Xu Sheng's anxious voice attracted everyone's astonished gazes. Zhang Zhao quickly stepped forward and asked, "General Xu, what happened?"

Xu Sheng quickly saluted and said: "Report to the military commander, I met the main force of Jiang Xia's army going south on the way, there are thousands of warships, and they are about to arrive in Chaisang!"

Everyone was in an uproar, Jiang Xia's main force unexpectedly came, Huang Gai asked anxiously: "Then did you report to Zhou Hujun?"

"The humble job has already sent someone to report.-" Zhang Zhao's face was extremely ugly. The Jiangdong Army suffered a series of blows, and he was too passive. He didn't know how to face Wu Hou, but the situation was here, so he couldn't avoid it. He sighed in his heart, and said to Xu Sheng: "General Xu, please follow me! "

He took Xu Sheng into the courtyard again. The courtyard was very quiet except for four clay-like guards standing at the door. Zhang Zhao went to the door and said loudly: "Report to Marquis Wu, General Xu has something important to do. report!"

There was no sound in the room, Zhang Zhaonai gave Xu Sheng a wink, Xu Sheng stepped forward and said, "Reporting to Marquis Wu, I met the main force of Jiang Xia's army on the way to Xiazhi County. There are thousands of warships. The momentum is huge, and the humble officer hastily rushed back to Chaisang, and they should not be far away."

A murmur came from the room 'Ah! ', and then Sun Quan said in a hoarse voice: "General Xu, please come in!"

Xu Shengmen entered the room, Zhang Zhao also wanted to follow in, but hesitated for a while, he still did not move, Wu Hou made it very clear that General Xu went in, but he was not included.

Zhang Zhaonai was pacing in the yard with his hands behind his back, he was also a little confused, but his rationality told him that Cheng Pu was just defeated, far from a complete defeat, but Wu Hou closed the door in anger, and he was a little confused. [

After a while, Xu Sheng walked out of the room, and Zhang Zhao immediately asked in a low voice, "How is Marquis Wu?"

Xu Sheng said in a low voice: "It's just that I don't look very good, nothing else, and I'm calm, not panicked at all. I'm ordered to notify Zhou Hujun to withdraw immediately. In addition, I'm ordered to be in charge of the defense of the water village for the time being. The humble officer must go to the water village immediately."

Zhang Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that Marquis Wu had connected, he nodded, "Go!"

Xu Sheng walked away quickly. At this time, Sun Quan's voice came from the room again, "Order General Huang Gai and Zijing to come and see me!"

After the guards left, Zhang Zhao couldn't hold back anymore and said, "Marquis Wu, I have something to say."

After a moment of calm, Sun Quan's faint voice came, "I'm fine, the military division should go to rest! Everyone outside should go to rest and get back to normal."

Zhang Zhao was stunned for a moment. This meant to exclude himself from the decision-making circle. He suddenly understood that Marquis Wu had already chosen Zhou Yu's idea and gave up his own main battle. He felt bitter, so he saluted and walked out of the courtyard silently. go.

In the room, Sun Quan didn't panic or fly into a rage, he seemed very calm. In fact, he wasn't hit by Cheng Pu's defeat, but he wanted to calm down and think about some things.

Sun Quan stood in front with his hands behind his back, looking at the several peach trees in the backyard. The peach blossoms had long since faded, and the branches were covered with small hairy peaches the size of a thumb. He has been the Lord of Jiangdong for several years, and he has always carried a heavy burden on his shoulders. , his father laid the foundation for Jiangdong, and his elder brother unified Jiangdong and established a political power.

Standing on the shoulders of his father and brother, he became the Lord of Jiangdong. He was not willing to stay in the shadow of his father and brother forever, but also longed to be able to surpass his father and brother. The unification of Nanfang became his greatest wish, and it became the burden that has been on his shoulders for so many years. heavy burden.

In Chapter 455 of the Ninth Year of Jian'an, it is enough for the generals to say a few words, and let them convey it to the soldiers. "

Huang Gai gritted his teeth and asked, "What should I say about the humble job?"

"You admit that we were defeated, but we killed [-] enemies and lost [-] ourselves. Jiang Xia's army also won miserably. We died [-], and they died [-]. Let's just say that!"

"Follow your orders!"

Huang Gai turned to leave, but Sun Quan stopped him again, "Besides, I decided to reappoint Gongjin as the governor, and remove Cheng Pu from the post of governor. Let's help Gongjin!" [

Huang Gai was stunned for a moment, "Of course!" He promised, and hurried out.

Sun Quan sighed, he still had to rely on Zhou Yu!

At this moment, Lu Su appeared at the door, bowed and said, "Is Marquis Wu looking for my minister?"

Lu Su met Lu Meng's fleet on the way, and returned to Chaisang together with Lu Meng. He probably knew the current situation of the battle, which was very unfavorable to Jiangdong. Just now, he also heard the news that Jiangxia's army was coming, which made him even more worried.

