Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 175 Bloody Battle Breakthrough

The fierce battle at the head of Chaisang City had come in the evening. Six nest cars and three ladders approached the city wall one after another. The huge wooden plank in front of the platform at the top of the nest car fell down to the top of the city, forming an air bridge.

Dozens of Jiangdong soldiers brandished swords and spears and rushed to the city head. Behind them, the Jiangdong army climbing up the stairs was pouring out continuously.

The Chaisang defenders destroyed all the ladders with stone cannons, but they were helpless in dealing with the nest carts. The nest carts were wrapped in raw cowhide, not afraid of rockets, and could not be destroyed with stone cannons. The six nest carts were close to the city wall, forming a There are six passages, and countless Jiangdong troops swarmed along the passages to the top of the city.

"Hold the head of the city and drive the enemy away!"

Liu Jing shouted loudly, and he led two thousand chaisang defenders to rush forward bravely, and launched a fierce bloody battle with the Jiangdong army on the top of the city. There were many bones and blood on the top of the city. He was not afraid, and his halberd flew like a ghost, piercing the throats of more than a dozen people in a row. Seeing his extraordinary bravery, other Jiangdong soldiers uttered a cry of fright, and turned around and fled.

At this time, a soldier shouted: "Sima, there is a sneak attack behind you!"

Out of the corner of Liu Jing's eyes, he glanced back, only one Jiangdong Army officer who was [-] feet [-] feet tall held a sword in his hand, rushed to the battlement behind him, rushed towards him, and slashed the back of his neck with the sword.

Liu Jing yelled, the long halberd stabbed backwards like lightning, the tip of the halberd pierced through the attacker's jaw, pierced the skull, and the bleeding tip of the halberd protruded from the sky cap, Liu Jing swung the corpse out violently, Five or six Jiangdong soldiers were knocked over.

He roared again, and rushed into the enemy group of the nest car, like a tiger like a flock, or like a god of killing reborn, killing the Jiangdong soldiers crying and screaming, and the screams rang out. Flying, the rest of the soldiers were frightened by his murderous aura, and scrambled and fled out of the nest car in fright.

At this time, dozens of defenders hooked the nest car with iron hooks and ropes, and pulled it hard from the side. The nest car began to tilt, gradually lost its center of gravity, and collapsed!

The Chaisang garrison finally found a way to deal with the nest carts, and their morale was immediately high. They followed suit, first concentrating their forces to suppress the enemy in the nest carts, and then using iron hooks and long cables to pull them from the side, causing the nest carts to overturn one after another.

At this time, the sound of 'Dang!when!when! 'The withdrawal bell rang, and the Jiangdong army finally withdrew like a tide.

In an afternoon's fierce battle, there were many dead bodies on the top of the city, and the two sides suffered heavy casualties. The Chaisang defenders suffered nearly 500 casualties, while the Jiangdong Army also suffered more than [-] casualties, most of whom were killed or injured by boulders.

"The lowly job Lingcao was unfavorable in the first battle and suffered heavy losses. I am hereby pleading guilty to Marquis Wu!"

On the big boat, Ling Cao was naked to the waist, kneeling in front of Sun Quan. Sun Quan's face sank like water, his eyes flashed with anger, and he said in a hateful voice: "The opponent only has 2000 people, but you have more than [-] people. Not only can't take the city, but you have suffered heavy losses. , how do you explain to me?"

Ling Cao lowered his head in shame. He couldn't explain it, and he didn't have the face to explain it again. At this time, Zhou Yu persuaded him: "Wu Hou, the key is that the opponent's trebuchet is too sharp. Most of the soldiers were injured by the trebuchet. In fact, there were more than a thousand casualties in the fierce battle in the city, as long as we effectively defend against the catapults when we attack again, it will be easy to take Chaisang City."

Sun Quan nodded, and asked again: "Then what can Gongjin do?"

