Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 301 Xiangyang Surrender

Cao Jun went south again, Zhang Yun surrendered, and Cao Jun's iron cavalry drank the Han River. For a while, Xiangyang was shaken and the people's hearts were in turmoil. Tens of thousands of people flocked out of the city and fled towards Jiangxia.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, Cai Mao ordered Xiangyang City to close the gates and prevent the people from fleeing. However, people living outside the city and in various counties still fled on a large scale, setting off the second wave of refugees after Cao Jun went south.

In the state council hall, Cai Mao urgently summoned the important ministers of Xiangyang to discuss countermeasures. At this time, Xiangyang County had already undergone a split. The Xiangyang County Prime Minister Wang Qi and the army Pang Ji had defected to Nanjun, but to Cai Mao's surprise, Deng Yi in the ruling Did not go, still stay in Xiangyang.

In the lobby, apart from Cai Mao, there were also Kuai Yue, Han Song, Deng Yi, Li Gui, Chen Zhen and others. Everyone had serious expressions. Cai Mao sighed and said to everyone: "Everyone has seen the current situation. Prime Minister Cao led the army to come, Zhang Yun has surrendered, the hearts of the people are in turmoil, the morale of the army is not stable, Xiangyang is gone, if we don't surrender to Prime Minister Cao, sooner or later we will be defeated by Jiangxia and Jiangling, in this case, it is better to submit to the court as soon as possible, everyone can Find a future."

Speaking of this, Cai Hao took out a letter, raised it, and said to everyone: "This is a letter written by Prime Minister Cao to me. There will be further promotions, titles will be awarded, honoring the ancestors, I hope that everyone can advance and retreat with me."

There was silence in the lobby. Although this decision was expected by everyone, when it came, everyone found it difficult to accept it for a while. After all, they could not explain to Liu Biao, who died not long ago.

At this moment, Kuai Yue pondered and asked, "I don't know what attitude Zhou Mu has?"

Although Kuai Yue's question was very subtle, all the veterans in the officialdom in the lobby immediately realized that as long as Liu Cong surrendered, it would be fine. They surrendered with Liu Cong, and their reputation would not be affected, and they would also get benefits.

Cai Mao was a little hesitant. This was Liu Cong's moral responsibility. Although Kuai Yue proposed this plan, there was no pressure, but Liu Cong was his son-in-law in name after all, not to mention his affection for his son-in-law. Liu Cong felt somewhat guilty.

Everyone saw Cai Hao's hesitation, and Han Song added with a smile: "He is our lord, of course he should have decided to surrender Cao, so Degui can persuade him!"

Everyone responded one after another, Li Gui also smiled and said: "The more important thing is that Prime Minister Cao hopes that the state shepherd will return, and I also suggest that the military division go to persuade the state shepherd."

Li Gui is Cai Mao's confidant, and even he agrees to encourage Liu Cong to surrender, Cai Mao has no choice but to do so. In fact, Liu Cong's surrender is not good for him, Cai Mao?

Thinking of this, Cai Mao nodded, "Since everyone thinks so, let me go and talk to him! Try to convince him to see the situation clearly."

Seeing the excitement on everyone's faces, Cai Mao couldn't help cursing inwardly: "A bunch of old and cunning guys!"

. . . . . . .

"I won't do it. If you want to surrender, you should surrender. Don't think about me!"

In the room, Liu Cong clenched his fists and yelled at Cai Mao, his face was flushed, his expression and eyes were like an angry beast, "You are going to surrender before your father's bones are cold, are you worthy of your father's support?"

Liu Cong's scolding made Cai Mao a little bit annoyed. He squinted his eyes and said coldly, "I'm sorry. Your father didn't ask Gu before he died. Even if he did, it wasn't you."


Liu Cong took a step back. The huge sense of humiliation made him feel ashamed. He stared at Cai Mao for a long time before he said, "Despicable!"

Cai Mao looked at him with some pity. He knew that Liu Cong already understood his identity. He was just a puppet and could not have his own ideas.

Liu Cong turned around and walked back to his room, suddenly, a faint green object was thrown out of the room, 'Boom! With a sound, a corner collapsed, and the wrapped satin was scattered, and it turned out to be Liu Cong's state shepherd's seal. Cai Mao was startled, and suddenly looked into the room with eyes full of anger.

Liu Cong appeared at the door and said coldly: "Isn't what you want a scapegoat for the state shepherd? You just find a beggar on the street and let him be the state shepherd. Anyway, I won't play with you anymore. If you want to kill him what ever."

"You bastard!"

Cai Hao jumped up violently. He clenched his fists and rushed forward to beat Liu Cong. At this moment Mrs. Cai appeared. She glanced at the treasure seal on the ground, stopped her brother and smiled and said, "It's nothing serious, brother go first! Let me persuade you." he."

Cai Mao glared at Liu Cong viciously, turned around and rushed away angrily, Mrs. Cai winked at the two maids behind her, and the two maids also retreated.

Only then did Madam Cai slowly walk into the room, but Liu Cong turned his back to her, and his tone was as cold as ice, "I know what you want to say? I'm not afraid anymore, just go ahead and say it, or I'll die and apologize!"

"Why do you have to dig into a dead end like this?"

Mrs. Cai walked behind him and sat down. She smiled and said, "Surrendering Cao Cao is actually an opportunity for you. I don't believe that you have always been willing to be a puppet. Surrendering to Cao Cao may free you. Can't you think of it?"

"What did you say?"

Liu Cong turned around slowly and stared at Mrs. Cai in surprise, "I don't understand what you mean!"

"Cong'er, listen to me, calm down first."

