In the afternoon of the next day, Sun Quan led hundreds of civil and military officials to gather in front of Qichun Wharf to welcome Liu Jing. At this time, a soldier shouted from the observation deck: "The Jiangxia fleet has appeared on the river ten miles away!"

After a while, I saw a fleet of more than a dozen large ships sailing towards Qichun County. On the leading ship was a huge red flag with gold borders. The red flag was the military flag of the Han Dynasty and the Jingzhou Army. The golden border represents the handsome flag of Jingzhou Mu.

Sun Quan turned his head to signal, and Lu Su immediately shouted: "Play music!"

Drums and music rang out on the pier immediately, and the eight dragon and lion dance teams flew up and down. Wearing a golden crown, wearing a purple robe, and a jade belt around his waist, it shows that he has a martial arts talent and a heroic appearance.

Behind him were twenty personal guards and two guards Liu Min and Jiang Wan.

Sun Quan slightly praised: "Sure enough, he is a dragon and a phoenix among people, and he is extraordinary!"

The big boat stopped at the shore, and a boatman quickly boarded the boat. Liu Jing walked ashore and said with a smile, "I dare not trouble you, brother, come to welcome me in person!"

"My brother is here, how can I not welcome him?"

Sun Quan laughed and stepped forward, the two embraced tightly, Sun Quan looked him up and down, then laughed again: "I haven't seen you for a year, my brother has lost a lot of weight!"

"In troubled years, how can you gain weight?"

The two of them knew each other and laughed a lot. At this time, Liu Jing waved his hand, and a soldier came forward with a copper plate, in which was a short sword. Liu Jing said with a smile: "This sword is called Qingyue. I got it in Chaisang, and I have kept it till now, and I am presenting it to my elder brother."

This sword was actually made by Chaisang craftsman when he was smelting Zhanmajian. It is extremely sharp and unique. Collecting famous swords is Sun Quan's greatest hobby. He immediately became interested, picked up the sword and pulled it out, and saw the blade It is light cyan in color, the sword light is like the moon, the air is cold, and it is extremely sharp.

"Good sword!"

Sun Quan praised repeatedly, handed the sword to the attendant, and smiled at Liu Jing: "I heard that my brother is happy to have a son, and I also want to express my heart. Gold, jewelry and shellfish are not rare. I will give my son a big guy."

He turned around and shouted, "Bring it up!"

The crowd moved away one after another, and a dark-skinned young man walked forward slowly leading a small elephant. Liu Jing was surprised. He walked up to pat the small elephant, and suddenly remembered that Sun Quan gave Cao Cao an elephant in history. In the end, Cao Chong came to call the elephant. Could it be this elephant?

Sun Quan stepped forward and introduced with a smile: "This elephant is named Mira, and it was given to me by a Lingnan businessman. There is also an elephant slave. The baby elephant is very docile. When your son grows up, he can ride it to play. "

"Then thank you, brother!"

Liu Jing ordered people to take the baby elephant and the elephant slave to the big boat, and then followed Sun Quan into the carriage, and walked slowly towards the city surrounded by the crowd.

Qichun County is a small county. There are not 10 people who took to the streets to welcome them like Soochow City. Only thousands of people from the whole county took to the streets to welcome them. Although the number of people was small, everyone cheered with excited smiles. Welcome Liu Jing's arrival from the bottom of my heart.

More than ten years ago, when Sun Jian crossed the river to attack Liu Biao, he crossed the river from Qichun County. Almost the entire county of Qichun County was destroyed in that battle.

Looking at the excited smiling faces, Liu Jing thought of the people in Xiangyang who also welcomed him from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help sighing: "Their requirements are actually very low, they just want to live in peace and security. It's a shame that it's hard to satisfy them even with such low demands."

Sun Quan also sighed slightly: "What my brother said is also what I think!"

The carriage stopped. Qichun County does not have a spacious and magnificent palace like Wuwang Palace, only Sun Quan's mansion is a little more decent. Sun Quan asked with a smile: "I remember that in Dongwu, you lived in Tao Mansion, so what about here?" ? Is it arranged by me, or go back to the boat?"

