
The army on the top of the city looked anxiously at the Han army setting up a large camp outside the field. The magnificent camp stretched for more than ten miles. This was the first time they had seen such a large-scale officers and soldiers in decades. 2

In the past few decades, officers and soldiers came to encircle and suppress many times, but there were more than [-] people at most, or even only a few thousand people, which did not have the scale and momentum of today.

This is only the memory of a very small number of older soldiers. The imperial court has not sent troops to wipe them out for 20 years. For the younger generation of soldiers, they don’t even know how to fight a war?

Many soldiers squatted down in fear and covered their faces with their palms. Song Jian looked palely at the camp outside the city. He also realized that this time was different from before, but he had no choice.

Yang Wanwan's family was put to death, that was his end, he knew it wasn't about surrender or not, but that Liu Jing would not tolerate a second snorer beside his couch, Yang Wanwan was one, and no doubt Song Jian was too.

"Pick me up!"

Song Jian waved his sword and shouted: "The enemy army has no siege weapons, and they cannot break through our city!"

No one shouted after him, the city was still silent

As night fell, the Han army did not take any action to attack the city. The soldiers began to retreat to the barracks in the city to rest. There were only [-] soldiers left on the city, but at this moment, huge black shadows drove out from the Han army barracks. , like giant beasts moving forward slowly.

These are one hundred heavy-duty trebuchets, which can smash a [-]-jin boulder onto the city from three hundred steps away. It took the Han army an afternoon to assemble a hundred of these trebuchets.

Ten bulls pulled a catapult and moved forward in the wilderness, getting closer and closer to the top of the city. The soldiers on the top of the city also noticed something unusual. They yelled and rang the bell, 'Dang!when!when! The ear-piercing jingle bells rang throughout the city of Huahan, and the soldiers who had just fallen asleep got up one after another, grabbed their weapons and rushed to the top of the city. 1

At this time, the soldiers on the top of the city were nervously looking at the heavy trebuchet outside the city. There was no such defensive weapon in the city of Fanghan, and many soldiers saw it for the first time.

One hundred heavy-duty trebuchets have been creakingly pulled away, and the huge kerosene jars are put into iron pockets. With the sound of a dull drum, hundreds of trebuchets throw long poles at the same time, and hundreds of them are filled with kerosene. The clay pot shot towards the top of the city.

'Boom!Boom! 'The sound rang out, the clay pots shattered, a large amount of kerosene flowed all over the city, and the air was filled with a pungent smell, which made the soldiers in the city panic. They didn't know what these liquids were?

After three consecutive rounds of throwing, three hundred cans of kerosene hit the top of the city, and the kerosene covered the head of the east city. At this moment, dozens of ignited kerosene balls soared into the air, drawing dazzling flames in the air. , hit the top of the city with a bang, the kerosene was ignited, and the flames spread rapidly amidst the terrified screams of the defenders, and gradually, the entire top of the city was engulfed in fire.

Many soldiers were unable to escape and were engulfed by the flames. Countless firemen were screaming and running, and soon fell to the ground. The fire became more intense, and half an hour later, the entire city wall that was several kilometers long was engulfed by flames.

Song Jian stood on the top of the palace, staring at this scene dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his eyes. This was the flames of hell coming to engulf them. He stumbled back to the palace with his sword in his hand. The wives, concubines, and children fled in all directions. Song Jian walked into his room as if he couldn't see anything, and slammed the door shut.

The attack of the Han army outside the city has entered the second stage. The city of Fanghan does not rely on the river and has no moat, but a dry ditch is still dug. The ditch is full of spikes and antlers, and a high suspension bridge is pulled up.

At this time, dozens of soldiers of the Eagle Strike Army had already passed the dry ditch. They climbed onto the suspension bridge and hacked the iron chain of the suspension bridge with a giant axe. There was a cloud of dust.

Not far away, a hundred burly men were holding a thick battering ram, which was made of a thousand-year-old giant wood, with a diameter of six feet and a length of ten feet. The front was covered with cast iron, which was extremely hard. ""

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The flames were billowing above their heads, and the smoke was soaring into the sky. They didn't have to worry about soldiers shooting arrows from the top of the city. Amidst Wei Yan's orders, a hundred men rushed forward with battering rams in their arms. After entering the city gate, there was only an earth-shattering muffled sound, the city gate shook violently, the sand and stones on it fell rustlingly, and a crooked crack appeared on the city wall.

The soldiers retreated, they shouted again, hugged the battering ram and rushed forward, hit the city gate again, the sound of the impact seemed to make one's heart shatter, the city gate has been deformed, revealing a big gap , you can see the soldiers in the city gate running desperately,

"Come again!"

The soldiers retreated again, and the battering ram hit the gate for the third time like a storm. The gate could no longer withstand the impact weighing ten thousand catties. The city gate was knocked open, revealing a huge black hole. In the distance, Liu Jing sneered, it was so easy to capture this seemingly solid stone city, he waved his saber, and ordered: "Go into the city!"

