Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 185 The flames of war are rekindled

In the early morning of the next day, a veil-like mist loomed over the river, and all the soldiers and boatmen appeared on the side of the boat. All eyes were on the Marquis Wu's big ship, which was moored alone in the middle of the river.

At the bow, Marquis Wu and Sun Quan wore black sacrificial robes and a flat crown on their heads, burning incense and praying: "Since servants are traveling far, the roads will be opened. The white tiger supports the way, the red bird guides the way, Xuanwu is a companion, sacrifices to Gonggong, the water god calms the heart, and sacrifices to the three animals, and the anger is all extinguished..."

At this moment, a black object appeared on the surface of the water, and tens of thousands of soldiers suddenly exclaimed, this is the black floating object that appeared on the pier yesterday, 'Boom! With a bang, the flames burned and smoke billowed.

Tens of thousands of people were terrified and knelt down one after another, praying to calm the wrath of the water god. At this time, the accompanying priest threw the three animals on the table into the river. But it happened, the fire gradually became smaller and finally extinguished.

The tens of thousands of Jiangdong troops suddenly burst into cheers. It was the god of water who appeased his anger. Sun Quan stood up and raised his arms high to the sky.

On the top of the city, Liu Jing watched the fire in the river gradually go out, and then heard the cheers of Jiangdong's army. He had already guessed what was going on, so he couldn't help but smiled slightly, and turned to Xu Shu and said, "There are also brilliant men in Jiangdong, it's really important." Underestimate."

Xu Shu sighed, "This is called fighting poison with poison. Jiangdong didn't refute the rumors, but he did it by offering sacrifices to the water god. It's really clever. I'm just worried that Jiangdong's army will see through the fire oil of the young master, and I'm afraid they will be prepared."

"Don't worry!"

Liu Jing didn't take Xu Shu's worries seriously, and said indifferently: "This is not a prop for playing tricks, it is a real fire weapon, even if some of them know the details, it doesn't matter, can they defend against it?"

Xu Shu sighed, "I'm afraid a big battle today will be inevitable."

Liu Jing glanced at Xu Shu, then turned to the Jiangdong Army fleet in the distance, and sneered, "I'm looking forward to fighting them!"

. . . . . . .

The Jiangdong army landed on a large scale again, this time without encountering any obstacles. Teams of Jiangdong soldiers rushed down from the big ships and quickly assembled on the shore. Soon, square formations appeared on the shore, each with about 3000 people.

The team is neat, the armor is bright, the swords and spears are like a forest, the murderous aura is pervasive outside the city, and there are low-pitched horns from time to time, 'Woo——'

The landing lasted until midnight. Liu Jing stood on the top of the city, watching the Jiangdong army in the distance. The outside of the city had turned into a sea of ​​fire. Tens of thousands of torches illuminated the night like day, and the dense army could be seen faintly.

On the pier, large ships docked one after another, and immediately a large group of soldiers rushed out and rushed to the land.

In the west, a fire dragon formed by tens of thousands of torches is marching southward rapidly, joining thousands of Jiangdong troops outside the south city. With the loud rumbling noise in the middle, a huge silhouette can be faintly seen moving in the dark night. Under the light, it looks like a giant beast.

It can be seen that this time, Jiangdong is overwhelming its troops. It will no longer be an attack of 1 people, nor will it only attack the north gate, but will attack simultaneously from the north and the south.

Liu Jing's gaze became deeper. If the Phoenix's Nirvana needs to be reborn from the ashes, then this battle of Chaisang will also become his Liu Jing's Nirvana. host.

On the boat of Marquis Wu near the pier, Sun Quan also stood at the bow of the boat and stared at the head of Chaisang city with his hands behind his back. Unlike the Jiangdong army, the city was completely dark, with no fire, and no army could be seen, just like a silent city. In the world, only the ruined walls of the city tower show its broken figure in the night light.

Sun Quan was in a good mood. During the day, he successfully used sacrifices to reinvigorate the morale of the army, and the landing that started in the afternoon has been very smooth so far. This is a good start.

