Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 709 Tao Zheng's New Official


It was snowing heavily in Anlu County, with a thickness of one foot, but in Jiangxia County, there was only a light snowfall. Between the mountains and the clear water, it looked like the hair of an old lady, only slightly stained with frost.

The 20 troops withdrew from Anlu County and rested in the Xiakou barracks, but Liu Jing did not rush back to Chengdu immediately, but took this opportunity to inspect Jiangxia. Early this morning, Liu Jing's boat slowly approached the prefect of Qijun Tao Zheng had already led a group of officials to welcome Zhou Mu on the pier. Tao Zheng had been in Qi County for four years. <The elders of the county did not allow him to leave, so they forced him to stay in Qi County. From a small backward county with a sparse population and dilapidated city, it has gradually become the fifth grain-producing county in Jingzhou, second only to Xiangyang, Jiangxia, Nanjun and Changsha. , even surpassed Lingling County. The population of the county has increased from [-] to more than [-], with a population of nearly [-]. The population mainly came from Lujiang County and Yuzhang County. There are more than [-] acres of farmland, the government provides cattle for free, and can be exempted from hard labor, and the government provides board and lodging for children to study. This has attracted a large number of Yangzhou people to move in, and the population has increased dramatically. <County, the government can get a lot of income every year, and ordinary people can easily find jobs and earn money. <The county’s great support, this is something Jingzhou officials are well aware of, Tao Zheng has also obtained achievements that others can only achieve in ten years, but as long as Liu Jing acquiesces, no one will say anything about this "special achievement" What, after all, Qichun County has indeed risen, and there is no fraud.

Liu Jing stepped off the boat quickly, and Tao Zheng led all the officials to greet him, bowing and saluting together, "See Zhou Mu!"

At this moment, the guards behind Liu Jing all went 'Puff! Laughing loudly, Liu Jing discovered that more than a dozen officials were wearing old official robes that had been washed white, and some of the official robes were still patched, obviously after deliberation.

Liu Jing was angry and funny, and said to everyone: "You don't have to worry too much about how to welcome me. I just came to visit my brother-in-law. Please be more casual."

Everyone looked at each other's official robes, it was indeed a bit too much, everyone laughed embarrassedly. <The county seat was many years ago, and an agreement was signed here with Sun Quan to jointly deal with Cao Jun, and then the Chibi War broke out. In Liu Jing's memory, the Qi county made his eyes shine.

Rows of houses are neat and orderly, apparently newly built, both sides are covered with trees, the ground is paved with bluestone slabs, the streets are wide and clean, and most of the children on both sides are white and fat. Welcome yourself into town.

Tao Zheng saw the look of approval in Liu Jing's eyes, and he explained a little embarrassedly: "About four years ago, I gathered all the county residents to discuss, and everyone made a rule, and the houses were all made the same. Trees and flowers have to be planted behind the house. Garbage is not allowed to be thrown around, let alone defecate anywhere. The stone slabs in the streets and alleys are paved by the people of the county. Chun County has changed a lot, immigrants from Yangzhou, once they enter the county, they don’t want to leave.”

Liu Jing was really satisfied with the street scene in front of him, and he especially liked the cleanliness. He asked with a smile, "What if you violate the rules? I mean, are you trying to get rid of the dirty habits of some people?"

"It's very simple. The rules are determined by everyone. Every household has their fingerprints. If they don't abide by it, they will be severely punished. For the first time, they will be beaten with fifty sticks in public. As a county, they will be rushed to live in a nearby village, and they will not be allowed to enter the city again. , but so far, only a dozen people have been beaten, and no family has been driven out of the city. Everyone likes this kind of cleanliness, so they will consciously maintain it."

Liu Jing nodded. He still had to admit that Tao Zheng was indeed capable, not just because he was his brother-in-law.

In fact, Liu Jing has always been very concerned about the development of the Tao family in the officialdom. Now the Tao family is not only a businessman, but also has gradually gained weight in the officialdom. In addition to Tao Zheng as the prefect of Qichun, Yang Liang, the prefect of Yinping County, is also Tao Sheng. In addition, four or five Tao family children served as county officials. Even Tao Sheng himself was named a township lord because of the Tao family's outstanding contribution to the Jingzhou army.

But what satisfied Liu Jing the most was that the children of the Tao family were low-key and pragmatic, and they never had any bad deeds of oppressing the people. Tao Zheng is a simple and pragmatic good official who will give money to others and disdain to make money from his family. He is always high in the evaluation every year.

Liu Jing walked into the county office, exchanged greetings with everyone, everyone retreated knowingly, only Liu Jing and Tao Zheng were left in the room, Liu Jing smiled slightly: "This time I am coming to Qichun County, Mainly to discuss one thing with you, to be precise, I want you to do one thing."

Tao Zheng didn't forget the etiquette because he was Liu Jing's brother-in-law. He bowed respectfully and said, "I ask the state pastor to order, and I should obey."

