Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 302 Jiangxia Prepares for Battle

Liu Jing spent nearly half a month on the road before returning to Jiangxia. The city of Jiangxia has not changed much, it is still orderly.

Perhaps because Cao Jun went south again, the soldiers at the top of the city patrolled back and forth, full of vigilance, and the soldiers guarding the city gate also stepped up inspections, and everyone who entered the city had to check and send messages.

Chuanxin for short, also known as Fuxin or Guosuo, is the identity certificate for going out in the Han Dynasty. It is not needed in normal times, and inspections will be strengthened only in wartime.

This made Liu Jing very gratified. Even if he was not around, Jiang Xia could still operate normally, which meant that Jiang Xia's system had been established.

To his surprise, the emperor's envoy from Yedu was still waiting in Wuchang. Liu Jing formally accepted the emperor's conferment and became the shepherd of Jingzhou. go.

Back at the county office, Liu Jing was busy for a long time, and only then did he deal with many urgent matters. Even he himself didn't know what he was busy with, but the extreme exhaustion really made him overwhelmed. He lay down on the soft chair, Liu Jing Jing fell asleep soundly. In his sleep, he seemed to be still floating on the boat.

After sleeping for a full hour, when he woke up, it was already afternoon, the yard was very quiet, and no one came to disturb his rest.

When Liu Jing walked to the gate of the courtyard, he saw two guards standing at the gate. It was their loyal guards that made him fall into a sweet sleep.

"I'm resting during this time, is anyone looking for me?"

Liu Jing had a smile on his face, and his tone was very gentle. The two guards were honored to speak so softly in his capacity, and one of them hurriedly said, "Xu Changshi has been here. He heard that Zhou Mu was resting, so he didn't bother him." , and left, he said that if the state shepherd wanted to find him, he would flee outside the city and enter the private camp."

Liu Jing heard that they all called him State Shepherd, and it was very easy to say. He guessed that they had called him for a while. Liu Jing nodded. He did have some things to discuss with Xu Shu.

. . . . . .

The open space outside the west city is full of tents, surrounded by thick camp fences. Most people don't know it and think it's a military camp. In fact, it's just a temporary camp for refugees.

Tens of thousands of people who fled from Xiangyang are temporarily resettled here. After the registration is completed, they will be transferred to various counties in Jiangxia. Jiangxia has been resettling refugees for the past few years, and the officials have already been familiar with it.

Liu Jing entered the camp under the guard of the soldiers. The camp was extremely lively. Thousands of large tents were filled with refugees fleeing from Xiangyang. There were as many as 3 or [-] people. Noisy, noisy and chaotic.

Liu Jing frowned slightly. He didn't like this chaotic situation, so he turned around and asked, "How long have these refugees lived?"

The two soldiers behind were speechless and unable to answer. At this moment, someone beside them laughed and said, "These refugees are all floating, some just arrived today, some have lived for three or four days, but no more than five days. .”

I saw an official coming from the side with a few subordinates. It was Yiji. Since Su Fei had already served as the prefect of Anlu County, he succeeded the post of Jiangxia County Prime Minister. He was in full charge of this refugee camp. .

He smiled and stepped forward to salute: "Your subordinates will see Zhou Mu!"

Liu Jing saw that he also called himself the State Shepherd, and guessed that his position as the State Shepherd had already been confirmed, but he didn't know that before he came back, Jiang Xia's military and political leaders had discussed it and formally decided to uniformly call Liu Jing the State Shepherd. Compete against Xiangyang and Jiangling.

In this era, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well. Liu Jing exchanged Cao Hong, Li Dian and more than 1 Cao Jun prisoners for the post of Jingzhou Shepherd. It is also very important for Jiang Xia's subordinates, and only in this way can they correct their names. Their allegiance is to the real Jingzhou shepherd, not to the rebels of the separatist side.

Liu Jing is also very aware of this point. Since everyone called him Jingzhou Mu, he accepted it calmly. He looked at the refugees around him and asked, "How many refugees have come this time?"

Yi Ji sighed and said, "There are more than [-] people who came this time. Including the refugees from the previous few times, Jiang Xia has already received more than [-] refugees. If it weren't for the Tao family's full support, Jiang Xia really couldn't afford it." Such a heavy burden is already a bit strenuous."

Liu Jing nodded, "If Jiang Xia can't afford it, he can transfer to Changsha County, but there is one thing that must be accepted."

"We understand this. It is related to the reputation of the state shepherd. We will never refuse to take them in. Please rest assured the state shepherd."

Speaking of this, he saw Liu Jing looking at him with a strange smile. For a moment, he didn't know what he said was wrong, and he felt a little nervous, but the more nervous he became, the more flustered he felt, and his mind became confused.

Liu Jing sighed, he knew it was a question of realm, if it was Sun Quan or Liu Bei, they would immediately understand, but Yiji is not good enough, Liu Jing didn't want to make things difficult for him, so he said to him; "It's not about my reputation, They are the most precious resource in Jingzhou, with them there is a world, so we must protect them no matter what."

