Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 348 Night Battle Anlu

In the wilderness on the west bank of Weishui, [-] soldiers of Cao's army rushed towards Weishui with their deer carts. The so-called deer carts were wheelbarrows, pushed by manpower, and a deer cart could transport up to three stones of grain.

But at this time, what was transported on the deer cart was not grain, but barrels of kerosene. Cao Jun transported tens of thousands of barrels of kerosene to Anlu County just to deal with Jiang Xia's warship going north.


Zang Ba rode on the horse and kept urging the soldiers to rush to the Weishui River. He was also a little anxious. If he didn't hurry up, he might not have time to dump fire oil into the river before Jiang Xia's army arrived.

Then the [-] barrels of kerosene will become the spoils of Jiang Xia's army. Now he is competing for time with the Jiang Xia army's warships. It depends on who can seize the opportunity first. Now they are only two miles away from the river, and at most quarter of an hour, they will rush to the river.

Zang Ba silently prayed for God's protection, but many things will not be protected by God. At this moment, a soldier pointed to the southern sky and shouted: "Look, general! It's a rocket."

"Zang Ba stared at the southern sky, not only him, but all the soldiers saw a bright rocket across the night sky, illuminating the sky.

This caused a chill in everyone's heart, and the soldiers stopped the deer cart one after another, a great anxiety made them at a loss.

Zang Ba also felt at a loss, he knew that this rocket must have a deep meaning, so what does it mean?

There was silence in the wilderness, and the surrounding night was dark. At most, they could only see dozens of steps away. Everyone was listening to the movement in the distance.

Suddenly, many people heard a thunderous sound, and then the ground began to shake. The stronger the shaking, many kerosene barrels rolled down from the deer cart.

"It's cavalry!"

Dozens of people shouted almost at the same time, their voices were full of fear, and many of them still remembered the sharpness and viciousness of the Jiangxia cavalry.

"Don't panic!"

When Zang Ba realized that a soldier was about to run away, he roared anxiously, swung his gun and stabbed at a fleeing man, who screamed, was pierced through the chest, fell to the ground and died.

The screams stopped all the soldiers, and Zang Ba waved his gun and shouted: "Assemble the deer carts!"

This is a good way. More than 2000 deer carts can be assembled to withstand the impact of cavalry. After all, Cao Jun soldiers are well-trained, and quickly assembled the deer carts to form a deer cart wall about several miles long.

At this time, the two thousand Jiangxia cavalry had already killed two hundred paces away. The dust covered the sky and the sun was like rushing thunder. Although the cavalry trained by Gao Shun were brave and good at fighting, their greatest advantage was that they could fight at night. 'Trapped in the camp' is famous all over the world.

The Jiangxia cavalry also spent several years practicing night battles and finally achieved something. Although it was in the dark night without stars and moonlight, the cavalry still ran in an orderly manner without a trace of chaos.

Liao Hua took the lead. He saw the deer cart in front of him from a distance, and immediately raised his horn to the sky and blew it vigorously. Dozens of cavalry followed him and blew the horn.


Amidst the low sound of the horn, the Jiangxia cavalry divided into two groups, bypassed the deer cart from the left and right, flanked the left and right, and rushed into the crowd of Cao Jun.

Cao Jun's soldiers were in chaos. They only had 3000 soldiers. How could they fight Jiangxia cavalry close to one-on-one.

In just a moment, Cao Jun was divided and surrounded by Jiangxia cavalry, and his position was smashed to pieces. Countless soldiers turned around and fled. Soon, the morale of Cao Jun's resistance disappeared and completely collapsed.

Cao Jun fled in all directions in the wilderness, and countless people knelt down and begged for mercy. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zang Ba fled to the camp under the cover of night.


In fact, even if there were no cavalry to raid Cao Jun, Cao Jun would have no chance to burn the boat in the river. Almost at the same time when Jiangxia cavalry raided Cao Jun, the Jiangxia Army fleet had arrived at the wharf of Anlu County.

Dozens of large ships docked first, and teams of Jiangxia troops went ashore and quickly assembled on the shore. In less than half an hour, a hundred thousand troops and various supplies had appeared on the west bank of Weishui.

Jiang Xia's army has already carried out careful deployment. According to Jia Xu's plan, defeating Cao Jun who was burning the boat with cavalry is only the first step, or even an introduction to the war, which is only used to influence the decision-making of the enemy commander.

Jia Xu's real goal is to capture Anlu County. This is the prelude to tonight's war. Jia Xu turned around and whispered something to Liu Jing. Liu Jing nodded and looked at Anlu County several miles away. .

Although the night was dark, he could still faintly see the outline of Anlu County. So far, Liu Zheng hadn't heard any news, which meant that they had successfully sneaked into Anlu County and were waiting for the second rocket to take off.

"Where is General Wei Yan?" Liu Jing shouted in a cold voice.

Wei Yan stepped forward, clasped his fists and saluted, "The end is here!"

"Liu Zheng has already entered the city. I will give you [-] troops to take Anlu County within half an hour. I will credit you for your great contribution, otherwise I will come to see you!"

Wei Yan's heart trembled, and he only gave himself half an hour. He began to get nervous, and quickly responded, "I obey my orders!"

He turned around and went to gather the army. Not long after, Wei Yan led an army of [-] troops and rushed towards the county town several miles away.

