Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 435 Prelude to the decisive battle

There was loud drumming outside Xiazhi City, and five thousand troops rushed out of the city. Counting the torches, the city was illuminated like daylight. .

At this time, the Jiangdong Army had surrounded Lu Jin's army from all directions, with drums beating like thunder, and several arrows were shot at the Jiangxia soldiers in the encirclement. In just a quarter of an hour, nearly 400 of the thousand Jiangxia soldiers were killed, and even the main general Lu Jin was injured by an arrow.

The Jiangdong army was not in a hurry to destroy the opponent, but to create momentum to attract rescue from the city. This is a typical strategy of besieging the city and fighting for aid. Zhou Yu is not interested in the Qianjiang Xia army, he is waiting for the reinforcements in the city to come.

At this time, a cavalry spy rushed to report: "Report to the guards, Jiangxia's reinforcements have come out, about 5000 people, and the leading general is Wei Yan."

Zhou Yu was overjoyed, and he immediately said to Ding Feng: "I will leave you a thousand troops, together with your five hundred subordinates, and annihilate the Jiang Xia army on the spot!"

Ding Feng bowed immediately to receive the order, "Follow the order!"

Zhou Yu immediately distributed [-] troops to Ding Feng, and he led more than [-] people to turn around and run towards the county town. He was going to attack Wei Yan's army head-on.

The arrows gradually disappeared, and the Jiangdong Army launched an attack like a wolf like a tiger. Although the Jiangdong Army's offensive was suddenly tight, Lu Jin still felt the pressure was relieved. Shin saw the opportunity, and he immediately shouted: "Brothers, retreat to the south!"

The remaining [-] soldiers turned around and fled southward desperately. Ding Feng was in a hurry and shouted: "Catch up and wipe out the enemy!"

The Jiangdong Army chased after them closely, and chased them for seven or eight miles in one breath. At this moment, dense arrows were suddenly shot out from the woods to the east. The Jiangdong Army was caught off guard, and dozens of people were shot down. The drums were beating loudly, and there was a lot of shouts for killing. I saw figures shaking in the woods, and I don't know how many troops came out to fight.

The Jiangdong army was in chaos, and Ding Feng was in a hurry. He turned his horse and fled. The excited Jiangdong army retreated in a panic. It was not until the Jiangdong army fled that more than a hundred people ran out of the woods.

They were the oil well garrison that was attacked by the Jiangdong army. The leader of the army was Sun Zhi. He gathered more than a hundred brothers and prepared to retreat to Xiazhi. Just in time, Lu Jin was defeated. In desperation, Sun Zhi disguised himself as an ambush and rescued Lu Jin Wait for hundreds of people.

Sun Zhi stepped forward to Lu Jin and knelt down on one knee, saying, "I'm guilty of failing to guard the oil well!"

Lu Jin was shot by an arrow in the shoulder, and the soldiers were bandaging him, he nodded and said: "You saved us at a critical moment, I will report to General Wei, and you will be allowed to pay for your merits."

Sun Zhi was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Thank you General Lu. In addition, I suggest taking advantage of the chaos to take back the oil well."

Lu Jin shook his head, "We have already fallen into Jiangdong's scheme, so stop acting rashly and wait for General Wei's order."

"As ordered!"

Lu Jin then ordered a soldier to deliver a letter to Wei Yan, and he immediately rectified the soldiers, led the crowd to leave the official road, and went up the mountain to another military fort.

Zhou Yu led the army to run for five or six miles and realized something was wrong. Jiang Xia's defenders only shouted and beat drums desperately a few miles away from the city. He was furious in his heart, and hurriedly ordered a general beside him, "Speed ​​up the headquarters to reinforce General Ding, we must wipe out the enemy army, and don't let them escape!"

General Ya led a thousand Jiangdong troops to turn around to support Ding Feng. Zhou Yu gritted his teeth and ordered: "Quicken up, don't allow Jiang Xia's army to flee back to the city!"

Wei Yan only led his army for three miles and stopped advancing. He ordered the soldiers to create momentum, and at the same time closely observed the movements of the Jiangdong Army. After a while, a scout rushed to report: "The main force of the Jiangdong Army is coming to us. Kill them, the distance is only four miles."

"How many people are there?" Wei Yan asked again,

"About three to forty people."

Wei Yan was a little tempted. He brought out 4000 troops. If the opponent only had [-] or [-] people, would he be able to fight Jiangdong's army?But this thought only flashed through Wei Yan's mind for a moment, he sighed, Fenghuo had clearly discovered the enemy brigade, once the fierce battle was stalemate and the enemy attacked him from behind, it might be over.

He no longer had chances, and immediately ordered: "Retreat to the city!"

The rear army of 5000 people turned into the front army and quickly withdrew to the city. When Zhou Yu's army arrived at the city, Jiang Xia's army had already withdrawn completely. Thousands of crossbows were aimed at them at the top of the city. Jiangdong's army had no siege equipment. However, Zhou Yu had no choice but to lead his army to station on the other side of Fushui, waiting for the fleet of Chaisang City.

At noon the next day, a fleet of five hundred stone cargo ships appeared on the river outside the mouth of the Fushui River. There were about fifty ships. To support Zhou Yu's fleet, in addition to fifty cargo ships, there are also a thousand Jiangdong navy.

Sun Quan understands Zhou Yu's strategy. Even if he can't capture Xiazhi City temporarily, he can still transport the fire oil produced by Xiazhi back to Chaisang. .

