After the Jie people succeeded in attacking the area, they were rewarded by Shanyu Huchuquan, who allowed them to have a truce in the next battle against Gaonu. This is actually Huchuquan's deeper idea. At that time, let the Jie people break into the crossbow formation of the Han army in front, and this temporarily spared the Jie people.

When the Jie people went south, they divided into two groups. About 2000 people on the one side were led by the great chief Shi Le, and followed Huchuquan to attack Luochuan Road. On the other side, 3000 people were led by Shi Tan, and went straight south. Said: "Participate in the king!"

Liu Qubei hated the Shitan in front of him very much. After Shitan's defeat, he withdrew back to the grassland without authorization, which made his army very passive. Let's go, I will give you twenty siege ladders, and you lead the headquarters to attack the top of the city for me."

Shi Tan gasped in fright and asked him to fight the first battle. It took him a long time before he said: "This is the last pass leading to the pass. I think it will definitely not be an empty pass. The ambush will definitely wait for us."

Liu Qubei said grimly, "I'll just ask you, should you go or not?"

Shi Tan didn't dare to say no, so he could only grit his teeth and said, "You can go to the front, but you have a small request. If we break through the Guancheng and enter the Guanzhong, please give us the Weiyang Palace."

Shi Tan knows that Weiyang Palace has been rebuilt, and there are a lot of materials and wealth in it. It is said that the Han Dynasty transported a large amount of gold from Chengdu, which is stored in the underground palace of Weiyang Palace. There are hundreds of beautiful maids who moved from Chengdu in the palace. , although these are just legends, Shi Tan still wants to snatch Weiyang Palace first.

A mocking smile appeared on Liu Qubei's face, he nodded happily and said, "Okay! I promise you."

Shi Tan galloped back and shouted to his three thousand subordinates: "Get ready to fight!"

The rumbling drums sounded suddenly, and three thousand Jie people carried thirty siege ladders and rushed up the slope like a tide. In today's words, the angle of the slope is about forty degrees, and the length is more than three hundred steps. He seemed very nervous, fearing that countless defenders would suddenly appear above and smash down the rolling logs and stones, and his army would suffer heavy casualties.

But fortunately, the scene he was afraid of did not appear, and there was still no soldier on the top of the city. At this time, hundreds of his forwards had already rushed under the city wall. Empty city?

He couldn't bear it anymore, and led a hundred guards to rush up the slope. He was the commander, and he wanted to encourage the soldiers to attack the city.

A tall siege ladder was erected. There were two huge iron hooks in the front of the ladder, which were used to hook the city wall. At the beginning, there were Jie people struggling to climb up. It seemed that a bunch of ants were hanging on the city wall, which made Liu Qubei wonder, did the Han army even give up on the last city pass?

If this is the case, there is only one explanation, that is, Shan Yu's army first entered Guanzhong from Luochuan Road, and the Han army retreated across the board.

But the reality soon told Liu Qubei mercilessly that this was impossible. Countless defenders suddenly appeared at the top of the city. The soldier was hit by the pot and fell down the siege ladder screaming. The pot shattered and the kerosene inside spilled out.

Immediately, a more terrifying scene appeared. The Han army lit the siege ladder with rockets, and the siege ladder began to ignite raging fire. Many soldiers were splashed with kerosene, and suddenly countless soldiers became people of fire. They were terrified and miserable. screamed, and jumped directly from the ladder to the city, causing countless casualties, but the raging fire was also ignited below.

The fire, like a contagious germ, quickly burned down the slope. The Han army had buried countless kerosene on the slope in advance, and they kept throwing clay pots outward. swallowed up.

Three thousand Jieren soldiers fell into the flames, and countless people screamed and ran and rolled on the slope, trying to roll down the slope, but the three hundred steps cut off all hope of survival.

Shi Tan stood on a big rock, desperately waving his hands and shouting: "Run! Run out!"

At this time, Yan Yan drew his bow and set an arrow, the bow string was drawn, and aimed at the stone tan in the fire. As soon as the string was loosened, a mace arrow shot out like lightning, piercing through the thick smoke and fire, and hit the back of stone tan with one arrow. Neck, the tip of the arrow protruding from the throat, Shi Tan shook, and fell headlong into the raging fire.

Flames soared into the air, thick smoke filled the air, and the screams of the Jie soldiers gradually disappeared. Three thousand Jie soldiers, including the chief general Shi Tan, were all engulfed in a long-planned fire.

Tens of thousands of Xiongnu soldiers in the distance watched all this. Many soldiers were so frightened that they fell to their knees and buried their heads deeply in the soil, not daring to look any further. At this moment, Liu Qubei's heart seemed to fall In the abyss, his heart was full of despair.

. . . . . . .

Not long after Liu Qubei led the Xiongnu army to the south, a Han army composed of more than 3 people quietly appeared in the north of Wuting Pass. This Han army was led by General Wei Yan and came from Luochuan Road. According to Liu Jing's order, Wei Yan must seize Wuting Pass as quickly as possible, cut off Liu Qubei's return journey, and trap Liu Qubei's [-] horses to death on the [-]-mile-long straight road.