Liu Jing watched him walk away, and immediately ordered the left and right, "Order to shoot the second rocket!"

A soldier rushed away, and a moment later, a rocket rose into the sky outside the county seat, which was even redder and could be clearly seen ten miles away.

In a private house near the south gate of the county seat, Liu Zheng stood in the courtyard and stared at the rockets flying into the sky. His fists were slowly clenched, which was the signal for him to act.

"Everyone is ready to attack!" Liu Zheng turned around and ordered.

Behind him, a hundred Eagle Strike soldiers are ready. Each of them is wearing special armor, made of high-quality iron into scales, and attached to the leather armor. Thirty steps away, bows and crossbows cannot penetrate. This refined iron fish scale armor.

Everyone holds iron spears in their hands, bows and arrows on their backs, and sharp knives on their waists. Whether it is protection or weapons and equipment, they are far inferior to ordinary soldiers.

In addition, they are all highly skilled in martial arts, tall and strong, and they can count as ten against one. Therefore, although this Eagle Soldier has only a hundred men, it is enough to defeat the elite enemy army of a thousand men.

In the night, hundreds of soldiers walked out of the yard in a row, and ran towards the south city at a trot, just like a troop of Cao Jun patrolling. At this time, the battle outside the city and the rockets flying into the sky had alarmed the guarding army, and groups of Cao Jun soldiers trotted Run to the city gates everywhere.

After a while, Jiang Xia's army appeared in front of the south gate. The night was dark, covering their abnormal armor. Hundreds of Cao troops had gathered at the south gate. They all stared at the outside of the city, but no one paid attention to the arrival of Jiang Xia's eagle soldiers behind them.

Jiang Xia's army rushed to the south city gate, and immediately divided into two parts, one part went up the city along the corridor and snatched the suspension bridge mechanism, and the other part rushed towards the city gate.

"Who are you?" Finally, an officer noticed their anomaly and asked sharply.


Liu Zheng shouted, and hundreds of Jiangxia soldiers fought together at the gate of the city. They were like fierce cheetahs, brandishing iron spears and charged into Cao's army. In an instant, dozens of Cao's soldiers were killed at the gate. , There were screams inside and outside the South City Gate.


In a forest hundreds of steps away from the south city gate, Wei Yan was leading ten thousand soldiers anxiously waiting for the movement of the city gate. There was no movement yet, which made Wei Yan very anxious.

Suddenly, a soldier whispered: "General, did you hear that? There are shouts of killing!"

In fact, Wei Yan had already heard it, and the shout of killing was very clear in the quiet night. He looked serious and stared at the south gate. Although there was not much time left for him, he was still very careful, lest he fell into the trap.

At this time, the suspension bridge began to be lowered slowly, and the city tower was also on fire. The fire was raging, and the blazing fire light illuminated the night sky. Wei Yan no longer had any doubts, and turned around and shouted, "Follow me!"

He took the lead and rushed towards the county seat with a knife. Behind him, soldiers rushed out of the woods and followed closely.


The shouts resounded through the sky, and [-] Jiangxia troops rushed towards Anlu County like overwhelming mountains and seas.

. . . . . . .

In Cao Jun's camp, Zhao Yanzheng asked about Zang Ba's defeat in detail, and he was secretly surprised that it was the cavalry who attacked the kerosene delivery team.

It was night. Thousands of cavalry could gallop and attack at high speed at night without chaotic collisions. This required long-term and rigorous training. At present, only their tiger and leopard cavalry and Xiliang's submerged cavalry could do it.

Zhao Yan, who is good at training troops, is really surprised that Jiang Xia in the south has such a strong cavalry.

At the same time, Zhao Yan was also very frustrated. He sent troops one step too late, which made the plan of burning the warships unsuccessful. Once the main force of Jiang Xia's army landed, he would be very passive.

"Zhao Hujun!"

Sima Yi rushed into the big tent anxiously, and said anxiously: "There is something happening in the county seat. I am afraid that Jiang Xia's army is going to attack the county seat. Please send troops to support the county seat immediately."

Zhao Yan didn't respond, and he said coldly after a while: "Master Sima, but you suggested that I burn the boat with kerosene, I followed your suggestion, but was raided by Jiangxia cavalry, and six thousand barrels of kerosene were lost. Thousands of troops fled back only a few hundred people, how should this account be settled?"

Sima Yi took a step back in shock, "Zhao Hujun was surprised by this statement. I suggested that you send troops to be true, but you yourself delayed half an hour and missed the opportunity to fight. Now you actually put the responsibility on me. Zhao Hujun, we But I reminded you."

"Hmph! Being ambushed by the Jiangxia cavalry has nothing to do with dispatching troops sooner or later. They have already prepared for it, so they shouldn't have burned the ship. Now that the army is defeated, Master Sima wants to absolve himself of responsibility. What is his intention?"

Sima Yi laughed back angrily, "It's good to let go of the responsibility. With a coach like you, who can let go of the responsibility? Zhao Hujun, don't blame me for not reminding you, Jiang Xia's army is attacking the county now. Once the county is captured, you It will be too late to regret it!"

After finishing speaking, Sima Yi walked away, Zhao Yan stared at Sima Yi's back coldly, a small master bookkeeper, who actually regarded himself as a military adviser, did not know the heights of heaven and earth.

At this moment, a soldier rushed over, "Report to the commander, Jiang Xia's army has entered the county, and the county has fallen!"

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