
"What happened?"

Zhang Yi roared and rushed up, he hated so much in his heart, he could release it quietly at ordinary times, but today the state shepherd came to inspect, but he wanted to make trouble, it was a slap in the face for him.

I saw hundreds of prisoners of war squatting on the ground with their heads in their arms, and the soldiers on both sides beat their heads and faces like raindrops with their sticks. It was found out after people reported it, but they refused to accept it and clamored to make trouble, but were subdued by the brothers."

Zhang Yi's livid face shouted: "Drag them down, and beat each of them with a hundred army sticks!"

More than a thousand soldiers dragged these people down like wolves, and hundreds of people cried and begged, begging for mercy. At this time, Liu Jing stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

"These prisoners of war probably wanted to pretend to be people from Guanlong to get through the customs. They were found out, but they were unwilling, so they yelled desperately."

Liu Jing walked up to a young prisoner of war, looked him up and asked, "Where are you from? Why did you risk your escape? Don't you know the serious consequences?"

The young prisoner wept and said: "General Qi, I am from Hejian County. I participated in the Suyin rebellion and was suppressed. I was forced to become Cao Jun. I was captured when the city of Ji was flooded. I have been away from home for five years. I miss my parents, and I beg the general to forgive me this time, so I won’t dare to run away next time.”

All the prisoners felt that the general in front of them seemed to be a high-ranking official. Even the mine supervisor and the school lieutenant were respectful in front of him. It's so simple, and the service period will be extended to five years, which makes them extremely scared.

Liu Jing nodded, "Let's spare them this time! Don't make another example."

Zhang Yi cursed: "You are lucky, Zhou Mu forgives you this time, next time anyone who dares to escape again, I will double the punishment and take them all back."

When these prisoners of war heard that they were state shepherds, they were all very excited. They kowtowed their heads in thanks and cried loudly. They were taken down by the soldiers. Liu Jing was very disturbed and walked out of the miner's camp without saying a word.Deng Zhi and Zhang Yi felt that Zhou Mu was in a bad mood, and they accompanied Liu Jing to the warehouse uncomfortably. Ten catties, all neatly stacked, the entire warehouse is full of copper ingots, the scale is very spectacular.

Liu Jing walked into the rest room inside the warehouse and sat down. A guard served him tea. Only then did Liu Jing say to Deng Zhi and Zhang Yi: "Because I just signed a settlement agreement with Cao Cao, we need to recuperate, at least three to five There will be no war within the year, and if the rule of releasing prisoners of war is followed, there may be no miners in the mine after three years, so I came here to inspect the mine specifically to solve this problem.”

Deng Zhi and Zhang Yi looked at each other, and Deng Zhi said cautiously: "Xu Changshi once proposed a plan, but he didn't implement it because the cost was too high. I feel that maybe it can be considered now."

"Tell me, what is the plan?" Liu Jing couldn't remember what plan Xu Shu had mentioned.

"At that time, Xu Changshi said that the prisoners of war could be changed into official miners, and they could come and go freely, and the salary should be improved to keep them. Naturally, some miners would be willing to stay."

Liu Jing remembered that Xu Shu did mention this plan back then, but why he didn't implement it, Liu Jing also forgot for a moment, he pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you think it's feasible?"

"Reporting to Zhou Mu, although the copper mine is collectively referred to as miners externally, in fact it is divided into miners, slave labor and criminal labor internally. The monthly expenditure is 7 yuan. If all the slave workers are turned into miners, then the burden will be really heavy. It was not implemented at the time because of this, but Weichen estimates that if they come and go freely and earn a good income, then at least 3 people are willing to stay. At the same time, their families will also come to Jiangxia from the north, which is very good for supplementing the population of Jingzhou, although the expenditure will be large, but for the copper mines they mined, this expenditure is nothing."