Sun Quan looked at him and said with a smile, "Come in and sit down!"

Lu Su walked into the room and sat down at the side, not daring to say much, Sun Quan smiled wryly, "Zi Jing must be laughing at me in his heart!"

Lu Su was so frightened that he quickly knelt down, "I don't dare to laugh at you."

"I was just kidding you."

Sun Quan pondered for a moment, then sighed, "Zijing, what do you think we should do now?"

Lu Su bit his lip tightly and said, "I feel that the defeat on Lu has no effect on our naval army, and the victory of Jiang Xia's army cannot support Liu Jing, it's just a matter of morale."

"you are wrong!"

Sun Quan shook his head, "Jiang Xia's army did not lose much. If I were Liu Jing, I would order Zhao Yun or Huang Zhong to continue marching eastward and suppress the troops at Jingkou. This would have immeasurable consequences for the morale of the soldiers and civilians in Jiangdong. In addition, Without Cheng Pu's troops to suppress Wuchang, I would have lost this battle, and the impact would have been huge."

Lu Su said dumbly that he just wanted to comfort Sun Quan, but Sun Quan was very clear and saw it more thoroughly than him. After a while, Lu Su smiled wryly, "Then what is Marquis Wu going to do?"

Sun Quan was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I want you to go to Liu Jing and talk about the strike between the two families."

Lu Su was stunned, "Marquis Wu wants the humble minister to ask for peace?"

Sun Quan nodded, "As long as the Jiangdong army can be kept from withdrawing to Jiangdong smoothly, I am willing to ask him for peace."

Lu Su nodded slowly, "I understand, let's go!"

Sun Quan suddenly lowered his voice, "Only you and I know about this matter, you must not tell the third person, even Gong Jin!"

Of course Lu Su knew that this would greatly damage the prestige of the lord, so he must not speak out. He nodded quickly, "Don't worry, Marquis Wu, my heart is like a mirror."

Sun Quan got up and walked a few steps, then turned back and said, "Tell Liu Jing that if he is willing, I will marry Shang Xiang to him as his wife, and the two families of Sun and Liu will have a good relationship between Qin and Jin forever."

The warships of the Jiang Xia Army finally arrived at Chaisang in great mighty force. More than a thousand warships formed a huge square formation on the river outside Chaisang, ten miles wide and more than thirty miles long. It is an formation in a water battle, using momentum to overwhelm the opponent, which is even more shocking than an army formation.

On the top of the city, thousands of Jiangdong troops stared blankly at the majestic Jiangxia army on the river. Everyone's face was pale, and their hearts were full of fear. At this time, a young soldier squatted down in fright, and huddled together by the city wall , covered his face and burst into tears, "I'm going to die here, and I'll never see my parents again!"


Sun Shangxiang rushed up, kicked the soldier hard, and scolded: "You are still a soldier because you are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

The young soldier was too frightened to say anything, but Sun Shangxiang kicked him again, "Stand up!"

The soldier stood up tremblingly, Sun Shangxiang drew his sword and pointed it at his throat, "Even if you die, you have to die standing up, do you hear me?"

"The humble official heard."

Sun Shangxiang retracted her sword and looked at the hundreds of soldiers around her. She shouted loudly: "Everyone is a good man from Jiangdong, a soldier! Even if you die, you must die in battle. Don't be cowardly. Let your father be fooled." Shame, let your son feel ashamed, cheer up, it's just a warship, we also have Jiangdong, no worse than Jiangxia Army!"

Her crisp voice echoed on the city, thousands of soldiers stared at her blankly, everyone was infected by her words, a kind of courage to die on the battlefield was slowly ignited in everyone, and the eyes of the young soldiers burst into tears. Weeping, he suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "I would rather die in battle than surrender!"

"A man is not afraid of death!"

"Long live the princess!"

The morale of the Jiangdong army was high, cheers resounded through the sky, and even the more than 1 troops in Shuizhai also shouted. Huang Gai stood at the edge of the city and watched Sun Shangxiang. His eyes were a little moist. Who said that the princess is Jiangdong's trouble?She is Jiangdong's treasure.

The cheers of the Jiangdong army at the city head and the water village spread to the river. Liu Jing listened attentively, then suddenly laughed, and said to Jia Xu, "Did the military commander hear anything?"

Jia Xu had a strange expression on his face and said, "I seem to hear the princess shouting for long live."

"I also heard this shout. Could it be that Princess Shangxiang is also in the army?"

"It should be, and she should be boosting the morale of the army. Hearing this shout, Zhou Mu is very morale!"

Liu Jing sneered, "What's the use of morale, you will die at the bottom of the river sooner or later!"

Seeing that the formation was not effective, he ordered: "Pass my order, the fleet will stop on the north bank!"

With the flag flying on the mast, the warships of the Jiangxia Army began to turn around slowly, and continued to sail towards the north bank.

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