Jiang Gan carried a wooden box on the boat in the water village of the Jiangdong Army. Zhou Yu sent Jiang Gan to the boat until he cupped his hands and said, "Please Ziyi tell Prime Minister Cao that I have fulfilled my promise, and I hope he will keep his word." Keep your word."

"Don't worry, Gong Jin! As a prime minister, I won't break my word."

Pushing the long pole, the boat slid and headed towards the gate of the water village. Jiang Gan’s figure gradually disappeared into the darkness. Zhou Yu couldn’t help but sighed. It’s up to him to change Huang Gai back. .

"Captain, Cao Cao is known for being cunning, will he keep his word and let people go?" asked Tai Shici worriedly beside him.

Lu Su chuckled, "General Huang is very important to us, but he is not important to Cao Cao. Letting General Huang back will disturb the situation even more. I think Cao Cao will definitely let him go."

"Zijing is right!"

Zhou Yu told Tai Shici again: "Everyone should work harder tonight and make things worse, so that Cao Cao will be more able to release people."

"Please don't worry, the governor, I will take care of it!"

. . . . . . . . .

Jiangxia Army and Jiangdong Army are actually in the same big camp. There is only a simple barracks separating the two armies. Usually, the two armies do not communicate with each other. Only some soldiers occasionally trade something through the fence.

At one o'clock, the Jiangxia Army side of Yingzha suddenly became agitated. An army of hundreds of people, holding torches, came towards Yingzha aggressively under the leadership of generals Wei Yan and Liu Hu.

"Overthrow the barracks!" Liu Hu ordered loudly.

Although the soldiers felt that something was wrong, they still faithfully carried out his order and overthrew the barracks with force together. At this time, the Jiangdong army's patrol came and stopped the Jiangxia soldiers who were about to rush towards the Jiangdong army camp.

"Don't mess around!"

The patrol chief yelled at the soldiers of the Jiang Xia Army, and at the same time, more than a hundred patrols under him formed a human wall. Seeing that the situation was not good, he secretly sent someone to report to the governor.

At this time Liu Hu gave an order: "Call me!"

Hundreds of Jiangxia soldiers swarmed up and wrestled with more than a hundred patrols. In the chaos, someone threw a torch onto a large tent, and immediately lit the large tent, and the flames shot up into the sky, making the scene even more chaotic.

At this time, Jiangdong sentries began to move their knives, and many Jiangxia soldiers were cut and wounded, screaming one after another, Liu Hu was furious, rushed into the crowd with an iron bar, and beat the patrol soldiers head-to-head and face.

Several large tents were set ablaze again. Countless Jiangdong soldiers and Jiangxia soldiers flocked after hearing the news. Seeing the fierce and bloody fighting between the two sides, people continued to join the battle group, which made the situation continue to expand. The tent was ignited, and the fire became one piece, and the flames soared into the sky. Thousands of soldiers shouted to put out the fire.

At this moment, Lu Meng, the general of Jiangdong, rushed to his horse and shouted: "Stop everything!"

Seeing that the commotion was almost over, Wei Yan also shouted: "Stop!"

Under the stern reprimands of the generals of both sides, the fierce battle finally came to an end. Hundreds of wounded soldiers lay on the ground, lying in agony, and more than a dozen soldiers were seriously injured and their lives were in danger.

Seeing that the Jiangdong soldiers were seriously injured, Lu Meng couldn't help being furious. He pointed at Wei Yan with his horsewhip and shouted, "Your surname is Wei, you have to give me an explanation!"

Wei Yan snorted coldly, took a step forward and said loudly: "Of course I want to give you an explanation. Tai Shici killed Jiangxia General Ma Yan. He committed a heinous crime. Hand over the murderer!"

Lu Meng didn't know about this matter. He was shocked when he heard that General Jiang Xia had been killed, but he still did not show weakness and said, "General Wei, this is not a trivial matter. No matter whether it is true or not, you should report it to Zhou Mu. Discuss a solution instead of adding fuel to the fire and making things worse."

Liu Hu suddenly yelled, "Old Wei, what nonsense are you talking to him, if they don't hand over Tai Shici today, we'll go into the camp and burn their camp down."

