A low and gentle hill to the south of Xinye City is densely covered with jungles, and the dense forest stretches for dozens of miles. On the edge of the forest is a large area of ​​farmland and a straight and wide official road. The Weishui flows southward close to the official road.

Since a large number of Xinye people had fled eastward with Liu Bei, the official roads in Xinye were deserted, and it was rare to see people in the village.

At this time, a sound of horseshoes came from the distance of the official road, and soon, three cavalrymen of the Jiangxia Army appeared on the official road.

"Damn it, after walking dozens of miles, I can't even see a single ghost. Where did everyone die?" a soldier scolded.

Another soldier looked around and said worriedly: "Ten Commander, let's leave the official road! This place is less than twenty miles away from Xinye City, and it is easy to be spotted by Cao Jun's patrol."

The head of the three is a village chief, surnamed Yang, from Runan, and a veteran with a lot of experience. He also looked around for a while, and pointed to a forest in the east, "It's already noon , go to the woods for lunch!"

The three turned their horses and ran towards the woods. Unexpectedly, just as they approached the woods, a cavalry cavalry of Cao army rushed out of the woods to patrol, about 50 people, and quickly surrounded the three of them.

The three Jiangxia cavalry were shocked, turned their horses and fled, but it was too late, a dozen Cao cavalry copied their retreat route, three scouts were surrounded, and fifty army crossbows were aimed at them.

The head of the village immediately raised his hand and shouted to his two subordinates: "Don't resist, drop your weapons and surrender!"

The three threw down their sabers and spears, Cao Jun stepped forward one after another, grabbed the three of them off their horses and tied them up, then fifty sentinel cavalry turned their horses and escorted three scouts from Jiang Xia's army towards Xinye City like lightning.

. . . . . .

In the room, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Mao Jie were discussing the deployment of the army. At this time, a sergeant reported outside the door, "To the general, three Jiangxia army scouts were captured during patrol."

Mao Jie chuckled, "If the scouts are caught by the enemy, it will be a troublesome thing. The general might as well ask these scouts, maybe there will be something to gain."

Cao Ren nodded and ordered: "Bring them up!"

After a while, the three scouts were tied behind their backs and brought into the room. Cao Hong yelled, "How dare you come to investigate my military situation, are you impatient?"

The three scouts quickly knelt down and kowtowed, begging for mercy, and the leader said: "We were just ordered to investigate, and we couldn't help ourselves. Since we were captured, we only beg the general to be merciful and spare our lives!"

Cao Ren stopped Cao Hong's anger with a wave of his hand, and said coldly to the three of them, "I'll ask you a few questions and answer them honestly. I'll spare your life. If you dare to cheat a little bit, I'll sacrifice your heads to the flag. !"

"The villain dare not!"

Cao Ren nodded, looked at the three of them and asked, "Has Wenpin surrendered to your lord Liu Jing?"

The two soldiers were tongue-tied and couldn't answer. The head of the village hesitated and said, "Reporting to the general, whether General Wen surrendered or not is a matter for the higher-ups. We really don't know, but on the day Liu Biao died, General Wen did lead people to Fancheng. See the prefect, this is what I saw with my own eyes."

Cao Ren and Mao Jie glanced at each other. This person was quite honest, consistent with the information they had, and he didn't talk nonsense. Cao Ren pointed to the two soldiers and ordered, "Take them to Bie Zhang for interrogation, and they will confess to each other later!"

The two soldiers were taken down, and only the head of the village was left in the big tent. Cao Ren asked him, "You don't look like a soldier. What's your name, where are you from, and what is your position as an officer?"

"The villain's name is Yang Zheng, a native of Ancheng County, Runan. He used to be a chief of the Yellow Turban Army. After the Yellow Turban Army was defeated, the villain fled to Jiangxia and signed up to join the army. Because the villain had experience, he was assigned as a scout. Slowly mix into the scout chief."

Cao Ren looked into his eyes and saw fear in his eyes, so he asked again, "Is it true that we found out that there were troops leaving Fancheng? How many troops are there in Fancheng now, and who will lead them?"

"It is true that some troops have left. About half of them have left. There are about 6000 to [-] people in Fancheng, and they are all following General Gan's orders."

"Is Liu Jing gone?" Cao Hong next to him asked viciously.

The head of the scout was frightened and said tremblingly: "I heard that he didn't leave, he was in the military yamen, but a brother saw his horse getting on the boat again, the villain doesn't know whether he left or not."

At this time, Mao Jie asked: "Then tell me the details, how the troops were withdrawn, and you can tell as much as you know."

The scout head bowed his head in thought for a moment and said: "I remember it was the early morning of the second day of Liu Biao's death. At that time, the vicinity of the military office was heavily guarded. The senior officials discussed it all night, and all the officers above the military marquis went. Jiang suddenly ran back and yelled to get everyone up and ready to go. He was very excited and patted me on the shoulder and said, we will not be angry with Xiangyang anymore. Everyone asked what was going on, but Yajiang refused to say, just said now It's a secret, Jiangxia will have important news in a few days, and the other villains will not be very clear about it, our battalion has gone [-]%, and I was left behind."

All the questions that should be asked have been asked. Cao Ren waved his hand and ordered Jiang Xia scouts to be taken down and imprisoned. At this time, the confessions of the other two people were also sent. Cao Ren checked for a while, and there was not much difference. Then he said to Mao Jie: "Look. Later, Liu Jing deliberately let out that he didn't leave, but in fact he has already left, what does the master think?"