Liu Jing nodded, then pondered for a while and said, "That's right, I plan to transfer you to Chang'an to serve as Jingzhao County prefect and Chang'an order. Can you accept it?"

Rao Tao Zheng was mentally prepared, but he was still shocked. He knew what it meant to be the chief officer of Chang'an. In the past, Cai Yan was the prefect of Xiangyang and the commander of Xiangyang. Later, Dong He was the prefect of Shu County and the commander of Chengdu. But Dong He, one of the five ministers, will move his capital to Chang'an in the future, and he will be the head of the capital. Tao Zheng is not happy, but feels great pressure. He knows the weight of this position.

After a while, he said in a low voice: "I was worried that I would not be capable enough, and I would disappoint the state pastor in the end."

Liu Jing stood up and patted him on the shoulder, saying meaningfully: "You need to understand that without the Tao family's high position, the future Han Wangfei's position may not be stable."

Tao Zheng was shocked. He suddenly understood that Liu Jing was going to establish a foreign relative for his sister. He was moved and panicked, "Thank you Zhou Mu for the attention he paid to the Tao family. I was worried about my lack of qualifications. The order will make people criticize.”

Liu Jing laughed, "Do you think there will be criticism?"

"I understand, I will never let the state shepherd down." <The position of prefect, you go directly to Chang'an after handing over, Jia Xu will announce my appointment in public. "<The county only stayed for two hours. After lunch, he took a boat to the Jiangxia Copper Mine on the other side of the Yangtze River. Green Copper Mountain has always been the largest copper and gold mine in Jingzhou and even the entire south. The source of copper materials plays a pivotal role in the entire Jingshu regime.

At present, there are 6000 troops stationed in the copper mine, and about 10 people are engaged in mining and smelting here. Except for more than [-] laborers recruited locally, the remaining [-] people are criminals and prisoners of war in Jingzhou and Yizhou. , It has been a rule in Jingzhou for many years to use prisoners of war to mine mines. Whether Cao Jun or Jiangdong Army prisoners of war, if they don't want to join the Han Army, they need to serve in the mine for three years, and then they will be released and returned to their hometown after the period expires.

However, as the Han army and Cao army signed a reconciliation and armistice agreement, the situation of a large number of prisoners of war will be reversed. As the prisoners of war are continuously released, the number of miners will decrease. It is also for this reason that Liu Jing came to inspect the mine this time. .

Compared with eight years ago, the current green copper mountain has changed a lot. It used to use a small river to transport ore out, and at most it could only sail a tugboat with a hundred stones, but now the river has widened and deepened, and it can already sail a cargo ship with five hundred stones. , The ability to transport ore out has also been greatly enhanced, and there is no need to transfer in Xisai Lake, and it is directly transported to Xiakou.

But what is shipped out now is not ore, but rough copper billets and gold nuggets that have been smelted in the mine. Jiangxia County built a smelting plant in the mine as early as five years ago, and dozens of blast furnaces are here day and night. The thick copper ingots were smelted from the ore, and then transferred to Xiakou for further refining and coining.

Accompanied by the mine supervisor Deng Zhi and school lieutenant Zhang Yi, Liu Jing walked into the large mining camp. Deng Zhi was the mine supervisor last year, responsible for the mining and smelting of the entire copper mine, as well as the management of the miners. Zhang Yi led a garrison of [-] troops, responsible for the safety of the copper mines and monitoring the prisoners of war.

The miners' camp covers an area of ​​thousands of acres, and is surrounded by board walls. There is a sentry tower every [-] steps, which is heavily guarded. There are [-] large tents in the entire miners' camp. Ten districts are administered, and each district is separated by a wall the height of a person.

Deng Zhi introduced to Liu Jing as he walked: "Qi report to Zhou Mu, currently there are 20 people living in each big tent, set a long one, work every day when the sun goes out, rest when the sun goes down, and rest for a day every ten days. The work and rest are very regular, and the law and order are also good. During Weichen's tenure as a mine supervisor, there was no riot, only two escape incidents, and more than [-] people were arrested. According to the punishment measures, the service period was extended to five years. "

Liu Jing nodded, and asked again: "How is the food?"

"The food is about the same as that of the army. They can eat enough, and they can eat one meal of meat in three days. According to the rules, these prisoners of war also have monthly money, one hundred dollars per month, which will be converted into gold for payment when they are released. Almost each person can earn one dollar." Catches of gold go home, and so do criminals."

At this time, they came to the East Third District, which is the release area. All the prisoners who are going to be released after the expiry of the term will move here to live in a month ago. It consists of a thousand camps, and each tent only houses ten people. There were only five or six people living there, but this time they were all full.

This is the largest release since the establishment of the Miner Battalion. 4000 people will be released at one time. This is because the Han army released all the prisoners of war from Guanlong after they occupied Guanlong. 3000 people, the rest are all prisoners of war from Guanzhong or Longyou native place,

As soon as Liu Jing walked into the East Third District, he heard a fierce commotion.


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