In the room, Liu Jing was writing a letter to veteran Huang Zhong. The battle was approaching. Huang Zhong had written three consecutive letters requesting to be transferred to the Jiangxia front line. Although Liu Jing still hoped that Huang Zhong could guard Changsha, he had promised Huang Zhong to let him He participated in the fight against Cao, and Liu Jing had no choice but to re-arrange Changsha's defense.

"I have appointed General Huo Jun as the governor of Changsha County temporarily, and I will temporarily guard Changsha on behalf of the old general. I will leave today. I hope that the old general and General Huo will properly handle the handover..."

Liu Jing put down his pen. Although Huang Zhong was his master, he hesitated for a moment and still didn't call him master. He didn't want anyone in his army to be special. Perhaps Huang Zhong would not have the idea of ​​privilege, but as the supreme commander of the army , his attitude must be clear, and it is the same for Liu Hu.

At this time, a report from the personal guard came from outside, "Report to Zhou Mu, Mr. Kong Ming, please see me!"

Liu Jing was startled when Zhuge Liang came. Although Liu Jing's dissatisfaction with Zhuge Liang had faded over time, his appearance reminded Liu Jing of his past unhappiness. After hesitating, he still agreed to meet Zhuge Liang.

"Please come in!"

After a while, Zhuge Liang quickly walked into Liu Jing's room. With a smile all over his face, he gave a deep salute when he entered the door, "Kong Ming sees Zhou Mu!"

Liu Jing also stood up and bowed back, "Sir, please sit down!"

He then ordered the guards at the door, "Bring tea to Mister."

The two sat down separately, Zhuge Liang took out another letter and handed it to Liu Jing, "This is a letter from my wife to Mrs. Zhou, please pass it on to Zhou Mu."

Liu Jing smiled, took the letter and put it away, Zhuge Liang cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I heard that Zhou Mu is happy to have a son, Kong Ming congratulated Zhou Mu."

"Thank you sir for your kindness!"

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the embarrassing atmosphere of the first meeting gradually disappeared. At this time, the soldiers came in with two cups of hot tea. Zhuge Liang took the teacups to thank him, and then asked in a low voice: "The envoy of Cao Cao has arrived. Do you know about this?"

Liu Jing nodded calmly, "I've heard about it just now, and I'm here on the front foot."

The news of Cao Cao's envoy's arrival had already spread, and it was not surprising that Liu Jing knew about it. Zhuge Liang continued, "But does Zhou Mu know that Marquis Wu has secretly received Cao Cao's envoy?"

Liu Jing was taken aback. It wasn't that Sun Quan had secretly received Jiang Gan, but how did Zhuge Liang know that Sun Quan had secretly received Cao Cao's envoy?Liu Jing asked with a smile: "Since it was a secret interview, how would you know about it?"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while and said: "It's just a coincidence. One of my attendants went to the city to buy wine for me. He saw a carriage entering the city and stopped in front of the Grand Master's Mansion. A mysterious man came down and was protected by the guards and entered the mansion. , the cover was very tight, and I couldn’t see his face clearly, but it didn’t take long for Marquis Wu to come in a hurry, and soon the news of envoy Cao’s arrival spread throughout the city, and I deduced that Marquis Wu met envoy Cao secretly.”

"Is it really such a coincidence?" Liu Jing asked with a smile again.

"Of course, otherwise, how would Kong Ming know?"

In fact, the place where Jiang Gan moored his boat was right next to Zhuge Liang’s boat. He saw the carriage coming to pick him up, and he asked his followers to check it out. He saw the carriage parked in front of Zhang Zhao’s mansion. As for Sun Quan’s meeting with the envoy Cao, it was Zhuge Liang. It is common sense that if Sun Quan had not met Cao Cao's envoy, the news would never have been announced.

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and asked, "Sir, what news do you think Cao Cao's envoy will have when he arrives?"

