This group of black shadows consisted of a hundred people, they were the 'Eagle Soldier' ​​of Jiang Xia Army, that is, the most elite special soldiers in Jiang Xia Army, and the leader of this team was the monkey-like Marquis Liu Zheng.

This army has experienced hundreds of battles, all of them are highly skilled in martial arts and have rich experience. They are especially good at sneak attacking cities. They have different countermeasures for different cities.

About a dozen steps away from the moat, three soldiers pulled out the yellow-shouldered crossbow. This is the king of crossbows. Hundred steps.

On the body of the crossbow was a big iron arrow one foot long. The three of them aimed at the city wall and pulled the crossbow, 'Ka! With a soft sound, the iron arrow shot out like black lightning, and its powerful force made it firmly nailed to the city wall.

The three soldiers did the same, and within a quarter of an hour, all fifteen iron arrows were nailed to the city wall. Although they were not in a neat row, they were less than a few feet apart. From a distance, it looked like an irregular climbing plane. stand.

Liu Zheng put a roll of rope on his back, took a deep breath, leaped lightly, and grabbed an iron arrow. His body was as light and agile as an ape, and with the support of more than a dozen iron arrows on the outer wall, he Quickly climbed to the top of the city.

This is the northeast corner, and it is also the place with the fewest defensive soldiers on the top of the city. It is already late at night, and most of the soldiers are sleeping under the female wall. Although Zhao Yan is a cautious and conservative person with high vigilance, he is not That means everyone is just like him.

At this time, the soldiers of the Cao Army had occupied Anlu County for more than a month, and the main battlefield had moved to Jiangling. Intention and vigilance gradually weakened, and finally became a little paralyzed.

Cao Jun still insisted on patrolling in appearance, but there were not many soldiers who took this kind of patrolling to heart. Liu Zheng looked to both sides for a while, and there was no patrolling soldier. go down.

The soldiers from below the city climbed up the city one after another, bent over the city wall, jumped into the city, and quickly disappeared into the darkness behind the houses. As more than a hundred eagle fighters disappeared into the city, Liu Zheng confirmed that they were not found. They were the last ones to jump into the city. They were not in a hurry to seize the city, but sneaked into the city and hid themselves, waiting for the signal.

. . . . . .

Half an hour later, Yunyang County finally ignited a dazzling beacon, and was immediately spotted by patrol soldiers in the camp. Cao Jun's camp suddenly became tense, "Dang!"when!when! 'The alarm bell rang, and the piercing sound spread throughout the camp.

The soldiers of Cao Jun, who were sleeping soundly, woke up one after another, and began to put on their armor in a hurry. In a hurry, the camp began to make noise.

The chief general Zhao Yan was awakened by the sound of the bell in his sleep. He put on his clothes, stepped out of the big tent, and asked sharply, "What happened?"

A patrolling soldier rushed over and knelt down on one knee to report: "Sign up to the general, three pillars of beacon fire are lit in front of the beacon, it should be a warning from Yunyang County!"

Zhao Yan was taken aback, and hurriedly ran to the camp wall, stepped onto the board wall, and looked to the south, only to see three pillars of fire from the beacon tower twenty miles away, which should be from Yunyang County fifty miles away. Alarm, the two beacons in the back followed the warning.

Zhao Yan was very surprised, how could Jiang Xia's army attack Anlu County at this time?At this time, Sima Yi also appeared on the board wall. Although Zhang Liao was transferred back to Fancheng, Sima Yi was eventually left to assist Zhao Yan. This is also because Cao Cao considered that Zhao Yan had more than enough defense but insufficient offensive strategy, so he asked Sima Yi to be a supplement.

Sima Yi stared at the south for a moment and said: "Obviously, since the beacon fire came from Yunyang County, Jiang Xia's army should have arrived by boat. Zhao Shuai, we can't sit still and wait for death, we must deal with it!"

"Sima Zhubo must have acted too hastily!"

Zhao Yannian is nearly 40 years old. He is also known as the Four Famous Men of Yingchuan along with Yangzhai Xinpi, Xuxia Chen Qun, and Dingling Du Xi. , quite highly valued by Cao Cao, from the county magistrate, Zhu Bo, has been serving as the governor of the army.

He showed extremely high military training ability in the field, and finally won the trust of Cao Cao. Even though he was a civil servant, he also let him lead the army.

Although Zhao Yan is talented, he is not a literati. He doesn't care much about Sima Yi, who is ten years younger than him. The prime minister asked Sima Yi to assist him, but he felt that Sima Yi was just a scholar. I'm afraid it won't work.

He specially bit the word Zhubo very hard, reminding Sima Yi to pay attention to his identity, "Zhu Bo, now that the enemy's intelligence is unknown, how can we send troops so easily? Even if we take a countermeasure, we must find out the enemy's situation before we talk!"

