The [-] Cao troops in Xinye City almost moved southward, and there were only less than a thousand people guarding the city. There was still a slight drizzle in the night sky. Although it was early summer, this kind of drizzle still brought a little bit of coolness to the soldiers.

The guard of Xinye County is a tooth general named Li Neng. He is Cao Hong's general. He has followed Cao Hong for many years and is cautious and careful. It is precisely because of this that Cao Hong specially let him stay in Xinye City.

It was already past the fourth watch at night, and the inside and outside of the city gate were exceptionally quiet. The two thick torches inserted on the walls on both sides of the city gate burned blazingly in the drizzle, illuminating the area around the city gate for more than twenty steps.

There are only more than two hundred guards on duty at the top of the city, patrolling back and forth at the top of the city, watching the movement outside the city vigilantly from time to time, and there are more than one hundred people in the northern city, mainly guarding the two city gates.

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, which made the defenders on the top of the city vigilant and stared nervously outside the city.

After a while, I saw hundreds of cavalry rushing from outside the city. There were more and more cavalry, and it could be inferred that there were two to three thousand people. In the hunting fire, this cavalry was wearing Cao Jun armor.

"The defenders in the city quickly open the door!" The leading officer shouted loudly.

At this time, Li Neng, the guard who was patrolling at the top of the city, also came after hearing the news. He looked at the cavalry below from the crenel, and was very surprised. How could there be so many cavalry? You must know that the [-] cavalry in Nanyang have been led by General Le. Going south, where did this cavalry come from?

"Where are you from?" Li Neng asked loudly.

The leading cavalry general responded loudly, "We were ordered from Xudu to support Nanyang, and under the order of General Cao to reinforce Xinye, please open the city gate quickly!"

Li Neng wondered, could Xudu still have cavalry?He didn't quite believe it, so he asked again: "May I have a seal arrow?"

"Only the command arrow, the military talisman is with General Cao."

Li Neng was startled, how could there be no military talisman?The general is always cautious in doing things, how to enter the city without a military talisman, the general will never forget this detail, there is something wrong here!

The more he looked at this cavalry, the more suspicious he became. There were two to three thousand cavalry, most of them were hidden in the dark, and only a hundred or so were exposed to the fire. Could it be that they were wearing the uniforms of the Jiang Xia Army?

Thinking of this, Li Neng broke into a cold sweat. There were only [-] defenders in the city, and this was the moment when the defense was weakest. It was no accident that the enemy army appeared at this time. They must have grasped the movement of their own army.

Li Neng immediately turned his head and whispered to one of his subordinates: "Go to Wu Junhou quickly and ask him to bring all the brothers, just say that there is hostility!"

The soldiers under his command ran towards the barracks in the city. At this time, Li Neng smiled again and said, "It's fine if you have command arrows. Please bring up the command arrows, and open the city gate after verification."

Cao Jun threw a basket tied with a rope far away, and a soldier below put a command arrow into the basket, and the basket was pulled back.

"Please wait a moment, I need to report to the general, and the door will be opened immediately."

Li Neng was stalling for time. He had discovered that the command arrow was a forgery, which further confirmed the identity of the soldiers under the city. The enemy must have lied to the city.

Time passed, and the soldiers in the barracks in the city began to rush to the city one after another, bow and arrow, waiting for the order to shoot.

A quarter of an hour had passed, and the cavalry in the city couldn't bear it any longer. One of the cavalry stepped forward and shouted angrily, "Why don't you open the door? What do you guys mean?"

Li Neng let out a grin and shouted, "Shooting arrows!"

Cao Jun's soldiers hiding behind the city wall got up together, drew their bows and released arrows. Hundreds of arrows roared and shot at the cavalry below the city.

The other soldiers raised their shields, while defending against the arrows, they retreated quickly, and they retreated out of range in a moment.

This cavalry was the Jiangxia cavalry led by Liao Hua, not only more than [-] cavalry, but also [-] infantry were waiting behind, and were ordered to take advantage of the emptiness of Xinye to seize Xinye City.

Although he was seen through by the defenders, Liao Hua was not furious. He calmly ordered: "Beat the drum! Prepare to attack."

'Boom!Boom!Boom! The sound of drums was loud, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout. Although Jiang Xia's army made a great momentum, they never launched an attack. city ​​head.

The defenders on the top of the city were extremely nervous, they kept lowering their heads to avoid the chaotic arrows from below the city, and seized the opportunity to shoot their bows and arrows towards the bottom of the city.


Li Neng shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, it will be very difficult for the enemy to attack the city!"

He turned back and shouted: "Hurry up and ask for help!"

The three-pillar beacon fire at the head of Xinye City was blazing, which was to ask for help from Nanyang County in the north. . . . .

Different from the fierce battle at Nanchengtou, the west city was extremely quiet. There is an extremely narrow forest here, about ten miles long, but only two hundred paces wide. water.