"I think Cao Cao must make major concessions this time. Although Cao Cao's troops are heavy, they are mainly from the north. They are not familiar with water warfare. The Sun Liu coalition army also has [-] people and thousands of warships. Cao's army may not be able to gain the upper hand. Cao Cao I must also understand, so he will do everything possible to destroy the alliance, and even join forces with Jiangdong to attack Jingzhou, so I think Cao Cao must have made a big bet, and with the support of Zhang Zhao and other civil officials, once Marquis Wu is tempted, the situation will be in danger!"

Liu Jing nodded secretly, as expected of Zhuge Liang, he saw the situation clearly, but unfortunately Zhuge Liang didn't know that he had intercepted Jiang Gan, Liu Jing asked again: "Then according to Mr., how should I deal with it?"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while and said: "It should be said that Zhou Mu's battle of Anlu County was a very wise decision, which made Sun Quan feel jealous, but if Sun Cao joins hands, the battle of Anlu County may be useless. If Zhou Mu has courage, he can use Cao Jun Unable to adapt to the time difference of the boat, he concentrated the Thunder Army and defeated the Jiangdong Army in one fell swoop, forcing the Jiangdong Army to retreat eastward, and was unable to intervene in the battle of Jingzhou.

Liu Jing paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. Zhuge Liang was really brilliant. He also had to admit that although Zhuge Liang's plan was bold, it was a good way to solve the predicament. If he hadn't intercepted Cao Cao's envoy, he might have adopted this plan strategy, but now that he is almost sure of winning, this strategy can basically be used.

Liu Jing glanced at Zhuge Liang, saw that he hesitated to speak, and asked with a smile, "Do you have any other suggestions, sir?"

Zhuge Liang said slowly again: "The strategy I mentioned just now is an emergency strategy, but the matter may not have reached such a serious step."

"Sir, please continue."

Zhuge Liang hesitated, and said slowly: "Now I don't know what tempting conditions Cao Cao offered, but... I think the conditions should not be too good."

“How come you see?”

Zhuge Liang smiled, "If Cao Cao's offer is attractive enough, Marquis Wu will never announce the news of Cao Cao's envoy's arrival, and will never give the prefect any chance to prepare, and even detain the prefect in Qichun County, while Now he announces the arrival of Cao Cao's envoy, obviously to test the state shepherd, or to use Cao Cao's envoy as a pawn, the purpose of which is to obtain greater benefits from the state shepherd."

Liu Jing laughed, "Sir, what you said is very true. Maybe there is no Cao Cao envoy at all. Sun Zhongmou is playing tricks."

"It's also possible!"

Zhuge Liang couldn't help laughing, he had already said what he should say, so he got up to leave, but when he reached the door, Liu Jing stopped him, "Mr. please go!"

Zhuge Liang stopped in his tracks, looked at Liu Jing with a smile, "Is there anything else that Zhou Mu can do?"

"Let me leave a word for my husband! As long as my husband is willing to come to Liu Jing's place, no matter when, I will welcome him with all my feet."

Zhuge Liang was silent for a moment, then he suddenly smiled and said: "If one day Kong Ming is desperate, I will definitely bring my wife and children to seek refuge with the envoy. Kong Ming doesn't ask much, just a grass hut is enough!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuge Liang arched his hands, turned around and walked away.

Liu Jing watched Zhuge Liang's figure walk away, and his mind returned to Sun Quan's matter, silently thinking about Zhuge Liang's words, he suddenly ordered: "Come on!"

Several personal soldiers rushed in, "Please order from the state pastor!"

"Pack your luggage and go back to the ship immediately!"

Since Sun Quan announced the arrival of Cao Cao's envoy, wouldn't it be a joke for him to live in the city again? When he returned to the boat, he, Liu Jing, took the initiative.

. . . . . . . . .

Just when Liu Jing was packing up his belongings and was about to leave, Sun Quan had already received a report from the guards that Liu Zhoumu was going to leave. Sun Quan was taken aback and hurried to the East Courtyard, "My dear brother, are you leaving now?" Sun Quan asked anxiously.