Zhou Yu looked up at the sky and saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, so he smiled slightly and said, "There must be no stars and moonlight tonight. We can give up using nest cars and ladders, and directly use light siege ladders to sneak into the city under the cover of night." Under the city, by the time the defenders find out, it will be too late!"

Ling Cao couldn't help but said: "In fact, the opponent's defense is insufficient. We can attack the south city and the west city at the same time, and attack from three sides. Taking Chaisang is as easy as flipping the palm of our hand."

At the previous combat meeting, Xu Sheng also proposed this three-sided attack plan, but Sun Quan rejected it. In Sun Quan's view, capturing Chaisang was not a problem at all. He is very confident in the morale of the army, and believes that Ling Cao's [-] troops will be able to take Chaisang before dark.

Unexpectedly, the desperate resistance of Chaisang's defenders made his wishful plan come to nothing. Now that Ling Cao proposed this plan again, Sun Quan would no longer insist on it. He tentatively looked at Zhou Yu, hoping that Zhou Yu could help him Make up your mind.

Zhou Yu pondered for a while and smiled: "It's not difficult to take Chaisang. I suggest that the north should be the main attack, and the west can be bluffed. I guess Liu Jing will break out from the south city at that time, and the lord can ambush two people outside the south city." With a heavy army, Liu Jing can be captured in a single battle."

Sun Quan nodded in praise and said, "As expected of Gongjin, he has no plans left behind!"

He immediately ordered: "Where are Xu Sheng and Pan Zhang?"

"The last general is here!" Xu Sheng and Pan Zhang stepped forward to salute together.

Sun Quan told them, "Liu Jing will be evacuated from Nancheng tonight. You two can each lead 4000 men and set up two ambushes. Even if Liu Jing can kill the first ambush, he can't kill the second. Capture Liu Jing alive. Remember the great work of both of you!"

The two were overjoyed, and clasped their fists together in response: "Obey!"

Sun Quan walked to the ship's side with his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes at Chaisang City, and said to himself, "Liu Jing, I will set up a net tonight, where do I see you flee?"

. . . . . . . . . .

The night is gradually falling, and the weather tonight is gloomy and densely covered with clouds, covering the stars and the moon, making the night extremely dark. Standing on the top of the city, you can’t see the situation outside the city a dozen steps away. This is a very favorable situation. The night of the raid.

On the corridors of the upper city, teams of soldiers galloped to carry loads of hay and firewood to the top of the city, as well as flammable materials such as sulfur. In less than half an hour, thousands of loads of firewood were covered. Covered the entire North City.

Under the city, several military doctors were bandaging the wounds of more than 100 wounded soldiers. Liu Jing comforted the wounded soldiers one by one: "Don't worry, everyone, I will not leave you behind anyway. There are more than [-] war horses in the city, and you can ride them." Cheng, brothers who are seriously injured will be taken care of by special personnel, please persevere, as long as we break out of the encirclement, there will be warships by the river to meet us."

The wounded soldiers were so moved that they all knelt down and cried, "Meng Sima will not abandon us, and when his injuries get better, he is willing to continue serving Sima!"

Liu Jing comforted them a few more words. At this time, a military lord rushed to report: "Report to Sima, the firewood has been arranged!"

Liu Jing nodded, "Order the soldiers to go down to the city to rest, have a full stomach, and prepare to break through!"

Outside the northern city, Ling Cao led more than [-] people, carrying dozens of siege ladders, and they were approaching the city wall without a sound.

Over a thousand soldiers led by them had already crossed the moat, leaned against the city wall, everything was ready, and they were waiting for the order to attack. At this moment, there was a burst of shouting and killing outside the west city, followed by the sound of rumbling war drums. The sound was earth-shattering, and the alarm bells rang out on the top of the city.

I only heard someone shouting at the top of the city: "Go to the west city to defend, the Jiangdong army is going to attack the west city!"