Deng Zhi strongly recommended Liu Jing to adopt this plan. Like Xu Shu, he opposed the use of prisoners of war as slave labor. He proposed the restructuring plan several times to no avail. It is rare that Zhou Mu took the initiative to propose a long-term plan for the mine today. Deng Zhi took this opportunity Recommend your own solution.

He quickly winked at Zhang Yi and asked him to help him speak. For Zhang Yi, leaving the mine to fight against the enemy is his ideal. Understanding Deng Zhi's meaning, he said to Liu Jing: "If the slave workers become miners, then there is no need for 2000 troops to guard, but only [-] people to guard the criminals and protect the warehouse. This can also save a lot of expenses. I feel that if the families of the miners can come to the copper mine, maybe the copper mine will form a new county, which is a good thing.”

Liu Jing nodded. He once considered changing the service period of the prisoners of war to five years, but after arriving at the mine, he dismissed the idea. He didn't care about the cost, he was worried about the continuation of the mine.

After pondering for a while, Liu Jing said to Deng Zhi: "You should investigate first to see how many people will stay after becoming miners. If I can guarantee 3 people will stay, I can consider your plan. After the investigation is completed Write a detailed report, and it can be implemented after the approval of the platform.”

Deng Zhi was overjoyed, and hurriedly saluted: "My minister obeys!"

After leaving the mine, Liu Jing went to Wuchang again. A few days later he left Jiangxia County and returned to Chengdu

The time is gradually coming to the end of December, and the New Year of Jian'an [-]th is approaching. Every household in Chengdu cleans their houses, decorates with lanterns and festoons, and puts various tributes on the ancestral hall. The sound of burning firecrackers is everywhere in the city, and the children start making new clothes The women consider adding jewelry. Three days before the new year, Chengdu also had a heavy snowfall, and the city and the city were suddenly covered with snow.

Liu Jing's house was also decorated with lights and festoons, and this year's celebration was even more than in previous years, not only because Sun Shangxiang was pregnant, but also because the war had stopped and he had to recuperate for a few years, which meant more time for the family to reunite.

Liu Jing had returned to the mansion the day before, and at this time he was discussing the arrangement of the family sacrifice with Liu Hu and Liu Xian in the study. , the first reunion of the Liu family.

Regardless of the trivial matters of the family sacrifice, Liu Jing will leave it to Liu Hu to take care of it. This year, Liu Hu and Liu Xian will preside over the family ceremony. You have come down to Chengdu, you don’t know!”

Liu Jing really didn't know that the clansmen in Yedu had Qifang, and they followed Liu Cong to Yedu, and they had no contact with each other since then, but since Liu Du went to Yedu, the clan gradually became connected again, unexpectedly they actually This is the first time I have come to Chengdu to participate in the sacrifice.

"I wonder if Liu Cong will come over?" Liu Jing asked with a smile.

Liu Xian shook his head, "Only he refused to come. I heard from my father that the clansmen who went to Yedu with him were very poor. They were looked down upon in Yedu, and they lived on a little money and grain distributed by the prime minister's office every month, or Sitting and eating, among them, Sanfang is engaged in business, and they have great resentment towards Liu Cong. Liu Cong was going to hold a clan sacrifice in Yedu this year, but the Qifang clan followed his father to Chengdu, and they are currently living in the Liu clan hall .”

Speaking of this, Liu Xian asked hesitantly: "They all want to see Zhou Mu. I wonder if Zhou Mu can spare time to meet them once."

Before Liu Jing could express his opinion, Liu Hu next to him said bitterly: "They just want some benefits. They used to be arrogant and ignored Jingzhou. Now that the state shepherd has become stronger, they have the cheek to seek refuge. These people who are in power, what do they do? ?”

Liu Jing smiled and waved his hands, "Tiger, what you said is too extreme. Birds know how to choose good trees to live in, let alone people, this is also human nature. After all, they are members of the clan, and they came back from Yedu all the way. Don’t neglect them too much, like this! Ask them to elect two representatives and come to see me at the General’s Mansion tomorrow.”