"I'm not used to living here. I want to take a nap at noon, but I can't sleep. I still have to go back to the boat to rest. It seems that I prefer my own bed." Liu Jing explained with a smile.

Sun Quan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, as long as Liu Jing did not leave Qichun, then the matter would be easy to discuss, and he knew in his heart that Liu Jing was leaving because of Cao Cao's envoy, so he asked tentatively: "My dear brother. Wouldn't you be dissatisfied with me because of the arrival of Cao Cao's envoy?"

"how come!"

Liu Jing smiled and said: "The arrival of Cao Cao's envoy is not controlled by my brother. How can I be dissatisfied with my brother? My brother is too worried. It seems that I can't move away."

He immediately ordered his left and right guards to say: "No need to move any more, let's restore it to its original state!"

"No! No! No!" Sun Quan quickly stopped, "Your brother is not used to this place, even if you move back to the big ship, I will never be careless, or I will ask someone to move it for you."

In the yard, the soldiers were all stunned, whether they wanted to move or not, Liu Jing smiled and waved his hands, "Since my brother really doesn't mind, then I'll move away!"

As soon as Liu Jing waved his hand, the soldiers immediately picked up their luggage and left the courtyard. Sun Quan sighed and said, "Your brother is really understanding. Keeping the envoys out, but I made this public to show my sincerity, and I hope my virtuous brother will not take it to heart."

Speaking of this, Sun Quan patted Liu Jing on the shoulder, looked into his eyes and said, "I will hold a grand banquet tonight to clean up my virtuous brother. I hope my virtuous brother will not leave without saying goodbye!"

Liu Jing smiled slightly, "Is my younger brother the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation? I will definitely attend. If my brother is willing, you might as well invite Cao Cao's envoy as well. Courtesy is undeniable!"

Sun Quan put down his heart and said, "Okay, I will buy wine to make up for the crime of poor hospitality for my younger brother at night!"


Liu Jing left, but Sun Quan stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, thinking for a long time. He wanted to use Cao Cao's emissary to suppress Liu Jing, but he didn't expect that Liu Jing would not show weakness and moved back to the big ship to fight against him. The negotiation has not yet started. , the two sides began to compete in secret in order to gain power. It seems that Liu Jing will not give in easily.

At this time, a soldier said at the door: "Report to Marquis Wu, Zhou Dudu has arrived!"

"Bring him here to meet me."

After a while, Zhou Yu hurried into the yard, bowed and saluted, "See Marquis Wu!"

"Gongjin is free!"

Seeing that the yard was empty, Zhou Yu couldn't help being taken aback, "Liu Zhoumu has left?"

"He said he's not used to living here, so he'd better go back to the ship."

Zhou Yu secretly sighed in his heart, how could it be so simple, the problem probably lies with Cao Cao's envoy, the lord is always worried and indecisive, this is a big taboo of military strategists!

Thinking this way in his heart, but Zhou Yu didn't dare to say it clearly, he only persuaded gently: "Marquis Wu should make a big plan earlier."

"I know!"

Sun Quan agreed casually, and then asked, "Do you know Jiang Gan?"

Zhou Yu nodded, "This person is a classmate and friend of mine when I was young. I heard that he is now Cao Cao's staff, responsible for sorting out official documents and books."

"My lord thinks there is something wrong with him?" Zhou Yu asked a little strangely.

Sun Quan shook his head, "There is no problem, but Zibu suspects that Liu Jing sent him to pretend to be an envoy of Cao Cao to deceive us, so I want to confirm with you."

"No, Jiang Ziyi must be Cao Cao's staff. I can guarantee his identity is true, and I think that if Liu Jing wants to deceive Wuhou, then there is no need for him to mobilize his troops to fight Anlu. It may be the military adviser's attack on Cao Cao. Sincerity is quite disappointing, and only doubts will arise."

Sun Quan sighed, "What you said is indeed reasonable. If Liu Jing wants to use a fake Cao envoy, there is no need to attack Anlu County. Forget it, let's make amends for him at the banquet tonight!"

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