Madam Cai's tone was very gentle, she rarely spoke to Liu Cong like this, "I know you don't want to surrender to Cao Cao because you feel guilty and lost your father's foundation, I can understand, but in fact you are not Jingzhou Mu, no matter Is it your father's intention, or is it reality, Jingzhou Mu is Liu Jing, the court has recognized him, and now you are not even the prefect of Xiangyang."

Liu Cong lowered his head and remained silent. Mrs. Cai really knew this son very well. Even though she was not her own son, she knew him better than her own son.

She knew Liu Cong's weakness of character, low self-esteem, cowardice, timidity, lack of assertiveness, the superficial toughness is just a shell, as long as this shell is broken, he can only be squeezed by others.

What she has to do now is to find the weakest point and break through his shell, and Mrs. Cai knows better than anyone else where the weakest point of this shell is?

"Cong'er, in fact, the military adviser and the others can completely leave you alone. You are not Jingzhou Mu, and it doesn't matter whether you surrender or not, but if you really do this, have you thought about your own result? You have nothing and no place to go, maybe Someone will read you as the son of the former lord and give you a bite to eat, is this kind of life what you want?"

Liu Cong sighed softly, the shell in his heart had already been cracked, he put his head in his hands, pulled his hair vigorously, and muttered something, although he was very vague, Madam Cai understood Now, he's saying 'what should I do? '

"Think about it for yourself! Now the military advisers are pushing you out as the lord, and negotiating with Cao Cao in front of Jingzhou. Regardless of whether you are the real Jingzhou Mu, Cao Cao will treat you favorably. At least you will not lose the prefect. In that way, you Wouldn't you be completely freed from the current puppet position?"

Liu Cong suddenly raised his head and stared at Mrs. Cai with wide eyes, "Why do you help me? What good does it do you?"

Mrs. Cai smiled lightly, "After all, I am still your mother in name, and I have to give your father an explanation. Since you can't take the position of state shepherd, at least it will give you a good result. I am also worthy of your father. .”

Speaking of this, the shell that wrapped Liu Cong's heart was finally knocked open, Liu Cong nodded silently, "Alright then! I'll follow your arrangements."

. . . . . . . .

In the afternoon, Li Gui crossed the river by boat and came to Daying in Fancheng, where he formally handed over the letter of surrender to Cao Cao. In the big tent, Cao Cao squinted his eyes to read the letter of surrender, and smiled at Li Gui: "You have done a lot these years. Well, thanks for your hard work."

Li Gui knelt down and wept: "Serving the prime minister, I will die!"

Cao Cao comforted him with some kind words, let him sit down again, and then turned the topic to his own concerns, "I want to know how much food and troops there are in Xiangyang?"

"Returning to the Prime Minister, there are about 20 shi of grain in the warehouse in Xiangyang, 5000 troops, and more than 5000 horses. Among them, [-] troops are stationed in Jiangbei, [-] are stationed near Jiangxia, and there are also troops stationed near Nanjun. [-], and then there are [-] people in Xiangyang City, and there is no garrison in Fangling County."

Cao Cao nodded, and asked again: "How much wood do you have for building warships? I know you don't have warships, but you should have wood for building ships, right?"

Li Gui showed shame on his face, "We didn't expect that the prime minister would go south this year, so we made a deal with Jiang Xia, and exchanged the warehouse wood and Jiang Xia for the land in Jiangbei, and now most of the wood..."

Before he could finish speaking, Cao Cao interrupted him impatiently, "I know this, but I just want to know how much is left now?"

"There are more than 3 giant trees, which can build dozens of thousand-stone warships."

Cao Cao was really unhappy. This meant that Jiangxia County didn't leave any useful resources for him, so what's the use of them?

But he had no choice but to comfort him: "I see, my army will formally cross the river tonight, you can prepare the ferry in advance, and formally accept the surrender tomorrow morning, and tell Mr. Cong and Junshi Cai that I will not treat them badly." .”

Li Gui was overjoyed, "The humble staff will go back and tell them to prepare a grand welcome ceremony!"

"You don't need to be grand, just keep a low profile!"

Cao Cao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, Liu Cong was not the real Jingzhou Shepherd. If Liu Jing surrendered tomorrow, there must be a grand welcome ceremony. What a pity!

Li Gui was stunned for a moment, he suddenly understood a little bit, and hurriedly left in a low voice.

Cao Cao walked to the front of the account with his hands behind his back and looked far to the southeast. Jiangxia was there. He remembered what Liu Jing said. Liu Jing said that he was looking forward to a battle with him on the Yangtze River. In fact, he was also looking forward to it, and he was even more looking forward to it. In the end, Liu Jing surrendered himself. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but he knew that it would be at least next year.

. . . . . . .

There were nearly a hundred new ferry boats in Xiangyang, and Cao Jun crossed the river overnight. In the morning of the next day, nearly [-] troops crossed the Han River, and Cao Cao also crossed the river. He rode on a horse, surrounded by thousands of soldiers. , and slowly drove towards Xiangyang City.

At the gate of Xiangyang, Liu Cong led Cai Mao, Kuai Yue and other dozens of high-ranking officials in Xiangyang who had been waiting for a long time. He hung a big seal and a ribbon around his neck, silently waiting for the last moment.

When Cao Cao's army approached, Liu Cong knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "The guilty minister Liu Cong bows to Your Excellency, Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty!"

"Kowtow to the Prime Minister!"

Dozens of civil and military officials knelt down together. Cao Cao narrowed his eyes with a smile, and looked up at Xiangyang City. Is this Liu Biao's lair?

. . . . . . . . .

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