Taking Chaisang means that Jiangxia has officially become his territory. This is a great cause that his father and brother have been striving for for many years, and it will finally be completed in his own hands.

But Sun Quan was not satisfied with Jiangxia County. After capturing Jiangxia, the army immediately went south to capture Changsha County. In the spring of next year, he would raise his flag again and take down Nanjun and the four southern Guiyang counties in one fell swoop.

In this way, the Jiangdong army will occupy most of the south, and Liu Biao is nothing more than a dead bone in the grave in his eyes.

Thinking of this, the corners of Sun Quan's mouth curved, revealing a smug smile.

His rushing thoughts came back again, his eyes fixed on the dark city, maybe Liu Jing was also watching him from the city.

Sun Quan was very interested in this young rising star in Jingzhou. He didn't want to kill Liu Jing, but wanted to catch him to Soochow, have a good chat with him, and let him see with his own eyes how he built his hegemony. Liu Lianhe, he can also defeat Cao Cao.

"Wu Hou!"

A deep voice came from behind, and Sun Quan turned his head. It was the captain, Ling Cao, whose majestic body looked extraordinarily mighty in the flickering firelight.

"what's up?"

Ling Cao knelt down on one knee, "Humble job is willing to make amends and fight the first battle!"

Sun Quan stared at him for a while, then shook his head, "Tomorrow I have ordered Zhou Tai and Ding Feng to fight. If they are unfavorable, you can fight the second battle!"

Ling Cao lowered his head, he felt unwilling, but Marquis Wu didn't give him a chance, which made him helpless.

. . . . . . . .

In the early morning of the next day, the sound of a huge leather drum finally came from outside the city, "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The earth-shattering drums broke the silence of the past two days, and the bells of Beicheng and Nancheng were sounded at the same time, 'Dang!when!when!when! '

The sound of the bell was piercing. This was the bell of the war alarm. Soldiers in the city began to run to the top of the city in groups. The messenger soldiers who came from the north and south of the city reported the urgent reports to Liu Jing one by one.

"Sima, there is movement from the enemy army in the north of the city, let's start fighting!"

"The same is true in the south of the city, with ladders and nest carts appearing."

Liu Jing's face was as cold as a rock, without any expression, "Immediately pass on my order, beat the drums, and prepare for battle!"

The battle drums on the top of the city were also rumbling, and the morale of the Jingzhou army was boosted. Four thousand defenders and [-] civilians were sent to the north of the city, [-] soldiers and [-] civilians were sent to the south, and hundreds of soldiers were sent to the east and west. Soldiers on alert.

Cloud ladders and nest carts appeared outside the South City and North City at the same time. They moved forward slowly and made a huge roar, and the Jiangdong Army began an all-out attack.

After two days of silence, the Jiangdong Army once again set off a stormy attack. Sun Quan invested [-] troops from the north and the south, and launched a tidal offensive against Chaisang City.

The sound of drums was like thunder, and the soldiers were rushing like tides. Ladders, nest carts, and battering rams appeared one after another. Huge boulders whizzed across the sky and smashed into the densely packed soldiers. , or be smashed into patties. . . . .

But the boulders couldn't stop the overwhelming soldiers, and Sun Quan's promise seemed to still echo in the soldiers' ears, "The first one to enter Chaisang City will be rewarded with 5000 taels of gold, and the one who captures Liu Jing alive will be rewarded with [-] taels of gold and be promoted to two ranks." ! '

Under the heavy reward, the Jiangdong army went crazy, and they fought hard to attack Chaisang City without fear of life or death.

Looking at the siege battle, Zhou Yu smiled and said to Sun Quan: "The people who are waiting for us brought the petroleum oil from Xiazhi County, and used it to repay the other's body, and set fire to the door. Let's see how much Liu Jing can support?"

Sun Quan stroked his beard and nodded, then asked again, "When will the paraffin oil be available?"