After all, he ignored Sima Yi, and immediately ordered the lieutenant behind him, Zang Badao: "Send a team of scouts to investigate the news, and report any situation at any time!"

"As ordered!"

Zang Ba immediately arranged for a team of scouts to go out to patrol the camp. Zhao Yan glanced at Sima Yi with a half-smile, then turned and left.

Sima Yi's face was gloomy, and Zhao Yan's arrogance also made him extremely disgusted. In contrast, Zhang Liao did not have Zhao Yan's civil servant airs, and treated others much more sincerely.

At this time, Yu Jin walked slowly to Sima Yi's side, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I also think that we should send out troops as soon as possible, lie in ambush by the river, and when the enemy ships approach, immediately pour oil and burn them. This opportunity is fleeting. It's a pity that General Zhao is too conservative."

Sima Yi said coldly after a long while: "Either do it early, or don't do it. I always want to be safe. How can there be such a good thing."

He turned around and walked towards his tent. About half an hour later, a soldier came to salute and said, "My lord, Commander Zhao is here!"

Sima Yi didn't want to go at first, but after thinking about it, he still got up and walked to the big tent of the Chinese army. The big tent was brightly lit, and Zhao Yan was meditating in front of the map. Sima Yi stepped forward and saluted, "See the commander!"

"Sima Zhubo came just in time!"

Zhao Yan took the map and said with a smile: "I have received accurate information. A main force of the enemy army composed of hundreds of large ships is coming towards us. It is about twenty miles away from us. Do you think Sima Zhubo should send troops?" ?”

Sima Yi thought about it, Yunyang County is about [-] miles away from here, and in just over half an hour, the enemy fleet traveled [-] miles, which is very fast, and they are about [-] miles away from Weishui, and they still have to transport kerosene. , I'm afraid it's too late.

Sima Yi shook his head, "I think it's too late!"

The smile on Zhao Yan's face disappeared, and his face sank, "You are the one who asked me to send troops, and you are the one who opposes sending troops now. What do you mean?"

Sima Yi sneered, "Can Ke Zhou ask for a sword?"

Zhao Yan was furious, turned around and walked away, only to listen to his order outside the tent: "Pass my order, order General Zang to lead three thousand soldiers to carry kerosene to burn the boat by the river, there must be no mistakes!"

Sima Yi sighed secretly, the prime minister was right, this Zhao Yan had more than enough to defend, but not enough to attack, the kerosene was first made by Jiang Xia's army, how could they not be prepared to burn the ship, no matter what!Let him learn a lesson.

Sima Yi didn't say much anymore, just watched with cold eyes, waiting for the news from Zang Ba.

. . . . . . .

The Weishui narrowed a little in the area of ​​Anlu County, only about twenty feet wide, just enough for a large ship to turn around. On both banks, there was an endless black wilderness.

In the dark night, a fleet of hundreds of large ships was sailing quickly along the Weishui River to the north. The fleet stretched for tens of miles and was magnificent. At this time, on the first large ship, Jia Xu was nervous. He stared intently at the banks of the Wei River.

"Have you found out, Mister?" Liu Jing smiled lightly from the side.

Jia Xu shook his head, "I can't see anything, but Cao Jun will definitely come to burn the ship, and that's what I'm looking forward to."

Speaking of this, Jia Xu glanced at Wenpin again, and said with a smile: "General Wen must find it very strange, why do I want Cao Jun to come and burn the ship?"

Wenpin nodded, "I really don't understand. I think Mr. Jia may have ambushed on the shore, using the big boat as bait, but this seems a bit too obvious."

Jia Xu laughed, "I did use the fleet as a bait, and I believe that Cao Jun will come to burn the ships, but my intention is Zhao Yan, who is too cautious and sometimes acts blindly. He will shrink immediately and dare not take any risky moves, he has been like this for so many years, and I believe he will not change this time."

Wenpin nodded silently, and only then did he understand Jia Xu's deep meaning, or he was too shallow to see the problem, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win every battle, and Jia Xu did exactly this.

"So what about Sima Yi?" Liu Jing asked with a smile beside him, he always cared about Sima Yi.

"Sima Yi's biggest problem is his lack of qualifications. He is a civil servant, and Zhao Yan is also a civil servant. Civil servants are inferior to each other. Does General Wen think that Zhao Yan will listen to Sima Yi's plan?"

Wenpin hesitated, "This... I don't know."

Jia Xu smiled lightly, "Celebrities have a bad problem, that is, they take their own reputation too seriously. In fact, I am the same. Once I do something wrong, it is difficult to admit that it is my responsibility. Try to shirk it to others. Zhao Yan Naturally, the same is true, once the army is defeated, he will definitely pass the responsibility on to Sima Yi, this is almost an iron law in the officialdom, and the humble shall bear the responsibility."

At this moment, a rocket suddenly soared from the shore, and the red flames illuminated the sky.

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