As soon as Liu Hu finished speaking, someone sneered, "Jiang Xiajun is very powerful! If you have the guts, just watch it."

I saw a large group of soldiers approaching Zhou Yu, the governor of the Jiangdong Navy, and at this time the fire had been extinguished. Nearly [-] large tents were burned, and more than [-] people were killed or injured. Zhou Yu couldn't help glaring at Jiang Xia's army when he saw the mess everywhere. You are too much!"

Wei Yan said in a deep voice: "Captain Zhou, it's because you killed people first, Tai Shici killed my general Ma Yan, you must give Jiang Xia's army an explanation, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for our two armies to cooperate."

"Who are you? How dare you say such a thing." Zhou Yu sneered.

"General Wei's words are mine!" Liu Jing's voice came from a distance, and Liu Jing was seen walking quickly surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.

Liu Jing stepped forward and said coldly: "Captain Zhou, you and I understand very well what happened? I advise you to consider the overall situation and hand over Tai Shici, otherwise Jiangdong Army will bear all the consequences!"

Zhou Yu and Liu Jing's eyes met, and there was a tacit understanding in their hearts. The time for acting was ripe, and Zhou Yu's face changed drastically, "Liu Zhoumu, what do you mean?"

"Captain Zhou, do you want me to tell the truth?"

Liu Jing's voice became severe, and he stared at Zhou Yu with piercing eyes, "Do you want me to tell you that you killed my general in exchange for Huang Gai?"

There was an uproar around, and Jiangxia soldiers became angry, "Hand over the murderer!" Countless soldiers shouted angrily.

"Did you hear that?"

Liu Jing continued to press Zhou Yu, "This is the cry of my soldiers, it is the voice of Jiang Xia's army. I will give you one day. You must hand over Tai Shici, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

Zhou Yu snorted heavily, turned around and left. Jiangdong soldiers retreated one after another, fearing that Liu Jing would attack and kill. Jiangdong Barracks, those who disobey the order will be beheaded!"

Liu Jing also turned around and returned to the big tent. Wei Yan waved his hand and shouted to the soldiers: "The state shepherd has an order, we must not disobey it, and erect the barracks again."

This was a doomed sleepless night, the barracks of both sides were a sensation, the news spread throughout the Jiangdong Army and Jiangxia Army, in the process of dissemination, things could not help exaggerating, saying that there was a bloody conflict between the two armies, thousands of people participated in the battle, and hundreds of people died people.


On the other side of the Yangtze River, in the water village of Cao Jun, Cao Cao stood on the big boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the opposite bank more than a dozen miles away, he saw a faint light of fire, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. If he guessed correctly, it should be Jiangdong Army and There was a bloody conflict between Jiang Xia's army.

Jiang Gan had already reported to him that Liu Jing wanted to secretly transfer Ma Yan to Wuchang, but Zhou Yu had guessed in advance and sent Tai Shici to intercept him halfway and killed Ma Yan. The subordinates explained that it is inevitable to attack the Jiangdong Army. Even if the situation is not expanded, they will still ask the Jiangdong Army to hand over the murderer.

Cao Cao could imagine the attitudes of both sides, he sneered, turned around and ordered: "Let Cai He come to see me!"

Since Cai He captured Huang Gai, he has been highly valued by Cao Cao. He has been promoted to the captain of the navy and sealed off as Marquis of Guannei. His real power surpasses that of Zhang Yun, the general of the navy in name.

Cai He hurried over and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See the prime minister!"

Cao Cao smiled and said gently: "I really want to know about the situation of the Jiangdong Army. He will catch a few Jiangdong Army patrols for me and come back tomorrow morning."

"Follow your orders!"

Cai He left in a hurry, and Cao Cao turned back and told Yu Jin, "Release Huang Gai, let him go now."

Cheng Yu next to him hurriedly said, "Is the prime minister really going to let Huang Gai go?"

"Huang Gai is not Sun Quan, what use is he to me? Besides, since I have already promised it, I don't need to go back on my word. Letting Huang Gai go will only deepen their conflict. Why not do it?"

"Goodbye, Prime Minister!"

Cao Cao smiled slightly, "If Zhong De has anything to say, just say it, don't use such insincere praise."