Liu Xian was overjoyed, quickly bowed and said, "I'll go and tell them right away."

At this time, the eldest son Liu Zhi's voice came from outside the door, "Father, the child is here."

Liu Jing smiled and said, "Come in!"

Liu Zhi walked in quickly. Liu Zhi is seven years old this year. He is of medium build and looks exactly like his mother. He is very handsome and gentle. Liu Jing also loves this eldest son very much. Participate in family festivals.

Liu Zhi walked into the room and knelt down to salute his father, and called on Liu Hu and Liu Xian, "My nephew pays respects to the two uncles!"

Liu Zhi is the future lord. All the civil and military officials in Jingshu attach great importance to him and care about him, but Liu Hu has another kind of love for him. It is out of family love. Liu Hu quickly pulls him up, He hugged him and sat down beside him, and asked with a smile: "I heard from Xu Shangshu that you have changed your master, is that so?"

Liu Zhi turned out to be his master, Lai Min, who was very knowledgeable. He taught Liu Zhi how to read and learn Fu, which is quite suitable, but he has a great weakness, that is, he drinks like his life, and often loses his temper after drinking. Someone reported him half a year ago. Tao Zhan knew about the drinking and sex, and Tao Zhan was deeply dissatisfied, so he wrote a letter to Pingzhangtai, requesting to replace Liu Zhi's master. After discussion at Pingzhangtai, it was unanimously decided that Qin Mi would be Liu Zhi's master. .

Of course, Liu Jing also knew about this matter. Tao Zhan wrote to him in advance and obtained her husband's consent. Liu Jing's original intention was to keep Lai Min and find a master for the eldest son. It is no longer appropriate to respect your son as a teacher.

Liu Zhi glanced at his father timidly, and said in a low voice, "My nephew has changed to Master Qin. The master is not in good health and has returned home to recuperate."

Liu Xian next to him laughed, this little guy is very good at talking!Obviously he was dismissed because he lost his morals after drinking, but he said that he resigned due to his poor health. He is good, he treats people generously, and has the style of a superior. Liu Jing also nodded, "You should study hard with Master Qin. I will find you today. Come, because Danri is approaching, and the family is about to hold an annual family sacrifice. Normally, you can only participate in the family sacrifice after you are 11 years old, but I am going to make an exception for my father, and let you start participating in the family sacrifice this year. Tomorrow afternoon, you and Uncle Xian went to the ancestral hall to learn rituals, understand?"

Most children are very curious about new things, and Liu Zhi is no exception. He had heard his master say the importance of family sacrifices, but he had never had the opportunity to participate. This year, his father made an exception and let him participate. He was very excited and quickly knelt down to salute , "The child understands."

Liu Jing patted his son's immature shoulder and said with a smile, "Go! Go and tell your mother, she will prepare sacrificial robes for you."

Liu Zhi kowtowed and retreated, and then Liu Jing said to Liu Hu and Liu Xian, "I will be very busy these few days, and I will leave the preparations for the clan sacrifice to the two elder brothers."

"Don't worry, Zhou Mu, we will take care of it."

At this moment, the steward ran over in a panic and reported at the door: "My lord, the envoy of the emperor has arrived!"

Liu Jing stood up abruptly, he knew that the emperor had sent an envoy to confer him the King of Han

At the end of the 18th year of Jian'an, Liu Jing held a grand canonization ceremony in the General Hussar's Mansion, and accepted the canonization of the Son of Heaven. Han Emperor Liu Xie formally canonized Liu Jing as the King of Han, Canonized Tao as Hanwang Concubine, and Sun as Partial Concubine. Liu Jing established the Han Dynasty, and the fiefdoms included Jingzhou, Yizhou and Guanlong, with thousands of miles of fertile fields and a population of tens of millions.

The news that Liu Jing was canonized as the King of Han came out, and the whole city rejoiced. For this, Liu Jing ordered the amnesty of the prisoners, and reduced the tax and labor for one year in the whole country to show their congratulations.

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