Without Li Ling's reminder, Liu Qubei immediately made a fatal mistake. He led an army of 2000 troops south to capture Pinghu Pass, but only [-] people were left to guard Wuting Pass. At this time, [-] Han troops hid in a In the huge mountain depression is the one where the Huns captured Zhang Xin and others. There is a small road in the mountain depression that can bypass the south of Wuting Pass.

As night fell, Wei Yan was waiting for this moment. He immediately ordered someone to find Ren Ping. Ren Ping was the deputy general of the Eagle Strike Army. At Tingguan, he specially borrowed Ren Ping from Liu Jing to go with him. Ren Ping led [-] Eagle Strike Army soldiers to follow Wei Yan.

This is also the characteristic of the Eagle Strike Army. They will always form an independent army. They will not be attached to a certain army, let alone become a part of a certain army. Although they only have 500 people, they are recognized by the Han army as parallel to the heavy armored infantry. Two elite armies.

Ren Ping ran over, cupped his hands and said, "We are about to set off, is there anything else General Wei can do?"

Wei Yan also respected the deputy commander of the Eagle Strike Army nicknamed 'Fire Ape'. He smiled and said, "I just received information from the scouts that the number of Hun soldiers on the city wall is still the same as in the daytime. According to the plan, you are very likely to be discovered, so I want to change the way our two armies fight, I will attack Guancheng from the front, attract the Huns soldiers, and create opportunities for you.”

Ren Ping didn't object, just nodded silently, Wei Yan patted his arm with a smile, "I wish Captain Ren every success!"

Ren Ping led the [-] Eagle Strikers, led by a guide soldier, and was heading south along a winding path. This path is very hidden, and there are many forks along the way. Without a guide, it is difficult to succeed in the end.

Three hundred soldiers crossed a mountain ridge, and Wuting Pass suddenly appeared in front of them. This is the inner city west of Wuting Pass, and the pass city is just two hundred steps away. Ren Ping waved his hand, and the soldiers followed him on the hill. The terrain of the hill is much higher than the city wall.

They were condescending, and under the moonlight, they could clearly see the situation on the city wall.

On the city wall, there are groups of patrolling soldiers everywhere, watching vigilantly outside the city wall. It seems that the Huns army is also very worried that the Han army will come to sneak attack. Ren Ping stared for a long time, and he found that there were the most soldiers on the north and south sides of the city. On the contrary, there are not many patrolling soldiers in the east and west.

Ren Ping thought for a moment, then asked the guide, "Can I go to the West City from here?"

The guide shook his head and pointed to the towering mountains on both sides, "There are cliffs in front of us, and there are steep mountains on both sides. We can only go around the ridges and go to the south. We have never heard of anyone approaching the western city wall."

It is precisely because it is impossible that the defense of the Xiongnu soldiers is weak. Instead, the main defensive forces are placed on the north and south sides. For other armies, the cliff may be difficult to go down, but for the Eagle Strike Army, it will not be an obstacle at all. .

Ren Ping ran forward for dozens of steps, and then ran to the cliff. He looked down, and there was a cliff more than [-] feet high below, but it was not smooth, and it was covered with various vines and shrubs. Head, turned around and said: "You don't need to go to the south, you can go to the city from the west!"

. . . . . . .

A long rope was thrown down from the cliff, and three hundred Eagle Striker soldiers leaped down from the top of the cliff, their movements were vigorous and flexible. This kind of rock climbing was almost like walking on the ground for them, but the important thing was not to start from the top of the cliff. Falling off the cliff, but not being discovered by the soldiers on the city, this point, the soldiers of the Eagle Strike Army are also very experienced, they use the vines and shrubs on the cliff as cover, a group of ten, quickly fall, less than half an hour At that moment, three hundred heavily armed Eagle Strike Army soldiers climbed down the cliff.

The soldiers on the top of the city didn't notice them. In fact, Ren Ping's worries were superfluous. The soldiers on the top of the city could only see them clearly under the moonlight and against the backdrop of a clean and tidy environment. A rough outline can be faintly seen.

The cliff was in the dark, and it was pitch black. Soldiers dressed in black were falling quickly, covered by vines and bushes. Unless the rock collapsed and made a loud noise, the soldiers at the top of the wall would not have noticed the cliff. exception.

Three hundred Eagle Strike Army soldiers quickly gathered behind a sudden rock to check the crossbows and steel short spears they carried with them. Ren Ping carefully observed the surrounding terrain. They were about 150 steps away from the city wall, and the ground was full It is white rocks, and there is no flat road, but it doesn't matter, the key is that it cannot be found by the soldiers on the city. If you look outside, you can immediately see the black spots on the white stone.

Ren Ping looked up at the moon again, the moon was bright tonight, but it was not clear, and a dark cloud was coming quickly from the northwest, "Wait a little longer!" Ren Ping ordered in a low voice.

The dark cloud was getting closer and closer to the moon. The dark cloud was blown by the north wind very quickly, and the time given to them was extremely short. All the soldiers were ready to run and sprint. The night suddenly darkened, and the dark cloud finally covered the moon.

The three hundred eagle strikers seized this momentary opportunity and ran towards the city wall. There were piles of rocks under their feet, but they couldn't stop the soldiers from running. A soldier suddenly groaned and nearly fell, but Stabilizing his figure, he limped and quickly ran to the wall.

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