Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 186 Bloody Battle

Night has fallen, but there are still eight miles away from Yangxin County, which makes Han Dang quite annoyed. According to his plan, after conquering Yangxin, he will immediately escort the prisoners and supplies to Chaisang, and perhaps catch up with the final battle of Chaisang.

If it takes too long in Yangxin County, it will affect his plan.

"Can the spies in front find any abnormalities?" Han Dang asked loudly. As a general, it is necessary common sense to detect the ambushes ahead during the march.

"Reporting to the general, the spies did not report, so there should be no abnormalities."

Han Dang nodded and ordered loudly: "Speed ​​up more, and we must arrive at Yangxin County before it gets dark."

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army marched for tens of miles, and they were already a little tired. They complained in low voices, but they had to speed up again. Many people's physical strength began to seriously decline, but they couldn't stop, stumbling and cursing all the way.

At this time, the Jiangdong Army began to pass through a valley. The so-called valley is actually a low-lying place between two hills, through which Fushui passes.

Boating on the river, we can see the undulating mountains on both sides, the forests are verdant, and the scenery is picturesque, but at this time, the Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, and in the twilight, the mountains and forests are a bit more bleak and autumnal.

This section of the valley is about five miles long. After crossing the valley, Yangxin County is within sight.

At this time, the danger was quietly approaching the Jiangdong Army. In the dense crowd about fifty steps away from the Jiangdong Army, two thousand Jingzhou ambushes were waiting. They held bows, crossbows and spears, and watched with murderous intent. The Jiangdong Army brigade passed in front of them.

Another 1000 people lay in ambush on the opposite bank, led by Huang Zhong's general Yang Sheng.

Huang Zhong's gaze had locked on to the enemy general. He slowly drew out an arrow, put it on the bowstring, and raised the bow to aim at Han Dang. He yanked the bowstring, and a mace arrow shot out of his hand like lightning.

Huang Zhong's archery was an order, and there was a rush of clappers in the woods, and the Jingzhou soldiers fired arrows in disorder, and thousands of arrows shot at the Jiangdong army densely.

Han Dang was experienced in many battles. Although he was eager to go to Yangxin County and didn't realize that the danger was coming, he had a vigilant heart trained in countless battles. He suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from the side , Instinctively turned sideways, dodging the fatal arrow.

'puff! The Spike arrow was slightly deflected and hit Han Dang's right shoulder. Han Dang turned over and fell off his horse with a loud cry.

The Jiangdong soldiers were caught off guard, countless people fell to the ground with arrows, screams rang out, and the team suddenly became chaotic, followed by the second and third rounds of arrows. The Jiangdong Army suffered heavy casualties, and the team was in chaos. escape.

In the woods, Huang Zhong saw that the enemy army was in disarray, swung his sword, and shouted sharply: "Attack!"

With the sound of drums, two thousand ambush soldiers bravely rushed out from the woods, like a sharp sword, split the Jiangdong army in half in an instant, killing the Jiangdong army on their backs and laying dead bodies.

The Jiangdong army was in chaos, their morale collapsed, and they could no longer organize resistance. Thousands of people shouted in horror and fled in all directions.

Fushui here is less than three feet wide, and the river is calm. Countless Jiangdong soldiers swam to escape, but just as they swam to the other bank, an ambush was also killed in the woods on the other side, killing the Jiangdong soldiers without a way to go to the sky or to go to the ground.

At this time, Huang Zhong shouted: "Surrender will not die!"

Dozens of cavalry galloped and shouted loudly: "The old general has an order, those who surrender will not die! Those who surrender will not die!"

It was already dark, and Jingzhou was surrounded, leaving Jiangdong soldiers nowhere to escape, so they had to surrender one after another. On both sides of Fushui, there were voices of kneeling and begging for mercy. . . . . .

Rescued by dozens of soldiers, Han Dang cut a bloody path and ran northward desperately for more than ten miles. Han Dang looked back, under the cold moonlight, there were only [-] remnants following him.

Shame, remorse, pain, sorrow, all kinds of emotions made Han Dang burst into tears, and he looked up and sighed, "What face does this make me go to see Marquis Wu again!"

. . . . . . . . .

At noon, the Jiangdong army besieging Beicheng launched the third attack. General Zhou Tai led [-] soldiers to attack. The Jiangdong army had already carried out two tentative attacks, and this time the army finally overwhelmed.

This time, the two cities in the north and the south attacked at the same time, investing [-] troops and nearly a hundred siege equipment. The ferocity of the siege was the first time in the history of the Jiangdong Army.

The [-] troops are arranged in four square formations, covering a battlefield two miles long and three miles wide. Each square formation is separated by a hundred steps, just like four huge black carpets. soaring.

They approached the city wall from two miles away, with drums beating like thunder, horns blaring, banners covering the sky, spears like forests, shields like mountains, black with death under the sunlight.

General Zhou Tai rode on the horse and pointed at the city with his saber, "Forward!"


The sound of low-pitched horns resounded through the sky and earth, and a dozen wooden doumen were erected in the middle of each team. This was originally a device for resisting bows and arrows on warships. The Jiangdong Army discovered that they can also resist flying stones on the city. Amid the huge rolling sound of the fighting system, and nearly a hundred nest carts and ladders, the team began to slowly kill towards the city wall.

There was also loud drumming on the top of the city, Wei Yan's eyes were red, and he roared again and again. Although he has been in the army for many years and has experienced dozens of battles, today is the first time he has commanded the defense of the city.

The opponent invested 5000 troops, which brought him tremendous mental pressure. He led [-] people to defend the northern city and personally commanded the battle.

"Quick! Bring the arrows up..."

"Asshole! Go move the stones first, prepare the trebuchet!"