Mao Jie was thoughtful, he pondered for a moment and smiled: "If I'm not wrong, their so-called major event is that Liu Jing wants to establish himself as Jingzhou shepherd, so he doesn't need to look at Xiangyang's face anymore. The discussion must also be for this matter, in fact, it can be seen from Liu Bei that Liu Qi will also be the shepherd of Jingzhou, so there will be three Jingzhou shepherds in Jingzhou."

"What about Wenpin?"

Cao Hong said anxiously: "Which side does he belong to? Why don't you withdraw?"

"Wenpin should be loyal to Liu Jing. I think it is Wenpin's allegiance that made Liu Jing make up his mind to stand on his own. Otherwise, if his name is not right and his words are not right, how can Wenpin, who has always been very famous, be loyal to him."

Cao Ren stood up and walked quickly to the wall. There was a huge map hanging on the wall. At this time, Liu Bei's army stationed in Deng County had been wiped out. There was indeed no garrison there, only Jiang Xia's army in Fancheng and The Wenpin Army of Dunsey City.

Cao Ren focused his attention on the Wenpin army. Unlike Fancheng, Deng Sai was just a small castle that could only accommodate 1000 people at most. The remaining [-] troops were stationed in camps, suitable for cavalry raids. He tapped on the map with his fingers Dunsay City.

At this moment, Mao Jie walked forward slowly and said with a smile: "As the saying goes in the art of war, falsehood is the way to use troops. Why doesn't the general make a fuss about falsehood?"

Cao Ren's hand stopped, he savored the profound meaning of Mao Jie's words, and his eyes moved to Fancheng again, he couldn't help thinking.

. . . . . . . .

After entering May in Jingzhou, the weather gradually became hotter and the rain began to increase. After a torrential downpour for more than half an hour, it finally stopped at dusk.

The sun has not yet come out, the sky is still gloomy, there is a drizzle of rain, the branches are covered with strings of crystal water droplets, there are puddles in the east and puddles in the grass everywhere, and the official road is also full of water. The ground was muddy and the road was difficult.

After the rain, the city of Dunsey seemed to be very clean and clear. Even though it was dusk, the dark city walls were still clearly visible several miles away.

Dunsai City is a castle that monitors the river. It has a circumference of about four miles and can garrison 1000 troops. It is less than fifty steps away from the Han River. Standing on the top of the city, you can have a panoramic view of the river.

There is a small wharf outside the south city, but there is not a warship on the wharf, including the entire river, not a single ship can be seen.

On the north side of the city wall is a large camp covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, surrounded by a high camp fence, with trenches dug outside the camp fence, and more than [-] spears inserted, and a circle of carts inside the camp fence. It was the neat tent. Looking from the front, the edge of the tent formed a straight line.

At this time, more than [-] soldiers were having dinner around the open space, chatting and laughing happily, and the sky was noisy. At the head of Dunsai City, Wenpin held a knife handle and watched the distance vigilantly.

On the right is the sparkling Bishui River. The river is about to flow into the Han River. The river is extremely wide. On the left is a large stretch of endless forest. In the drizzle, the long and narrow forest extends to the far north.


Bo Denglin, the leader at the side, said in a low voice: "I think Cao's army may go south by the river. After all, they have more than [-] ferries, and they may use the ferries to land and attack in the middle of the night."

Wenpin knew very well that Cao Jun would definitely come over from the surface of the water, and his eyes turned to Bishui again. At this time, the twilight was even more hazy, and it was not so clear to see the upstream Bishui going north.

"Is everything ready?" Wenpin asked back.

General Yao Meng responded, "Report to Commander, it's ready!"

"Okay! According to the original plan, we will leave camp after dark."

. . . . . . .

In Fancheng, groups of soldiers have lined up neatly on the empty streets. This 5000-strong army is mainly composed of bow and crossbow troops, led by Gan Ning.

Wearing armor and a helmet, Gan Ning rode on a strong white horse. He looked up at the sky and smiled at Xu Shu, "Does Chang Shi think it will rain in the next few days?"

Xu Shu also laughed and said: "Knowing the wind and the weather is a must for a counselor. I guess it will be difficult to get clear in the next few days, but there will be no more torrential rain like in the afternoon. It should be about the same as now, maybe it will be better. "

"That's the best!"

Gan Ning smiled brightly: "I'm leaving, and Fancheng will be handed over to Chang Shi."

"Bon voyage, general, good news early!"

The gate of Fancheng opened slowly, and Gan Ning led five thousand crossbow troops under the cover of night, left Fancheng and rushed northwest.

. . . . . . .

Night shrouded the surface of the Hanshui River. Looking from the north bank, one could only see a hundred paces, and to the south there was only endless darkness.

But in the endless darkness, a fleet of more than a hundred thousand-stone ships was sailing from the east, mooring quietly in the middle of the Han River.

On the first big ship, Liu Jing was wearing iron armor, a golden helmet on his head, and a Wenhou halberd in his hand. He stood on the bow of the ship like a god, staring deeply at the north bank of the Han River.

He knew that tonight would be a crucial battle. After this battle, Cao Jun would be completely quiet, so that he would have time to calmly prepare for the battle and wait for the real battle to come.

"Prefect, there is fire on Fort Dunse!" A soldier pointed to the castle on the north bank and shouted.

Liu Jing also saw it, and that was the signal of the discovery of the enemy army. Everything was within their expectations. The captured scout commander became the most important bait, which finally led to Cao Jun's dispatch of troops.

Liu Jing immediately ordered, "The fleet enters Bishui!"

The fleet turned around slowly, and the big ships sailed towards the wide mouth of Bishui River.

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