Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 380 Reaching a Compromise

Liu Jing walked a few steps in the big tent with his hands behind his back, looked back at Zhou Yu and said, "After you left in the morning, I also calmed down. After all, we are allies. I should think about it for you. Frankly speaking, putting Ma Yan Giving it to you is to kill him, it will have a great impact on my reputation, and it will even chill the hearts of Jiang Xia’s soldiers, and it is very likely that no one will come to rely on me in the future, do you know the consequences?”

Zhou Yu nodded silently, "I know!"

"Since the governor knows, the conditions I put forward may be a little high, please understand."

At this time, Zhou Yu had no way out, not to mention what conditions Liu Jing proposed, even if Liu Jing was willing to propose conditions, it would be a great favor to him. Just say it!"

Of course, if Liu Jing's conditions were really too much, such as ceding Qichun County or Jiujiang County, then he could only watch Huang Gai be killed before he went to plead guilty to Marquis Wu.

In fact, Zhou Yu also knew in his heart that Liu Jing would definitely not propose conditions that he could not accept. It would not only destroy the covenant between the two parties, but end up with nothing in the end, but would also make enemies with Jiang Dong. The conditions Liu Jing proposed must be within the range that he could accept. .

It is precisely because of this understanding that Zhou Yu came to Liu Jing again and begged him to make a concession.

"I have two conditions!"

Liu Jing spoke very slowly, trying to let Zhou Yu hear what he said clearly, "The first condition is what the governor himself said in the morning, Jiang Xia is the main force, and the Jiangdong army must obey my transfer. Without my order, the Jiangdong army must not send troops without authorization! "

"Yes! I promise Zhou Mu."

Zhou Yu agreed without hesitation. This was within the scope of his authority. In fact, he also understood that this condition was not of great significance. For Huang Gai's life, Zhou Yu had to temporarily give up his dignity.

"Please state pastor to talk about the second condition."

"The second condition is that after defeating Cao Cao, all prisoners of war and trophies must be disposed of by Jiang Xia's army."

This condition is the naked benefit. Cao Cao sent nearly 30 troops, which is almost the power of the country. All kinds of food, weapons, and supplies are invincible. Returning to the Jiangxia Army means that after the battle, the Jiangdong Army will return home with nothing.

Although Marquis Wu sent troops for the safety of Jiangdong, which is a long-term benefit, but as an ordinary soldier, no one would accept it if he got nothing after the battle. This made Zhou Yu a little embarrassed. But how did he explain to the soldiers?

In fact, Liu Jing is not so stingy that he doesn't give Jiangdong anything. He just wants to gather all the trophies and prisoners of war in his own hands first, and let him distribute them. What can be given to Jiangdong and what can't be given to Jiangdong, such as ships He can give Jiangdong a little bit, but he must not give fire oil and food.

Seeing that Zhou Yu was in a bit of a dilemma, he smiled and said, "Let's do this! If I make a concession, I will give you a share, but all the prisoners of war belong to Jiang Xia's army, and I will distribute the spoils. Is there any problem?"

In fact, it is still the same thing, but Zhou Yu can only accept it, at least it is not nothing, he nodded, "If so, I can agree."

Liu Jing took an agreement from the table, handed it to Zhou Yu and said, "In this case, let's make a written agreement, and please ask Zijing to be in the middle."

Zhou Yu and Lu Su looked at each other, and they realized that Liu Jing was already ready.

But there was nothing to say, Zhou Yu took a pen and signed his name on the two contracts, and stamped his big seal. Lu Su also took the pen and signed his name at the center certificate.

Zhou Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was a bit humiliating, Huang Gai was rescued anyway. He handed the contract to Liu Jing, "Zhou Mu, when will you give me the man?"

Liu Jing looked at the contract, then smiled slightly and said, "Didn't Gongjin think that this is Cao Cao's attempt to drive a wedge between our two families? He thought I would not give Ma Yan to you, and then Huang Gai was killed. Our two families have turned against each other, has Gong Jin considered this point?"

With Zhou Yu's intellect, of course he thought of this, but in order to save Huang Gai, he didn't care about such a deep problem for the time being. When Liu Jing mentioned this matter, he nodded, "I understand in my heart that Cao Cao doesn't care about it. It’s rare for Ma Yan, but if our two families turn against each other, he will be happy to see it happen.”

Liu Jing lowered his voice, "Then why don't we just follow the plan and let Cao Cao think that we have really turned our backs, what does the governor think?"

Lu Su beside him couldn't help admiring, "What a plan, Zhou Mu is really good!"

Zhou Yu pondered for a while and said: "Since I have promised to obey the orders of the state pastor, then I will completely obey the state pastor's arrangements. As long as General Huang can come back, Zhou Yu will obey the state pastor's orders in everything."

"it is good!"

Liu Jing nodded, and said slowly: "Please listen to my arrangement!"

. . . . . . . .

Zhou Yu and Lu Su left in a hurry, Liu Jing looked at the sky and saw that it was almost dusk, so he ordered his soldiers: "Go and invite General Ma Yan!"

Not long after, Ma Yan hurried into the big tent, bowed and said: "See Zhou Mu!"

Liu Jing asked with a smile: "How is it? Has General Ma adapted to Jiang Xia's army?"

Even if Liu Jing didn't look for Ma Yan, Ma Yan would still look for Liu Jing. He never thought that Liu Jing would regard him as Wei Yan's general, which made him extremely dissatisfied.

He was also an important general under Yuan Shao, he was appointed as a school lieutenant, he was named General Shengwei, and he surrendered to Cao Cao. Although he was demoted to one level and appointed as Xiahouyuan's general, the qualifications of the generals in Cao Cao's army are all very old. , he had nothing to say, and Cao Cao also named him Guannei Hou, at least he still had a title.