Dozens of trebuchets on the head of Beicheng creaked and pulled away. They were one foot and eight feet high, and the arms were three feet long.

The black trebuchet stood at the top of the city, like dozens of monsters. A huge boulder weighing a hundred catties was put into the bomb pocket, and dozens of people put all their strength on the winch belt, waiting for the order to launch.

At the head of the northern city, there were three thousand defenders and six thousand civilians. In the middle of the battlements, a thousand soldiers were holding long bows and arrows, and four-foot-long thick arrows had already been put on the bowstrings.

The bows and arrows used in defense are different from those used in peaceful battles. They don’t need to be able to shoot far, but they must be heavy so that the arrows can penetrate the enemy’s armor by their own gravity. Therefore, generally large arrows with thick fingers are used. The shaft of the arrow is streamlined with a sharp tip, and there are bloodletting grooves on the four sides.

The enemy army has gradually entered the range of the trebuchet, Wei Yan gave the order to shoot, and he shouted hoarsely: "Cast!"

The red flag was waved down, and all the men let go of the capstan, and the capstan rolled, and dozens of monsters swung their long arms, and nearly a hundred boulders flew in the air, roaring and smashing down the city.

Looking up from the bottom of the city, I saw countless small black spots appeared in the sky, like geese flying across the sky, but the small black spots became bigger and bigger, and instantly turned into huge boulders rolling in the sky, smashing down on their heads.

When the team shouted, the soldiers hid under the Doumeng one after another, but there were still a large number of soldiers who had nowhere to hide, and they shouted and dodged around.

The boulder fell, 'Boom! ' There was a loud noise, and the dust flew up. Several soldiers were unable to dodge, and were smashed into meat paste by the boulder.

A sharp-edged boulder hit Niupi Doumeng, and there was a loud 'click', and the Doumeng collapsed. The soldiers crawled out from below, but the stone was bounced back by Doumeng, and it jumped forward another [-] minutes. Yu Bu rushed into the crowd, and screams rang out.

. . . . . . . . .

The second round of catapults shot out again. At this time, a nest cart full of soldiers was hit. The upper part of the nest cart was shattered and fragments flew everywhere. It fell down suddenly, and more than a hundred soldiers in the nest car suffered heavy casualties. . . . . .

The catapults of the Jingzhou Army brought nearly 3000 casualties to the Jiangdong Army, but it could not stop the attack of the [-]-strong army. As the drums in the Jiangdong Army camp accelerated, the soldiers in the four phalanxes ran up, covering the sky and covering the ground. rushed towards the city.

The moat has long been covered with wooden boards, losing its function of obstruction. A ladder and a nest cart crossed the moat and slammed on the city wall. Tens of thousands of soldiers from the Jiangdong Army climbed up the ladder like a colony of ants, climbing up with one hand. The ladder, with a shield in one hand and a sword in his mouth, struggled to climb upwards.

Arrows rained down from the top of the city, rocks and logs fell like hailstones, and soldiers were shot and fell down the city screaming. . . . . .

Like the big city in the Central Plains, Chaisang City Wall also has another structure, that is, the horse face, which is a protruding part of the city wall.

Its function is to enable the defending soldiers to shoot arrows at the enemy from behind. In this way, the siege soldiers ignore their heads and their backs become targets. The long arrows are shot densely, which brings serious danger to the Jiangdong Army on the ladder. , The casualties were extremely heavy, and most of the soldiers who were shot to death and fell were shot in the back.

The dead bodies piled up quickly under the city wall, and the blood flowed into the city river, oozing out from the pile of corpses, staining the water surface of the moat red.

Chaisang City was rebuilt a few days ago, the damaged crenels and stone crenels were repaired, the battlements were widened and thickened, and the walls were paved with special-shaped bricks to make the city walls extremely smooth, and it was difficult for the ladder hooks to catch the city head.

The soldiers in the city used steel forks to support them on both sides, and the ladder fell obliquely. A group of soldiers on the ladder let out a long scream, and many people jumped off the ladder, still unable to escape death or injury.

. . . . . . .

The real threat to the Jingzhou defenders is the nest carts, which are higher than the city walls. This kind of siege weapon made of wooden frames and covered with rawhide is like a moving tall house full of soldiers.

On the platform at the top of the nest car, dozens of Jiangdong army archers shot arrows at the city, but in the attack layer below, there were at least [-] well-selected Jiangdong soldiers who were tall and dressed in battle armor. , holding a sword, hammer and spear in his hand, with fierce eyes, and roaring like a wild beast from time to time.

In front of the platform is a long, heavy wooden board covered with iron sheets, which is pulled up as the nest car advances and becomes a natural shield.

As long as they are not hit by boulders, it is difficult for the arrows of the Jingzhou army to shoot the enemy in the nest cart. Although the impact of the stone cannons and the dense arrows caused heavy casualties to the crossbowmen on the platform, it is difficult to injure those in the attacking layer. Soldier.

More than [-] nest cars were continuously destroyed, but there were still more than a dozen nest cars approaching gradually.

The nest car was getting closer and closer to the city wall. When it was only three feet away from the city wall, the thick wooden boards were lowered with a bang, smashed on the battlements, and the broken stones flew randomly. It formed a natural bridge. He rushed out of the nest car, leaped to the top of the city, and fought fiercely with the guards of the Jingzhou Army.

The five nest cars approached the city wall first, and nearly [-] Jiangdong troops rushed to the top of the city. These were the [-] trapped troops selected by Sun Quan from the [-] troops to attack the city wall in the first wave.

Behind them, there are still a large number of soldiers rushing up along the passage inside the nest car. The two hundred Jiangdong soldiers are extremely ferocious and unstoppable. They retreated one after another, and the situation of defending the city suddenly became tense.

. . . . . . . . . .

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