"The minister has already sent people there early in the morning, and they will be able to fetch them in large quantities by tomorrow at the latest."

. . . . . .

The land to the north of Yangxin County is covered by endless forests. The terrain here is flat, with low and undulating hills scattered. Fushui meanders through the hills and flows to the southwest.

Fushui is a local river, about [-] miles long, with clear water and calm flow. The widest part of the mouth of the river is only three feet wide, and it cannot be used by ships over a thousand stones.

At dusk, an army of 5000 people was rapidly marching towards Yangxin County, [-] miles away. This army was the Five Thousand Jiangdong Army led by Han Dang, and they had successfully occupied Xiazhi County.

Although Xiazhi County was already an empty city, the Jiangdong Army, which had just tasted victory, was extremely excited. They accelerated their speed and tried to reach Yangxin County before dark.

The main general Han Dang rides on a gray war horse. He is eight feet tall, has a strong back, and has long arms. He is good at bows and arrows. He is a famous archer in Jiangdong. The founding hero of the country has a very high status in Jiangdong.

This time Sun Quan attacked Jiangxia with all his strength. He originally wanted to stay in Han Dang to guard Wu County, but Han Dang insisted on coming to Jiangxia. ” Sun Quan had no choice but to appoint him as the right governor of the Chinese army.

Han Dang also lived up to expectations. He took the lead in breaking the city in the siege of Wuchang City, and made his first contribution. This time, Sun Quan ordered him to destroy Xiazhi and Yangxin counties. Come on, he has no part in attacking Chaisang.

At this time, a spy rushed over and knelt down on one knee in front of Han Dang's horse to report, "General Han, the five hundred guards in Yangxin County have found us. The humble officer heard the alarm bell ringing, and the soldiers at the top of the city raised their bows and set arrows. Stand by!"

Han Dang sneered, "Does the mantis also want to block the car? Pass my order, speed up the march, go to Yangxin County before dark, and directly conquer the county seat!"

Under the command of the general, the Five Thousand Jiangdong Army sped up their speed again and rushed towards Yangxin County. .

About eight miles away from Yangxin County, in a mountain depression one mile away from the Fushui River, an army of about 3000 people is ambushing. The general who leads this army is Huang Zhong, a veteran of Jingzhou.

According to Liu Jing's deployment, the Jiangdong Army will definitely not let go of Xiazhi County and Yangxin County this time. Huang Zhong's task is to wipe out this Jiangdong Army.

The specific deployment of troops to fight is up to Huang Zhong himself. Huang Zhong has rich experience. He first gave up Xiazhi County as a bait, allowing the Jiangdong Army to easily occupy Xiazhi County, which made them feel arrogant.

Secondly, he will ambush close to Yangxin County. He knows that the closer he is to Yangxin County, the lower the Jiangdong Army's vigilance will be. They will only pay attention to Yangxin County, and often ignore the dangers on the road.

The last step is often the most dangerous, but unfortunately most people ignore this point.

At this time, a thin black shadow flew from the tree and landed directly in front of Huang Zhong's war horse, startling the surrounding soldiers. Huang Zhong tapped him on the head with a whip and scolded with a smile: "Jing Did the young master warn you that you will be shot to death as a monkey!"

Hou Wu grinned and said, "Master, I said it earlier, but I can't change this habit, old general, I have a military report."

"Speak!" Huang Zhong said helplessly.

"The Jiangdong army is already two miles away, marching along the west bank of the river, with about 5000 people, and no ships to follow."

Huang Zhong raised his head to look at the sky, it was dark all around, and night had fallen quietly, the Jiangdong Army must rush to Yangxin County before dark, they didn't have time to investigate carefully along the way, "Are there any spies along the way?" Huang Zhong asked again .

"There's a group of spies. Let's check it casually, but it's already passed." Hou Wu replied with a smile.

Huang Zhong made up his mind and resolutely ordered: "The army is dispatched to ambush the Jiangdong Army!"

. . . . . . . . .

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