But when he came to Jiang Xia, he didn't dare to say that he could fight for status with a veteran like Huang Zhong, at least he could keep pace with the newcomers such as Gan Ning and Wei Yan. Unexpectedly, Liu Jing actually asked him to be Wei Yan's general. Ma Yan just found out , Wei Yan's other generals are just dental generals, could it be that he is going to be a dental general?

In front of Liu Jing, Ma Yan didn't dare to be presumptuous, he suppressed the resentment in his heart and said: "I would like to ask the state pastor, what kind of position do you plan to appoint to the humble position?"

"Hehe! I wanted to appoint you as Yajiang, but I feel that I have been aggrieved and unfair, so I am going to appoint you as the Sima of another department to guard Changsha."

Ma Yan was overjoyed, although the other Sima also thought he was too small, but guarding Changsha, how much wealth and women should there be, immediately made him elated, and he quickly clasped his fists and said: "Thank you for the trust of the state shepherd, I will never disappoint the state shepherd expect."

Liu Jing nodded, "General Huo Jun is now in Yangxin County. You go to Yangxin County to handle the handover first, and then rush to Changsha. Time is running out. Go back and pack up and leave immediately."

"As ordered!"

Ma Yan saluted with fists in his hands, and hurried away. Liu Jing watched him go away excitedly, and shook his head, as if he was approaching the edge of a cliff and had no way out. Then someone in this world is destined to fill in the ditch as a bridge. It just so happens that Ma Yan That's the kind of person.

At this time, Liu Jing ordered the soldiers again, "Go and find Wei Yan and Liu Hu!"

Soon, Wei Yan and Liu Hu hurried over, and they saluted together, "See Zhou Mu!"

"There's no need to be too polite!"

Liu Jing smiled and waved his hands and said, "I called you here because there is something I need you two to do."

"The state pastor just orders!"

Liu Jing pondered for a while and said: "That's right, the general of the Jiangdong Army killed my general Ma Yan. You can't swallow this breath, and of course I can't swallow it. You two need to take more than a hundred soldiers to attack the Jiangdong camp and find them. If you want a murderer, you might as well start a little harder, burn their tents, and injure dozens of them, understand?"

Wei Yan and Liu Hu were confused when they heard this, they looked at each other, Wei Yan couldn't help but said: "But... just now, my subordinates met Ma Yan, he said that Zhou Mu had been named Sima of another department, stationed in Changsha, he is not dead ah!"

"I know, he will die soon."

Seeing that they still didn't understand, Liu Jing smiled lightly, "Okay! I'll tell you the cause and effect, but this matter is of great importance and must not be disclosed to anyone."

. . . . . . . .

Ma Yan was so anxious that he wished to spread his wings and fly to Changsha. After tidying up a bit, he left the Chibi Camp with a few of his men and one of Liu Jing's personal soldiers, and rode towards Yangxin County.

Going out from the South Camp Gate of Chibi is a flat official road leading to Wuchang and Yangxin County. According to the normal riding speed, you can arrive in Yangxin County tomorrow afternoon. After handing over the power to Huo Jun, you can run for three days You can reach Changsha County.

Although there are still four or five days before he is in charge of the soldiers of Changsha County, Ma Yan has already dreamed of getting rich and being beautiful impatiently.

He seemed to see countless wealthy local gentry kneeling and presenting plates of gold to him, and it seemed that there were seven or eight delicate beauties wearing light veils, embracing him in a thousand and one ways, drinking with him and letting him play with him, thinking about it Seeing this, Ma Yan couldn't help laughing out loud.

It was already dark at this time, but the moonlight was clear and filled the ground with silver light, and they could see clearly from the official road. They had already run for more than ten miles, with dense forests on both sides, the official road was extremely quiet, and there was no pedestrian.

At this time they came to a fork, the left side was going to Wuchang County, and the right side was going to Yangxin County. At this time, Liu Jing's soldiers yelled, "I am in pain alone!"

He shouted to Ma Yan: "General Ma, wait for me a moment, I will go to the woods to have diarrhea!"

"There's so much shit going on, go!"

Although Ma Yan was very anxious, he still didn't dare to offend the soldier too much. The soldier had Liu Jing's gold medal and amulet on him, and he had to announce Liu Jing's order to change defense to Huo Jun.

Ma Yan had no choice but to order a few of his men to wait for a while, and the soldiers covered their stomachs and ran into the woods. Ma Yan also got off his horse and urinated by the side of the road.

At this moment, Ma Yan suddenly heard the sound of bowstrings, he was taken aback, but saw an arrow shot in front of his eyes, he had no time to dodge, the arrow hit his chest, Ma Yan yelled and turned over He fell to the ground, at this time hundreds of people rushed out from the woods, they were all Jiangdong Army soldiers, the leading general, with a white horse and silver spear, was Tai Shici.

Several of Ma Yan's subordinates ran away in fright. Before Ma Yan died, he recognized Tai Shici and shouted: "Tai Shici, I have no grievances with you, why did you kill me?"

"Because you must die!"

Tai Shici pierced Mayan's chest with a gun and killed him on the spot. He drew his knife and chopped off Mayan's head. He waved his hand, "Let's go!"

He turned his horse's head and galloped towards the east, and all the Jiangdong soldiers followed him and gradually ran away.

After an unknown period of time, Liu Jing's personal soldiers came out of the woods tremblingly, and several of Ma Yan's subordinates also surrounded them. They only saw Ma Yan's headless body, and everyone was at a loss. Charity!"

"I saw it too, it's him!"

Liu Jing's soldiers were so nervous that their voices trembled: "Hurry up and report to Zhou Mu that the Jiangdong Army killed our general."

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