There were footsteps running towards the west city, Ling Cao was secretly happy, he suddenly shouted, "Do it!"

More than [-] siege ladders were erected almost at the same time, and when they climbed to the top of the city, more than a thousand soldiers scrambled to climb to the top of the city, and more than [-] soldiers swarmed up behind them, and the shouts of killing suddenly broke out. The moat, carrying countless siege ladders, rushed towards the head of the northern city.

At this moment, several rockets shot from the top of the city to the top of the city, and soon firewood was ignited, and the fire began to burn rapidly with the help of the wind, billowing thick smoke.

The first group of more than a thousand people had rushed to the top of the city, but they didn't see a single defender, but they saw the firewood covering the top of the city, and the fire was burning rapidly on the firewood.

At the beginning, some soldiers came to their senses and climbed down the walls one after another. Many soldiers were squeezed down the wall in a panic, and there was a long scream. He asked, "What happened up there?"

"Qi report to the captain, there is an ambush above, it is full of firewood, and the fire is burning!"

Ling Cao was taken aback, and quickly shouted: "Stop attacking! Stop attacking!"

But his cries were drowned out by the cries of the soldiers, and no one could hear them. The soldiers in front fled down the city one after another, but the people behind didn't know what happened. A large number of soldiers continued to climb to the top of the city, but soon Then it became a mess, the flames on the top of the city were soaring into the sky, the flames were raging, and the smoke filled the air, making it impossible to go to the city at all.

At this moment, the gate of the north city suddenly opened wide, and the suspension bridge fell. Liu Jing took the lead and led 600 people out of Chaisang City.

Although the chaos outside the northern city was a good opportunity to kill the enemy, Liu Jing didn't want to fight. He led his troops and ran diagonally for two miles, quickly rushed into a dense forest, and ran to the northwest.

Sun Quan stood on the big ship, staring at the flames above Beicheng, his brows were wrinkled, it was obvious that they hadn't expected that Liu Jing was in ambush.

At this moment, a small boat came, and a soldier on board shouted: "Wu Hou!"

Sun Quan poked his head over the side of the boat and asked, "What happened?"

"Reporting to Marquis Wu, the enemy army has already made preparations. They have covered the north wall with firewood. The fire has already been ignited, so we cannot attack the city!"

Sun Quan cursed inwardly, and then asked: "Can Liu Jing break through?"

"They opened the north city gate, took advantage of the chaos to kill out of the city, and fled to the northwest."

"It's actually the North City Gate!"

Sun Quan and everyone on the boat looked at each other, they were all stunned, no one thought that Liu Jing would be put to death and reborn, instead of going through the south gate, he escaped through the north gate.

Although going to the north gate was extremely risky, Liu Jing successfully created chaos and took advantage of the chaos of the enemy army to break out of the encirclement.

Sun Quan couldn't help but turned his head to look at Zhou Yu, only to see Zhou Yu's face was pale, his fists were tightly clenched, and there was a look of shame in his eyes. He obviously lost to Liu Jing in predicting the enemy.

At this time, General Lu Meng stepped forward to salute and said: "Report to Marquis Wu that Liu Jing fled to the northwest, and there must be a response on the river. Finally, the general is willing to lead a fleet to catch up with Liu Jing."

Zhou Yu also raised his fists to remonstrate, "Marquis Wu, if Liu Jing is not eradicated early, there will be future troubles. My subordinates are willing to lead the army to wipe out Xiazhi County and Yangxin County, and present Liu Jing's head to see."

A hint of love for talent surged in Sun Quan's heart. He shook his head and sighed: "This man is always unexpected, intelligent and brave. He is a rare talent in Jingzhou. There is no need to chase after him. Let Ling Cao put out the fire, and the rest of the army enter the city to rest. , follow me tomorrow and continue northward, attack Wuchang, first eradicate Huang Zu, and then deal with Liu Jing later.”

. . . . . . . . . .

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