Under the leadership of Ma Dai, [-] cavalrymen galloped like a great tide, brandishing spears and sabers, and charged into the city of Fanghan. Immediately afterwards, [-] spearmen also rushed into the city. Out of courage, they knelt down and surrendered one after another. The Han army did not encounter any resistance. Ma Dai took the lead and led more than a thousand cavalry into the palace.

An hour later, Liu Jing, escorted by hundreds of cavalry, slowly entered the city of Fanghan. The city was completely controlled by the Han army. Groups of dejected prisoners of war were escorted to the barracks by the Han army, and there were searchers everywhere. Army soldiers, they smashed open the gates of the mansions, escorted out the people in the mansion, and began to search the mansion thoroughly. This was Liu Jing's order. Part of the money and goods found in the search will be used to reward the three armies.

Liu Jing walked into the palace, which had been occupied by thousands of soldiers, and all Song Jian's wives, concubines and children were driven into a big room. At this moment, Ma Dai stepped forward and saluted, "His Royal Highness, we have found the underground palace." Entrance."

"Where is Song Jian?" Liu Jing asked, this is the culprit, he must not let this person go.

"Song Jian is in the underground palace and has committed suicide by taking poison. Please follow your humble post to the underground palace."

The iron plate was opened, and there were soldiers standing guard on both sides. Liu Jing followed Ma Dai into the underground palace. The underground palace was about a foot above the ground. The property, gold, jewels, and expensive furs are dazzling.

Song Jian's body was found in a treasury full of large boxes. These large boxes were full of gold ingots. Gold was abundant in the Huahan area. Song Jian collected almost half of the gold in the past 30 years and piled it in the underground palace. There are tens of thousands of catties, which is one of the biggest gains of the Han army's western expedition.

At this time, Song Jian's body was carried out by two soldiers. His face had turned black, and he had apparently died of taking poison. Liu Jing looked at him and shook his head, "Dig a grave for him and bury him." !"

"Your Highness, what about his children, wives and concubines?" Ma Dai asked in a low voice.

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "His sons will be executed without any future troubles, and the women will be given travel expenses to let them go home. Those who have nowhere to go can be rationed to officers as wives."

Ma Dai is more concerned about the 200 prisoners of war. Most of these prisoners of war are Han people in the Hehuang area. Their ancestors moved from the Guanlong area [-] years ago and lived on farming. Riding horses, you can choose the elite among them to form cavalry.

He also suggested: "Among the 3 people, there are many Han Chinese who are good at riding horses. Your Highness, they are precious resources!"

Liu Jing nodded. He thought the same way, so he smiled and said, "Thirty thousand prisoners of war can be exonerated, and let them go home to continue farming. If there is no land, let the Xiping County government allocate the land. They must become self-cultivators. In addition, the three Among 3 people, [-] elite horsemen can be selected to form new cavalry."

Ma Dai was overjoyed, and quickly bowed and said: "I understand the humble job, let's handle it now."

Liu Jing turned around and said to Wang Ping, "Move all the belongings of Fuhan City back to the camp and hand them over to the French army division for disposal, and then transform the city of Fanghan into a military city and station [-] troops."

Wang Ping quickly agreed, Liu Jing finished his orders, turned around and went out of the city, met Ma Chao at the city gate, Liu Jing immediately said to him: "Meng Qi can arrange a hundred teams of cavalry to go to various places with my arrows, regardless of the people of Di It’s still Tuyuhun, call all the chiefs to meet me immediately.”

"Follow your orders!"

Ma Chao immediately turned his horse's head and returned to the camp. Half an hour later, a hundred teams of cavalry left the camp of the Han army and rushed to various places like lightning, summoning the chiefs of all tribes to meet His Highness the King of Han.

Three days later, hundreds of chiefs came from Longxi and Hehuang. Yang Wanwan was destroyed and Song Jian died, which greatly shocked these chiefs. In addition, Agui had sent envoys to preach the kindness of the King of Han, and the Di people They all came to meet the King of Han with great hope.

In a huge round tent, hundreds of chiefs gathered to accept Liu Jing's banquet. Liu Jing raised his glass and said loudly to everyone: "Everyone is a citizen of the Han Dynasty and surrendered to the Son of Heaven. If it becomes the territory of the Han Kingdom, then all of you here are also the subjects of the Han Kingdom. I, Liu Jing, will not drive you away from your homeland. I hope that you, like the Han people, can live and work in peace and contentment, reproduce and live in peace and equality from generation to generation. The subjects, under the protection of the Han army, bear the due obligations, for today's oath, we drink this cup."

All the chiefs could hear the difference between the words and the past. In the past, they were only the subjects of the big man in name, and they didn't have to pay taxes. They just gave the government a few sheepskins symbolically every year. There is an extra sentence in the words, "protected by the Han army, and assume due obligations", which means that they will have to pay taxes to the government from today. This is not something they can refuse. The chiefs have no choice but to toast together , shouted Long Live the King of Han, and drank the slightly bitter wine of the subjects together.

Liu Jing laughed, the Han government is not only talking about it, but also the taxation, this is the real subject of the Han Dynasty.


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