Yiji was just stunned for a moment, and then he understood immediately. He was very knowledgeable, but he had been doing Liu Biao's work for a long time, and it was difficult for him to understand the realm of a superior person. When Liu Jing reminded him, he suddenly understood, and immediately clasped his fists and saluted. "Thank you Zhou Mu for your advice!"

Liu Jing smiled, turned around and waved, called Jiang Wan forward, and introduced to Yiji: "This is Lingling Jiang Gongyan, he will do your job in the future, let him do more things to hone his skills !"

Liu Jing knew that Jiang Wan was a prime minister, but he lacked practical experience, so it was most appropriate for him to follow Yiji, not to let Yiji guide him, but Yiji's position, Jiangxia Juncheng.

All government affairs are concentrated here, and there are all kinds of troublesome things, but it is precisely these tedious and troublesome things that train people's talents the most. Liu Jing thought for a long time before finally deciding to put Jiang Wan in this place. on post.

Jiang Wan understood Liu Jing's good intentions in his heart, and he was grateful in his heart, but he didn't show it. He stepped forward and bowed deeply to Yi Ji, "Please take care of Yi Ji."

Of course Yi Ji knew about Jiang Wan, one of the three child prodigies in Jingzhou, and he also understood Liu Jing's intentions, so he said with a smile: "I happen to be short of manpower, Brother Jiang Xian came too timely, if you have nothing else to do, please come with me." to resettle refugees."

Jiang Wan took a look, Liu Jing nodded with a smile, Jiang Wan saluted and followed Yi Ji away, Liu Jing watched their backs hurried away, he suddenly slapped his head, he was so confused, he forgot to ask Yi Ji, Xu Shu Where?Such a big refugee camp, how can I find it.

At this time, a follower from Yi came hurriedly, saluted and said: "The state shepherd is looking for Xu Changshi, and the county magistrate asked me to lead the way."

Liu Jing chuckled, this Yi Ji was quite careful, he urged the horse to follow, and after a while, he came to a big tent.

There were many soldiers standing in front of the big tent, the curtain was open, and there were hundreds of elders sitting inside, all of whom were in their 60s or [-]s, listening intently to what Xu Shu was saying, while Liu Jing could only faintly hear things like manpower and subsidies.

As soon as Liu Jing walked to the door, someone rushed in to report. Soon, Xu Shu came out to greet him and said with a smile, "Has Zhou Mu rested?"

Liu Jing smiled a little embarrassedly, "I'm a little tired on the way, and I'll feel better after a night of sleep."

He looked at the old man sitting in a tent again, and asked a little strangely: "Who are they?"

"They are all the patriarchs of various families. I ask them to discuss matters. Please come to the tent to discuss in detail, the state shepherd."

It was only then that Liu Jing realized that they were all patriarchs. No wonder they were all old men. For a long time in history, Chinese society was bound by blood and clan. Often a family lived together. There were hundreds of people in a big family and hundreds of people in a small family. There are also dozens of people who elect respected people as patriarchs to jointly manage the affairs of a family.

Especially in the era of war, the importance of the family is even more important. Being in a family means that you can help each other, you can not be starved to death, and you can survive the war. Because of this, the order of the patriarch has Absolute authority.

Therefore, the government's management of the people is actually the management of the various patriarchs. If something happens, the patriarchs are called for a meeting, and the government's will can be conveyed smoothly.

Therefore, hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled to Jiangxia in the past few months. It seems that the number of refugees is huge, but it is actually not difficult to manage. As long as there are enough tents and food, the family will distribute them properly, and there is no need to worry about each individual. body.

Liu Jing walked into the side tent and sat down. Xu Shu brought him another cup of tea and smiled wryly, "Mr. Jia has been to Xiazhi County again these few days. He is especially interested in kerosene, and he has been there three times."

But Liu Jing understood Jia Xu's knot. He was not interested in kerosene, but he didn't want to participate in the plan to deal with Cao Cao, so he found an excuse to walk away. Liu Jing didn't say anything, so he changed the subject and said with a smile: "You What are you calling so many patriarchs to discuss?"

Xu Shu hastily said: "The main purpose of my subordinates calling the patriarch is to recruit civilian husbands. I feel that Wuchang City is not well defended. I plan to increase the height and widen the city walls to make Wuchang City an impregnable wall. At least 3000 civilian husbands are needed, and [-] people have been recruited so far. , there are still more than [-] people short, and they are going to be recruited among the refugees, and I am looking for them today to discuss this matter."

Only then did Liu Jing realize that they were recruiting civilian husbands, and he asked with a smile, "Then are they willing?"

"It's actually out of their hands. They also know it well. The key is how much food subsidies to give. I'm bargaining for them!"

Liu Jing was just asking about these matters. These trivial matters were within the purview of Xu Shu, so he no longer needed to worry about them. He only needed to sign and approve the final plan, and he would not interfere in the specific process.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "You came to see me in the afternoon, what's the matter?"

"I do have something important to report to the State Shepherd. We have just received news that Cao Jun has begun recruiting a large number of craftsmen in the Central Plains, and [-] craftsmen from Ye County and Xuchang have all rushed to Nanyang. Wan's army is heading to Nanyang, in other words, Cao's army has already begun large-scale preparations."

. . . . . . . .

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