An artificial canal leads to Weishui, which leads Weishui into the moat and then into the city. More than 200 ferries sail into Weishui through this artificial canal.

Right now in the woods, a raid team composed of more than a hundred elite soldiers was quietly waiting for an opportunity.

This is a special force from the Three Kingdoms era. It was formed last year and named "Eagle Strike". It was carefully selected by Liu Jing from tens of thousands of Jiangxia troops. Everyone is strong, strong in martial arts, and has combat experience. Rich, today is the first time they have put into actual combat.

The leader of this team is Liu Zheng, who looks like a monkey. He is 17 years old this year and has been promoted to a military marquis through hard work. Although he is thin and small, commanding such an army is still easy for him.

Liu Zheng pricked up his ears to listen quietly to the commotion in the south of the city. At this time, the sound of drums and faint shouts of killing came from the south of the city. This was the signal for battle.


He turned his head and let out a low shout, and immediately twenty soldiers rushed forward with five or six wide wooden boards about three feet long, put the boards on the moat with a width of two feet, and smashed the two ends of the wedges into the soil. It is firmly anchored on the moat.

Liu Zheng checked the backpack behind him and the hook on his waist. He was sure that there was nothing wrong with it. He immediately counterattacked. A dozen soldiers rushed forward carrying a bamboo pole about five or six feet long. stop.

Liu Zheng held the other end of the bamboo pole in his arms, took a deep breath, "Let's start!"

More than a dozen people started running at the same time, Liu was at the front of the bamboo pole, and more than a dozen people were at the back of the bamboo pole. They had already trained countless times, and they cooperated very tacitly. They rushed to the bottom of the city in an instant, and Liu Zheng soared into the air, stepping on the city wall with both feet upwards. Running, the bamboo pole supported his body behind.

This is a traditional way of climbing the wall. The person who climbs the wall is light, and turns the forward thrust of the bamboo pole upwards.

Three feet away from the top of the city, Liu Zheng threw out a hook and hooked it to the top of the city. He threw away the bamboo pole and used the force of the hook to cling to the top of the city. He slowly looked up the top of the city. Without a single soldier, almost all Cao Jun soldiers rushed to Nancheng.

With a leap, he jumped onto the top of the city, quickly took out five or six coils of noose from his backpack, wrapped one end of the rope around the battlements, and threw the rope down.

More than a hundred soldiers had already rushed to the bottom of the city, their bodies clinging to the city wall. They grabbed the ropes and quickly climbed up. One by one, they climbed up the city. The spears also pulled up to the top of the city.

"Brothers, be more aggressive. Whether Xinye City can be taken or not is up to you!"

Liu Zheng explained to everyone, and with a wave of his hand, he led more than a hundred people along the top of the city and rushed towards the north city. . . . . . .

At the gate of the southern city, the 'lively' battle was still going on, the drums were rumbling loudly, and the shouts of killing were loud, but Jiang Xia's army did not make any substantive attacks other than shooting arrows, which made Li Neng, the guard at the top of the city, Also puzzled by it.

"General, could it be that the enemy is attacking west?" A village chief reminded in a low voice beside him.

Li Neng suddenly came to his senses. There were less than a hundred guards at the north city gate. If they were attacked by surprise, the north city would not be safe. He was so anxious that he yelled at the chief: "Since you have thought about it, hurry up!"

The head of the village agreed and ran towards Beicheng with more than a hundred soldiers, but after running less than a hundred steps, he saw a bloody soldier stumbling towards him, "General Li, Beicheng was attacked by the enemy, brothers and sisters! There are almost no casualties, and the city gate has been lost!"

"Ah!" Li Neng was stunned.

Only heard the sound of killing from the north city, and three thousand Jiangxia soldiers entered Xinye City from the north city gate. At this time, Liao Hua outside the city also heard the sound of killing from the direction of the north city gate. Has succeeded, immediately turned back and ordered: "Retreat!"

More than [-] cavalry rushed to the west, and soon disappeared. Fighting broke out in the south gate. More than [-] Jiangxia soldiers rushed to the south gate, fighting fiercely with hundreds of Cao troops.

Cao Jun couldn't hold back and retreated steadily. Seeing that the situation was extremely critical, Li Neng shouted: "Kaicheng breaks through!"

The suspension bridge was lowered quickly, the city gate was rumbled open, and more than [-] Cao troops rushed out of the city and rushed to the wilderness outside.

General Liao Hua slapped his horse on his horse and killed him. With a loud cry, he swung his knife and slashed at the enemy general. Li Neng was caught off guard and was split in two.

Liao Hua shouted: "Those who do not surrender will be killed!"

The main general was killed, Cao Jun soldiers had nowhere to go, they knelt down and surrendered one after another. Liao Hua turned his head and looked towards Xinye City. In the light of the fire, he faintly saw a Jiangxia Army battle flag rising. He could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief. He fulfilled his mission , Completed the task of snatching Xinye City.

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