still firing, but their targets had turned to the ladders and nest cars.

Long arms were thrown out one after another, and dozens of boulders smashed towards the slowly approaching giant.

'Crack! 'A ladder was hit, the ladder was broken into several pieces, and more than a dozen people clinging to the ladder fell down one after another.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, a nest cart was also hit by a boulder, sawdust splashed everywhere, the giant tree collapsed, and dozens of soldiers on the nest cart fell down screaming.

The tall nest cart is a powerful siege weapon. The nest cart is two feet long and wide, and three feet high. It is made of giant wood and covered with cowhide. Forty or fifty Jiangdong soldiers are full, and the front of the platform is a thick wooden board covered with cowhide, which can resist the bows and arrows of the Jingzhou army.

There are four wooden wheels underneath, which are pulled by thirty oxen and pushed by hundreds of soldiers on the left, right and rear.

This kind of nest cart is higher than the city wall. Soldiers can stand on the nest cart and shoot arrows at the top of the city.

'boom! Another nest cart was hit at the bottom, and a wooden wheel came out. The nest cart suddenly tilted, swayed, and gradually lost its center of gravity. The soldiers on both sides ran away shouting. Amid the shouts, the nest cart collapsed.

The Jiangdong army attacked like a tide, and the boulders they hit in turn were like waves splashing in the ocean, and they were instantly submerged by the crowd. As the siege ladders and nest vehicles approached the city wall, the enemy army finally began to attack the city like a frenzy.

. . . . . . .

In the Wende Hall of the Xiangyang Prefecture Yamen, dozens of Jingzhou civil and military officials sat on both sides of the hall, each with a serious expression, and the whole hall was filled with a tense and depressive atmosphere.

The large-scale westward advance of the Jiangdong Army brought unprecedented pressure to Jingzhou. At the same time, Cao Jun also increased the garrison in Nanyang, and the strength increased to 3 again, suppressing Xinye and Nanyang.

In the lobby, Cai Mao was reading Huang Zu's distress letter aloud, "...Jiang Xia has few soldiers and no food and grass. Although Zu has the heart to fight Jiangdong to the death, his strength is very different. In addition, Mr. Jing has abandoned Chai Sang. Fleeing to the west, Jiangxia's door is wide open, Jiangxia is in danger, I beg Xiangyang to send reinforcements quickly to save Jiangxia from the fire..."

There was no sound in the lobby, Liu's surface was as deep as water, and his eyes were unpredictable, but everyone could feel the undisguised worry in his heart.

At this time, Kuai Yue stood up and said: "I need to correct one point here. Mr. Jing did not abandon Chai Sang and fled to the west. He just transferred the soldiers and people of Chai Sang and food supplies. Thousands of soldiers guard Chaisang to the death."

Cai Mao sneered, "Jiangdong's army is pressing down on the border, and Chaisang is in danger. It is reasonable for Mr. Jing to abandon the city, but Kuai Canjun said that he led the army to fight Chaisang to the death. How do you know that?"

Kuai Yue turned his lips back and asked: "Last year, Mr. Jing led an army of old and weak people to fight against the army of [-] tigers and wolves in Jiangdong. The two thousand troops defended Chaisang and beat the Jiangdong army's arrogance, I believe Junshi Cai also saw this letter, so why are you still so suspicious?"

"This is what Huang Zu said!"

"Hmph! Everyone in the world knows that Huang Zu hates Young Master Jing, so how can you believe his words?"

The two were arguing bitterly. At this moment, Liu Biao shouted impatiently, "Okay! Don't argue anymore."

Both Cai Mao and Kuai Yue stopped arguing and sat down with a salute. Then Liu Biao said slowly, "Whether Liu Jing resisted or not, you will know afterward. There is no need to argue here. The question now is how we can help Jiang Xia. , how many troops is appropriate? Let’s discuss this issue!”

After a long while, don't drive Liu Xian to get up and said: "I would like to report to Zhou Mu that Cao's army was defeated in Xinye not long ago. Although it has increased troops to Nanyang, it may not be possible to invade south again, so we only need to maintain an appropriate amount of [-] to [-] troops on the front line of Fancheng. But Jiang Xia is in danger, I suggest that we send troops to support Jiang Xia in two directions."

Liu Xian's suggestion was quite attractive, and Liu Biao immediately asked, "Excuse me, please don't drive, which two routes will send troops?"

Liu Xian smiled and said to the crowd: "One way is the main force, and we can send [-] troops to rescue Xiakou through the Hanshui River. The thousand reinforcements, plus Jiang Xia and Chaisang's own troops, as long as they are commanded properly, I think they can defeat the Jiangdong Army and keep Jiang Xia."

Liu Xian's suggestion aroused a lot of discussion in the hall, Liu Biao stood up and said resolutely: "That's the decision, Jiang Xia must rescue, I wonder which general is willing to lead troops to rescue Jiang Xia?"

Wenpin immediately stood up and said: "Hizhi is willing to share the worries of the state shepherd!"

Cai Mao also stood up and said, "Zhou Mu, let me go this time!"

Liu Biao looked at Wenpin, then at Cai Mao, and finally nodded to Cai Mao, "Mr. Cai, I'll leave it to you this time."

. . . . . . . . .

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