Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 716 Another Attack? Rare


The war finally ended when the sky was just getting dark. 5000 Di Hu cavalry were beheaded and 20 were killed, and the remaining [-] people all became prisoners of war. Not only that, nearly [-] Di people, old and young, women and children also became Han The Han army captured millions of sheep and tens of thousands of horses, and won the first major victory against the Hu people since the establishment of the Jiangxia army, and wiped out the Dongdi tribe.

It was already dark, and groups of men and women were disarmed and escorted to the open space behind. 20 people sat on the grassland crying helplessly. They were like more than [-] lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They had no choice. Their fate will be decided by the Han army, surrounded by [-] Han cavalry guarding them.

Hundreds of nobles from the Di people were imprisoned in another large tent. Yang Wanwan's brothers, nephews and nephews had all been killed. These nobles were the leaders of various tribes. They were even more afraid and waited desperately for the moment of killing.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Liu Jing was discussing with Pang Tong and Fazheng the placement of these Di people. It is obviously not realistic to kill all these unarmed women and children, and it is not the tradition of the Han army. The current disagreement is how to arrange them, how to move them Enter Shuzhong, integrate with the Han people, or let them stay in Longxi and restore their previous life.

Liu Jing preferred to move them to Shu, but Pang Tong and Fazheng agreed that they should stay in Longxi. Pang Tong said: "Have you ever thought about it, there are Qiang people, Tuyuhun people, Xiongnu people, and Xidi people in Longxi?" Wait for the Hu people, move these Dongdi people away, and the gaps left will be filled by other Hu people immediately, which will encourage other Hu people to become stronger. It is better to let them stay in Longxi and diversify the Hu people in Longxi. To benefit our rule, the key is to turn these Hu people into sheep, let Dihu become Di sheep, and become our people, which is beneficial to our source of war horses and livestock.”

"Shi Yuan is right!"

Fazheng also added: "They are Hu people who are used to nomadic life. It is another matter whether they can adapt to farming when they are moved to central Shu. Most of them are women and children, and the government needs to spend money and food to take care of them. If it involves the division of land, it will also cause the hostility of the Shu people and cause conflicts. I don’t agree with the forced Sinicization of them, and we should take it slowly. ----Online Reading-----"

Liu Jing nodded, then turned around and asked Ma Chao, "What about Meng Qi's opinion?"

Ma Chao said indifferently: "The borders of the Han Kingdom are all His Highness's subjects, why should you care about the Han Hu?"

Liu Jing saw that none of the three advocated emigration, and he no longer insisted, so he said to the guards: "Go and find the elders of the main tribes."

Not long after, five elderly tribal elders were brought into the big tent. They knelt down and wept, "I beg His Highness the King of Han to spare the lives of our tribe and don't kill us!"

"I didn't want to kill people, but you have repeatedly made me my enemy and helped the evildoers, you are the ones to blame!" Liu Jing sternly said.

A leading old man kowtowed and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, we were also coerced by Yang Wanwan, and he bewitched our young herdsmen, saying that the Han army wanted to rob our pastures, our wives and daughters, and kill our old people. The young people were deceived by him." They fought against the Han army in order to defend their wives and children’s hometown, they were definitely not born to be enemies of the Han army, as long as His Highness gives us a chance, we are willing to surrender to His Highness and become His Highness’s people.”

"We are willing to surrender to Your Highness!" The elders behind responded one after another.

Seeing the old man's clear thinking and fluent Chinese, Liu Jing asked, "What's your name, and which tribe's elder are you?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the little old man's name is Agui, and he is the leader of the Qiuchi Department."

Next to Ma Chao added: "The Qiuchi tribe is the second largest Di tribe after the Xingguo tribe. Elder Agui is trustworthy."

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "Since you are willing to become citizens of the Han Kingdom, I will not kill you any more. I can let you live, and I will not take your property, but I have two conditions. First, you must fulfill Previously, Yang Wanwan promised to send 30 horses and 14 sheep to the Han army, and secondly, all aristocratic teenagers under the age of [-] must go to Chengdu to study, and then they can return to Longxi."

The five old men were very excited, kowtowed, and the leader, Agui, said: "We fully agree to the request of the King of Han. In addition, we still have a lot of horses in the Xishan Ranch. We are willing to select another [-] horses and dedicate them to His Highness the King of Han!"

Liu Jing was quite satisfied with their attitude, so he nodded and said: "In this case, the number of sheep can be reduced to [-]. From today onwards, Agui will be the king of Di and replace Yang Wanwan. In addition, the Han army will protect you The bullying of the Qiang people."

The five old men looked at each other, and the Han army actually agreed to protect them from the Qiang people's bullying. All five of them wept and said, "If we had known that the King of Han was so kind, why should we be deceived by Yang Wanwan, who killed and injured so many children for nothing? I swear by this, that I will never have two hearts again, and wish to be the people of the big man from generation to generation."

Five old men cut their wrists and swore blood. Liu Jing was overjoyed and formally canonized Agui as the new King of Di. That night, Liu Jing ordered the release of the Di people to go home and return their belongings. More than [-] Dongdi people cried in gratitude. In the sound, he packed up the tents and belongings, and under the leadership of King Agui of Xindi, he drove the flock back to their hometown pasture.