Xu Sheng stood at the bow of the boat, watching the river vigilantly. He was a little worried that the Jiangxia navy would appear. At this moment, they were not far from the mouth of the Fushui River. Xu Sheng could see the river mouth several miles away. At this moment , A soldier pointed into the distance and shouted, "General Xu, the enemy fleet!"

Xu Sheng also saw it, and saw several black spots appearing densely on the water surface in the north. There were hundreds of warships.

The Jiangdong fleet stopped, and Xu Sheng nervously watched the fleet in the distance. The fleet was getting closer and bigger, not just hundreds of ships, but thousands of ships, and the sound of horns sounded on the river. The sound of the trumpet soaring straight into the sky is frightening.

Xu Sheng realized that this was the main force of Jiang Xia's army, and the final decisive battle was coming.

He immediately ordered his subordinates: "Quickly report to the guards, the main force of Jiang Xia's army has been dispatched."

The soldiers jumped on a boat and quickly sailed towards the mouth of the Fushui River. Xu Sheng pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered: "Turn around and return immediately!"

The fleet quickly turned around, lowered the sails, and everyone paddled, heading towards Chaisang City at high speed.

This coming army is the main force of the [-] Jiangxia Army led by Liu Jing himself, as well as [-] large and small warships. Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun led the main force of the army to wipe out Cheng Pu's army in Wan County, turning the entire battle situation around The time for a decisive battle is gradually ripening.

At this time, Liu Jing had made sufficient preparations for war. The army had been mobilized, food and grass were fully stocked, and various weapons and materials were also prepared. Morale was high, and the people supported him.

On the big ship, Liu Jing stood at the bow and stared at the river from a distance. He also saw the fleet in the distance. This is obviously not a merchant fleet. This is Jiangdong's fleet. They are going to sail into Fushui. Has something happened to the county?

Liu Jing was puzzled. He hadn't heard from Wei Yan yet. At this moment, the watchman on the mast shouted: "The fleet ahead turned around and fled!"

Sure enough, the fleet turned around and headed south. Liu Jing became a little worried about the situation in Xiazhi County. Jia Xu next to him said with a smile: "If something happens in Xiazhi County, General Wei will definitely send a pigeon letter to inform us, and we did it yesterday. If we set off at noon, there is no abnormality, and if there is any abnormality, it must have happened last night, so we have not received any news."

Liu Jing nodded. Jia Xu's analysis was very correct. It should be that something happened in Xiazhi County last night. Suddenly, the beacon fire at the far river mouth was lit with three pillars of beacon smoke, which meant that something happened in Xiazhi County.

The big boat was whispering all of a sudden, Jia Xu frowned and said, "Maybe Fengsui wants to tell us that the beacon fire on land is lit."

Without the Jiangdong Army attacking by water, something must have happened on land. Liu Jing immediately became worried, and turned around to make Li Jun say: "You rush to Xiazhi County with [-] troops and [-] warships, be careful, don't be caught The enemy burned the ship with kerosene."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Li Jun got off the big ship, led a hundred medium-sized fast boats to leave the fleet, and sailed towards Xiazhi County. Liu Jing immediately ordered, "Don't worry about Xiazhi County anymore, the fleet is heading towards Chaisang at full speed!"

Sun Quan finally got the news of Cheng Pu. Lv Meng's fleet returned and told him a shocking news. Cheng Pu's army was ambushed by Jiangxia in Wanshui. Thousands of remnants fled eastward.

The news kept Sun Quan from saying a word for a quarter of an hour, and he locked himself in the room without seeing anyone. The news spread like wildfire, and soon spread throughout Chaisang City, and the whole Chaisang was discussing All kinds of news are spreading wildly about this matter.

It is reported that Jiang Xia's army continued to march eastward, facing the empty Jingkou City across the river; there is also news that Jiang Xia's army has crossed the river in Wuhu, and marched along Lishui to Dongwu City;

There is also news that Cao Cao sent 30 troops south from Hefei to attack Jiangdong on a large scale.

All kinds of news spread in Chaisang City, people panicked, and the morale of the army began to shake.

Outside the gate of the courtyard where Sun Quan lived, dozens of civil and military officials gathered, everyone looked very anxious. Marquis Wu had locked himself in the room for a whole day, but at this critical moment, he escaped, making everyone very anxious. anxious.

At this time, Zhang Zhao came out from the courtyard, and the crowd rushed forward, asking in unison, "What did Marquis Wu say?"

Zhang Zhao sighed and said dejectedly, "Marquis Wu still refuses to see me, no matter what I say, he doesn't make a sound at all."

Everyone looked at each other, talking loudly, Huang Gai hurriedly pulled Zhang Zhao aside, and said in a low voice: "The news in the city is spreading very violently, the army's morale is a little shaken, and Marquis Wu must come forward to appease the army's morale."

Zhang Zhao frowned and said, "Lu Ziming has repeatedly assured me that he has strictly ordered his subordinates not to leak any news. How could the news get out? Could it be that there are Jiang Xia's spies in the city?"

What Huang Gai cared about was not this, but that Marquis Wu had to show his face, he had to appease the army, and if he was in charge of deserters in the army, it would be troublesome, he said urgently: "If there are any spies, let them go first, and the military adviser will go to persuade them." Marquis Wu, the army is going to be in trouble."

Zhang Zhao was also in a difficult situation. He knew that Sun Quan must have deep grievances against him, so he ignored him. If he wanted to persuade him, he had to be persuaded by others. In the end, he had to ask Zhou Yu to persuade him. The general is here!"

Seeing Xu Sheng striding from outside, he said anxiously, "Where is Marquis Wu? I have urgent news to report."

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