Liu Jing said apologetically, "You should stay here during the day! I'd better go back to the boat at night, and let my brother worry about it."

"Then it's decided, my virtuous brother rests first, and I'll take care of my virtuous brother at night." Sun Quan patted Liu Jing on the shoulder with a smile, and led him into the gate of the mansion.

. . . . . . . .

Sun Quan has the habit of taking a nap in the afternoon. He takes a nap for half an hour at noon every day. He has been unmoved for many years. He went back to his room, tidied up a little, and then lay down for an afternoon nap. But today he was a little tired, overslept, and was in a daze. He was woken up by the guards.

"Wu Hou, wake up!"

Sun Quan woke up with a start. He was helped to sit up. He only felt pain in his head, as if it was about to explode. He frowned and asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"It's been half an hour, Marquis Wu, the military division has something urgent to report."

Sun Quan rubbed his temples, his headache subsided a little, and then he said, "Please come in!"

After a while, Zhang Zhao hurried in, bowed and said, "Disturbed Marquis Wu took a nap, but I have something urgent to report."

"Speak! What's the matter?"

Zhang Zhao took a step forward and said in a low voice, "Prime Minister Cao sent an envoy!"


Sun Quan was taken aback, and his headache disappeared immediately. He hurriedly asked, "Where is he now?"

"At the small pier to the north, the envoys dare not disembark for fear of being seen by Jiang Xia's army, so they only sent someone to inform the minister."

Sun Quan was a little surprised, it was such a coincidence that the two families came together, and he didn't dare if Cao Cao sent another envoy, that is, it would come in these two days, which is actually not surprising, it was just a coincidence.

He pondered for a while and said: "You send a carriage to pick him up, but don't come to me, take him to your mansion first, and I will go to see him in the afternoon. Only you and I know about this matter, never Tell anyone."

"Wei Chen understands!"

Zhang Zhaoxing saluted and hurried away. Sun Quan felt a pain in his head again. Cao Cao sent another envoy.

In fact, Sun Quan didn't make up his mind completely, he still had a little bit of luck, if Cao Cao's envoy didn't come, then he would cooperate with Liu Jing and extract more benefits from Liu Jing. His unstable heart began to become chaotic again, what conditions did Cao Cao give himself?

. . . . . . . .

Cao Cao's emissary was naturally Jiang Gan. After he was interrogated secretly by Liu Jing, he was finally forced to compromise and agreed to Liu Jing's conditions. Except that his entourage was disguised by Jiangxia soldiers, everything was the same as when he came.

In the room, Jiang Qian was talking to Zhang Zhao about Cao's army's preparations for war. This was also a task Cao Cao gave him to tell Jiangdong officials about the strength of the northern army. But when Jiang Qian set off from Jiangling, they didn't know the news of Anlu County's defeat.

At this time, a family member came to report at the door, "Master, Marquis Wu is here!"

Zhang Zhao hurriedly went out to meet Sun Quan. In the room, Jiang Gan was very nervous. Liu Jing gave him a fake letter. He didn't know what was inside, and was very worried that Sun Quan, who was extremely shrewd, would see through it.

At this time, the door curtain was lifted, and Zhang Zhao led Sun Quan into the room, "Mr. Jiang, this is my master."

Jiang Gan only felt that Sun Quan's eyes were extremely sharp, as if he had seen through his pretense, he felt guilty for a while, and stepped forward to salute, "Jiang Gan in Xiajiujiang County, see Wuhou!"

Jiujiang County is also Yuzhang County at this time. Chaisang originally belonged to Jiujiang County, but after being occupied by Liu Biao, it was included in Jiangxia County. In fact, Chaisang still belonged to Jiujiang County in the imperial court map, but Jiang Gan dared not It is too sensitive to mention that you are from Chaisang.

"Mr. Jiang has worked hard all the way, please sit down!"

Seeing that Sun Quan didn't ask him where he was from Jiujiang County, Jiang Gan let go of his heart a little. Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, Sun Quan asked with a smile, "It turns out that Mr. Jiang is also from our Jiangdong County. I don't know where he is from Jiujiang County?"