The Han army immediately slaughtered sheep and cooked wine, and rewarded the three armies. After a two-day rest, the [-] Han army continued to march westward, killing the mighty city of Fanghan, and launched an offensive against the Xidi people.

The West Di people are different from the East Di people. The leader of the West Di people, Song Jian, was a powerful Han from Longxi. He started an uprising in Huahan 30 years ago and gradually conquered more than 200 tribes in the West Di and the Tuyuhun people in the Hehuang area. , Established an army of 8 people, repeatedly defeated the officers and soldiers who came to attack, and finally the court acquiesced in his existence.

Song Jian hated the Han Dynasty, established himself as Ping Han King, established the royal government, canonized queens and princes, and appointed officials such as ministers and ministers to govern the local area. In fact, he was a separatist regime that had existed for 30 years.

Fanghan City is a solid stone city with a circumference of more than ten miles. There are magnificent palaces and ministers' residences built inside. There are thousands of slaves serving them. Countless gold, silver and jewels are piled up in the palace and underground palaces. , as well as piles of precious furs, and [-] troops are stationed there, and there is a large amount of food in the warehouse, enough for the troops to feed for a year.

Song Jian first wanted to join forces with Yang Wanwan to deal with the Han army's attack, but because of the deep hatred between them and Yang Wanwan's confidence that he could defeat the Han army, their alliance failed. At this time, Song Jian had already When he received the news that Yang Wanwan had been defeated and died, he was deeply terrified, and immediately ordered his two sons, Song Qi and Song Lin, to take his golden arrows and rush to the various tribes to gather troops to support the city of Fuhan.

But the situation seemed to be a little bad. Five days had passed, but the reinforcements from all the tribes had not arrived. Song Jian paced back and forth at the top of the city with his hands behind his hands, anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Song Jian is about 60 years old this year. When he was young, he was of medium stature and unattractive. Now he is over sixty years old and has turned into a skinny old man. Although Wang Guan is thin and small, he has dozens of wives and concubines, has given birth to hundreds of children, and has countless wealth. Perhaps because his children have too much wealth, he has too much concern and cannot leave the city of Yanhan. .

At this time, a soldier pointed to the distance and shouted: "My lord, the second prince is back!"

Song Jian lay on the battlements and looked down. He saw his second son Song Lin fleeing back with a dozen people in a panic. He was stunned. How could there be no army?He immediately ordered: "Bring him to me!"

Not long after, several guards brought Song Lin to the city, and Song Lin knelt in front of his father and cried loudly, "The child was almost killed, and I will never see my father again."

"What happened, tell me quickly!"

"My boy went to gather the Di people's army. Unexpectedly, Agui sent people to send letters to the tribes in advance, telling them not to resist the Han army. These tribes listened to Agui's bewitching and refused to send troops. Instead, they imprisoned the boy and prepared to sacrifice it to Liu Jing, thanks to the desperate rescue of the followers, the boy escaped."

Song Jian was dumbfounded when he heard that, he had hoped that the [-] troops of the Di people would come to help him, but now they were gone, he was very anxious, and he turned around and ordered: "Send someone to Huangzhong to meet the eldest son."

As soon as the words fell, another cavalry fled back from a distance, but it was the entourage of the eldest son Song Qi, and the entourage shouted in horror from below the city: "My lord, something happened to the eldest son."

The eldest son, Song Qi, is Song Jian's most beloved son, and he is the crown prince who will inherit his career. Hearing that something happened to the eldest son, Song Jian's eyes darkened and he almost fell down. Weeping, he said: "We followed the eldest son to Huangzhong and ordered Tuyuhun to send troops, but they refused to send troops. We had no choice but to come back. On the way, we encountered a cavalry of the Han army. The eldest son was shot to death by random arrows. Some of the brothers died, and only a few escaped."

Song Jian yelled and fell on his back. The guards rushed him to wake him up. Song Jian burst into tears and gritted his teeth: "I won't take this revenge, I, Song Jian, swear not to be human!"

He took off his royal robe, put on armor, and led an army of [-] to patrol the city day and night. Although Song Jian was the king of Xidi, his cavalry depended on Di people and Tuyuhun people. Without the support of the cavalry, there were less than a thousand horses in the city, and most of the soldiers in the city were Han infantry. Song Jian knew that the [-] troops in the city were no match for the Han army. The Han army will retreat without a fight.

This is Song Jian's secret to defeating the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army repeatedly for decades, and it has been tried and tested. This time, he still wants to use this secret to defeat Liu Jing's Han army, and then deal with the Di people and Tuyuhun people who dared to betray him.

On the afternoon of the seventh day, the main force of the Han army finally appeared. There was a faint sound of war drums in the distance, and the mighty Han army was gradually approaching the city of Fanghan. !"

Thirty thousand troops filled the top of the city, and the dense bows and arrows aimed at the [-] troops several miles away. Under the overwhelming banner, Liu Jing reined in his horse and looked coldly at the solid stone city ahead. With rich experience in siege, this stone city made him sneer, and he immediately ordered: "Pass my order, and the whole army will camp on the spot!"

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