Cheng Yu secretly smiled wryly in his heart, the prime minister really understood himself, he pondered for a moment and said: "I am just a little worried about Liu Jing, this man is both wise and brave, he is indeed our formidable enemy, the prime minister should be careful."

"Hehe! I admit that this son is superior, but there are some things he can't help himself. Even if he wants to take care of the overall situation, he still needs to give an explanation to the soldiers, and Zhou Yu killed his generals, which also made him lose face. Do, from the last time he used me to teach the Jiangdong army, I know this person's weakness, his desire to dominate is too strong, and he wants to control the Jiangdong army, which will definitely become the root of the split between the two armies."

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao walked briskly towards the camp. It was already three o'clock. He hadn't had a good rest these days, so he could finally get a good night's sleep.


In the morning of the next day, another explosive news quickly spread in the Jiangdong military camp. The Jiangxia Army's patrols detained fifty Jiangdong Army grain ships coming from Zhucheng, and the ships sailed into the Jiangxia Army's water village.

Not long after, Lu Su, the deputy governor who had gone to negotiate, came back and reported, "Jiang Xia's army demanded to hand over Taishici in exchange for a grain ship."

For this reason, Zhou Yu urgently summoned the generals to discuss countermeasures in the big tent of the Chinese army. At this time, Huang Gai had been replaced, and he sat silently at the head of the commander's seat without saying a word. His presence in the big tent was a sign , to announce to everyone that he has returned and that the Jiangdong Army is no longer fettered.

In fact, this is Zhou Yu's hint to everyone that Jiangdong Army will never give in on Huang Gai's matter.

"What do you say?"

Zhou Yu looked around the crowd calmly, "Jiangdong's army is forcing us to hand over people, even threatening to cut off the army's rations. I want to ask everyone to make a decision for me. What should we do?"

Zhou Yu is the commander-in-chief of the navy, and all major decisions of the Jiangdong Army are made by him. Now that he asks everyone to help him make decisions, this decision must be embarrassing. What will happen?

There was only one decision that would make him difficult, and that was to withdraw the troops. He couldn't explain to Marquis Wu, but if everyone asked for it together, it would be another matter.

All the generals knew this well, and Lu Meng was the first to stand up and salute: "Commander, Confucius said, if we disagree, we should not conspire with each other. Since we cannot get together with Jiang Xia's army, then we will act on our own. Zhu City."

"Why retreat to Zhu City!"

Zhou Tai was extremely dissatisfied and said: "Wouldn't it be better for us to withdraw to Jiangdong? Let Jiang Xia's army go strong, isn't he Liu Jing very powerful? Then let them deal with Cao Jun by themselves, what does it have to do with us!"

Everyone in the big tent whispered, and most of them agreed with Zhou Tai's idea. At this time, Huang Gai, who had been silent all the time, said, "Everyone, listen to the opinion of the governor!"

The big tent became quiet again, and Zhou Yu said slowly: "We want dignity, so we have to leave, but we have to give an explanation to Marquis Wu. Although we are dissatisfied with Jiang Xia's arrogance and unwilling to cooperate with him, if we rashly withdraw Going back to Jiangdong will make Marquis Wu bear the reputation of dishonesty, so I agree with General Lu Meng's suggestion to withdraw the troops to Zhucheng, so Jiang Xia's army will not be able to catch us."

All the generals bowed and saluted, "I would like to listen to the commander's arrangement!"

"Very good, then everyone go back and pack up your belongings. After two hours, we will leave Chibi!"

In the end, the Jiangxia army did not keep the Jiangdong army. In the afternoon, hundreds of warships of the Jiangdong army sailed out of the water village, and sailed down the river to Zhucheng.

On a big ship, Liu Jing stood at the bow and silently watched the Jiangdong Army sailing away. If there was any loophole in his chain plan, or if there was anything he couldn't grasp, it was the Jiangdong Army.

Although Jiangdong's army advances by retreating, if Zhou Yu has the courage to sit back and watch the two strong battles, and finally he comes to collect profit, then Liu Jing has nothing to do. The question is, does Zhou Yu have such courage?

At this time, Liu Jing deeply felt the danger of taking chestnuts out of the fire.

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