Jiang Gan's heart almost stopped beating. Fortunately, he had already considered his words on the way, so he said bravely: "My ancestral home is from Chaisang. Ten years ago, I moved to Penghu with my parents to escape the war. Ze, Gong Jin and I were schoolmates when we were young."

That's why Jiang Gan didn't dare to admit that he was from Jiujiang County. He and Zhou Yu were classmates and friends. Zhou Yu knew him. He could only say that he moved to Pengze before Liu Jing took charge of Chaisang.

"So it's Gongjin's classmate and friend, so it's not an outsider."

Fortunately, Sun Quan was more concerned about Cao Cao's letter, so he did not continue to ask where Jiang Gan's parents are now?He pondered for a while and asked, "I don't know if Prime Minister Cao has anything to say to me?"

Jiang Gan took out the jade box and presented it to Sun Quan, "This is the prime minister's personal letter, please read it to Marquis Wu!"

Sun Quan immediately took the jade box, opened it slowly, and took out the letter. Cao Cao's letter was still a formal letter of commitment, but the content was quite different.

Cao Cao promised not to attack Jiangdong for three years, but there were conditions. The condition was that Wuhu was the boundary, and the Jiangdong army would not cross Wuhu within three years. Later, it was returned to Jiangdong.

As for the joint attack on Jingzhou, the transfer of Changsha, Guiyang and other four counties to Jiangdong after the war was not mentioned at all, but at the end of the letter, Cao Cao was willing to marry Wu Hou's sister as his wife for his second son Cao Zhang, which was retained.

At the end of the letter of guarantee was the bright red seal of the Prime Minister of Han Dynasty, which was imitated by Jiang Xia's craftsman. Even the handwriting was exactly the same without any flaws.

Sun Quan couldn't believe his eyes. The Jiangdong army was not allowed to cross Wuhu for three years. The Yuzhang and Qichun counties were temporarily placed under the trusteeship of the imperial court for three years, and the imperial army was stationed. After three years, Jiangdong was returned. Jun, isn't that Cao Jun?

An uncontrollable anger surged from Sun Quan's heart, and he was so angry that his lungs would explode. This is Cao Cao's so-called letter of guarantee. He came out, it seems that Cao Cao had planned to do so a long time ago.

"Marquis Wu, what's the content?" Zhang Zhao next to him asked in a low voice. Seeing that Sun Quan's expression was not right, he faintly felt something was wrong.

Sun Quan handed him the letter of guarantee with a livid face, "You can see for yourself!"

Zhang Zhao read it quickly, and his heart skipped a beat. The two conditions were obviously to prevent the Jiangdong Army from engulfing Jingzhou within three years. Cao Cao knew very well that the Jiangdong Army would definitely take action when he was on an expedition to Ma Teng in Xiliang, so he set the conditions first. Conditions are set.

Zhang Zhao also sighed secretly in his heart. In this way, it is really hopeless to jointly attack Jingzhou with Cao Cao. Cao Cao is too shrewd, too shrewd. If he doesn't give Jiangdong any benefit, what's the point of just marrying Wuhou's sister?

He glanced at Sun Quan and saw that the lord's anger was about to explode, so he immediately ordered his family to take Jiang Gan to rest first. Jiang Gan also felt Sun Quan's anger, was afraid in his heart, and hurriedly got up and left.

As soon as Jiang Gan left, Zhang Zhao got up and saluted, "Please calm down, my lord!"

Sun Quan sighed after a long while, "People say that Cao Mengde 'would rather betray the world than himself'. This is true. If I had agreed, it would be too late!"

Zhang Zhao felt ashamed, and asked again: "My lord, do you want my minister to send Jiang Gan away quietly?"


Sun Quan shook his head and said with a sneer, "He still has value. I will use Cao Cao's emissary to suppress Liu Jing and make him give in as much as possible."

Half an hour later, the news that Cao Cao's envoy had arrived in Qichun County spread throughout the county.

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